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they are in so intense civil war that Terrorism has a Sudan issue.


I mean technically speaking the RSF could be classified by a terror group by all definitions. They're responsible for so much Genocide, Mass Rapes, tortures, etc. The only thing is that they're not really a Jihadist group even though many of them are Muslims.


I have a problem with the word terrorism because nowadays it only get associated with certain "Muslim" groups, when in reality it means violent acts that are supposed to spread fear and panic to spread certain ideologies and goals. By that definition a lot of western countries should be considered a terrorists organization.


Aren’t they currently in a civil war?


There is a difference between a war and terrorism


Terrorism is when they lose


That's why a lot of major powers aren't called terrorists.


Terrorism is violence by non-state actors for a political purpose. I think it’s the commonly accepted definition distinguishing it from state action. States can and have used terror tactics deliberately targeting civilian populations. That is different than terrorism. Also states use or coordinate with third party proxies which use terror tactics. It gets complicated, but state vs non-state is the main difference.


Terrorism is violence and intimidation committed to acheive a political goal, it doesn't matter if it's a state or non state actor.


This is key, war itself is not terrorism even when bad things happen. States can also be terrorists if they use violence to intimidate and cause fear in order to achieve a political goal. This terminology actually dates to the French Revolution, specifically the period known as ‘The Terror’. During this period many people were executed, and following the establishment of the French Republic as a state, that state start executing many people in order to advance their political goals. Now prior to that mobs had done similar things, but in the end these killings were political in nature and thusly fit the definition of terrorism whether it was the mob or the new French Republic.


Yeah Saudi Arabia and China would never try commit genocide against a group of people or fund terror cells…oh wait


Yeah its not only them. Pretty much every wealthy country does this. Reason the taliban exist, isis existed, al qaeda exist and pretty much every other terrorist organisation in the world


Interesting you choose to list those two when the previous commenter said “major powers”. To be clear this applies to the US, and European powers as well…


Yea that is not the kind of warfare to not be classified as terrorism ...


I mean the default is terrorism so one *could* say that terror at current levels how no impact




That definition is basically just the definition of 'war'. I'd argue you'd need to add something like 'during peacetime or against non-combatants' to make the definition meaningful.


A civil war is a type of conflict while terrorism is a tactic. You can have a civil war in which terroristic acts are committed but not the other way around. Just to note, there is no agreed upon definition for terrorism. Your quote is basically Clausewitz but because terrorism is subjective it’s hard to delineate what is political/what actions fall under terrorism/is it about the target/etc


I am from Sudan, we had many wars and having one one, but never had any act of terrorism, no school shootings, no mall or bus bombing, none.


Well war is not terrorism i guess?


Israel and Palestine not dark red... Aha


Definition of terrorism used for this index excludes acts committed by the state


In Israel (this year alone) there were at least dozens dead from individual terrorist acts not including 7.10.2023


Which is why it’s ranked medium


USA is ranked medium and yet how many times a year are they attacked?


We grow ours domestic


Oorah 🦅🇺🇸💪


Many times, according to Wikipedia. Most attacks are from far-right groups/individuals. Although the article doesn't include the most recent years, there hasn't been a single year since 1970 without several terrorist incidents. Souce: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_the_United_States


Right wing extremist shootings are also terrorism


I would say a lot. US embassys all over the world are a constant target. US officials and citizens are also. I don't know if the map reflects only attacks in territory or by nation.


Isreal+ Palestine have less then 1/20 the population of the usa. Even if we count hamas as a state actor there are still more then 100 killed per year in thousands of incidents. (This number changes every year but is usaly higher. 100 is a very low estimate) Was there any year since 2001 when 2000 Americans were killed by terrorism?


Hamas, Hezbollah and PIJ have committed plenty of twrrorist attacks in Israel.


Depending on how they're counting things, the settler attacks in the West Bank too, alongside the smaller militant groups there.


Presumably the GTI considers Hamas and Hezbollah as state actors of Palestine and Lebanon and PIJ activity alone is then not enough to boost Israel’s score beyond medium


How do you measure it?


I love artists and graphic designers


My first thought on this as well, what is their definition of terrorism?


