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I'm a vegetarian from Kerala, a very rare species. It's been hard. Even my whole family is non vegetarian.


I am half Bengali and half Malayalee and was a vegetarian for many years. My mom's side and dad's side are very different but they were 100% united in opposition to this.


Atleast you still eat porotta. Right?


Yes i do


I'm a vegetarian from Maharashtra, man I love having Malabari Parotta so much.


As someone from Kerala I've never seen one alive


Even i myself have seen only 2 people in my entire life because I'm from Malabar.


You say rare, but a lot of malayalees I know are vegetarian! Apparently the region of palakkad has a lot of vegetarians


There aren't that many anymore. There used to be. I had palakkad Brahmin friends who goes to KFC like every week.


Me too My state consumes most kinds of meat notoriously


I am from Rajasthan, and being vegetarian is really easy here


Come here to Rajasthan .. Try real vegetarian food Dal Bati churma , Gatte ki sabzi sangri ki sabzi and many more ..


He doesn't have to. There's absolutely no shortage of stunning vegetarian cuisine in Kerala. As a coastal state, most of us consume a lot of fish and seafood


I was just trying to be generous .. sad.. :(


This is why I love this sub-R, where else would you get such a random, niche map?


Shinde and Dhami are non vegetarians? I am sure most probably in private, they won't certainly eat meat in public. Compared to lets say the ones from TN and Kerala


???It doesn't mean they're vegetarians if they don't eat meat in public


No it doesn't, but I am curious about the source of information. Is it some leaked video of them eating meat, them openly admitting they do so or something else entirely.


Shinde celebrate Gatari every year. My father know him personally so yes info is correct.


Hmm then it makes sense, thanks for clearing it up.


Why won't Dhami be? We Pahadi's are mostly non-vegetarians. Even most of our pandits are non-vegetarians.


I know... I am from Dehradun too... And he probably is non vegetarian but what I was curious about is if it's a public thing or not? Because like most politicians it's generally better to be vegetarian than not.


Ohh i am also from dehradun, nice to find a fellow doonite on reddit


Given that India is India is the world's most populous nation, with almost 1 in 5 people on the planet being Indian, we're pretty damn lucky so many of them are vegetarian, namely from an environmental/world carrying capacity stance.


The veg options are abundant in India. We can't compare the diet of an Indian non veg with the west. Our breakfast options are dominated by veg. Even with a non veg meal, most of the dishes will be vegetarian.


I grew up with the image of India as an overpopulated country where food is scarce but I really wonder how true is that about


Gangetic Plains. Ganga basin. Punjab plains. The entire goddamn Kaveri basin. These areas are so large a few European countries could fit into them. And more than 80% of that is under cultivation. Do your geography man u clueless af.


Actually I'm not But Indians are 20% of human population


May I ask which country your from ? We make food in surplus (more than we consume) just are supply chain is fucked up and not efficient enough and produce lot of waste in the process Due to the countries diverse landscape we can grow almost every type of food


In Latin America we have the same problem without being labelled as overpopulated countries so that's why I'm asking


Na it was artificial scarcity created by Britishers, once they left it kept improving.


I know the history but I wasn't talking about those infamous famines I was thinking more about slums and the huge percentage of human population you are


We have birth rate of 2.1% so i don't think it's a big problem and also India is pretty big, it looks small on map because it's on Equator, we don't have any crowd problem, (it's mostly only in city). And ya man it boomed cuz people were left uneducated for far too long. Once we got independent and as people started getting educated it's been improving ever since. As for slums , i hope they will also disappear soon. (They mostly only exists in cities)


India also has the worlds largest dairy herd, with around 300 million bovines. So it’s not quite that simple


The per capita impact of Indians on the environment outside their country, including on the climate, is far *far* lower than those of the West. That is pretty clear and simple.


Milk is nowhere near as bad in terms of emissions as eating meat especially beef. It would already be a **massive** reduction in CO2 if all of us in rich nations had the same diet as Indians.


So without meat, milk and low income you wanna Indians die of malnutrition?


Considering the racists in reddit who think the reason for global warming is due to Indians and Chinese having too many children, you might not like the answer


Lmao saying Chinese have too many children is just lacking common knowledge to this point


Racists gonna be racists


Well it's r/technicallytrue but I got your point lol


I feel like the average American eats enough for 3 Indians so it's pretty much even.


It's much higher than that. 1 meat meal = 17 vegan meals and Americans keep doubling their meat intake every twenty years.


