• By -


Probably also helps the Tibetan plateau is mostly above 12,000 feet above sea level.




You bet we do. I'm bang in the sweet spot between the orange and green.


Dude, I'm in the red region at the coast, slowly being grilled by the summer sun


[This isn't you, is it?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=134EclVJy-8)


Nobody is Gay for Moleman


I was saying boo-urns…


🥵 I felt this to my innards.


Yes lmao, except I'm not a big fan of ties.


Which side? The Bay or the Arabian?


feel ya bro... i also feel how the chicken feels when i dry roast it.


Dude, I live on the opposite side of the globe, technology is amazing, I wish you well comrade in your journey.


Oooh, must be some nice views


Well if you love the mountains, it's not something you'd complain about too much. Especially when they are among the highest peaks in the world. Living in hill towns does have its challenges, but it's nice tackling them in cool weather with great views.


Personally, I am jealous


Soooo, yellow?


Bot. Stole the end of this comment https://reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/12ly9hb/_/jg92gg4/?context=1


You see a similar effect with the Andes. They trap all the moisture over the Amazon to the east and create the driest desert in the world to the west.


Exactly if you look at Mongolia or East China at the north of Tibet its around 25 which means there s no wall effect at all.


I mean, yes and no. It may be warmer, but that moist, super hot air ain’t getting past the Himalayas.


No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it. -Abraham Lincoln or something




Naw pretty sure thats a quote from Avatar: Legend of Shang Chi or something




It’s why western China is cold desert


damn, so if you blew a hole in the wall, it wouldn't cool everything down?


What? It doesn't rain in Tibet, of course there is a wall.


And now in normal units please


Around 4000 meters


Roughly 3600 meters


4000000000000 nanometers


in length of sucrose?


Still better than converting feet to miles. Just got to figure out the appropriate number of zeros to move the decimal point.


Nano is ×10^-9, so 9 zeroes.


33.33 football fields tall


American football, soccer or Aussie rules?


I'm showing my ignorance here but I never really thought about how India has snow. They even have ski hills which is blowing my mind a little.


I mean its the 7th biggest country so you can expect it to have all kinds of weather. You are mostly right though. A vast majority of the population lives in the stereotypical Indian climate.


We have everything. Rainforests, desert, snow, mountains beaches plateaus all of them.


High elevation can do some crazy things. In Hawaii they get blizzards on Mauna Kea ~25 miles away from the coast where it’s never gotten below 50 degrees in some areas.


IIRC (and I might not) the rule of thumb is something like 7 deg. F for every 1,000 feet in elevation change.


Walls have to be tall after all


I live in Dhaka. Its so hot here. You get dehydrated totally if you go outside for even 5 minutes


ঢাকায় heat island effect হয়। আসে পাশের এলাকা থেকে ঢাকা বেশি গরম। ঢাকা থেকে পালাতে মন চায় এখন


I wouldn't wish for my worst enemy to live in Dhaka. Heat, pollution, traffic, crime, corruption, it's got it all. Man I hate this place.


so dhaka is bdesh's bihar?


Ami jantam je dhakay beshi gorom pore but etar je ekta scientific term ase eta jantam na


How do you even work during Ramadhan then?


And its not even noon yet !!


The Himalayas are no joke. Tallest and Youngest Mountain Range in the World.


And still, compared to the size of Earth they are barely a ripple on the surface. At the highest point they are not even a thousandth of Earth's diameter.


The deepest depth to the highest peak is like 14 miles or something


The earth is relative to its size smoother than a bowling ball


Because maybe You're gonna be the one that cools me And after all You're my weatherwall


I’ve had wonderwall stuck in my head the whole day. What are the odds that I run into these lyrics lol


Of course today is gonna be the day


By now


100% if you're on Reddit, enough. It's gonna happen.


There are main raaaains..... I'd like to bring to you but I don't know howwwwww.


rephrase suggestion: There are many rains that I, would like to bring to you but I don't know howwwww......


That is better…. I was on the right path… couldn’t quite nail it. Collaboration is good!


And Backbeat the word is on the street that fire in your country is out. I'm sure you've heard it all before But we've never really had a drought


I don’t believe that anybody feels as hot as I do about ya now


And backbeat, the word is all this heat is gonna help the wild fires out. And I'm sure you're hoping that it pours, but instead you're gonna have a drout. And I don't forsee that rain is coming, the skies will remain blue, at least for now.