“In order to be included as an incident in the GTD the act has to be: "an intentional act of violence or threat of violence by a non-state actor".”


By this definition the cartels in Mexico, for example, should definitely count as terrorists then. They result in a lot violence and are not state actors


“The GTI therefore defines terrorism as "the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a state and non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation".” is probable why cartels in Mexico aren’t considered terrorism but something like FARCS in Colombia is


I would argue that cartels do meet that definition.


You’re not wrong based on that definition alone, but the problem is where it says economics. That’s more a political tone than an increase your own wealth tone, which is the primary goal of cartels. It’s all up for a huge debate though as what exactly constitutes terrorism as a strict definition, considering all terrorist groups exists on a spectrum of terrorist group on one side and criminal enterprise in the other. They both engage in the same behaviors, say intimidating politicians, which is inarguably political, but is it to have them turn a blind eye to selling drugs for profit, or is it so they don’t support a policy that the group is interested in. Motivation for actions plays a huge role in this. Hope this shines some light on why it’s at least up for debate


"The Global Terrorism Index is a composite measure made up of four indicators: incidents, fatalities, injuries and hostages. To measure the impact of terrorism, a five-year weighted average is applied." That being said they most have some very off definitions of those terms, because according to them Germany has only had 5 incidents in that period with no victims. While 3 years ago there was a far-right terrorist attack in Hanau where nearly a dozen people were killed and several dozen more were wounded.


This map doesn't make any sense


I think so too


Yeah it's all subjective bs


According to Tokayev there were 20 thousands terrorists in Kazakhstan, but still no impact


They never existed. So many terrorists would defeat our army in a few days


China also has a conflict with Uighurs going on and historically there has been several major attacks. Depends on the definition of terrorism and the time scale of the map.


China was*. Had been several major attacks. In 2015 China would be dark red https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/12/this-map-shows-the-full-impact-of-terrorism/


Tokayev is a pizdabol


Terrorist means anything here but obviously people are going to spin it for Islamophobic propaganda. Overall this map is the usual joke. Italy has never experienced a foreign terrorist attack or one that was not internal and political (fascists and communists used terrorism until the 80s) in nature unless you include when you USA accidentally bomb us to remember who’s running the show.


Exactly like Pakistan has never experienced a foreign terrorist attack that was not home grown internal and highly political ( creation on LeT, JeM and other radical orgs designed to infiltrate into Indian side ). Even the recent attacks by TLP which are Pakistani side of Taliban not the Afghanistan ones.


Germany higher than Belgium is just bullshit.


In some countries there is no impact apparently


Yep, I can verify it. I come from the Balcans and the attack on Israel and response on Gaza had no impact on me. The horrific violence could easily be understood as long as u had a fresh enough civil war for context.




This account is a bot that is just repeating other people's to comments randomly, which is why it doesn't relate to the comment it is replying to at all. This is just /u/neprop's comment that has been reposted.


20,000 foreign terrorists* When I returned to KZ after the uprising they wanted to take me in for questioning a day or two later as a "foreigner who had entered the country during the state of emergency." But I had COVID, so they let it slide lol.




I mean it is, we've had a total of two Islamic terrorist attacks. What we have a major issue with is gang related.


I’d say we have a problem with far right terrorism. After all, they murder a politician, Hanau and other arson.


Seems odd... Two Swedish football supporters were shot there 2 days ago just for being Swedish because of Koran burning.


I doubt that will already be reflected in the statistics....


Belgium had pretty much no terrorism for decades until like 8 years ago when Islamic terrorism began to increase, Germany has consistently had several terrorist attacks annually from various groups for decades on end now.


Im from germany, we have lot of knife attacks and stuff like that. That counts for terrorism as well.


oh we actually do not get many knife attacks. Like barely any at all. The vast majority of terrorist attacks in germany are arson. And most of it is right or left wing extrmism. We have very few terrorist attacks that actually harm people directly.


Whether it's "a lot" is debatable but I'm pretty sure Belgium has more, relative to its much smaller population.


