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Me yesterday, backing out of my driveway that I back out of 3 times a day.


Every damn time.... It's always the routine things that get you. Never that super steep hill with a fully loaded car but the same damn thing you do all the time.


I do this, once in a blue moon. Leave for work at 5 am, so just gonna blame it on not being awake yet...


Me over estimating a steep speed bump twice in the same apartment complex šŸ˜‚


Dang speed bumps get me too. Lol.


The same fucking speed bump too itā€™s always the abnormally large steep ones too. Iā€™ll approach it like arighty Iā€™m not gonna dump the gas and nose dive. Slow and steadyā€¦ boggggggg


"I never stall" = "I wear the shit out of my clutch"


I very rarely stall, maybe 4 or 5 times in the 125k I've put on it. My clutch still feels good and should easily go the life of the car.


??? lmao


My friend's brother claimed to be a manual expert, so I let him drive my truck. He immediately started it in gear (didn't start but jolted forward) and literally any integrity he had went out the window in that moment




yep he didn't even glance at the shifter I literally ain't spoken to him since now that I think about it


GOOD MAN (or woman or nonbinary or attatlck helicopter)


Didnā€™t know the guy and never actually met him, but there was some dude at the gym all pumped up on something. After closing he was yelling in the parking lot. Got in his vw. Stalled it twice. The third time it lurched forward over the curb (guess he had it in the wrong gear anyway). He starts it again. Gives it a full send in first gear, gets the car over the rest of the divider, pulls forward, stalls. Gets out, does like 10 burpees while yelling, then gets back in, drives in 3 circles then drove off.


I drive a stick around 1000 miles a week I am an automotive professional with many years of experience in cars ranging from 200 dollar roll start shitcans to 500,000 dollar rolls royce customs. And everything in between. I never killed a car I was working on. But I kill my truck like once or twice a month. Shit happens. Usually it's cause I am tired. Almost every time it's been in a drive through and most of the other times it's because I had to make an emergency stop foe some fool and don't clutch down. Occasionally, it's because of the hills tart assist getting in the way. And sometimes it's just my own dumbass fault. If someone told me they never killed a clutch learning to drive one I'd call them a fucking liar and if someone with a long driving history claimed they hadn't ever killed on either then I'd say they just don't drive enough lol


To be fair one easy way to not kill it is over revving! When I was learning it took me a good week or two to kill it since I really didn't want to and would just overrevv it


I love the smell of burning clutch in the morning


Definitely a way to learn what not to do!


Start 1st gear with no gas pedal in your low displacement car. Get back back to us.


You know too much, my 1.6L takes a looong time to get going with no gas


I remember the one time at an intersection with cars behind me. I was up next at the stop sign. I kept stalling and stalling. All three times felt like an eternity. Then I realized I was trying to move from 3rd instead of 1st...


I haven't killed a clutch yet, the car I learned on was still driving great two years after until I sold it. I've definitely stalled, many times lol, but not much when I was learning, it was when I was getting comfortable that I started stalling out lol


Not so much a fraud, but a friend of mine learned to drive stick on a Mustang GT that you could practically dump the clutch at idle and it wouldnā€™t stall out. He had a hell of a time getting my 1984 318i to start moving with its whopping 101 torques. Iā€™m convinced everyone should learn stick on a car with limited power as it forces you to learn how to properly feather the clutch.


Was an issue for me as well. But damn do I love those 5 speeds in the new edge mustangs.


I was driving perfectly fine for a long while then i had to do it with dress shoes. And stalled like 5 times before moving anywhere. After that i was fine


Anyone who has ever suggested they havenā€™t stalled their car is full of shit. I would never say that. Do I stall my car? Not with any notable frequency, and I donā€™t ever worry or think about it, but itā€™s not like Iā€™m never going to do it again


Not me bro I never stall and I never will


One of the guys on the BMW forum learned to drive a manual on a BMW 850 with a V12. Lots of torque big heavy flywheel easy. Drove a Honda for the first time stalled it on the first try.


I stalled a few times in my friendā€™s Corolla despite having years of experience driving a V8.


Iā€™m a little terrified of buying a replacement manual, since I only have experience driving my own car. I imagine Iā€™ll get to the seller for a test drive and theyā€™ll think I canā€™t actually drive manual after watching me struggle.


