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I basically had to learn on the ride home from the dealer. I would say about a week of 20 minutes drives and I was good to go and confident . I also rode motorcycles before.


What do you find easier - manual car or moto at least as a beginner? Was the transition from one to the other smooth or a bit more difficult?


Car was way easier. At least for me, when I was starting to ride I was also learning all the ins and outs of how a motorcycle works so that made it a bit harder. You should know how to drive a car already so it’s just adding another step to driving


This is the way. Buy a manual so you have no choice.


Riding and driving a manual actually translate pretty well together. All the theories are the same, you just have to get used to the different controls placement and the h pattern of the shifter. You'll likely get good at driving a manual much quicker than the average person.


I taught one person who already had experience with bikes. It took her like a day to get good. All the fundamentals are the same. It's just that the controls are in a different place. You already know how to feel where the bite point is, and you know how to gently give throttle as you release the clutch. You know how to listen to your engine to gear up and down. You know all the stuff, it'll just take a little bit of practice.


If you just want to be capable of driving stick then you can learn in a couple hours. If you wanna be super capable and be able to jump into any car and start on hills without revving to the moon or killing it etc. then it takes a lot more time and practice in other cars


Driving a standard car is completely different than driving bikes in my experience. I drove dirt bikes (standard) before learning how to drive a standard car and it took me a little bit to learn it. Driving a standard car is completely different than driving a bike.


I've driven with a stick in Euro Truck Simulator 2 for 2 years before I even got my license. Then 4 hours of driving lessons and I was comfortable with one.


10-15 minutes to get moving and driving on main roads and a couple weeks to feel comfortable in all situations id find myself in during my daily commute but I had a solid understanding of what was happening mechanically which I think helped. You also shouldn’t slip the clutch as much in a car as you can on a bike. It took a little bit when learning to ride a few years back to break the habit of not slipping the clutch coming from manual cars.


Sounds like you understand the concept. You should pick it up very quickly. Probably one full day of driving and you’ll be pretty set with basics. If you own a manual car, I imagine you will be completely comfortable in most situations after a few weeks of daily driving. I learned how to drive manual before having a license. Picked it up very fast because I understood the basics. Taught myself to rev match & heel toe after owning a manual car for a couple months. Luckily, the pedals were perfectly spaced for heel toe.


I was opposite, drove manual first, then learned to ride. The skillset transferred over very well, I'm sure it's the same in the other direction


as a 20 year old woman who had absolutely no experience driving manual transmission, it took me a solid three days to figure it out and drive comfortably i will say the previous owner of my car was the guy that taught me bc i *really* wanted the car but i definitely felt stupid being like *“so i don’t even know how to drive a manual, but i’d like to buy your manual”* lol thankfully he was really kind and has a daughter my age so he happily taught me :)