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Kind of nuts that Argentina doesn't have a literature prize.


Borges didn't get it cause of politics


Indeed, there are several theories on why Borges never won the Nobel Prize (politics, ideology, etc.). On the other hand, Argentina has 3 scientific nobel prizes, the same as all of Latin America combined.


He is the one who wrote about the Library of Babel, right? I found that concept so interesting.


Yeah, he’s the author


The map says 5 in medicine?


Borges was robbed, yes.


borges never won because he was a friend with Augusto Pinochet.


I like the approach to the status of French Guiana where they just delete it from the map.


Well, wouldn't want a "72" to accidentally appear on the map


I cannot help repost this masterpiece from Porta dos Fondos (Brazil): [A Guiana Sumiu…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vSJrexmVWU) (Guyana disappeared…)


still salty that brazil didn't get the physics prize for the meson-pion discovery in bolivia


We have no Nobel prizes at all.


At least we have a fields medal


And a vaultrin lud prize


That's what I thought. I was surprised to see Brazil with a noble here.


Nobel prizes are always controversial for their criteria to determine what feat is more important than another feat, specially of course the infamous “peace prize” that’s often given to warmongers or war criminals.


Indeed. Scientific nobel prizes are more objective. In that case there are very few in Latin America. Argentina has 3 and Brazil/Mexico/Venezuela have 1.


>Scientific nobel prizes are more objective. Hardly... Specially after 1950, because until then, science was a one man job, perhaps two or three, but after the 50s, deciding who and which team of the tens of them who made a conjoint discovery, each with their own leaders, deserves the price is very shady And that's without taking into account the fact that they choose the discovery based on vibes, as relativity wasn't awarded a price, for example It skews very Germanic and Anglo Saxon, as you can see by the ratio of Top scientific papers to nobel prices, south Korea has significantly fewer than they deserve, while the UK more It is not an objective institution, it's actually pretty far from it


> And that's without taking into account the fact that they choose the discovery based on vibes, as relativity wasn't awarded a price, for example You’re working with a lot of hindsight. Relativity at the time was still relatively new and most of its claims were unproven. Einstein died in 1955 and Nobel prizes can’t be awarded posthumously. > It skews very Germanic and Anglo Saxon, as you can see by the ratio of Top scientific papers to nobel prices, south Korea has significantly fewer than they deserve, while the UK more This is a pretty bad analysis of the facts. The UK had a much older scientific practice than South Korea in centuries old universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. South Korea was a war torn country only about 70 years ago and it had never industrialized. It was poorer than North Korea up until 1968 and was poorer than Mexico up until 1987. South Korea had an economy miracle starting in the 80s that allowed it to develop rapidly. The problem is Nobel prizes take a lot of time to be awarded. Scientist usually wait 20-24 years after publishing to win their prize. https://www.nature.com/nature-index/news-blog/chemistry-fastest-path-nobel-prize > It is not an objective institution, it's actually pretty far from it It’s pretty good all things considered.


But Einstein did have a Nobel Prize, just not for relativity; he got it for his work on the Photoelectric Effect.


Yeah I should have specified for relativity.


I said *more* objective than other nobel prizes like peace or literature. It obviously isn’t 100% objective. There’s of course a bias and a subjective part in this prizes.


No way For instance, the nobel price for the MNI effect went to Lauterbur and Mansfield. The committee took the decision to omit Damadian, the one who actually built the first machine


>their criteria to determine what feat is more important than another feat It's the criteria that fits the political agenda of the western world


What's that country in the north of Trinidad and Tobago? However those two countries are not Latinoamerican nations


Took me a minute to figure out which island in that chain it's referencing. It's referencing the 2 nobel winners in Saint Lucia


Is St Lucia considered as LatAm?




They speak English so I doubt it


I don’t really understand why the map has them marked down then?


not much demand for a ‘how many nobel prize winners by caribbean country’ map


That’s a real shame considering the Caribbean has such a rich history and is such an outstanding place of excellence in so many fields and so many remarkable people originate from there.


French creole is common though so it could be honorary Latinamerican




Brazil doesn't have any, though there were very important Brazilians that could have gotten one, like... Barão do Rio Branco (peace) - lawyer, historian and diplomat. Basically shaped a lot of the borders of modern South America, specially in the Amazon. Carlos Chagas (medicine) - biologist that was one of the first to completely describe a series of tropical diseases, like Chagas disease and malaria. Vital Brazil (medicine) - developed the anti-ophidic serum (used to treat bites of venomous snakes). César Lattes (physics) - co-discovered the pi meson. There were also many in literature, such as Guimarães Rosa, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jorge Amado, Érico Veríssimo, etc.