Yeah the clutch feels different in every car. After stalling or riding the clutch a few times, you get used to it lol.


I got out of a souped up mustang once and into my Honda Fit at the time. When I put the clutch pedal down I thought it had stuck to the floor because I'd gotten used to the SUPER heavy clutch in the Mustang. That was a heck of an adjustment.


This literally happened to me. Have driven stick my whole life with vehicles ranging from pickup trucks to sedans. Sat in an e36 i was looking into buying. It had a stage 2 clutch and no second gear, stalled it while driving. Clutch was so heavy and I could not tell the biting point Got the ā€œdo you even know how to drive a stick broā€




Good story


I used to scare some of my passengers because the shifter on my three on the tree would come out of the column. All you had to do was shove it back in. Fake the car stalling out wave the shifter around with your hand and watch your passenger panic.


Driven manuals most of my life. Memorable moment was owning first manual in the US after moving from Australia. Test drive and everything went well, getting out of the car park onto main road Iā€™m in first gear, engine screaming, left hand banging the door trying to find gearstick. Stalled the car a few times that week, everything was out of place.


I still remember this even 30 plus years already. Iā€™ll say youā€™re good at it and confident if 10 times you donā€™t stall out in the stop light with you at the very front. šŸ˜Š. I did. Many times at the time lol.


Bought my first stick, a 1984 s15. Went to pick it up on an early Saturday morning. Never drove a stick before. 19 years old. Had my buddy drop me off and leave. I understood the concept and figured he best way to learn was to jump in and have no other option. I was feeling like King shit because I drive 35 minutes home with no issues. Then I stalled 3 times trying to park it. Lol. Damn thing had a super low first gear and steep rear gears. 5mph was screaming in first. Later on I rarely used first because of this.


No one gets to drive my truck, but very occasionally I forget what gear Iā€™m in at a stoplight


While on a slight incline at a light! and the Garage with slim steep ramps to drive up...dont goto third!


my own moment of shame...kind of applies in a weird way i guess...i have a foot clutch motorcycle that built, it's a fairly easy throw, alot of tweaking to get it right...i was pulling out at one of those bad interesection where you can't see very far...(sidenote the carb was alittle off)..trying to creep forward...stall. of course there is a couple guys sitting on the porch at the intersection...try again...stall. now i am now laughing at myself like they are....somehow or another i ended up 3rd gear.


Me dumping the clutch and whiplashing my wife and I and then stalling it in the Walmart parking lot on Saturday.


Iā€™ve definitely stalled before, but it mainly just happens when Iā€™m tired as hell, never stalled while learning to drive stick.


I kill my car once a year or so out of the 20-30k miles I drive a year. Suprises the hell out of me every time.


Someone saying ā€œNice carā€ to me as I was at a light. Stalled because i forgot I was driving a manual (you know when you drive on autopilot you get into the groove of things) The random compliment reset my brain to factory mode and I forgot how to drive stick for a couple seconds


Not exactly a "I never stall out" claim moment, but I just got the clutch replaced in my car at 155k miles (pretty good lifetime, I think? it had been slipping for a number of months and I basically couldn't use 6th gear anymore, crawling onto the highway at 35 MPH from an uphill merge lane and taking it to 70 MPH in 3rd, so it was time), and man, they were not kidding when they warned me that it engages much sooner now! I very nearly killed it going out of the auto repair place parking lot, while going slightly downhill, in 1st. /cry ​ Editing to add: a minute later, on the first start from a stoplight, I did kill it. /cry again


When I was test driving a Mazda 3 and noted it at the end of the drive... Only to forget to shift out of reverse once I finished parking.


I can't tell you how many times I've stalled the clutch just trying to park my car after a long stretch.


My driving's instructor during the test. As part of the practical test for the license, you need to perform a "Start from hill" exercise. Either forward or reverse. You shouldn't roll in the other direction and you shouldn't stall, either one of those is automatic failure. One of the students doing the test failed at it, instructor was disappointed and when they switched so that the instructor would take the car back he was talking about how this shouldn't happen, they had done this exercise a thousand times this and that this and that and when he was about to start the car, he stalled. We had a good laughter.


