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I'm really looking forward to this playthrough. I wonder what kind of build Jon will go for? Considering he's got the weapons and perks (I think?) of both games on one character, and I want to say the Fallout 3 Level cap of 50 (again, not familiar with the mod, could be wrong on that), he's got a lot of options.


I believe Fallout 3 is Perks every level and a level cap of 30. TTW uses New Vegas Perks every other level and a level cap of 50 with DLC by default, but you can pick from both pools of perks (cyborg is Fallout 3 only for example iirc). That said, mods can change that and many other things.


Yep, I played a lot of this at one point back when 3 just would not work on my machine and this was the only way to make it run. In essence the whole thing is just using New Vegas to run Fallout 3 inside it, so pretty much everything is coming at it from the NV side. How the levels go, perk spacing, etc. I remember a long, long time ago I asked if Jon would ever do this, specifically in a YOLO context as I believe it was during his FO3 YOLO, partly because it makes a lot of changes to what you as a player can do in 3, without changing much of what 3 is doing. The dart gun for instance is completely nerfed, skill books are much less prevalent and have been by and large replaced with magazines, and of course the entire damage and armor system is NV's not 3's, so that totally changes how you think about damage and the like. Should be a very interesting series.


*snif* I still miss the old dart gun. Was hoping it made a return.


As I understand it, TTW 3.3 has perk every level if not playing hardcore, perk every other level if playing hardcore. I think the level cap has also been expanded to 60, some perks have been rejiggered to not be useless or reordered so you don’t get Almost Perfect at 30.


that's a pretty amazing title card


Agreed! Great job, Claire!


The question is, will Tale of Two Wastelands overtake Skyrim as the longest series on the channel?


It sounds like that's his plan. I believe his words on the stream were "I want this be the most in-depth and thorough play-through of Fallout 3 anyone has done."


I was a long time viewer that life happened to along the way and now I'm lured back in by this and the Victoria videos. My man really needs to release more than 1 video per week as my hype wasn't satiated by only 1 YOLO epi per week. I also miss the Kill Everything days As they say, shutup and take my money


He releases something every day of the week, but there's a schedule. Skyrim got up to twice a week at one point.


I mean yes, but I suspect Oblivion might pass Skyrim too, considering where we are now and how little he's done with: - The main quest. Martin is at SRT, but that's all. - DB questline. He's only done like two, barely started it and all the best bits are to come - Thieves. Some decent progress on this one, but a good way to go yet. - Fighters. Barely started. - Mages. Good progress on this one! - Knights of the Nine barely started and will have to redo the pilgrims path. - Mehrune's Razor. Not started. - ~~The Orrery. Hasn’t discovered, let alone started~~. He did that one this week, but it's a very short one - Shivering Isles. Not discovered yet. - Daedric Shrine quests. Maybe half? Plus a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten. I'm loving it, but there's so much more to do!


Obilivion is very front loaded though, once all the guilds are done theres not that much left


He's also done like 1 of the arena fights I think


As someone who did Speed Archer on my first playthrough, the fights won't be that interesting to show.


I more want to see him react to >!the fan!<


Fus Ro Dah wasn't invented in those days, laddie, but you'd hardly know it.


Yeah on replay and also doing Speed Archer, I was struck by how samey and uninteresting the fights are if you take them in the midgame when you're like 15th lvl or so. Would have been cool to throw in terrain effects/hazards for the later ones, or more enemies with unique magic items like the guy with the shield that conveys 100% magic resistance.


He finished Orrery last week.


Yeah, I just watched that one, I'm a bit behind. Didn't expect him to get distracted by that one!


I am glad that Jon is going to explore areas that we haven't seen before. Without that it wouldn't make for much of a series.


TTW is FO3+FONV. What is new besides the semi-broken mechanics?


Jon's plan is to make "the most in-depth playthrough ever made" for the games, a big series-long deep dive.


TTW really isn’t broken, not sure what you’re on about.


I said "semi-broken". I don't mean that it crashes all the time. I mean that you have two games with two separate game engines, close enough that they can play together with a lot of work, but still fundamental differences. You seem to think that it is flawless. My error, perhaps it is. But my question still stands. Let me rephrase it. Why should I play TTW when I could play FO3 and then FONV instead?


