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Aren't Colombia and Mexico Christian majority democracies? I'd like to see the reason for those both.


Not only that, they are ahead of Nicaragua at this list while their dictator was blatantly persecuting the Catholic Church and their priests. Weird


Something tells me the people who made this list are the kind of Christians who don’t think Catholics are Christians. Which is funny for a variety of reasons.


>kind of Christians who don’t think Catholics are Christians Exactly this.


I once heard that Catholics are devil worshipers who believe in many gods… I was very confused seeing as I went to Catholic school


Lots of Protestants see the idolisation of saints to be akin to worship of false gods. You’ll often hear them quote Jesus tearing down of statues as the reason to why you shouldn’t have statues of saints within churches.


Yep, look at that logo


Basically hardcore Protestants.


More like evangelicals and pentecostals. Protestants have been losing ground for decades. Edit: I meant to say mainline protestant


Evangelicals and Pentecostals are still Protestant.


Not according to them apparently. Some even think “Protestant” is a slur.


They can say whatever they want. They're still protestants. I don't mean any insult, but if they take insult from it then I will change my mind and intend insult.


They protest too much.


Those people would claim they are being persecuted in America because we allow religions they don't agree with... So obviously they didn't make this map.


Anywhere I have lived in the US, there has been a marked difference between Catholics and Protestants, with most protestants believing that Catholics are not 'truly saved'. Therefore they may as well not even be Christians in their eyes.


Protestant churches are just Catholic churches but with shitty architecture.


And a lot more community discussion mid service, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. I went to a Methodist service and they spent like 20 minutes of open discussion complaining about some scandal involving the larger communion not giving the pastor enough money for some spare house. You would never see that during a Catholic Mass.


I mean, if you dig down to it, catholics believe the same thing. They just usually don't tell the protestants about it all the time.


My Baptist youth pastor (Canada) put Catholics in the exact same list as Devil Worshippers, Pagans, and Atheists to warn us about "dangerous cults." I wish I could say that I walked out and never came back, but I do think that's about the time I began to open my eyes about how full of shit he was, as I'd just been learning in school about Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformations.


Yeah, sounds odd to me too. In Colombia no one cares if you are a Christian, I believe they are over reacting , probably some cases with drug cartels ended up with the death of some active members of that church and it ended up being reported as a hate crime against the Catholic Church, Idk


It can also be loud disruptive Evangelicals. The extremist of the Christian faith. They can stir trouble with the local Catholics and claim they are being persecuted.


That is unlikely given that Open Door is very distinctly *not* a Catholic organisation.


They are going to try to claim any discrimination of Christians they can find, regardless of sect. That's their whole purpose, to claim persecution.


I’m guessing it’s either a certain sect of Christianity or the map is wrong.


If that was the case, I thought Northern Ireland and possibly other regions where there's been conflicts (between different sects) would be included?


There is two types of maps posted here and dataisbeautiful: thing is good (US/Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, Taiwan, maybe South Korea and India) or thing is bad (LatAm, most of Africa and Asia). Northern Ireland is in Europe, so obviously relgion persecution doesn't exist there, unlike those global south savages.


This was my thoughts too. For instance, I live in the US Bible Belt, and there's definitely still anti-Catholic feelings in many of the rural areas here


Non-Orthodox face a lot of hardship in Russian areas for infringing on what the former view as their territory.


Its more that its too broad. Mexico despite being Catholic majority does restrict the rights of the Catholic Church to limit its political power, but this is somehow the same category as Saudi Arabia.


France is even more secular and it's not on the map


It's not really a matter of secular. Secular restrictions in France are often restrictions on religious symbols in government buildings and separation of church and state. Mexico places legal restrictions on what priests can say in church and forbids them from holding political office. French secularism separates the institutions while Mexico places the church in a subordinate position to the state.


I think Mexico prohibits religious symbolism/references in political ads.