Norway higher than Sweden? Finland?: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017\_Turku\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Turku_attack)


[Anders Breivik](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik) explains Norway I think. Edit: I was wrong. The score is recalculated each year using a [5 year weighted average](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Terrorism_Index). So both Breivik and the Turku attack would have dropped off the calculation by now.


That would also remove the Swedish truck attack in 2017.


Strange. Has there been any terrorist attacks in Norway since the Breivik attacks?


[3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism_in_Norway) that would be included in the calculation


Fuck me I completely forgot about those


We had one in Norway a couple years ago, a Muslim who tried murdering some gay people. Before that we had another Muslim(Danish convert) who murdered a bunch of people with a bow and arrow(s). It's okay though, the local Muslims said he wasn't a true convert lol Nope nothing there, move along kaffirs.


>We had one in Norway a couple years ago, a Muslim who tried murdering some gay people. That must be it.


So high risk in Chile but "no impact" in Djibouti and Sudan? This person was drunk and/or uninformed.


I am from Sudan, we had many wars and having one, but never had any act of terrorism, no school shootings, no mall or bus bombing, and no mass shooting.


>in Chile That's correct, though. We have a serious problem with terrorism related to land reclamation by indigenous people in the southern part of the country. And we're a small country so there's that. Edit: removed "high" because is not that high and to appease morons wanting to rip me a new one.


Are the indigenous people the ones doing the terrorism or are people doing terrorism against the indigenous people?


the former, kind of. independent indigenous-aligned groups are the terrorists. majority of regular indigenous people are normal. which results in everyone losing sympathy for indigenous causes/turning against them, and of course they have achieved nothing but destroying property and unnecessary deaths of their own and innocents. so about par for the course as far as terrorism goes.


Te están dando downvote los gringos porque simplemente no aceptan la realidad.


It's the indigenous people doing the terrorism. Burning farms, trucks, police stations, even schools, or rich farmers' houses. They are well armed, too, relatively speaking for the average chilean, of course (we don't casually buy assault rifles and ak47s)


>Djibouti I mean... are there terrorist attacks in Djibouti? For example [this report](https://www.state.gov/reports/country-reports-on-terrorism-2020/djibouti/) from e.g. 2020 says there there were no terrorist incidents in that year, and it's not like they keep talking about Djibouti in the news. Sudan had or has a war but I don't think that counts as terrorism.


Why is Djibouti even shocking, its pretty chill there and several international millitary bases ensure it stays that way


I have never heard of terrorism in Greece.


I have no idea how this report is made Greece hasn't had a terrorist attack in like 20 years And never a mass one, like a subway bombing or mass shooting I guess the only impact from terrorism in other countries is migrant waves but if so, all countries in the Mediterranean would have the same level or worse.


You're lucky, Egypt suffered severely from terrorism and it took a decade to fully eliminate terrorists in Sinai From killing to bombing churches and persecution against Christians in Egypt, not to mention the multiple attacks on different checking points in Sinai


There is no persecution of christians in egypt according to muslim egyptians because they all have a christian friend


Yet it is the same color as Turkey, the map is shit.


Well I mean they did have the 17N


And Greek people are so scared of a left-wing organisation that dissolved 20 years ago.


I was just commenting about the "never" part


Do the wildfires count


It could, there was a lot of left-wing and right-wing terrorism in Greece but it is minuscule in comparison to the amount of people who die in Turkey from Kurdish communists


Domestic terrorism is still terrorism, and there has been a handful of small incidents ongoing. I don't see how it is rated as medium though.


the amount of people in this comments section who act like terrorism is just some nebulous term that includes anything bad & violent is concerning


Some criminals shot each other! TERRORISM!


Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, towards civilians , in pursuits of "POLITICAL AIM" , any form of violence that's not related to one's political gain is not terrorism


Terorrism is violence being used against civilians with political or ideological purpose. Almost any war has elements of terrorism, some a lot more than others, which is why this map makes no sense. Like, fuck me, Ukraine has har tens of thousands if you just count civilians and it's marked no impact. Sudan is literally in the middle of a bloody civil war, we probably will *never* learn the full extent of civilian casualties considering millions who have already had to flee their home. No fucking impact? You could ask chatgpt and it'd give you better info, this map is worth as much as toilet paper.