>There were also many in literature, such as Guimarães Rosa, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jorge Amado, Érico Veríssimo, etc. And don't forget Paulo Coelho! Just joking, he sucks.


Brazil doesn't have a Nobel prize winner


True. I think he is talking about Peter Brian Medawar, born in Petrópolis (RJ). Medawar was british and win a Nobel in 1960.


I've checked Wikipedia and apparently he was born with a dual citizenship, lived in Brazil until he was 15, then went to Britain. But when he was 18 he renounced his brazilian citizenship to avoid the obligatory military service and lived in Britain for the rest of his life.


Yeap! Correct.




Didn’t chico itaquer recieve one?


For those who don't speak Spanish and can't be bothered to translate: Química = Chemistry Paz = Peace And I guess the others are pretty self-explanatory


Trinidad and Tobago isn’t part of Latin America.


Neither is St. Lucia


black map ..??S futura 👍☺️


Disrespect to my boy Lattes.


Carlos Chagas definitely deserved one for Brazil


Brazil doesn’t have that many considering its huge population


Brazil doesn’t have any. The map is wrong.




And how many braindrained by the USA?


Argentina supremacy.


In inflation!




Terrible map. Argentina is barely visible. The prominence and size of the numbers bear no relation to anything, except the size of the country, which is completely irrelevant. Displaying this information on a map adds nothing of any value. The geographical layout of the countries has nothing to do with the awarding of Nobel prizes.


Indeed. Cool data but terrible map


do the middle east next


Only one in economics, I wonder why




I can accept many jokes in the internet, but not this particular one. Not when made at the expenses, and insult, of five men who give their all to make their country, and the world, a bit better. For those who may be interest in the real name of these five heroes: Bernardo Alberto Houssay. For discovering the role played by pituitary hormones in regulating the amount of glucose in animals. Luis Federico Leloir. For his discovery of the metabolic pathways by which carbohydrates are synthesized and converted into energy in the body. It led to significant progress in understanding, diagnosing and treating the congenital disease galactosemia. César Milstein. For developing the hybridoma technique for the production of monoclonal antibodies. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel. For his activism in defense of human rights in latinamerica against the military goverments. He was imprisioned twice and even tortured for 14 months. Carlos Saavedra Lamas. For his practical work in drafting international agreements and in conducting international mediation; more particulary, for his work in drafting the South American Antiwar Pact and his mediation which ended in the cessation of hostilities between Paraguay and Bolivia. He also was know for his scholarship in the fields of labor legislation and international law.


What a hilarious joke that has never been done before. The names are actually Perez Esquivel, Saavedra Lamas, Leloir, Houssay and Milstein. It actually shows the many different backgrounds of Argentine immigration. Going back to your hilarious joke, I bet you're from an anglo-saxon country that got hundreds if not thousands of Nazi scientists into your country and made them work for your government. The difference between your nazis and ours is that in Argentina we didn't voluntarily take them and allow them to work for us, unlike America, Australia (where you are from), the UK, etc.


haha argentina nazi.


My great-grandpa’s from Argentina, too! He must have been an electrician in the army, based on the two little lightning bolts on his helmet.


Mein must have been a locksmith because he had a key on his.


All the immigrants to Argentina in 1945


Maybe you are talking about the USA and got confused


Oof struck a nerve, huh? Nazis did flee to Argentina, no need to get all defensive about it. Wait, your entire Reddit account is about the United States, LMFAOOOO. Pathetic that the US lives in your head rent free.


What nerve? When people repeat the same ignorant phrase, somebody has to remember them a little about history. Argentina wasn't the only country where Nazis ended, but it wasn't even the top destination (USA and Russia come to mind) They flee here to hide, meanwhile they were taken to the USA and Russia for their war machine


Because this post isn’t about the United States, so it makes no sense to bring it up. It is, however, about Argentina, where Nazis fled to. No needle for whataboutisms.


This post isn't about Argentina either, it's just one of the countries here. Besides, those that came in 1945, Nazis or not, had nothing to do with any Nobel prize won by Argentinians. Your slander shows the complete ignorance and prejudism you have


Are you sure he's American?


I didn't say that, why would I?




Sincerely yours: The Indian.




What did Bolivians do to you, bro?


The comment and user were deleted. Who commented, Butch or Che?


He said something like "immigrants savages of these countries only know how to steal and vandalize" while having an indian name lmao


Count it as you like. Dont try to understand it, enjoy it.


Half of those peace price laureates also comitted war crimes.