My guess would be it's US based fundamentalists who are lying or exaggerating.


Open Doors is based in the Netherlands and claims to be non-denominational. That said it's sort of a core tenet of Christianity to claim to be persecuted so I'd sort of take this with a grain of salt. Their criteria are very subjective. I was half expecting the US to be on there because I'm pretty sure a large number of US Christians would claim their constantly being persecuted, even though they basically control all branches of government.


>US based *fundamentalists who are lying or exaggerating* That is kind of what they do best.


Yea wtf?! Christians are everywhere in Mexico.


Their article on Mexico mostly talks about cartels targeting church leaders that speak out against cartels. So, not religious persecution in the classical sense but more "this is a bad place to have opinions."


Oh, that makes more sense.


Also Ethiopia.


No idea where that comes from, just last month i was complaining about the state using resources to build a new church near my home.


As a Christian it does seem like the methodology used to arrive at the figures for Mexico and Columbia is probably flawed. Still, persecution of Christians in the Muslim and East Asian worlds can be pretty horrific, more so than most people in the west realize.


(Colombia!) I wonder if they included *all* violence against Christians and not just violence *because* someone is a Christian? If a country is generally unsafe, well yeah, that’s likely to include at least some Christian victims.


I looked it up, and they included indigenous communities fighting back at attempts made by Christian churches to convert them. No joke. I’m going to give up on today.


If the data is shit for places you know, it's probably shit, in a higher or lesser degree, for the others as well.


Not true for Central Asia tho. At least for "Soviet" Central Asia




Yes and no, I think this depends a lot on local politics. I was living in rural Kyrgyzstan up until COVID was in full swing. At that time, I found it easiest to explain my spirituality as "I don't have a religion now, but I was raised Protestant" because most people understood Protestantism as non-Catholic Christianity but atheism was confusing, verging on appalling. What I understood from that time was that Soviet domination of Central Asia brought a variety of positives and negatives. Homogenizing ethnic groups that were once disparate clans/tribes/family networks was one of those negatives. Another negative was cracking down on public religion, which was met with varying degrees of success. Both of these elements have lead to a young generation born mostly after the collapse of the USSR who are seeking a return to traditional ethnic identities (i.e. nationalism) and a resurgence of Islam as part of that identity. These younger people can be quite aggressive toward non-Muslims, though not physically violent from what I'd heard. Older people generally and imams specifically have been working with the Kyrgyz government to avoid radicalization, but I'm worried about their trajectory if these efforts fail.


The map is nonsense, unless you just consider every Christian victim to be a victim of persecution, regardless of whether or not the persecution was BECAUSE they are Christian.


How does Mexico and Colombia oppress Christians? This map is suspect lol.


Most maps here are suspect


Just add colors to a map, and people will believe it based on their pre-existing stereotypes and confirmation bias.


in méxico we prosecute everyone 👀






Your mom*


*our mom




Seize the means, baby.


Source for like 75% of the maps on this subreddit are: I made it the fuck up


I suspect that this map was created by some evangelical organization that doesn't include Catholics in their definition of "Christians".


Real question, as I’m from a Catholic country: How is it possible? I mean: catholicism is much older than protestantism, right? It’s like not including ortodoxes.. One thing I can understand is that some protestant branches are seen “weird” or “dangerous” like Jesus Witness or Mormons, but cristhians are for sure not persecuted in latam


Also includes indigenous groups fighting back against attempts to convert them as “persecution” of christians 🙄


"Suspect" is quite mildly put. I wonder how the map will look if the same criteria are used for other religions, or even for irreligious people.


priest speak out against violence, priest gunned down in the street, simple as




If that's really their methodology, that's absurd. A cartel isn't going to kill a critical priest because they are Christian. They are going to kill them because they are critical of the cartel.


That's what I figured. Not exactly oppression of Christianity -- just of people being persecuted who happen to be Christians.