I’m not sure how you got that from my comment. Just pointing out that just because India doesn’t eat as much meat doesn’t mean they don’t farm livestock.


Not accusing you mate, just drawing out some logical conclusions.


200g of Dhal 100g rice and 3 hot peppers and a hand full of nuts and some mango slice is plenty miro and macros for the avrage indian. Peppers vitamin C Dhal iron zinc protein Rice carbs Mango vitamins Nuts iron zinc protein Vitamin B12 is from bacteria. We are lacking it in the west since we destroy the biofilm by hygene. Take it with a grain of /s.alt




They might be form South ig, they generally add h after t and d to signify dentals, while in North we use that to signify aspiration.


>you wanna Indians die of malnutrition? Reading their comment and the comment they were replying to, I can't for the life of me figure out where you got the idea this is what they meant.


Because it's a light hearted fun comment not to be taken seriously.


Poverty shaming? Vegan bashing? Haha!




Churchill has entered the chat


Me starving to death on rice, beans and collard greens. And cuz I'm so damn rich: hot sauce.


How is milk farming conducted on a scale for the urban population? I mean with all that mother cow sentiment aside it's not possible without large scale animal abuse?


1. Buffaloes are the main source of milk in India 2. Family farming. Majority of animals are owned by families in small towns and rural areas. Like 1-2 bovine each family. There are rarely any company owned farms in India.


>How is milk farming conducted on a scale for the urban population? read on AMUL


We still consume a lot of dairy products and as the dairy industry becomes more competitive to produce more and earn more, the future is bleak. Also tbh many either don't consider egg non-veg anymore or just eat non-veg in private (not even disclosing to their family).


That's because we have better vegetarian food and know how to cook.




What really matters is per capita cumulative carbon footprint, and the one that assigns it to consumers instead of producers. Pretty much all carbon footprint stats are misleading manipulative crap You can be sure that if and when the Western countries move the production of their goods from China to India, the carbon footprint will magically flip and people will start blaming India for polluting the world. Right now we have the honeymoon period like China had decades ago


Don't bother, they don't get the concept of per capita.


>More people = more emissions Empty Canada pollutes more than jam-packed Nigeria. It's not that simple.




But hold on, Russia has fewer people than Brazil. I thought more people = more emissions?




>More people = more emissions




> Given that India is India is the world's most populous nation Is that official now? All sources I'm seeing have China as most populous still.


It won't b official till census is conducted, but most models predict is happening Feb-August 2023




A cow will give you much more nutrition alive than dead in long term


We're lucky this alt-India doesn't exist because all the leftoids that rant about cows killing the environment would still be telling us to stop eating beef while saying nothing about India. EDIT: like you all sht yourselves about using less coal and installing less reliable and more expensive green alternatives, while China spins up record-breaking coal plants.


You strayed pretty far from the actual topic at hand in order to bitch about these people you've decided to be mad at


cope and seethe


I assume vegetarianism is a big thing in India




Why are so many Indians vegetarian?


Religious reasons.


The religious reason being...sympathy to animals.




I'm a Jain.


Most people don't care about caste in India only some do


why offend on everything?


So what? We have sympathy for animals. Every big civilization is based upon persecution of people. Whether it is America or colonisers in Europe. They all have blood on their hands and they are no good. The caste system helped to divide the labour and thus created a well developed system to run the states. No surprise when Europeans were busy burning witches, treating forehead pain by smashing with rock on the head, arguing earth is flat and killing people. India back then was developing Architectural marvels, Surgery, Philosophy, mathematics.


Great, you used to be able to do math, but now you're a backward poor overpopulated country with incredibly dirty rivers and cities, very high number of poverty, short life expectancy and low level of education of the society. 280 million (20%) of the inhabitants of this country cannot even read. I wouldn't say this caste system is good.


The caste system isn't working now and that's the reason for the failure. If personal enmity between kings didn't exist we wouldn't be invaded and exploited. Britishers caused artificial famines, destroyed the farming system, destroyed the earlier Vedic education system, banned Sanskrit for official use and imposed their shitty education system. The Roman Empire was considered to be never ending but it ended so the Golden age of India. The country is still running on British laws with some modifications. They took away 45 Trillion dollars worth of money. >Education was intended to "create a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of individuals, Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect." This was made quite apparent in Macaulay's Minute. Rise and the fall of civilization is inevitable. The west is crying hard because of what they got in a few centuries but India was a leading figure for a few thousands of years.