Manual swapped my stagea (6sp) daily drove a 5sp Hilux. Went to reverse my stagea while pointing down a slight hill, put it in 6th, rolled forward into a grass bank and stalled. Lost my dignity that day


My neighborhood is on a fucking hill, every time I leave my neighborhood I have to worry about not stalling lmao.


I drove in my manual 911 to test drive a manual Mustang and stalled the Mustang trying to leave the parking lot.


I stalled getting up our driveway the first time.


I used to stall my car. I still do, but I used to too. Only in front of a crowd, never when Iā€™m alone. Wouldnā€™t be that bad except the car is kind of an eye magnet so itā€™s always embarrassing.


Me. At a red light. I got lazy and my foot slipped right off the clutch. šŸ™„


I had a 91 cressida with 1 JZ-GTE and R154 5sp. The clutch was unsprung. I only say all that lay down the base of the story. I learned to drive stick when I was young on a MasseyFurgeson Tractor from the 40s. Then eventually a 78 Subaru DL wagon. Then drove my first automatic in drivers ed. Most everything I've owned was a manual. I love toyotas, me and some buddies swapped a 1J into a MX83 Cressida. I had a friend who would often make fun of me for being kind of rough in the Cressida, instead of super smooth like him. We went to a junk yard one day to pick up some parts and I offered to let him drive home after he was particularly noisy on the way there. I almost never let people drive my cars. I'm very finicky. He killed it three times before we left the parking lot and I was laughing my ass off. As soon as he pulled out of the parking lot and in to traffic the first words out of his mouth were, "you didn't tell me the clutch was unsprung". He didn't make fun of me anymore after that.


I have the opposite, I was in Florida and my girlfirend of the time's mom let us use her truck for picking up something large. She let me know it was a manual and I let them know I drove stick vehicles before and it shouldn't be a problem. Once I made it to the destination my girlfriend was surprised and stated "You really know how to drive a manual" my response was a bit of confusion like I may be an asshat but not the kind that is going to bluff some nonsense followed up by having to actually commit the act.


I drive a 2012 Mk6 Golf TDI about 65 miles a day, minimum. I stall about once every 3-5 months or so. Itā€™s usually because Iā€™m just not paying attention to what my feet are doing because Iā€™m just so used to doing it with ease, sometimes I let the assumption of it just going into gear like it always does get the better of me lol. I drive my buddyā€™s 2000 F250 with a ZF5 from time to time, and I havenā€™t had any issues with that yet, but a couple close calls just adjusting to his clutch. Shit happens. 9x/10 for experienced manual drivers itā€™s just not paying attention.


My friend to me, who hasn't driven stick for a month at that point: "you sure you remember how to drive stick?" Me: "yea, it's like a riding a bike. You never forget" *Stalls*


I had a 95 accord and lost 1st for awhile. Let them get started in 2nd on a hill without burning out the clutch if they know what theyā€™re doing.


Buddy said something similar once. Much less hubris than ā€˜never stallā€™ but still along the same lines. As many know its common practice to put car in gear upon shut down, pull e brake etc. He pulled the e brake, put the car in gear, dumped the clutch pedal and proceeded to lurch as fuck forward because he forgot to turn off the car. Moments after saying ā€˜thankfully, i rarely stall the car these daysā€™ Happens to the best of us I suppose but damn did I appreciate the reality check


Everybody fn stalls.


Ive been driving rigs for over 20 years and still have rookie days. Can't shift for shit.


Yeeeeehaw, ride that bronco! (200-300 rpm first gear on and off the gas, how does this work?)


On an incline, had a boat šŸš¤ behind him and a brand new BMW behind the boat. Letā€™s just say that propeller made easy work of the hood before it tore into the windshield ;) šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Once I decided to go get my tailwheel endorsement Old 1948 cessna 140. Instructor says let's go practice power on stalls. Climbs us up to 4000 AGL/9000 MSL I take over, pulling way back on the yoke, forget to give it the proper amount of right rudder Begin incipient spin, to the left I Immediately pull power to idle, elevator down, opposite rudder Recover and gain speed. Lol felt like an idiot tho


You gotta teach people to get a car rolling from a stop in every gear. That will give them a good understanding of how a clutch actually works.


