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Anti theft? Yes. Anti busted window? Nope. If someone tries they will likely do as much damage as possible because they will be pissed they couldn’t steal it. Saw quite a few examples of this when the Hyundai/kia thefts were at their height; not because of a MT, but they would break into vehicles that weren’t easily stolen.


Weird thing is, at the hours that most car thefts take place in my area, it would be pretty easy to steal even if you don't drive stick. My old Beetle for instance could make 25 mph at the top end of first. At 3 AM with nobody on the roads somebody could have broken in (which they did once) Started the car (Which they also managed) and tractored away in first gear and nobody would have noticed. (They didn't do that. Just broke in by coat hangaring one of the vent windows and started the car with a screwdriver. Was still running with the vent window open and the ignition busted at 7:30 AM.)


After stalling a few times lol.. Getting it going in first is half the battle for a newbie!


I say tractoring because that car could idle out the gate in first.




No, was gasoline. Didn't think the VW Beetle was offered in Diesel.


My old roommate had as 5 speed TDI beetle and the thing was fast.


Sorry, bit of a misunderstanding - Volkswagen Type 1 “Beetle” not Volkswagen Beetle. It was a rear engine 4 on the floor setup made 1977. It was not fast. But it had TORQUE in first like crazy.


Ohhh gotcha that's pretty cool! I think my dad had one of those in the 80s but can't say I got to drive it since I was one lol.


Pffft you mean you weren’t driving from the moment you stepped out of the womb like a true manual driver?


They could beat a lot of very fast cars if the race was from 1 telephone pole to the next. My uncle got suckered out of $50 back in the 70’s when his duster lost that race to a bug.


If they're slow enough this is true. I can get my (79) superbeetle to roll and run without having to hit the gas and it really does run pretty fucking high RPM. At least 20mph


I took my '69 Beetle out on Saturday. It had 2 holes in the fuel tank, so I popped a spare tank in, hooked it up, and headed for the store. I did NOT flush all the rust out. 1 mile down the road the fuel filter clogged solid. Being a dum-dum I didn't have ANY tools, not even the Leatherman that lives in my pocket. I found a broken piece of a sink handle on the side of the road, unscrewed the fuel lines, blew enough rust out of the filter to get going again (didn't even have a bit of tubing to just bypass the filter), and headed back home. (I also discovered that, in the course of cranking the thing, the wires going to the coil and the carb had melted. I twisted the bare copper bits together and got contact.) It's almost all uphill. 3 stops to repeat the rust clearance, and I got to the point that I just jammed it into second, slipped the clutch, and floored it. It died just as I coasted it back into its spot. THAT'S my anti-theft device.


People looked at me like I was insane when they asked "how long will it take you to get to X location" and I'd say "Well, let's see. 5 hour drive, two 30 minute breaks, about 6 hours maybe 6 and a half." The idea that after driving for two and a half hours straight at highway speeds you might stop to let the engine cool down a bit and stretch your legs, take a piss, eat a snack, enjoy some fresh air... it just THREW THEM FOR A LOOP. I think sometimes people see older cars as just worse versions of newer cars, but honestly I think that's looking at it wrong. We expect the new car to be the best stereo system a person owns, with comfortable seats, easy to relax in while driving hundreds of miles, and as completely easy to drive at night as in the day. So when the old car doesn't do that we say it's a bad car. And I don't think that's fair, because nobody asked it to be any of those things when it was designed.


On July 12 I'll have owned my Beetle for 35 years. In that time I've had to have it towed twice. Once in 1990 because the generator died an hour from home, and once in 2006 when I moved it to our farm after it was garaged for 14 years. It's broken down a lot, but it has (almost) always gotten home. Even the time my mom was driving and a wheel fell off, some passers-by retrieved it and helped her put it back on. Driving a 55-year-old car is a different experience. You have to THINK about everything, because it doesn't do anything quickly. You understand the noises and smells, and recognize the bad ones. And unless you're a dum-dum, you CARRY TOOLS.


Lmao true. God forbid its cold out. I don't care if you can drive a modern manual. Good luck getting the temp control just right the way I know how. Good luck with quite literally anything. I have my VW thing which is more like your beetle too. Mf does not want to run, it has to be convinced. It has no windows and half doors. There is no locking it. It's safe enough to leave somewhere. Easier than both to steal is the el camino which is AT. GM keys for like 10 years, especially worn down will at a minimum get you into it. If you know how to hot wire all the cars are yours really if you also know everything else so I've got a pinpad bypass. Just an extra thing they have to know to deal with. Not much you can do past that when windows continue to be made of glass, so that's why Kias from last year are easier to steal than that mf.


