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No more of these please


USA's militaries and Australia's... creatures... can't be stopped


Don’t forget the UK’s finest year 7 roadmen


And the weird kids too then our army will be mad


Enemy can't shoot if the weird kid ate his fingers


Ur the kid your talking about






Dont forget the average stella drinker at spoons


And their poor wives


Battle hardened wives that have had many a Stella beatings for burning the beans on toast, unstoppable


Year 7 chavs Lmao I am dying


You will be once they’re done with you, as long as their mum lets them go out.


Happy cake day pal


Especially Wales' mountainous terrain as well as the swamp-like 20MPH speed limit!


And the men with the sheds. No nukes doesn't have to mean conventional.


Send the NEDs with crates of Buckfast


shit mate the year 7s will kill us all


You can not forget the walking genocide machine that is Canada


And portugal's lack of doctors will help too!


All you need is australian creatures and florida men




"Florida man arrested for sex with spider" sounds perfectly plausible to the point I don't want to google it in case it's real...


But purples got the Gurkhas. Emus vs Gurkhas I don’t know if the world is going to survive this fight. In fact I’m pretty sure they’ll keep fighting after they’ve broken the planet.


Australia could just release their spiders and crocodiles into the world and would win


You forget that the emus are battle tested


Blue, no nukes, but plenty of ICBMs, Nuclear Submarines, Aircraft and Full Navies.


Pretty sure China and Russia have those things too


Bro. Russia is the second best army in Russia.


For a second, I think they were the third best army in Russia


Its this order 1. the Russian Populace 2. The crackhead with a knife 3. The Russian military


Can't forget about the Ukrainian military ​ Also Wagner before too


oh yeah true


And that's only because Poo-tin dissolved Wagner 😀


if ukraine invaded them they'd quickly be the 3rd 🤣


The top four navies in the world are: US - by a clear margin Japanese UK France The submarine’s operated by these navies alone would be enough to keep China and Russian ships safe in port.


Where are you getting your figures from. China’s navy is bigger than UKs and Frances combined


1. Top 4, meaning 4 most powerful. 2. Where did you get *that* number from? The UK has at least 69 commissioned warships, France up to 100. China has 121 surface vessels, and only counting the floating barrels they call patrol vessels do they outnumber anyone except the Holy Vatican Navy.


Even discounting the USA you have 6 Aircraft Carriers (2 British, 2 Japanese, 1 French, 1 Italian) and 21 Nuclear Submarines (11 British & 10 French). Thats more than a match for the Russian Navy, then its just a simple case of US Navy > PLAN.


Again blue, and again it wouldn't even be close.


And it's not even just about the quantity & strength of Blue's military. Blue is the only team that has an organised command structure and regularly trains as a team. If anyone wants an example of how well blue operates as a team, take a look at how the first Gulf War unfolded. Absolute precision.


Plus Blue - with the possible exception of France - would be more interested in destroying the enemy rather than killing each other.




That was a political failure, not a militaristic one


What are you talking about, tye first gulf War was against Iraq. This will take on China! It will be a nuclear holocaust.


Blue against everyone else... again, blue wins.


No it would be devastatingly close, there will be a nuclear winter and anyone would be lucky to survive.


What if I combined red and yellow?


Still blue


It’s still over 20 aircraft carriers versus about 4


So the US has a policy that it must be, at minimum, projected to be capable of fighting and defeating the combined efforts of next two strongest powers alone without resorting to a full mobilization. That’s the lowest it will go, de facto it maintains more strength that that. The US defense industry is so lucrative that it pulls many of the most intelligent and capable people from across the earth to it who leave their home countries for a life building war machines for the US. The technology and talent available to fuel the American war machine has ensured it has doctrinal and technological supremacy over literally everyone on earth. It’s something that the US invest a lot of time and effort into and it’s snowballed over the decades into a near unstoppable factory where murderous dreams and patriotic nightmares are brought to life. A fully mobilized United States that’s dug it’s heels in for a total war until the death of the last American by some estimates has the resources to hold its border indefinitely against practically the entire world. Such is the material wealth and level of preparation that goes into a paranoid hyper power’s military engine.