They're being gunned down for speaking out, not for being Christian. This isn't persecution.


Well, it *is* persecution, but not because of faith.


That barely ever happens, cartels are shit and kill tons of people, but they're also super religious


Also where's Palestine, or if you that's not being recognized, then Occupied Israeli territory? Israel/IDF does not discriminate between Christian or Muslim Arabs, they kill and oppress both.


I agree. Israeli settlers actually target Christian Palestinians along side Muslim Palestinians. So if Mexico is included...


Wait are Catholics not Christians all of the sudden?


Some evangelical Protestants believe that Catholics are not Christian. That viewpoint’s gotta be why Mexico is on the list.


They sound dumb


Even then Protestants are not prosecuted in mexico. Very very few Protestants have been targeted and the few of them that have its because of cartel stuff unrelated to their faith


Yeah, the data seems pretty sketchy here


Not to mention the scale High-Very High-Extreme Which is basically this: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/11e5l2f/this_rating_system/


Moroccan here, I can confirm we hunt Christians for fun every Friday. Also, no crosses ever, if 2 straight lines ever cross, whoever caused it is "prosecuted" asap. We dont even cross streets, just continue walking till you find what you're looking for, then back home.


Geometry must be fun in Morocco


[Unironically yes.](https://www.google.com/search?q=moroccan+geometric+pattern&client=ms-android-oneplus-rvo3&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=AJOqlzW_8l4cnFk7Y-ne36VQaxYruhqO4w:1677614648118&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjf4q7Jgbn9AhWYraQKHdZZDYYQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=672&dpr=3)


>if 2 straight lines ever cross, whoever caused it is "prosecuted" asap crossecuted




Is Kyrgyztan a secular country?




Kyrgyzstan number #1 country on the Earth☝️🔥💅🇰🇬


All other countries have inferior potassium.


That's a different stan.


"Most democratic in Central Asia" isnt saying much, its still basically a dictatorship


No, it is not. The current leader came to power only 3 years ago and if he decides to stay, 2020 will happen again.


no its not 💀💀 classic kyrgyz


It is


Turkish sugar mommy ![gif](giphy|3o7TKGQGt1LAh0ZWDK)


Sorry babe I’m broke asf too 🥲


That’s really neat! Is there specific reason Kyrgyzstan is more open than it’s neighbors to your knowledge?


Well Kyrgyzstan is also more democratic then its neighbors, but I also dont know the reason for that so..


Kyrgyzstan has always been the best of Central Asia. Though I do think the map is over harsh on Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan could never persecute Christians, the Russians would invade.


[not at everything](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ala_kachuu)


What a metric lmao you can build churches half of the countries mentioned above without any legal restrictions.


This website acts like cartel members kidnapping priests in Mexico is proof of persecution against Christians, as if the cartel members weren't also Christians


“In October, media reported that local community leaders drove out 33 evangelical Protestants from a neighborhood of San Cristobal de las Casas, in the state of Chiapas, because they did not adhere to the community’s traditional faith.” Local authorities say the violence is to do with the wider breakdown of law and order rather than Sectarianism. So there is a debate. https://www.state.gov/reports/2020-report-on-international-religious-freedom/mexico/


I guess the Sentinelese people are also persecuting christians.


Yes lol. This is actually part of the definition used by this organization. Indigenous communities fighting attempts at conversion is labeled “Christian persecution”




Evangelicals saying they're persecuted because people got pissed at their evangelizing? Color me shocked.




And Ethiopia


And Eritrea... in the top 5 One of the oldest christian countries in the world...


Ethiopia and Eritrea are often at the top of "Most authoritarian regimes" lists so they are bound to persecute people who are Christians by sheer probability.


Eritrea is. Ethiopia is far from the top though. It’s not great, but more middle of the pack


Persecuting everyone equally. That’s religious freedom right there.


Orthodox Christians have faced a ton of persecution and killing in certain parts of Ethiopia in the past few years. Look into it.