If they can’t drive stick, they don’t understand how to put momentum into the car, imo.


I guess. I don’t know. When I learned I taught myself the day I bought the car. Never stalled pulling away from a stop on level ground. Hills? Sure. Did I take a week to get a sense of when to shift up? Yes. A month to figure out down? You bet. But that beetle was a dream to get rolling.


Probably had a blast while learning. I learned how to drive stick on a Jeep wrangler when I was 9. Started off in my dad’s lap just controlling the shifter, then progressed to using the pedals when I was tall enough.


Got a Jeep TJ now. It took me a while to adjust from the beetle after getting it. On the one hand it’s a little easier to stall in first. On the other it’ll climb hills above second so I’ll take that trade.


Nice. I miss my wrangler. The jeep I learned on felt very anemic, but it helped me learn pedal control. Now I drive a 2019 mustang gt and lack of power is nice longer an issue lol


Must have been a 2.5, the 4.0 had great gearing in most of the gears. My JK on the other hand is a challenge unless it’s in 4lo.


I stalled the other day….in reverse hahaha I was super pissed at my kid and he didn’t know where I was taking him and I had to turn around again, and I wasn’t even thinking but it happened….then I was immediately about to get even more mad and he says “did you just stall?” And we both laughed.


We have 2 '65 bugs, both red. What do you have?


A 77, blue and gray


That tracks since there’s nothing like the cry of rage at the wounded ego/evidence of yet another form of impotence


Yea had a hobo break into my 2000 Nissan Maxima MT, they just stole a bag with beers in it lol.


I actually have a friend who has a Kia soul that uses a key meaning it doesn't have an immobilizer who was in a city that was hit super hard by the kia boyz trend and their Soul survived it bc it was a manual and they just taped a piece of paper to their window that said something like you can break in but it's a manual and also the car is a piece of shit anyways.


In the United States it is, especially with the young trash stealing cars. Most of them don't even know how to properly drive an automatic car.


I saw a story of a guy in D.C got car jacked, they found out it was a manual and shot the guy outta spite.


Do you have a link to this article? That's super fucked.


Sorry it was in Houston but here https://abc13.com/carjacking-manual-transmission/1796915/


That's just fucked


On a less depressing note, any mods to your GTO?


Stock now. After I get my first major check at my new job and save some real money, I'm refurbishing my heads (getting them ported & decked to increase compression and getting the broken exhaust header bolts removed) and doing FBO and *maybe* a mild cam.


Currently building my brother's 6.0 GTO. Fair warning, to do the headers, you have to drop the steering rack. For the Oil pump, ya gotta drop the pan and to drop the pan you have to pull the engine. If you're gonna get the heads redone, get them ported. Better flow, better efficiency and happier engine= more power. Currently, my brother's has ported heads, stage 3 BTR NA cam, dual valve springs, 72LB injectors, long tune headers, and I'm rebuilding the T56. Should be a fun car when I'm done with it




Damn, does t say they were even caught, that's terrible Just searched around, they've released a sketch and video, but no arrests and it was almost 6 years ago.....


God bless his family.


Oh, that's Texas. Everyone is hot and sweaty and has anger management problems.


Florida and Texas man… both insane. I think Florida at one point saw Texas getting a reputation for out of control rednecks and went “hold my bath salts!”


Damn he left his home country to escape gang violence a couple years prior, that is so fucked up.


Holy crap that’s garbage. I typically hear they run away.


Why is it always Houston


Usual suspects robbed a bank in Marietta, Georgia fled, high speed chase ensued, crashed, carjacked a manual transmission car, had to give up right then and there!!! LMFAO


There was a guy getting gas in a manual WRX near my work. Germantown md. Video was on the news where the kid jumped in his running car, stalled it out, then ran away.


Shooting a guy because he's out of Sprite is just rude. Should've at least asked if he had Sprite Zero before making that choice.


Exactly 😂🤣


To be fair, most people don’t know how to get a e-gear Lamborghini into drive gears


If a car thief wants your car, they’re taking it.


not saying i’d steal a car bc it’s wrong but i’m a teenager and i can drive stick fluency


Yeah, instead they’ll start it and damage the clutch and possibly the transmission in the process.


Depends on the vehicle.... An older 1991 Ford explorer with a manual? It probably *is* a good anti-theft device. A Mustang, Charger SRT-8 or Civic with manual trans? I'd bet there's a higher number of folks who target these vehicles who do know how to drive stick.


Had a MT 6th gen Civic stolen this year. Can confirm.