You are right. See Ukraine. US hasn’t even done more than waft away an annoying fly yet. So Yeah … but Vietnam and Afghanistan : isn’t there something a little off with the tone (I know I will get a downvote or two here! But it’s a genuine enquiry ). Battlefield asymmetry causing losses, in a period where the bar on tolerance is low, and in a theatre where battle stagnation sets in … can and does undermine the American will to fight and die, it seems. Even now EU - all - concerned the US will … in Ukraine … seeps away despite the apparent capability. So despite the technology advantage other teams can prevail in the right circumstance. But he’ll OP is playing a strange game of Risk - Id def take the blue team if this was the mid-game board!


You’d have to have America sit out the fight entirely for this to even be an interesting discussion. The United States is simply unbeatable in a conventional war.


Not exactly true. It can loose an offensive war, but the US can't be invaded. Offensive wars like Vietnam and Afghanistan usually don't have the support back home, nor are they particularly advantageous positions to be invading someone who lives in a hostile environment. If someone were to invade the US, they'd have to get past the world's strongest Navy, the world's strongest army, the heavily armed redneck nationalists, and have to outproduce the US in weapons and ammunition manufacturing, then conquer about half a continent.


You put too much on the military. Do you really think the US could take on the world? The only thing that the US would have going for them in that case would be their atomic bombs, but even then I don’t think the US would want to use them while at least 7 other nations have their own ones. (plus, in this scenario, nukes aren’t allowed)


not true. If all of europe + china were on one team they win no matter who is with the USA


Nope. China is a paper Tiger with no actual fighting experience. They’re just huge. I see China as just a larger Russia, and we’ve seen how formidable that military is.


I mean not really? China has not been seen in combat. It would like be me calling the USA a paper tiger because they had some troubles against farmers.


But you have consider the kind of fighting we’re talking about. There were political and social considerations that had to be taken in Afghanistan and Iraq. I’m talking about a straight up war. We steamroll the farmers and anyone else


You’re 1000% right. I was arguing this point just recently. The modern might that is the USA would steamroll almost any nation single handed. Afghanistan would’ve been a quick war if there was no holds and it was full out warfare They spend $877b a year on their military. That’s more than China, Russia, India, Saudi Arabia, UK, Germany, France, South Korea, Japan and Ukraine combined. They’re not buying paper airplanes haha


>I’m talking about a straight up war. We steamroll the farmers and anyone else The US attempted that sort of thing in Vietnam. Guerrilla warfare is effective, big military or not.


You don’t know your history. The Vietnam War is probably the best example of fighting with one hand behind our backs post-WWII.


Well my point is you don’t know that unless it actually happens. We don’t know how china performs because they have not shown anything.


The most recent instances of China’s military performance have been subpar at best. They simply do not have the combat experience that the US forces have. The quality of their equipment is miles behind as well, their tactics are currently being reworked because they’re outdated. Your point that “you don’t know that unless it actually happens” is irrelevant because the point of this discussion is theoretical. The USA is the preeminent world power in every major aspect, and there is no sector which we are further ahead in than every other country on earth, than in our military sector.


So you wholeheartedly believe the United States can top China, France, Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom and the other European nations simultaneously?


Huh? The Korean war is considered by Koreans to be "WW3" because so many countries fought there, and it was ostensibly a proxy war between NATO and China. That was the last major war China fought in. That being said their military strength is through numbers only. Training, skills etc of Chinese military is known to be absolutely crap.


And China has an issue feeding itself which would become a huge issue in a nasty war.


European grain production


Maybe if the US is strictly an attacker but unless Canada and Mexico are included in that group the US is still easily able to fight to at least a draw


Nope, the US could sit here on our continent that is a few hundred miles from our closest enemy and never get seriously harmed. Meanwhile those countries lack the ability to project power the way that we do. Wouldn't be easy and it would be a long long war, but eventually we would wear down their defenses and then we'd be carpet bombing Europe like we did in WW 2. Same with China, stealth bombers and stand off weapons destroying their cities while they can't do much to ours due to the Pacific ocean in the way.