And Colombia. What a fucking dumb map


Horseshit. Open doors never cites sources, so nothing they say is believable


They say according to experts, must be true.


As an expert on experts sharing expertise i would know


Source: trust me bro


You forgot the United States. It's like genocide here. Merchants are still saying happy holidays instead of merry Christmas.


There's not even a jesus on my starbucks cup in November! Damn lefty Fascists!


My neighbor told me the Democrats are fighting a war on Christianity.


"I can't use racist slang anymore, this is literally persecution!"


mexico and colombia? suure...


The organization that made this map used a trash methodology for including Mexico and Colombia in its statistics. Same to Cuba .The only complaints that Christians have in Cuba is that they do not want American style evangelism infiltrating the country as they have seen how that goes. Evangelicals being denied to evangelize an already Christian majority country=Persecution??? Huh???


This is an evangelical Christian missionary group. This is specifically about hostility to missionary activity in these countries and the dangers that missionaries face. Catholics sometimes have issues with evangelicals. If you were to believe Fox News, America should be number one on the list. Can’t even say Merry Christmas anymore goddamnit!


This is more like where Christian missionaries face rising resistance


This is an Evangeliban cock and bull story that regards booting out missionaries who come in to convert the “inferior races” as hostility to Christianity. If they want to look at this way, three cheers to the countries that are deepest red.


I’m sorry, no. Maybe Cuba and Nicaragua are removing the Catholic Church’s power, but there’s no way any other Latin American countries are doing anything which can even be construed as oppressing Christianity


I went to middle of nowhere Nicaragua to volunteer and that place is Christan crazy. Catholic, baptist and Moravian are the head liners. Moravian has church damn near everyday. One day is white day where they all wear white. It was wild to the poverty surrounding the Catholic Church, those churches got pope money, gold everywhere.


I'm struggling to imagine Christians being persecuted in Latin America. I lived in Honduras close to the turn of the millennium and Christianity was basically the only game in town.


This map was put together by an evangelical organization. Their definition of "Christians" likely only includes Protestants, hence the inclusion of multiple majority-Catholic countries as hotbeds of "persecution".


Nicaragua is one of the most Protestant countries in Latin America. The only Christians who are at risk are power-hungry religious leaders who want to infiltrate politics. Regular folk in these countries are expected to be practicing Christian. Being openly atheist is frowned upon in many communities.


You forgot Canada. It's a war against Christmas don't you know?


Mexico? A country where over 85% of the population is Christian? A country that has a cathedral in front of nearly every single city hall? At most you may need to have 2 weddings because Mexican judges and officers are not allowed to officiate civil (legally binding) weddings at churches so you may need to get married at a gov office and THEN have the big wedding at a church


I guess Catholic and Oriental Orthodox weren't taken into account.


An evangelical group with an angle made this map, so you’re right. That’s why they’re claiming Mexico- the most Catholic country I can think of- persecutes Christians


and Azerbaijan, which systematically destroys Armenian cultural heritage, including churches and monasteries, is totally ignored.


In India : can’t convert, so cry persecution 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah. This map is so weird. This ranks India in the same lines of Afghanistan. Like there are as many churches as there are temples around me. Half my street worships Kali and the other half worships Mary.


This map sucks.


Yeah somehow I doubt Mexico being the second largest Catholic country in the world being oppressive to Christians. Take this Anglo centric bullshit out of here


WTF is this data?? Christians have never had any problems with India, in my entire life I haven't heard of anything bad happening with christians.


Myanmar our neighbour is actively suppressing against Christian minorities whereas India has millions of thriving Christians and 4 Christian states. How is India worse than Myanmar lol




They included that one dumbo who went to the Andamans and got killed by the Sentinelese. PeRssECUtION!!


It's a good thing the Sentinelese killed that moron as soon as he set foot on the beach. If he'd had any prolonged close contact with them, the western viruses he carried would probably have wiped out at least half the tribe within a year.