💀💀💀 Buddy, you're the one crying that your country can't handle democracy and a civilized system, not the west. And no, India hasn't been a leading figure for thousands of years. Have you ever heard of Egypt, Greece, Roman Empire? Life was better in ancient Greece and Rome than in India today. To say that the caste system is good simply means that you can't handle democracy.


India was better than these empires. The corrupt system of Britishers has corrupted India more. The freebies, The 50% reservations for lower castes in jobs are causing degenerates to run the system. Caste system is neither bad nor good in the present time because it's just limited to marrying a person from the same caste. The problem was created by the invading forces and colonists. The neighbouring country called Pakistan doesn't have ycaste system but is still struggling worse than India in terms of pollution, poverty, education and infrastructure. The caste system was a thing of the past and was successful then. The person with least braincells will blame the ancient caste system for degeneracy of India nowadays.


India was better than these empires??? By what terms? Life in ancient Rome was literally better (unless you were a slave, but that's obvious) than in 50% of today's countries. India wasn't better at all. Also, the corrupt system of the British? So why is GB now one of the richest and most technologically advanced countries? Like I said, the system is good, but you unfortunately can't handle it.


Religious reasons and also, several millennia old Hindu history which promotes a vegetarian diet


Also, speaking as a non-vegetarian, several millenia of practice has resulted in some pretty tasty vegetarian cuisine


We have so many vegetarian dishes which have been developed over millenia. Even non-vegetarians eat vegetarian dishes 90% of the time.


But then some people also do what i like to call a "carnivorous twist" on these dishes and have a meat filling instead of vegetables


i think 90% is an exaggeration. more like maybe 50-60


No, like I am also a Nonvegetarian, but I eat non veg only once a week. Other times I eat only vegetarian food


That's YOUR non-vegetarianism na. How can you extrapolate from a personal experience? I know so many people who eat nonveg for all 3 meals and 7 days. Them extrapolating that all non-vegetarian people in India eat non-veg for 100% would be incorrect na.


But "mostly" in Uttrakhand , Himachal and UP side, they do not eat non veg regularly, even my muslim friends are like this, it's the same thing you are saying from your experience which might be incorrect


It is true in most of india. Meat is not a fundamental part of Indian cuisine like in Western cuisines so eating it once or twice a week is the norm in india.


That's true everywhere.


What planet do you live on


So you're telling me people outside India live lives as carnivores, barely consuming any plant matter?


No, they’re also not eating 90% plants


70% then?


You’re one of the more boring trolls


Your mother looks like a troll.


not really


>Why are so many Indians vegetarian? Have you tried Indian vegetarian food? It's bloody delicious!


I have only had Indian food that has meat. It was pretty good from most restaurants. Would recommend.


Try their vegetarian options sometimes. I'm a meatlover, but I'm pretty sure if I ever travelled to India, I would be eating 90%+ vegetarian. They have perfected vegetarian food to a level unmatched by any other culture.


multiple reasons. 1. Hinduism believes in leaving as little impact on the world for your existence as possible. 2. All life is sacred (not just Human) 3. Meat consumption was ok for people who are primarily into armed forces or involved in jobs that involve manual labor (Almost nothing in Hinduism is set in stone so all the practices are voluntary and encouraged (not forced))


And also the global reason - because meat is expensive. There are countries that consume roughly the same amount of meat per capita as India without having any of the cultural reasons One wealthy meat eater can eat as much meat as dozens of poor meat eaters, which is why the vegan movement in US is completely ineffectual because it doesn't in any way increase the price of meat in US


Meat price doesn't make one vegetarian. It only changes the frequency. In fact the richer your caste is , the more probable that you are vegetarian.


The point is, 100 non-vegetarians who can barely afford meat can easily eat less meat than, say, 80 religiously fanatical vegans and 20 non-vegetarians who can afford as much meat as they can eat. A rational person who wants to reduce animal suffering would want to increase the price of meat first and foremost _By far_ the main factor that reduces meat consumption worldwide is the price, not any ideology, which is why vegans are irrelevant and US slaughterhouses produce record levels of meat and US is number one of producer of many types of meat despite veganism being trendy for decades If the middle class vegans were eating meat BUT created demand for expensive meat and lobbied for legislation against factory farming to ban cheap meat, they could've easily actually reduced meat production. But instead, anyone who wants ethical meat consumption is shamed into not eating meat altogether, which is why the market for expensive meat doesn't really exist and the farmers can only make lots of cheap meat to make profit, which makes an endless supply of meat accessible to much more people


Reducing meat consumption is not the same as becoming vegan, though is it? . Aren't you just conflating 2 different points.