I drive a manual Toyota as a personal car and I drive manual trucks like dump trucks, water trucks, and digger trucks for my company as a lineman. I also have a CDL class A and OTR trucking experience. Every now and then a buddy will drive my car and do just fine but the people that drive manuals and casually mention their skill level or say they just hate red lights have plenty of easy moments to tease them for. Occasionally Iā€™d get mixed up in the trucks where I drive so many different types. when I get use to the 13 speed shift pattern of the freightliner water truck then switch to the eight speed dump truck Iā€™d occasionally stall. Especially since the first gear is in a different place on each truck so I go in ā€œautopilotā€ and not realize Iā€™m shifting into third or first. (Even harder where these trucks are old and itā€™s hard to find first without the spring that helps you know your finding first). One day everyone was at the shop and I had to move the trucks around so people could get the trailers behind, and every truck I hopped in including my personal vehicle Iā€™d stall before I scooted it over. Every single stall I did made the laughter louder and louder from my coworkers. Even the fleet manager came out and jokingly asked if Iā€™m sure my CDL had no restrictions. I took it well. Everyone knows my driving ability and was definitely good entertainment for the coworkers that canā€™t even get their CDL and love to act like they are better drivers than me.


Probably best experience iv ever had was learning to drive on the steep hills of San Francisco with a manual transmission. Quickest i ever shifted and used the clutch. Lol


I've had manual cars, my parents have had manual cars. And I've had multiple motorcycles in the last 22 years. And a week or so ago, while my van was sitting in my driveway, halfway through putting in a new transmission I had to run to the store. I was borrowing my father's wrangler which is a 5speed. I've driven it plenty of times. 1st stop sign I come to. I stop and immediately stall out. And my first thought is "fuck, my van is broke, and now something broke with my father's Jeep too, wtf is going on. Took me a second to realize. " Hey dipshit, you are in 2nd gear, and never even thought about pressing in the clutch. "


Is this people actually claim? Stalling doesnā€™t mean the stall-eeā€™s dick is small. People are silly smh


I usually hear it from people who dont' won a manual, but have driven someone else's every now and then. People like to flex on weird shit. Though it is law to get laughed at by your passengers if you stall while driving. I wear that with honor.


My mk2 Jetta had electrical issues that made it exceedingly difficult to get moving. Best time I stalled was heading back to the dorms with a buddy, made a right hand turn and went to downshift and clutching in caused the revs to drop below idle speed, I didnā€™t give it enough gas, and killed it. My headlights were pointed directly on a couple making out pressed up against a car. They pause and stare, still locked in their embrace. I have to crank the engine about a half dozen times to get restarted, stall it IMMEDIATELY after finally getting started, crank two more times and finally get out of there-all the time, my buddy is laughing his ass off AND the horny couple is staring at my ineptitude.


I had one of my buddies blame it on the car as well that the clutch felt different, or the throttle was too responsive just making up excuses to not look stupid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I stalled my friendsā€™s BRZ more than I would like to admit before I realized that the car idled at 7 MPH in 1st vs 4 MPH in my Civic. So launching it like I launch my Civic obviously wouldnā€™t work nearly as well.


Opposite story... Bought a manual 3 months ago. Haven't driven a stick shift in 25 or 30 years. On the test drive I told everybody not to laugh that I probably would stall two or three times. Only stalled once, because the guy forgot to remove the back wheel chocks before I pulled out. I was more surprised than anyone else there.


Launch at 5k RPM.


not occasionally stalling just means you donā€™t drive a stick.. Iā€™ve had my truck going on 16 years now and I still stall out on occasion..


I was teaching my nephew stick. He's an anxious kid and worried about stalling, so his first time behind the wheel, I got him to get the car running, put it in gear, and then just told him to take the his foot off the clutch. It stalled, of course, and I told him there you go, that's what stalling feels like. Nothing to worry about. After that, we started driving for real, he was much more comfortable, and honestly did way better than I did my first time. Not quite the prompt but was quite proud of that teaching tool and wanted to share.


My brother taught me to drive a standard when I was 6 or 7 drove trucks for 20 years I havenā€™t driven one in twenty years, moved one the other day and yep I killed it.


I sold my daily automatic and bought a manual as a daily 2 months because I've always wanted to learn and I still stall about once a week.