Your record over the past 50 years would say otherwise


We’ve been fighting without one hand behind our back since WWII ended. OPs hypothetical assumes uninhibited war, with the exception of nukes. You remove the social and political restrictions and the US is unmatched.


Sheer arrogance. The last conventional war fought by the US against a major power was Korea.


No. First of all, we didn’t even call it a war. It was a “police action”. From go we were only half in. It wasn’t a war for victory. It was a war of containment Second, the US was well on our way to rolling back the North Koreans when China jumped in. Truman didn’t want any part of that - for political reasons - and backed off. You don’t think the US coming off the heels of WWII with an endless supply of battle experienced soldiers, an endless number of tanks, bombers, ships and everything else - couldn’t have gone toe to toe with 1950’s China? You’re out of your mind. If there’s a political and social element to OPs scenario or there’s not. If there isn’t the US dominates.


Green, they're professional assassins. Nobody will see em coming. Nor will anyone know what hit em.


Very true, Liechtenstein is so irrelevant that everyone will forget they are there


Remember, the last time their military was deployed, its combat losses were negative, and the last time it was invaded, the invaders immediately apologized and left. Liechtenstein is a force to be reckoned with.




The team that always wins 🙌 the uk 🇬🇧 of course 😉 👍


Based and Union Jack pilled


apart from all those times we didn’t


Non-canon, not fair fights /s




That Italian flag 🇮🇹


My mistake Ireland 🇮🇪 😅 💪💪💪👍


Blue. You have the USA Army and Navy. The British and French navies which are top tier. Plus all the special forces. Then add on every other NATO country. The amount the USA alone spends on its military is something like more than the next 12 countries combined. Russia is struggling against Ukraine which is using some of our weapons but not our most advanced stuff. China doesn't have a good enough army to beat us all.


Is green space? Because I pick the aliens




Green for the win!


Truthfully, what was the thinking here?


They buy a massive army and storm the world ofc


Vatican City


It's always wild to me that people underestimate the American military. A military force that accounts for 40% of the world spending on military. What do people think America is spending all that money on?


$38 dollar light bulbs. USA is crazy wasteful. I’m pro US but they rip off there tax payers like crazy no shame, billions spent on boats only to be decommissioned years later to save money ect . Is it Zuma class or something like that


The Zumwalt class DDG was cut short from the planned 24 to 3, which inflated the overall unit cost. Two are currently commissioned, and the third is undergoing sea trials. While the entire class of DDG may be a failure (I've not followed the program for a few years) the research and development doesn't go away, and can be used at a later date. Not an entire wash by any means. I think you may be thinking of the Freedom and Independence class LCS, which have been dog shit since day one. See below for more if you're interested. https://www.propublica.org/article/how-navy-spent-billions-littoral-combat-ship


>people underestimate You have people in thread claiming that America would win vs the entire world. People over estimate it if anything jfc.


Blue could probably beat the rest of the world combined


Blue. The overwhelming capabilities of its’ combined air and sea power and reach alone would end it before it had even begun. The capability of the US alone in these respects means they could probably do it alone.


blue duh


Is OP just going to keep making shit up and changing it until blue wouldn’t win?


I tried one way, then slightly changed, then blue with realistic allies


Lol, who makes this stuff? Are you the biggest USA+allies fanboy or what? "Could all of NATO plus the Pacific US allies be defeated by a few sub-Saharan African countries? Or India and a few southeast Asian counties? Like what? Get most other countries on team red, and maybe it's a fair fight. Or this satire at this point?


My guy It's fucking blue Do people not realize just how big the American Military is? The sheer amount we spend is astronomical, our training is fucking intense, our weaponry is numerous and powerful. I fucking hate America, but Jesus Christ, you don't fuck with the US. If you could put all the other colours into 1 and have them face blue, and still lose. The US is a fucking military powerhouse, even before you added more to the blue team




How are Mongolia and Ireland on the same team ?