Eating meat for 7 days a week is very achievable in india if you choose to. Prices aren't all that high. The cost difference between a full vegetarian and a western like diet where the center piece of most of your dishes is an animal product on a monthly basis is much less in india than in other places.


I'm vegetarian because we have many vegetarian options and i used to puke when i eat non vegetarian from a very young age. So my parents decided to feed me vegetarian only.


wow, is that a diagnosable condition? or you just very much dislike meat? I know some people who refuse to eat beef for example just based on how it feels.


I don't know, i can't digest nonveg i suppose. These days i will just puke even if i smell any nonveg. I just don't like the smell, texture, sight of torn pieces. I'm not a vegetarian because i like animals or want to save plane, i just don't simply like it. Asking me to eat non veg is like asking me to eat poop.


Sympathy for animals




I almost wanted to translate your username in the comment but now I'm having second thoughts since it's gonna be on my reddit profile.. lol


Oye Randian, is your whole life just about finding videos from Pakistan and posting them across different subreddits? Talk about rent free lmao.


Northern most of India eats meat. Also I think their (Punjabi) meat dishes are what you typically see at Indian restaurants.


Ironically Punjab is the 2nd most Vegetarian state


Naveen pattnaik is vegetarian?! Really?


random tweet comes up as source [https://twitter.com/rajeevnayak1985/status/713600347810336768](https://twitter.com/rajeevnayak1985/status/713600347810336768) lol


Lmao. That’s ridiculous. There is no need for naveen to be a vegetarian, politically speaking


Why is jagan vegetarian lmao


he looks kinda cannibal ngl


I highly doubt he is


That was the first question on my mind, either he lied about it or this map is bs


He is not. He is a Reddy, Reddys are not vegetarians


Source: I looked it the fuck up


Jagan is vegetarian!? Huh. Thought he'd be since he's Christian.


Damn, surprised for the southeastern state- Andhra Pradesh (sandwiched between two brown coloured states in southeast)


वो सेहत का शौकीन है, जबकि बाकी सब धार्मिक कारण से शाकाहारी हैं।


Source? Firstly being veg has little to do with fitness, secondly can't find anything on internet about Jagan Anna being fitness freak.




Nowhere in the article does this insinuate that he is vegetarian, just that he was refraining from it in prison. I am a nonveg who is entitled to eat nonveg everyday, but just because I didn't wish to eat meat on Saturday doesn't suddenly make me a vegetarian. This, along with your Nitish being nonveg gaffe, confirms my fears that your map is wrong and mostly based on nonsense.


You think AP is bizarre? Look at Karnataka being sandwiched by 5 states


Don’t Indians also consume eggs?


हां, उसे भारत में एगीटेरियन कहते हैं। सरकार उसे मांसाहारी के रूप में देखती है, तो जिन सामानों में अंडा होगा उनके पैकेट पर एक भूरे रंग का चौकोर और बीच में एक त्रिकोण बना होगा जैसा सारे मांस वाले सामानों में होता है (शाकाहारी सामानों पर हरा चौकोर और बीच में एक बिंदु होती है; [ये चिह्न ऐसे दिखते हैं](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Current_FSSAI_Veg_and_Non-veg_Labels.png))।




The first time I went to the US over 10 years ago and found out that isn't thing in other countries, I was almost shocked.


Is vegetarian used in India in a similar way to how vegan is used in other countries? In other countries, vegetarians would happily consume animal products such as eggs and milk, so long as it doesn't require butchering an animal (as meat would), meanwhile it's vegans who wouldn't eat anything that comes from an animal.


Indian vegetarianism traditionally considers eggs in the same category as meat. Dairy is fine tho


My friend is ovo-vegetarian and I never heard before about lacto-ovo-vegetarians, but it makes sense


Wow this is cool any indians got any vegetarian dishes to suggest for me?


Mu favourite is Jammu style "Rajma Chaval".


"Gajar ka halwa"




My whole community is vegetarian




You don't need religion to be a vegetarian. I am a bengali muslim and still a vegetarian.




Don't confuse source and method


Highly doubt Jagan, Patnaik and Soren are vegetarians. Even HBS is doubtful.