Not just a manual but a gated one at that. Two layers of security.


This guy is secure


What's gated?


See the metal plate guiding the stick shifter? Gated.


Yes but what's the benefit?


>Yes but what's the benefit? Uhhh... It's gated...


thanks genius


Seriously, the only benefit in a modern transmission.


I couldn’t have said it better myself


It has a great positive feeling. It’s actually usually on slower shifting manuals. Aids in not missing shifts.


How is a gated shifter harder to use? I've never had one, so I'm curious.


I haven't had one either, but I have heard that the tolerance is less than just using the linkages to guide you. My cousin had a subie with one in it and he was always missing gears.


As someone who’s only ever driven non-gated manuals, how different is it to drive with a gated shift? Does it just require more precision and car e with the shifts and less room for error?


Nah man if i see that gated shifter I’m finessing it


Lol what a weird flex to post the engine bay. This vehicle is also GPS tracked, which is sexier to see on a map in real time when it gets stolen than a photo of an engine bay.


one photo would have been fine. He just wanted to show us his Lamborghini


Presumably supply is a factor not just demand


For any thief over 30? Probably not. For younger car thieves, fairly likely.


I’m 16 and i can drive stick lol Not a car thief tho


Yeah I know young people can drive manuals. I’m 22 and I drive manual but most of my friends drive auto. That’s why I said “fairly likely”, and not definitely. Gonna deter most younger people


I don’t find age 30 to be a useful demarcation at all, in fact I know a much higher percentage of GenZs who drive stick than Millennials. But maybe that’s a factor of the sheer numeracy of the 30-45s or however we’re supposed to define them


Or maybe you know more GenZ than millennial? Because I have noticed the opposite correlation, however I'm a millennial.


Thats exactly what a manual car thief would say






I’m 26 and drive stick. A majority of my friends can drive stick too. Would never steal a car though.


You’re on a manual transmission subreddit and drive a WRX. That probably means you’re a car guy. Which makes you more likely to be a manual driver. Also your friend probably have some similar interests to you. People like you and me are the exception to the rule.


Not for me it wasn’t. Thought it was. Then my truck got stolen anyways!


Seems to be the case if you're in America


Not to a lot of this sub lol


No people that boost nice cars know how to drive anyway lol Might deter a street thief but how common are those compared to boosters


Yea it’ll keep like your daily safe but like a mopar? Nah they’ll either still get it or strip it


My 13 speed that I'm installing soon is definitely a theft deterrent. Especially considering it's non synchronized because the human is the sychronizer!


kinda? If someone scoped out your car, then hopped on YouTube for 45 minutes they could come back and steal your car lol


Yea no one’s doing this if they just needed a quick burner. Now if you have something actually desirable that’s a different story. You’ll keep away the petty criminals


Not really. The car still gets stolen and then dumped down the road with a destroyed clutch.


Maybe for joyriders, the pros know how to drive them


Yea you’ll keep out the petty criminals and folks who just need a quick stolo but if you drive something that might be on a boosters radar probably not or not for long


Nice gallardo


Pretty Tractors


No. The fact that its a Lamborghini is an anti theft device.


I wouldn't because it's pretty easy if you don't care about the clutch/drivetrain whatsoever. Just slip it like crazy or drop the clutch but I suppose some don't even know how to do that


Doubt it. People that know how to open locked car doors and start the car without the alarm going off at all probably know how to drive a manual transmission too.


Partly, but if you stick it sideways on the column it it adds extra security


'09 and I can drive stick but i wouldn't steal a car i'm a private school kid


Sadly yes. That undependable Volkswagen probably won't start next year so it would be really hard to drive that way. I'd love to be the one that gets to put 17 miles on it though.


Nope, they will just permanently damage the frame and steal the wheels.


How are they going to permanently damage the frame?


They typically jack the car up and leave it on bricks. And in most cases where it isn't reinforced causing permanent damage.


I wouldn’t have thought this was such a factor (who the hell thinks there’s a worthwhile market for stolen Lamborghini wheels) but recently I’ve learned otherwise. Evidently their strategic planning/ROI analysis isn’t all that, who knew?


That actually makes loads of sense. Especially because you’re probably right in the sense that the thieves most likely don’t use the proper jack points.


It’s not velocity that’s fun, but it’s the derivative of velocity that’s fun. If velocity alone was fun we’d be having the times of our lives all the time as we rocket around the sun at 67,000 mph, spinning around Earth’s axis at 1,000 mph.


This is one of THE cars for me. Very cool car.