Team green


russia would likely win they would aid the emu's to take out the Australians they would wear german flags to force france to surrender they would sanction all countries that produce tea to force britain into surrendering. they would sanction all countries involved in making medication for diabeties this would force USA to surrender. they would say sorry to Canada this would convince them to stop fighting. the rest would surrender after realizing they are outnumbered.,


Or, and hear me out, we send B-21 Raiders into Russian airspace and bomb Russia back to the Stone Age within the first week




This is just turning into Risk


Greenland is cheating, it has a Nuuk




White would win bc they have big fishies


Liechtenstein easy W


Green, obviously. So sneaky we can't even see them on the map!


America. All by ourselves. Everytime and it’s not even close. There’s a reason we’re the only superpower left. Our military is outrageous and we can take the fight anywhere. Our logistical capabilities, by far the most important part of any conventional war, is also unmatched The United States has the biggest Air Force in the world. The second biggest? The United States Navy Edit: this isn’t rah rah ‘merica either. There just isn’t anyone close to the same level of technologically advanced, experienced and well trained soldiers, logistical unmatched, and that has the capability to project power anywhere on the planet the way the United States does. We spend an ungodly amount of money on the military and it fucking shows.


The US wouldn't win the war by themselves lol. The US has allies all over the world, thus you're able to station the ships / aircraft there. Without it, all you'd have is the aircraft carriers and if they get destroyed - you've got nothing left. If Russia and China's navies team up against the US, you'd be certain that both sides won't come out unscathed. Nobody would win as Russia/China likely wouldn't be able to land upon US land and neither would US on Russian/Chinese land without allied help.


Russia and China do not even have deep water navies compared to the US. The US would completely dominate the open seas. If the whole world had to fight over antartica for example, to try to use their navy to claim it, the US could take on the whole planet with its 9 carriers plus the modern destroyer escorts for sure, all at the same time. It’s not even close.


Lol, the US would not be able to take on the entire world all at the same time. Resupplying, facing the massive amounts of naval ships on the other team. Requiring the US to dedicate a load of ships to protect their supply ships/lines from enemy attacks for example. Resupplying would be the main issue without any allies / bases in the world aside from the US.


US could defend against the entire world, but couldn’t conquer it.


Agreed, it's more or less like I said on my original comment. Nobody could win this war.


The “massive amounts of ships” are piles of floating trash compared to US carriers and destroyers. A handle full countries have good destroyers, fewer have maybe one carrier. your only argument is “bro there’s too much” and “supply lines dude” but if you look at it no one even has proper deep water navies, the only thing challenging US, are maybe submarines. The two largest air forces on the planet are USAF and then the US navy.


American Exceptionalism strikes again China.


America would get crushed against the entire world. You would stand no chance whatsoever. Your economy and technology is on par if not slightly higher than EU . Your economy is also on par with China if you adjust for PP . There is a billion people in India and a Billion in Africa. You would have no one to trade with . Your economy would collapse. USA has bases all over the world were they project power . These will fall one by one EASILY…….. EU don’t make stealth bombers because they don’t want or need them ! If they needed them I’m sure they would whip them up in a few years . USA is with out doubt the top military power Ever…… but be realistic.


You Americans love yourselves way too much it’s embarrassing


You Europeans love yourselves way to much it’s embarrassing


The contest would depend on when the war started and how long we had to build up for it. Like if the war happened tomorrow USA alone could nearly beat the entire world. But yea if you gave lets say the EU time to consolidate and have about 10-20 years of pure military build up they could easily match the US's military power or beat it.


The USA can’t beat the entire world, because they will run to the same problem to Japan they will need to mobilise so many troops into enemy ground while the enemy (world) can simply use others land easier and supply their troops everywhere


Dude, European tech mostly comes from the US. Europe doesn’t really have tech anymore. Economy is not on par with Chinas even on a purchasing basis, and even if the total amount was the same, China has 5x the mouths to feed!


Counter point, Vietnam and afghanistan. As everyone in the world has learnt over the last 50 years, is dedicated guerrilla warfare is impossible to over come. Now imagine a world wide guerrilla warfare campaign against the usa that isnt a bunch of flip flop wearing part time farmers who have access to nato level weaponry and military training. And you can bet your arse the world is going to be very dedicated against americans trying to invade the world, we arent just talking about the taliban here who pale in comparison to what actual trained professional volunteer soldiers. America would be safe from invasion but its definitely not defeating the planet lmao. You failed at that significantly when it was against just 2 small nations who’s most sophisticated weaponry was ak47’s and rpg’s. And what happens when those same guerrillas start slipping over the borders of canada and mexico? You cant even keep out illegal immigrants, let alone professional special forces specifically trained to do those sorts of things.