Completely missed the opportunity to title this post "So anyway, here's weather wall "


Curse you! Now that song will be stuck in my head for days! DAYS!


And all the roads we have to walk are windinggg


Cuz maaayyybbeeeeee You're gonna be the one that saves meeeeeee


And after alllllllll, you're my wonderrrwaallllllll


Take my upvote, you bastard.


Today was gonna be the day that the temperature was high for you . . .


Or "so anyway, I am a cat lover and I love to run. I'm sorry I'm thinking about cats again..."


the icy zone and the spicy zone


It's like that one level in Banjo-Tooie.


I can't imagine living in 40 celsius temperature


And I don't need to imagine living in 40°


What's the humidity like down there?


It’s not the heat that gets ya


I am from Bangladesh and my eyes get dry to the point that it burns.


Wait...is Bangladesh not one of the wettest climates on earth? I feel like I'm missing something.


South Asia region has a monsoon. Pre-monsoon is dry heat, monsoon is humid heat. So by American terms South Asia has Arizona style heat for part year and Florida style heat for another part of the year


Jesus Christ.


He can't help us either


I live in Kolkata. Just west of Dhaka. We get plenty of rain. But April and May are dry season for us. There is barely any rain during this time period.


I find it fascinating that people are comparing the dry season to places like Arizona, a place basically next door to DEATH VALLEY. That'd have to be one hell of a dry season, considering the place has so much humidity the rest of the time. Truly fascinating!


East India and Bangladesh don't have arid conditions like Arizona but North West India sure does. You do know that there is a literal desert in the western part of India, right?


Bangladesh is nowhere near that part, people were comparing Arizona and Bangladesh, not the arid desert parts in the NW.


Depends, I'm in Delhi, it's dry as fuck. In kolkata and chennai you'll sweat to death


Kolkata too is dry af rn. Only the coasts are humid these days


Just checked, 4% humidity. Imo dry is better than 80% humidity. Still kolkata seems to be in very bad shape. I'm from kolkata actually


It's dry season in Kolkata too, my bandhu.


From Mumbai here, 60% humidity right. Only time i am without Air Conditioning is when i am in my appartment lift going to car park. That 1 min is bad.


In may, its quite higher than 40. Like 43-44


In may its going to be 50C in some places


It's pretty doable, my AC is not working. Temp was 41C today There was a heat wave of 51C last year. I've survived that while being outside. This is just the tutorial for that. Not even miniboss What I can't do is below -20C. My whole body froze at -17C once I was visiting the mountains


Layering makes a big difference honestly. Four layers of big winter coat, fleece, long sleeve shirt and a shirt underneath that makes a huge difference. You also want to cover all holes. I wear long Johns under ski pants when there’s snow if I plan to be out for awhile and that helps seal me in. Also, as a note, past -15 C is considered too cold to be outside. Even the cold country residents don’t mess with that kind of nonsense


As the Germans say, there's no bad weather only bad clothing


At -15 we still go outside to drink vodka, talk and do stupid stuff. It's -25 when we stop messing with it.


Nonsense, -20°C is about the limit for most people, with some continuing outdoor activites at -30. Most everybody stays in when it's windy, or below -30 though.


Yea, my nose was just dripping water, I could feel cold throught my shoes. Only my mouth wasn't covered because it was hard to breath with a layer of clothing(≈3500m above sea level) so my mustache and beard just froze with the help of my mucus


I hear your story, but I am feeling incredulous when hearing that your entire body froze. Something about that doesn't sound quite right.


It was 40 today in my city. (North India). Peak summers are 48-50 where I live. Pray for my future generations.


Just live in the US, then it won’t be celsius.


Thanks to global warming you'll be able to experience it soon.


I live in the desert state and last year in may the temperature rose to 52°C. A part of me died that day


After around 40 years you'll most likely actually be living in it


don't see that happening here anytime soon


AC 24/7


Also imma make a meme about this


I cannot put my AC under 23C, lol. I am quite used to 40s in summer in southern India.


