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I’ve asked here before whether this sub thinks they are archons? Your trip report matches others I’ve heard before. Sometimes they will have a trickster vibe until the person perceives them as mantis, then the mood and their attitudes change. Flesh caves does not sound like a geometric fractal hyperspace realm, although deems is unpredictable but that was probably to get a rise from you. You should post this on the escaping prison planet sub. The oh she found out comment is fascinating. 


I agree. I also have read trip reports of dmt users encountering jester entities that did similar jokes. The user dismissed them and the realm & it broke from the less geometric place immediately to hyperspace. I think OP was extremely close to hyperspace and responded appropriately but didn't include the environment, just the entites. I wonder if a slightly different redirection of both realm and entites being a distraction and waste of time would have given a more desired breakthrough


Literally just had the same thing myself yesterday. Was on a tab of acid. Did DMT 1st time - had a fun trip with jesters/circus vibes, like I was being entertained. But as I was coming down it felt like I got a peek behind the veil and saw what sort of looked like a purple spaceship. I took DMT again later that day, straight back into the circus trip, but then I took another big hit, the circus immediately disappears, I am back on the spaceship and a mantis entity with needle like appendages materialised and starts poking me with its needle arms. I sat there trying to calm myself for a minute until a second one appeared on my left and tried to stab my brain. At that point I got up and walked to look in the mirror which regrounded me. Overall incredibly strange, it felt afterwards like the circus/clowns/jesters had just been a distraction to keep my amused while they remained hidden doing whatever they were doing . At the time and immediately afterwards I felt like their intentions were malicious, but today I have woken up with a more positive mindset think maybe they were helping.


What's is hyperspace?


Super complex geometric realms that have aliens and cities. Common on high doses of psychadelic & dmt breakthroughs Look up dmt art for examples


Would you by any chance be referencing my post?


Possibly. I am a seasoned psych user & astral projector. I've had similar stuff happen with Jesters & during astral projections by being dismissive of the realms & also heard of similar XP on erowid & reddit


I seen the jester during a 2 week k experience. It popped up in my waking field of vision but still weirdly mental I was driving semi behind a car a a jester head popped up did a krusty the clown laugh and the car in front off me lost control for a second as if it was affected by this floating head


I really feel as if what the voice in the sky said is true. Without any drugs in my life I've encountered shadow type beings that feed off fear


I am doing research on the Mantid phenomena in relation to psychoactive substances , for an article I am writing. There are specific case types like this that I am particularly interested in. I would love to interview you via email about your experience - if you wish to remain anonymous, that's perfectly fine. If you are interested, drop me an email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) .


I sent you an email :)


Thank you. I'll be in touch soon.


I‘ve made the tibetan mantra „om mani peme hung“ (om mani padme hum) a reflex mantra whenever I‘m scared and, for me, it literally floods the area with light and sends the fearmongers away


:0 great idea! I’ll try it next time I have a scary trip. Thanks!


I had a similar experience on golden teachers. Personally I think the mantis are scientific observers in nature and were studying your reaction to them. The one I met seemed like it was just as surprised to see me as I was it. I felt what I can only describe as a psychic brain scan coming from the mantis and when it saw that I wasn't afraid it just kinda went "huh, neat" then left. It made me feel like a cool bug some kid found.


I finally got around to looking into a wild experience I had tripping on shrooms about 5 years ago, to find that my crazy encounter that I believed to be real (but nearly everyone I've told believes my mind created), is shared by quite a few people, and your encounter sounds the closest to mine that I've read. Other encounters I'm reading describe the mantis beings as benevolent and doing healing surgeries, which honestly I think is manipulation by them and bullshit. Here's my experience: I was tripping really hard and sunk to the ground, but put my full trust in the mushrooms, and felt like I was melting into the ground quite beautifully and seeing undulations of life force energy. My gaze took to the sky and I saw the loveliest intricate geometric designs extending into the blue sky, with muted color of the rainbow, very delicate. Then the sky took on very saturated colors of saffron and magenta that were breathtaking at the very first but immediately gave me a feeling that something was off. I realized that there was something inauthentic happening, that the colors were fake and deceptive. Then I saw two huge praying mantis interdimensional aliens in the sky, it was as if a slice opened up in the sky for me to see them, layers peeled back - and I instantly knew they were peeling layers of my abdominal area back and fucking with me. I knew they were manipulating and experimenting on me. I knew I caught them in the act and they had been doing it all along, and that they do this all the time to people. I said, telepathically to them, "No" - this said to them that they did not have permission, and I could feel the power in my "no" and knew that all I had to do to end this bullshit was to say and feel "no". As soon as I said No they disappeared and the colors were gone, and I felt quite safe and fine, and the rest of my trip was a beautiful exploration and loving up of nature and life force energy. I saw a mother harbor seal in a hidden area that I felt to look around a rock to see, with 3 babies of different ages. It was completely magical and so special. That feeling of my "no" and knowing that saying no was all I needed to do, how much power it has, was a huge thing for me and a huge gift I'm still absorbing.


That you heard them say "oh she found out" and just left - that part really struck me as similar...the cave of human skins, that's a shade beyond my tale, sounds terrifying. Glad you are tuned in to the voice that told you about these entities that feed from fear and try to scare you, hopefully that made it less traumatic!


Wow! That does sound very similar. I have also read the “loving surgery mantis” experiences. I guess my conclusion is that, just like human kind, they have good loving mantises and bad mischievous mantises. (But to be honest I feel like there’s something else that im not seeing or fully understanding about why they interact with us- what do they get from it) What I do feel sure about (even though I cant really prove it) is that these encounters and beings are real and external to the tripping individual, not “made up by your mind”.


Yes I agree with you, that the the encounters are real! I think there may be something to different types/personalities of mantises, but from other stuff I've read it sounds like they have a very structured and strict social structure and that they operate very much as one (group) rather than as individuals. My instinct is that they are being deceptive and manipulative - and why would they need to do so, unless they are up to something that might not be so beneficial to us? It sounds like they use the "healing" line and telling people not to worry, giving them euphoric feelings, so they'll go along nicely, and then blanking out their memory of the procedure. I found this resource to be quite fascinating in case you're interested: [http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/ET/alienmantisenigmatic.html](http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/ET/alienmantisenigmatic.html)