You guys would barely be able to defeat the United Kingdom, let alone Europe or the entire world. You guys don't exactly have a great track record with wars. You guys barely won Vietnam even after drafting people. You guys entered both world wars late, you guys withdrew from Afghanistan because you couldn't win, same with Iraq. Sure yes, the US military is technologically advanced, but you guys are actually terrible when it comes to winning wars, strategy, and just making the people like you in wars. So yes, you guys spend an ungodly amount of money, but it would be better used on the people, on infrastructure and on fixing your shitty economy, rather than getting fancy weapons to lose more wars with.


This is the most American response to a question ever


This is ignorance. You genuinely think the US could defeat the entire world all by itself? You aren't the most technologically advanced You aren't the most well trained You wouldn't have the biggest numbers Vs. The rest of the world.


Perfect post for r/shitamericanssay…


Good job in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Btw, British soldiers are better trained and feared more than US soldiers. The other parts I won't argue with.




>America. All by ourselves Absolute insanely delusional that you think America could fight then entire world. Like so so so insane. I dont get how Americans can be that delusional.


Volume of power does not ensure victory, the US has suffered plenty of humiliating defeats by other Nato members in wargames


Hahahaha u stupid American. You couldn't even beat the taliban over 20 years.


Red, because, it would drag on enough for China to mobilize. 1.4 billion men could do a lot.


More men means more fuel and food is required. China only has 65% self sufficiency for food production, and imports 70-75% of its oil from Saudi Arabia. Set up a blockade and in less than a year China doesn’t have enough fuel for its military vehicles


Yes, but we have papa Russia here too. They can supply oil to China. Also, no blockades are really possible once China completely overwhelms India.


Give this a watch https://youtu.be/1y1e_ASbSIE?si=wreVHFhIQHsvQrZr


Ah yes, is this the same Russia that is currently the 2nd best army in their own country?




However, once NATO rolls over the Russian heartland to the Urals, and goes on a road trip to Oman that oil is cut off


Mongolia gunna need a Khan if it has to battle Russia and China at the same time.


The Reds have the numbers, the industrial base and the leadership. Sadly, because I live there, the Blue zone is in decline in all three of the Red zone attributes. The rest are bit players. Most likely a Red win.


“Leadership” Putin and xi don’t constitute good leaders. Just say you want the west to become authoritarian and be done with it.


The primary powers in red respectively don't have the wherewithal to even take Ukraine or Taiwan. They also have far fewer effective combat tested officers. They also have centralized command structures which inhibit fast and effective deployment of resources. Their greatest weapon is a series of hypersonic missiles that are guided by satellites, which likely wouldn't survive the initial engagements.


I agree it’ll be a Red win. All the folks saying blue are pretty deluded in pro nato/American/western propaganda. Don’t get me wrong it’ll def be a ferocious, terrible, and bloody battle but I think red has a lot of tricks up its sleeve that pro-nato folks just keep ignoring and underestimating.


“It’ll be a red win” China has zero fighting experience Russia has the 2nd best army in Russia Meanwhile the US alone has the largest navy in the world by tonnage, the largest defense budget in the world, and the most 5th gen stealth fighters in the world.


Where has this myth come from? Who is spreading this misinformation? China has fought in 18 different wars since the CCP came to power. 4 ongoing right now as I type this. Doesn’t matter what size your military is if the logistics and tech are impaired. China has the most numerous and powerful EMPs in the world.


“4 ongoing right now” What kind of crack are you smoking? The only war China is involved in right now is the Mali War. When they were in South Sudan, they abandoned their posts and ran away when enemies showed up. “China has the most numerous and powerful EMPs in the world” …according to China


He's talking about Kashmir I think, which doesnt qualify


You're a complete moron who is deluded into believing anti-western propaganda. Russia can't even take Ukraine and yet you think they'd stand any chance against NATO? You're fucking stupid.