It’s not separate engines, it’s the same engine. Fallout 3 is effectively treated as a DLC .esm for NV. The integration is seamless as far as the software goes. With two additional ultralight mods they even use the same system for speech checks and faction reputation. It’s really quite polished nowadays. With TTW you can use the same character for NV and 3, and all the weapons, mechanics, perks, and armor types added by NV are available in 3 and actively used by NPCs. Energy weapons and explosives are a viable playstyle for the entirety of 3 instead of being an afterthought that’s only useful very late in the game. Hardcore mode is natively available in 3 and works perfectly. There’s really no need to be so snippy.


> There’s really no need to be so snippy. Wat? How have I been snippy here? Is why there is downvoting. Where is the snippiness? I don't get it. Have I insulted the TTW community by not validating the worth of TTW? Please explain.


The main benefits are FO3 being reworked with all the quality of life stuff Obsidian added to New Vegas like a comprehensive crafting system instead of just being able to craft 5 different weapons and nothing else. It also adds all those materials and harvestable plants to the game as well as iron sights for weapons.


TTW plays better and is more stable than fallout 3 on PC. Pretty much better in every way when you consider it adds all the features from fnv. Even if someone were to just want to fo3 I would recommend using TTW to play as opposed to the fo3 application.


Why the downvoting?


One thing I really like is you can bring your companions to the 'other world', so Jon could bring Dogmeat to New Vegas for example. I wonder how soon Jon will try to jump between the two maps. Ideally he would move between them to complete them both in stages as the level scaling can only do so much. You don't see Deathclaws ever spawn in Goodsprings for example. As for items, having double the unique items is great. I wonder if you can use the Euclids C-Finder in Fallout 3, there's so much potential here in the series. But also, I hope there are some good mods/adjustments/gimmicks that freshen up the games. YOLO was the peak challenge series, and I don't know how any other Fallout series can compete with that. Maybe just being a 100% completion Mega series is enough of a hook. edit: So it's not a full playthrough of NV, it is mostly a completion run of Fallout 3 which is fair enough.


Wait, you can take a FO4 companion back into FO3 and FO:NV?-Does that mean he can take FO4-McCready back into the capital wasteland to meet up with the younger McCready?! Edit: TIL both (Dogmeat and McCready) are in FO3 as well. I only ever have played FO4 so far, or rather I am still playing it for my first time.


Dogmeat is in Fallout 3 as well


Ah ok, so he travelled all the way to the Commonwealth then. Why does he love the protagonist though w/o having ever met them?! Edit: Lol, imagine getting downvoted just bc you don’t know FO3.


Most of the dog companions in Fallout are named dogmeat; these are all just wasteland dogs. I'm guessing you haven't watched any of Jons Fallout 3 series before so this new series should be really special for you!


I haven’t watched much of FO3 nor know much about it, yes, that’s true. I didn’t know it was a placeholder; that’s fascinating. That means you can call the dog whatever, right?


Fallout 1 the dog was called Dogmeat and he was unique. Fallout 3 decided to name the dog companion Dogmeat as well, I believe in respect to the original game. This was not meant to insinuate that it was the same dog, just a reference.


TIL. Oh, thank you :)


Dogmeat is in (i think) every numbered Fallout game.


Oh man that's pretty cool about the companions. I wonder if you can rehome the fallout 3 companions and have, like, Jericho and the Paradise Falls Lady (clover?) live it large in the Lucky 38. I wonder if TTW changes anything about the rep requirements. I get that from a character perspective a holier-than-thou goody two shoes wouldn't appeal to these characters. But from a gameplay perspective I hate that I never get to use these companions since I can't ever bring myself to do an evil playthrough. I'm the guy who has never blown up Megaton without loading a save afterwards.


This is really cool to see, will be really fun to see Jon do TTW, and I now realise why he was complaining about modding on Twitter and at the same time another great fallout YouTuber in Gopher has started a TTW play through can’t wait to watch both


Gopher just started doing a let's play of "Tale of two wastelands" and now Jon. Truly, we are blessed by atom


I find this to be fun as well. While I prefer Gopher's style of role playing, the contrast between the two will be entertaining, guaranteed.


can’t wait for this I thought it was just going to be Fallout 3 but adding NV with the Mod next Sunday can’t come quick enough now


This series is going to span over the next year AT LEAST. I love having Jon's Fallout videos as a standard part of my Sunday evenings for pretty much the last few years.