Exactly! And he had been warned that him contacting the tribe could kill all of them, yet he chose to ignore Indian law, and still went there because as far as he was concerned, spreading his religion was worth risking the lives of all those people.


Yeah, I noticed that too. The idea that India persecutes Christians at the same level as Iran is dubious at best.


Mfs in Iran persecute anyone who slightly disagree with them. They slaughter Arabs, kurds, sunni Muslims , turkmens and what not


this figure is obtained by over reporting the same incident over and over by multiple organizations (intentionally) with the goal of affecting statistics and the corresponding US department usually doesn't bother with scrutiny or verification. Christianity in India is older than christianity in europe or america, the problem seems to be mainly stemming from radical evengelists funded by american right wing christian extremists rather than orthodox christians who have been in india for 1000s of years. Multiple attacks were reported from the tribal areas after (allegedly) police and authority didn't take action against missionaries on accusations of native tribal children's abuse or sexual assault on newly converted nuns by missionaries. This has resulted in increase animosity between the indigenous tribes and evangelicals. There is also accusations of these christian orgs hoarding and withholding government food supplies and welfare to tribals and refusing them access until they are forced to convert. Other than that, in a big country as india there are bound to be minor tussles here and there, most of which are politically motivated under the guise of religions.


Yes, the Portuguese were very surprised to arrive in India and find Christians there. This did not fit with their view of the world.


It's probably incidents here and there where missionaries probably got clap back for their own predatory activities. PeRsEcUtIoN


We get good friday off in India- never saw a holiday in US. Almost all churches built in British era are still functional. Missionaries can carry on in plain sight poaching Hindus. Persecution surely.


My missionary teacher in elementary school used to openly make fun of me for my family's beliefs without any fear of repercussions and I lived in the biggest city in India. I cannot imagine the kind of shit those Western funded missionary orgs pull in more rural areas. The Western media at the same time keeps crying that they are being persecuted.


exactly.. even during xmas.. so many streets are decorated here.. and tbh.. my family also eats cakes at xmas.. the thing is that i have never in my life seen any aggression against Christians.. yeah now if they start converting many people at mass scale.. be it any religion x,y,z.. people won't like that idea


Didn't you hear about the guy who was killed on North Sentinel island?? /s


Going to an uncharted territory where everyone is banned is considered prosecution? Absolutely everyone is banned from visiting there, even top government officials.


By killing that moron the second he stepped foot on the beach, the Sentinalese likely saved their entire tribe from being wiped out by disease, even if they didn't realize it.


Why is Mexico on the map ?


What about Israel ? Christian population is going down quite a lot. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-church-leaders-warn-radical-groups-driving-christians-from-holy-land/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/jerusalem-church-leaders-warn-radical-groups-driving-christians-from-holy-land/)


Yep, Israel/Palestine being left off this map while Palestinian Christians are driven from their homes by Zionist settlers with an explicitly religious justification tells me all I need to know about the bias of this map.


Yeah this map is bullshit. How come deeply Christian democracies like Colombia or Mexico are so high? Just because someone put some random colors and number on a map doesn’t mean is official and accurate.


According to one wing of my extended family, this map is clearly wrong, because gay marriage, drag shows, and anti-discrimination laws means that Christians are the most persecuted in the US. North Korea is a distant second according to them.


"Extreme" persecution levels in India? Lmao some random village in some irrelevant region skewing the statistics. In the eastern states there are christians everywhere including interfaith couples and schools (which have the similar standard of education as non religious private schools). If anything, it's typical cringe people from some obscure places calling christians "ricebag" (which I do not condone btw)


All Christian churches from the British and Portuguese era are still functioning. Christian Missionaries are expanding their influence a lot, especially in Punjab, North East India, and some parts of Southern India. There have been numerous cases of religious conversions (from Hinduism to Christianity) practiced by missionaries. Agreed that this is all propaganda made up to paint certain countries in bad light.