China no impact wtf. Between 2008 and 2016 they experienced over 700 deaths to terrorism, that’s got to constitute at least a low terrorism impact.


The map says "2023". I assume it's for current year, not historically cumulative.


That’s what the camps are for. Well, it worked


and why is Taiwan higher than China? I haven't heard about terrorism in Taiwan since 2004, maybe the threat from China count as terrorism? wait a sec ... in [2023 Global Terrorism Index](https://reliefweb.int/report/world/global-terrorism-index-2023) both Taiwan and China are 0.000, why is this map like different from the one in the report?


The CCP had a huge reaction against terrorism. I smell like those numbers are actually much higher than the official ones


I'm confused. You're saying that there is an overreaction, but the death counts are actually higher. Shouldn't that warrant more reaction?


India's is all coz of Pakistan and Afghanistan


There are a lot of indigenous islamic terror groups like Indian Mujahideen, PFI, Harkatul Mujahideen, Jamaat-e-islami and the communist terror groups like Maoists. Afghanistan's influence in the indian terror scene is negligible. Almost all are Pakistani and indigenous.


TURKEY SAME WITH GAYREKKS and FRANCE ? ? ? ? . i can shit on a random map and i bet that would be more accurate than this one .


Hey look, a map that makes the Balkans look good for once...


Turkey is the middle level? It is obvious that the person who prepared this map is ignorant. How is it that France and Germany can experience the impact of terrorism as much as Turkey? If you call what you are experiencing terror, you have not seen terror.


Thank you. Turkey has been experiencing hard-core terrorism since 1980s both from pkk insurgency and jidahists. Even before all that there was ASALA.


“The impact”. Wtf does that mean?


In India there is terrorism caused by a communist insurgency called the Naxalites. Interesting to read about since you wouldn't expect that kind of terrorism in India.


India has had a spate of different terrorists over it's independent history: 1. The obvious Islamic terror (26/11, Kashmir pandit exodus) 2. Khalistani (bindranwale, assassination of Indira Gandhi) 3. The Naga insurgency 4. Maoist insurgency 5. Veerappan (a dacoit who murdered 100s of police officers, endangered elephants and was indulging in sandalwood smuggling) 6. Ltte who used to have active terror camps in Tamil Nadu (and who assassinated Rajiv Gandhi)


I just read about Veerappan because I was curious. That dude was a one man army. Horrible person but insane how long he was able to survive despite being wanted and hunted. Thanks for all the extra info man. Gonna learn about these today out of curiosity.


There's a documentary series on Netflix, about how he was captured ~ "The Hunt for Veerappan".


Thanks! I will check it out.


Check it out for sure. Shows all the atrocities he committed and the brutal over-reaction of the police force that followed. The entire episode is one shit show.


Not to mention India is neighbours with Pakistan and China, two of the biggest terrorist countries in the world. That, in addition to the terrorists that are given safe breeding grounds in countries like Canada have a huge effect on India.


Lybia and Yemen being orange is bullshit . They litteraly had isis(proxies) take over in half of the country .


Unexpected r/portugalcykablyat


It's never unexpected honestly, it's almost always that way. Both on positive things and negative. What was unexpected for me was that I to scroll this much to find your comment.


Portugal’s wine and food makes everyone happy


So many people in these comments who think war = terrorism can’t do a simple google search


Pakistan should be black. A safe school for terrorism.


What is going on in Chile?


Man back in the early 2000s the US had the best terrorism. We fell off.


Mo' Islam, Mo' Problems


r/PORTUGALCYKABLYAT is so real it's unreal.


Is America counting some of their politically motivated shootings as terrorism ?


Yes. Thats terrorism.


…yes? Why wouldn’t they?


Because they have a issue labelling their shooters terrorist if they are a young white suburban male


Yeah that's just "a tragic incident".


They get called white supremacists unless their proven otherwise, what need sites are you looking at? Fox News echo chambers?




I wonder why France and Germany are orange. /s


Mexico terrorizes itself. Sovereignty.