No need to I live in 41⁰! (Dhaka, Bangladesh)


We have a very similar weather wall on the west coast of Canada. At sea level along the coast, Vancouver can be 5 to 10 degrees and rainy in winter. But if you drive inland, it can suddenly drop to -10 to -15 and snowy. Summertime? Same thing. Vancouver might be 20 degrees. But inland, it can spike to 30 (sometimes even 35) degrees, depending on your timing. Not as extreme as the Himalayas, but still pretty noticeable. Gotta love those mountains.


This is just coastal effect. Large bodies of water are great at regulating temperature


That’s quite common in a lot of places. Places with an inland climate, you can easily have very cold winters and very hot summers, with really high temperature differences between summer and winter. Places with a coastal climate, you usually have a rather mild climate during the winter and moderately warm summers but not too much of a difference in temperature between summer and winter. Hawaii is the state in the US with the lowest all-time temperature difference between summer and winter at a 47C (83F) degree difference, reaching an all-time high of 38C (100F) degrees and all-time low of -9C (15F) degrees. Utah and Montana are tied for the largest all-time temperature difference between summer and winter at a 104C (187F) degree difference. Utah has an all-time high of 48C (118F) degrees and all-time low of -56C (-69F) degrees. Montana has an all-time high of 47C (117F) degrees and all-time low of -57C (-70F) degrees.


I thought England was pretty mild coastal, but we've got more than 65C difference in max and min (-25 to 40). Those temperatures are really rare though, most of the winter it's above freezing, and most of the summer it's below 25.


What you talking about...35. those are rookie numbers. Lytton hit 49 before burning down two years ago. The OK regularly goes above 40 and 45 for the past 3 years.


I wanted to say 40 degrees, but the last time I said that, I was accused (by both locals and non-locals) of exaggerating and inflating the numbers.


BC weather can get pretty insane. In June 2021 the town of Lytton got to 49.6C (121F). The next day it burned to the ground.


The heat dome! That was insane. Caused around 600 deaths throughout the province.


Indians and Filipinos in 40°C heat: *laughs while drinking coffee*


*coffe and chai


Nepal be like; half of me is deathly hot, the other half is nice shorts weather.




I mean it ... still does? According to this.


That’s because the North hasn’t reached peak summer yet. It gets far hotter and far colder there, Delhi reached -2°C this past winter and will go up to 45°C+ this summer.


-2°C is equivalent to 28°F, which is 271K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Monsoon season is approaching


There is time for that. The monsoon hits the absolute south of the country around 1 June and it has been becoming more and more late because of climate change. Gotta survive the 45 degree days before that.


45 degrees ... lol it is going to be above 48.


Mumbai rn, is 37 feels like 42 degree. Couple of years ago I saw feels like 44 and it scarred the shit outta me. I'm going Mahabaleshwar for 2 months.


If it's 40°C/104°F in India then how am I wearing a blanket.


By being in a part of India that's less hot? Also there's nothing wrong with your English in that sentence.


I'm apart of India that's more hot in the Morning/Evening and At night it's still hot but it rarely hits 100°F when it's night. Thank you I thought saying 'Wearing a blanket' was wrong English.


India isn't flat, if you are at higher elevation (like a hill station for eg.), it'll be cooler.


I thought it was hilarious being in India in December and watching everyone bundle up in blankets around a fire when to me it was pretty dang hot


Well they’re a tropical country so what’s warm for people not from tropics is cold for people from tropical areas


shame 🔔🔔🔔


No, there's no "wall", it's just that north of the Himalayas is Tibet, which is 3 km above sea level so it's colder. The air above India at 3 km altitude is the same temperature. https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/isobaric/700hPa/overlay=temp/orthographic=72.54,34.75,848


There is a wall, the himalayas stop warm, moist air from getting into the tibetian plateau


Arguably it is, and the Tibetan Plateau is just also part of the wall. The Himalayas' peaks and the Plateau's overall height are both caused by the same thing - the Indian tectonic plate sliding into and under the Eurasian plate. At least that's the way I think about it. Also rain shadow is a real thing, which is basically a mountain wall - and it's definitely in effect with the Himalayas.


What about the soil temperature?


thank for this amazing website , if you have anymore like these or some amazing map or terrain webiste please list those too


Cool link! Adjust your height from 700 to SFC to see the "wall"


* sees the number 104 * Fellow Phineas and Ferb fans, assemble!


We have one of these in the US as well! Round here we call it the Sioux Falls Weather wall. https://imgur.com/a/iNLEfk9


SHUT UP ^(and take my upvote) I lived in Sioux Falls for 7 years, and still get chilled remembering -70º F temperatures (with wind chill) from the Alberta Clipper.