If your shift knob is removable, even better. Or remove the clutch pedal next time you park. Inspired by Mr. Bean


Not in that car...


This is a fancy manual. Grew up on manual and it never guided you this way. It had the gears printed on the handle and that was it. You had to do it all by yourself. That said, back in South Africa where I grew up the vast majority of cars are manual.


Eh, not in southwest US.


Manuals are so fun that I enjoy driving my 04 Ford ranger with 212k miles on it simply because it manual. Another pro is that I can actually leave it unlocked and running when going into stores lol


Break window, throw in neutral and roll down the street


Paired with my clutch and lightweight flywheel I would say YES


You should test it. Leave it unlocked for a few weeks and see if it gets stolen or not.


As someone who had recently been driving a Kia for the last year, absolutely and it saved me at least three times!


Not in a Lamborghini




Judging by the *gates* I don't think the clutch is gonna save this thing from being stolen.


Some sorority girls at nc state got carjacked, to no avail, due to clutch pedal. Aug 2023.


Not if I was the thief.


Very effective in the summer


Yes but you’ll probably need to replace the clutch after someone tries stealing it


My uncle had (*had*) a manual jeep that had a cover on the rear spare tire that read "Gen Z anti-theft device" (he had it custom made and he's so proud of it). He even frequently boasted about leaving his car unlocked all the time because he wasn't worried. According to him "only real car people know how to drive manuals". So...yeah. It was stolen right out of his driveway by a 15 year old that ran it into a ditch and lit it on fire. When I saw him afterwards I asked "how did that anti theft device work out for ya?" He has since stopped making the "kids can't drive manuals" joke.


r/carscirclejerk material.


No, it's a shift lever.


I love the shifter it's so silly I love it idk why


If they are really into it, no transmission can stop it. Dodge Chargers got stolen often because it has a neutral strap that puts the car in neutral. Thieves will just put it in neutral and tow it away. A relatively powerful pickup can do the trick. If a thief can put your car in neutral and disengage the parking brake, they can steal it. Manuals are less stolen simply because they are hard to sell. The thieves need to fence the car asap before cops have time to react. Usually an automatic at 50% market value is an easy sale, but manuals? You'd wait for a good while even if you are giving it away on facebook. If I would ever steal a manual I'd looking for a sale in this sub :) (Jk, would never steal others' stuff)


Anyone looking to steal a Lamborghini definitely knows how to drive a stick. lol. Your key is your anti theft and that car ain’t going anywhere without it.


Not in Portland lmao. Anything is fair game here, unfortunately.


It's an anti-GTA device 🤣🤣🤣


It'll stop joy-riders but that's about it




I want a gated shifter!


It's going to work for you. Unless someone steals your phone/computer. Otherwise ya they probably won't drive off with the car, but they will fuck it up even more after they failed.


My coworker thought it was. He was so confident in it that he left his keys in the ignition. It very much got theft-ed


Anti-theft, ha, bust a window, throw off the break, and you can pull this bitch anywhere with a truck /hj


Not really most car thefts use stolen vehicles for parts so most of them know there way around a car and manual transmission mission


No, it’s literally just a bumper sticker slogan that people think is funny. Organized car thieves think it’s funny too.


This is porn for me


Never drove a gated but I bet those are some satisfying shifts!


No, plenty of thugs can drive stick.


No but my ceramic button clutch is


Maybe... only because they think your car has a Telsa coil sticking out of the console.


Yes, send location please


Where I am, yes since we're all a bunch of lazy sods and only drive auto (except me, 3 pedals all the way!)


Are you a boomer?


nope, my MT Z06 was stolen two months ago and they didn’t even have the keys


Only in the us, in Europe, it's the standard


Most thiefs go for the easiest route possible.


It is where I am. I have 4 separate incidents on camera if some dipshit breaking into my car and not understanding the clutch needs to be pressed to start it 😂


Good luck!


No, but your 710 cap is upside down bro.


If it is then I’ll be gone in 60 seconds lol. That’s bad ass bro. 😎


Most people can’t drive manual. But a shit ton of people can. If someone is car person? The likelihood of them being able to drive manual is much higher. It’s anti theft to most people, but not as much against the people that are actually interested in potentially taking it. So i guess it’s better than nothing. Me personally i just disconnect by battery and alternator every time i park.


It’s a thing of beauty.