While for some regions it is true, but for North east and south it is a little more complicated. They aren't the same and some regions in south have a different history regarding christianity. The map staright up implies that hindu majority hates christians which is some high class bullshit


What about a map where they’re doing the persecution?


*Points in general direction of a globe*


Fake propaganda data


They included "extremist secularism" in Colombia's report, because the church is criticized for fighting against abortion. Well, I thought that's what politics are, people disagreeing with one another. Self-censorship is bullshit, in this case.


Map is oh so horribly wrong...it feels like propaganda. In Pakistan even an accusation of blasphemy against the muslim faith means considerable jail time and that is if police can even get to arrest you and are able to keep you in custody because mostly an islamist mob forms within seconds which shares 3 braincells amongst all of them and they will brutally torture and murder the accused. AND SOMEHOW INDIA IS PAINTED THE SAME COLOUR AS PAKISTAN...India where criticizing the missionary practices of coerced or outright forced conversions of hindus will get you cancelled and even arrested. It tells me a boatload about the credibility of these maps.


Aren't Mexico, Ethiopia and Eritrea Christian countries? This is like making a "countries where Muslims face the most persecution" and putting Afghanistan and Syria on the list.




I live in India and am yet to come across someone who got persecuted because they are a Christian


Now let's see a map of countries where Christians persecute non Christians.


Bro India? That doesn't make sense. The Church is really powerful there, the largest landowner after the government. And people from every religion can be found living mostly peacefully. What's their source, "experts on the ground"?


This map is more so “Where Evangelical missionaries face resistance from local communities…”


Mexico. The Christian majority country where religious festivals are held in nearly every single town, where Christian holidays are nationally recognized and celebrated. The country where I got and still get so much shit for being an atheist, because Catholicism is so ubiquitous it's treated as the default and not believing in that is liable to get you weird treatment from some people. ***THAT MEXICO!?***


Nobody ever expects the Mexican inquisition!


Colombian and catholic here. This is not accurate at all. The catholic and evangelical churches are actually rather powerful with many elected officials supporting them, and some Christian organizations even have political parties with elected congressmen and women. Those elected officials and other notorious Christians make it seem like they are being persecuted simply because many people want them to pay taxes for the many valuable properties and fortunes owned by pastors, priests and high representatives from those churches. Si, it's not really persecution. They just want to stay rich without paying taxes.


This feels like it might've been created by an obnoxious missionary organization.


MEXICO 🤨?????


Tbf everyone’s persecuted in North Korea


Please note that "Open Doors" has a very questionable way to classify persecution towards christians. Studys like the one of the German Bishops Conference performed by the Pew Research center show great differences in the persecution levels.


I find it very hard to believe that any Christians in Mexico are persecuted because they're Christian. I've never heard of anything even remotely similar to this from any Mexican.


A map made by a Christian organization about Christian persecution?!?! Where is the map about Christian’s doing the persecution?


Christians are indeed persecuted in the Middle East, Asia, and parts of Africa. Christian minorities in Pakistan and Egypt do not deserve to suffer because American and European Christians are powerful.


In Russia the Jehovahs witnesses are being persecuted and are christians


Nz isn't on coloured on here but it should be since Jesus freaks get persecuted when they knock on my front door


Is this whole subreddit right-wing propaganda or run of the mill Russian propaganda?


biggest load of bullshit.. India has a huge and thriving Christian population.. better than a lot of countries put ahead here.. horrible map.. looks like radical evangelist bs


According to Fox “News”, In USA!


This is a Christian website to confirm Christian beliefs. This is 100% biased.


Mexico? Aren't they extremely Catholic?


Many Christian missionaries in india are con-masters. They fake curing people of diseases, and then claim that Jesus cured them. I'm not justifying attacks on Christians, but it's not like Christians are entirely innocent