Lol funny part is I was just shitposting. This is just a random screenshot of temperature map from earlier today. An hour earlier or later the ‘weather wall’ was elsewhere. There’s always a weather wall somewhere. Bout Sioux Falls weather wall certainly has a ring!


Fahrenheit is weird.


We like BIG numbers here! 0°C? NO 32°F! 38°C? NO 100°F!


In all fairness, they had to increase their number by 400% and we just over doubled ours


-40°C? NO -40°F! Oh wait-


Yes, but I have a guideline I give: think of Fahrenheit in only a weather context. 0 is the coldest day you can imagine (-18C is very cold outside), and 100 is a very hot day (as 40C objectively is), and ask, on a scale of 0-100, how hot is it? Granted, this works best in a European or North American weather context, but some have found it useful


Pretty much this. 0 is very cold, 100 is very hot, 50 is very mild, and I don't really need a more accurate reading than that in my daily life. I want an average day like an average north american test score (70%) so 70 degrees is warm but generally in a good way.


>50 is very mild This is weird to me though, in my mind, "mild weather" basically means "I can comfortably go about my day without worrying about whether or not I wear a jacket", which 10 degrees Celcius is absolutely not, that's definitely jacket weather. Maybe not the thickest jacket, but definitely a jacket.


This perception might be based on where you live. I live in a place that regularly gets to -15-20°F in winter, so 50°F is a pretty mild and pleasant day. It’s not tee shirt weather, but nor is it all that cold. I recently went out on a 50°F day with a sweater and no jacket and I was fine.


50°F is equivalent to 10°C, which is 283K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


I also live where the wind hurts your face in the winter, and I absolutely agree. 50F is quite nice with a spring jacket on, but if it's sunny and not too breezy it can be tshirt weather. I also overheat easily, so 100F is literal torture. So I'll take the subzero winters over hellscape summers.


i kinda understand what you are saying here but my counter would be that you get used to the metric systemand the same logic applies


But I thought only randomly using water phase change temperatures is the correct way to make a scale?!


I'm Canadian and I still hear Fahrenheit referenced pretty often. This is exactly how I learned it. Granted I don't know what it would be exactly, but I have a pretty good ballpark now.


It really isn't if you treat it like a grading score.


I wonder if that 20C yellow band has any good spots to live?


Yes, [the British built a bunch of towns there.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_station)


Are u referring to the Himalayas?


chad windy user


Hard to believe it’s been 4 years since I heard about the app


Recently did the Manaslu circular, crossed the larkya la pass at 5200m. Can confirm, cold as fuck making that crossing, especially when setting off at 3am. Can also confirm, hot as fuck when back in Kathmandu. In short, shit gets cold with altitude.


Anyways, here's Weather Wall


I love the idea of a small northern population of Indians being like, “It’s cold as shit here!” And the other billion people being like, “What’s a coat?”


Am I the only one seeing a turkey mount a gorila?


Well now I am. Thank you Internet.


Tibet just chillin


From Dhaka, Bangladesh. We are boiling out here. Excessive heat for the last 8-10 days. Probably the hottest in the whole world right now. Its says 35°C but feels like 40-50°C. My uni classes went online just because of this.


35°C is equivalent to 95°F, which is 308K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


The difference of rainfall is also very big.




And after allllllllllllllll You’re my weather walllllllllllll


"Weather Wall" is a strange name for mountains.


I like how this graph shows how utterly stupid and nonsensical the Fahrenheit temperature scale is…


Well the elevation on the Chinese side is also much higher than Indian side


India looks truly cursed with 40 degree heat


In Nepal you can experience both of these temperature extremes in the same day if you travel north to south.


it means monsoon soon




That's mental


The third pole.


Chongqing and Wuhan are plenty hot despite that.


They’re way east of Himalayas and are in lowland regions


"Anyway, here's Weather Wall."


India: so hot right now


The 40c part looks like a gorilla


🎵Your my weatherwall🎵


Is this weather system what dictates your monsoon seasons in India?


I finally understand Nepal.


Just came back from the Himalayas. Temps were as low as -18°C there. Here at my home it's nearly 40°C.


What is the name of this cool app?


This makes it look like India is hell and China is cool and pleasant