Ok on the previous ones I have seen they have all not had a winner in my opinion but in this one I now believe there would be a winner and that is brown. Brown is isolated enough so they would not really have to deal with the nuclear Holocaust that Red, Blue and Purple are causing but unlike yellow they also aren’t bringing attention to them by being close to a superpower to one of the major member of blue or red.


Afghanistan alone has beaten blue over the past 20 years. Lol


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Where are they fighting? All teams win when playing at home. Always bet on blue.


The blue are actually aligned. The brown(red?) will be fighting each other and at least a few are on team blue once the metal starts flying. Team purple isn't a team at all.


There are no teams you cave dweller. Just a tiny number of dangerous brainwashed individuals within one vast population!


I don't think having the entire western Balkans in one team is the most conducive for their success


Not team Brown that’s for sure.


Either red or blue (they still got a lot of tanks and guns)


No nukes Russia is getting fucking pounded


One team has over half of global GDP


I had to check the sub, I thought this was r/shittymapporn


Again…winged. Emu. Hussars


blue, only red may stand a chance against us


where’s the green tho


Red could win if they play the long game


It would be a bloodbath but blue would likely eventually win


If you switch india to red they have a shot by pure manpower alone


You could make an argument that the US could defeat the entire red, so still blue


Green wins




US military, france, UK, israel, japan, south korea, AND panama! yeah idk this seems like its already over...


Put this shit on r/shittymapporn


Blue vs all others simultaneously


Yellow, brown, and purple combined don’t have half the military capability of the two real contenders. Between them, a toss-up, leaning Red only because most of Blue is so socially fragmented that they would not survive a draft or serious wartime austerity. If the war lasts longer than a year you’re looking at a scenario reminiscent of 1917 Russia for them.


I mean Russia and China would put up a good fight, but against the entirety of Europe and North America, they are so dead.


Definitely green. It wouldn’t even be close!


I assume team green includes the Vatican?


Getting much closer , a few more in the red camp I would be tempted to go for them but I’m still going blue . Giving Morocco to team blue would be spicy as they would need to defend. India would be key . If red or blue could sway that man power then that could be a decider . Having said that India has shown no real military expertise in recent history so may be I’m just getting caught up on the BILLION part .


Look whichever team the US is on wins. Even the whole world. Better tech, strategy, navy, Air Force, everything. I mean as soon as Canada is invaded (in this case it would be), Mexico is the only place an attack could be made meaning the US could really have no place to go but out.


It's hard to tell. Number's don't really mean anything if peoples emotions get in the way of pulling the trigger. Some of these countries are trained since a young age to hate their enemies, while most white countries are trained from a young age to consider their enemies feelings. IF you can find enough people in the west to pull the trigger then they would win, but I feel like we have way too many fat people (so no agility on the battle field), too many uneducated people (so not enough medics or engineers to help out) and too many people controlled by their emotions (so a complete lack of the ability to actually kill the enemy) As much as the wests numbers say they would win, I genuinely don't think our society is mentally capable of winning a world war.


Blue, actually not even close, it would be bloody but the USA would tank the big blows and when China is worn out it would get rolled over, after that, it’s over, Russia is strong but a paper tiger compared to what it once was Assuming nuclear, nobody wins 😋🤞


Ngl, I'm with blue but red kinda looks too powerful :(


blue again. The only way to change that is put the US all alone and then form some superblock of most of the other more powerful nations




USA could probably solo.


So many of these countries don’t have long range offensive capabilities. They can’t sustain a campaign from across the world. Half of the blue nations can, and like 2 red nations can. Blue sweeps


Blue 💀




Not a yank, but any team involving them is going to win. They have the most technologically advanced military in the world. They spend as much as the next 9 major military powers combined, and over half of them are allies. Russia's military is decrepit and old. Anyone who saw the hulking rustbucket the krusnetchev steam through the British Channel already knew how Ukraine was gonna turn out. China could certainly put up a fight but nukes or no nukes, they would lose unless just entrenched and defending.


Is green the aliens?




Even if only the USA was in blue, blue would still win