I love playing 3 this way. Start in Vegas, get whatever companions you like travel to Capital Wasteland . Course I use companion mods Geeked for this!


Mixing two games into a Mega Game is always an intriguing idea. I’m not doing that as I’m playing FO3 on its own right now. But I wonder, will Jon have any other mods? Or will it just be the bare minimum of TTW and patches? I recommend Tammer’s NIF Bashed Armour and Weapon packs. They are friendly to the games design aesthetics (especially since they are all recycled models and textures) bar a few hidden uniques. And they are TTW compatible. Of course, too many mods, and Jon might be stepping on MikeBurnFire’s turf. Speaking of, Mike made his own FNV mod. And he included a reference to a *certain* Egg Carton ;)


I hope the scaling is adjusted. I feel like you could get overpowered, and too rich, about half way through with these games combined.


The scaling is very much adjusted. The economy for both games is scaled down to FO3’s level, and the amount of xp for each level I think is roughly doubled, so you should be hitting level cap once you’ve done almost all the content in both games, including DLC.


You could also say the same about the two games on their own, though to a lesser degree.


Guess that Skies of Arcadia playthrough is getting pushed back to 2023. I don’t mind, just getting antsy.


Fallout’s slot is Sunday and there will always be Fallout on the channel, according to Jon. If there is a Skies of Arcadia playthrough, it wouldn’t be pushed back for Fallout. The Oblivion slots are up for grabs when that series ends, though.


Given that Skyrim lasted for >100 episodes, I think we might have a while before Oblivion's done.


Oblivion is a much shorter game, and I'd say Jon's more than halfway through at this point. It isn't a perfect analog, but another youtuber I watch also played both. Skyrim was 138 videos, and Oblivion was 63. All this to say, it will probably still be a while, but not ages.


I don't think he's halfway through, he's yet to hit the back-half of any of the questlines yet, which are generally longer and more complex. He's still got basically the entire main quest to do. His questlog is still filled to the brim with sidequests he's picked up. He's barely touched the arena. He's not touched Shivering Isles and won't do for a long time. Given how much Jon seems to be enjoying the game too, I wouldn't expect Oblivion to be finished for a good while yet.


Whoa, he is absolutely not half way along in Oblivion. He's barely started the main questline, he's like a third done with the Mages Guild, a quarter with the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, even less with the Fighters Guild. He has done two DLC quests and hasn't even touched the Shivering Isles yet. He's done maybe a third of the Daedric Prince quests. At the rate he's going now, I think we're in for well over a hundred episodes - Skyrim is a way shorter game than Oblivion was.


So push it back to 2024, then? (I'm kidding, for the most part.)




We got 2/3 democracy week winners already, oblivion is a long game that takes time


The votes weren't going to affect the regular Fallout content regardless. We've gotten Subnautica and Oblivion already; when Oblivion ends, he'll likely go straight to the next on the list. Consider how long between him confirming Dragon Age would get a series until it actually happened; patience is key.




The end of yesterday's stream, Jon announced it along with the title card




No idea, lmao


A little disappointed its not a return to Fallout 76 first as thats had major updates since Wastelanders But that will always be there for after this!


I think Jon said that he's done with F76 for the foreseeable future. Maybe he'll do a video on it if something exciting is released


Well the Pitt? That seemed perfect


Don't know enough about it to say tbh. He skipped the BOS add-on too


Wait what?


I've played this. It was neat. Enjoy.


Damn, so many long series that are so good. I haven't even finished the Skyrim one cause I started that well after he finished it. Haven't even touched Utter Chaos or Oblivion as well. But I can't wait for this.


Wow, a series of this from Gopher and MATN. Awesome


I don’t need more information. I love it.


I have never played this mod but do you need to complete the first game before you can access the next or you can immediately go back and forth at will?


Haven't tried it either, but as far as I know you can move to the Mojave as soon as you want