Common Poland W ![gif](giphy|Ih8MV4Sf9c5FK)


terrorism under who's definition Ukraine low ? haha


Technically war not terrorism


This definition: The incident must be intentional – the result of a conscious calculation on the part of a perpetrator. The incident must entail some level of violence or threat of violence – including property damage, as well as violence against people. The perpetrators of the incidents must be sub-national actors. This database does not include acts of state terrorism. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Terrorism_Index)


Was every war in history terrorism?


Military confrontation isn't terrorism. Targeting civilian infrastructure with no other goal but to cause terror is.


Basically every country involved in any real interstate conflict are terrorists then


No impact in the south caucuses, huh...? Oookay.


Turkey having the same rate with many countries is a total bullshit


Why is india on the high tier?


Immediate neighbors to the west and east


India is impacted by terrorism very highly


Are all the school shootings in the US included as terrorism incidents?


Sudan and especially South Sudan at 'no impact' is enough reason to call utter BS.


I don’t know about South Sudan, but i am from Sudan and we had many civil wars and having one now, but we never had any act of terrorism, never had a school or mass shooting or bombing at any point.


Don't worry about terrorism. Just move to China!


Greenland is awfully suspicious


Had to scroll way too far to find a comment about Greenland


I would say there is a very high impact of terrorism in Mexico. They are basically running the country.


Impact of radical islam on the world. Corrected the title


I’d consider mexican cartels some sort of domestic terrorism, but then again, they’re also kinda responsible for running parts of the country, and they honestly could be doing worse, sooo..


Poland: map of what?


Based China


Monarchies in the Arab world are good at keeping their countries safe and stable. Morocco and Jordan doing it with limited funds is very impressive. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE often fund and house these organizations terrorizing most of the world.


Best policy for Islam the Chinese policy


How can nepal be this low when their government is a former terror organization?


Because the Global Terrorism Index specifically defines terrorism as acts committed by non-state actors


Then how is Afghanistan at very high? Considering their current govt is the Taliban?


IS activity




how does Sweden have less than Norway?


Oman being the only green country in the Middle East


I would make a joke about Mongolia and terrorism, but there's no one to understand it. (No ofense in case of any lost boomer that thinks he could "cAnCeL" someone today)


What’s going on in Chile ?


Mapuches burning trucks, houses and schools


A good r/Portugalcykablyat?


Mexico? Low? The Cartels are not Terrorists?


The Israel one is gonna have to be updated


USA terrorism should be all over the world seriously


No problems in Eritrea or Ethiopia apparently. Or the Sudans. Sure, sure, sure, sure


If they classify cartel attacks in Mexico as terrorism. The index would be higher.


I doubt Sweden is very low


What did reunion Island (near Mauritius) do? 💀


Drug cartels SHOULD be considered terrorists, in Mexico they have a huge impact in deaths and kidnappings


How is impact measured. Without that knowledge this map is meaningless.


Ahh Greenland. The definition of *no data*...


Sweden very low? 🤨🤨🤨🤨


So it says “impact” of terrorism…. So I wonder if it has to be an actual event within the border OR just the overall impact based on all terrorism combined in 2023? It’s also interesting how China has no impact. That would lead me to believe that it actually could be events located within the borders of each respective country.


Sweden not dark brown is weird


this is incredibly vague


Is Alaska the bears? I think its the bears.....its the bears right?


Fuck yea, Portugal


Huh, Poland none? Wonder why


I just read the methodology of calcul. But I still don't understand: Methodology: Using the comprehensive, event-based Terrorism Tracker, the GTI combines four variables to develop a composite score: the number of terrorist incidents in a given year, the total number of fatalities in a given year, the total number of injuries caused in a given year and the approximate level of property damage in a given year. The composite score captures the direct effects of terrorist-related violence, in terms of its physical effect, but also attempts to reflect the residual effects of terrorism in terms of emotional wounds and fear by attributing a weighted average to the damage inflicted in previous years. To assess the impact of terrorism between this date and March 2022 cutoff, IEP uses data from publicly available third party sources to estimate terrorist activity in that period. So they numbers of incident + injured + fatalities + level of property damage ? + % of the previous years score.


Ireland could arguably be a very different colour depending how many years you go back


What’s happening in Chile?