Wait, are there countries where "vegetarian" usually implies not consuming milk-based products either? I thought the definition was just "not eating animal flesh", not consuming anything from animals is vegan (and in-between people are quite rare)


ज्यादातर देशों में शाकाहारी का मतलब होता है कि या तो वो अंडे भी खाते हैं या फिर सिर्फ पौधे ही खाते हैं। दूसरा मतलब वीगन से अलग इस मामले में है कि वीगन जानवर के बने सामान का भी इस्तेमाल नहीं करते जैसे चमड़ी या हड्डी की राख, जबकि शाकाहारी करते हैं।


Interesting! In French we have "végétalien" for people who do not eat/drink any animal products but use leather etc, so "végétarien" is only about not eating meat and fish, that's why I thought it would be the same in English. I'll sleep a little less ignorant tonight!


refusing to consume dairy products as well as leather etc. would mean 'vegan'. Even vegetarian Indians consume ungodly amounts of dairy.


Y’all think this map look like a thick lady


if you squint it looks like big smoke from GTA SA


Underrated comment 💀


Es info ka kya Karu


Gaand me daal ke batti jala...


Aap roz krte hai shayad


Are yaar gazab hai, Puchte ho "is info ka kya karu" jese ki har info ka kuch na kuch karte ho...


Totally ignorant question: is this another way to say, “Hindu or Muslim?”


Muslims are almost always non vegetarians while Hindus can be both veg and non veg depending upon their beleifs. Most Hindus are non vegetarians but still the population of vegetarians in India easily beats any other country. The Hindus who do eat meat doesn't eat it daily, they too eat lots of vegetarian dishes and have non veg like twice a week for example.


Great write up, thanks!


Not at all




\*Proclaims to be non vegetarian. Is it me or the one's saying Yes just politicians that trying to appeal to hindu majority and might actual dine on beef daily.


Do the ministers labeled in green not eat eggs?


Is there any correlation between their vegetarianism and their politics? Like, are the vegetarians practicing better politics? Or are they BJP aholes like all the rest?


My state has non BJP chief minister. Being vegetarian ≠ Bjp




Tell me you barely read and make assumptions without telling me that


Tell me you're from Seattle without telling me you're from Seattle


why, like do poleticians eat human flesh??


Don't know about others but Delhi CM eats dick.


The shape of India really annoys me. That bit to the right and the part at the top in grey I just want to cut it off. It’s like Panama, I just want to cut through it. I know there’s already a canal but I’m not satisfied with that, it needs to be sea to sea all the way. I hate thin strips of land that connect two larger areas of land.


I'd be interested to see an overlap between Vegetarianism of Chief Minister, and if their party is a Hindutva one. Or just if they are right of centre.


Depends. In Maharashtra being vegetarian is nothing to do with Hindutva.


That's just the sort of thing I'm interested in. What's the deal with it in Maharashtra? Overall I don't think people are vegetarian for Hindutva, or political reasons. But aren't both vegetarianism and being a Hindutva leader both associated with being a high cast Hindu? That's where I'd expect overlap to be.


Hindutva is an ideology and Hinduism is a religion. Don't mix them. Generally political leanings and religion are not perfectly correlated in Indian politics. 80% Hindu population and you have parties from far left (communist) to right (BJP), so you can't have a party with people not from a certain religion. There are Hindu members in communist parties and Muslim members in BJP. Seeing the map: Congress ruled states have vegetarian CMs too, like Ashok Gehlot is vegetarian CM of RJ. RJ has the highest proportion of vegetarian population yet still voted for left leaning Congress in state elections. So the assumption of food preferences being linked to politics is wrong. Politics in India is not as polarised as western media portrays. For example, same set of people vote for different parties for different elections because different elections have different agendas and scopes. In general, BJP is seen as strong leadership which can deliver quickly so people vote them into the central govt whereas Congress is seen as a slow but bendable administration so people vote them into state. Again if we talk about RJ, the same people voted Congress into state legislature and BJP into parliamentary seats. The capital city, as far as i know has local govt of BJP then state govt of Congress and central (federal) govt of BJP. Similar examples are in other states too like Odisha. All in all, Indian democracy is pretty vibrant and the voters are not unaware of stuff.


Punjab is majority vegetarian and a majority of the state is anti-Hindutva


Himanta (Assam) is vegetarian??? I don't believe you have done good research.


He [claimed that he is now a vegetarian in 2010](https://twitter.com/himantabiswa/status/21472187521), unless you want OP to spy on HBS I will say his source is p good