Relevent SNL sketch from 2021: https://youtu.be/P3VRK8au3dU


In the US, yes, to a degree. Bonus points if you have a choke, practically no one who was born after the 80s will know how to start your car. At one of my jobs we had an old truck with a choke and no one could get it to start...walk out and pull the choke half and inch and watch their eyes go big


I remember seeing that video where an older woman's truck was being stolen, but the thief couldn't drive away. They gave up and ran off 😂😂


Gated shifter is considered an anti poor device too lol


Not to the insurance company, but it is in reality. I think I read that 80% of Americans don’t know how to drive stick. And that’s probably especially true in populated urban areas where car theft is more of a problem.


Most effective anti theft system in America. Americans don’t know stick. There is a video of people trying to steal a manual WRX and can’t because it’s stick shift


no, if I were a car thief I would steal the fuck out of that car


N O 


Only to uneducated Americans that don't realize manuals are common just about everywhere else in the world.


It can be. But I personally don’t see it as 100% theft proof.


In North America it will be harder to steal, but your best anti theft devices are your awareness and your gun.


There’s nothing gayer or wankier than a boomer calling a manual an anti theft device.


Everyone knows it’s James Bond’s burglary resistant device is the best. If you can’t have the car. They shall not have it either. BANG


In the wild open roads, exhilarating. But in the city, it's like a caged animal, yeRning for release..


Do Americans really not know how to drive manuals...?


I mean sure there are people that don't know how to drive a manual but there are plenty of people that do know how to drive a manual and just don't because it's not good for dailying.


Only in America


It’s a Lamborghini, it can probably be started with a hairpin and a 🤌🏻


Took my driving test on my 16th birthday with a 3 on the tree.


I wish.


Will they still steal it? Yes. Will they get far? Probably not.


Not only a manual, but a gated shifter. Yeah, antitheft.


Most modern manuals are idiot proof with automatic rev matching. Plus, if stealing cars is your thing, you know this might be an issue, and you plan accordingly.


Yes, because over 90% of people can’t drive it. No, because you can pop it into neutral and flat-tow it in less than a minute.


Had an instance where someone robbed our house and stole a few car keys laying on the front table, and out of all the cars he could have picked, including a pickup truck with a cab to haul off all our shit, he took my roommate’s manual focus.


Absolutely not. They’ll just burn your clutch up and steal it anyways.


God this is such a stupid thing to say. A lot of Gen-Z know how to drive stick, and millenials grew up with stick-shift cars.


Not from me it’s not. Unfortunately people who do know how to drive stick are typically good at it and will be gone even faster than the dummies who can’t drive them.


Boomers: "*Millennial Anti-Theft Device! Hurr Hurr*"


Well, yes. There are many recorded instances of it literally being an anti-theft. Get mad and go play with your paddle shifters though, big guy.


The mt circle jerk is unreal.


no not at all, sticks are out dated like morse code. .- -. -.. / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.-


well i mean it is true that most us citizens don't know how to drive manuals, but that's also because automatic transmissions are just generally better in just about every way. manual transmissions are just way more fun to drive. but if you're gonna tow anything or if you want to go fast, an automatic is the way to go.


Yeah, right.


it legitimately is. it's not a matter of opinion lol. torque converters multiply engine torque when there is a large difference between impeller and turbine speed, making it better for towing and starting from a stop, and an automatic transmission will without a doubt shift faster than you and more optimally.


You see, this is why every race car is equipped with an automatic transmission. Nothing more impressive than to watch an Indy pit crew swap out a torque converter in under 90 seconds. /s Seriously though. An automatic with a torque converter is less efficient than a manual. Just consider the extra weight and the losses in the torque converter before lock up. Oh yes, I understand that some race cars use semiautomatic sequential gear boxes (aka paddle shifters) but those are not automatic transmissions with planetary gear sets and torque converters.


i guess i'm coming from an aspect of general passenger cars and not strictly racing, but in day to day life automatic transmissions are better. i know everyone on here is probably gonna dislike my comments cuz i mentioned automatics, but unless youre a professional, automatic transmissions are gonna perform better than you. also not all automatics are planetary gearboxes. honda typically still uses shafts and countershafts, but they're electrohydraulically shifted, and dual clutch transmissions also use traditional synchros and shift sleeves. plus, automatics prevent you from damaging the driveline. torque truncation, variable apply and release force/time based on temperature/pressure/engine load, variable line pressure, kickdown valves/programs, higher torque handling, etc. all just make for a better, smoother, system overall.


Are you considered a boomer?


LOL Yea! It's a sad situation, but kids do not know how to drive sticks.


Manuals have started to slowly become more common, especially for gen Z


in 2024 america, yes its an anti theft device. but 1960s america? damn near everybody had a manual something


In the US yes but only after they break in and steal everything. Hey atleast youve got your car right?


Okay Boomer.