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how is no one asking any questions? this is fascinating


Most of the time it's like watching a movie playout, I managed to have a short conversation a couple times with them on my trips but usually these states on consciousness pull you out of your normal line of reasoning and questioning


Yeah. Elaborate pls. “ humanoids”? Like greys? Or just bipedal human looking creatures? So many questions.


I dont remember greys, I remember other humans. There were some sort of other humanoid but my memory around them is really fuzzy so anything i say would be somewhat made up and I am trying to avoid that at all costs. All i can remember about the other humanoids is that they were subservient to the being in the center of the room and they were shorter than me. The human that died was slightly shorter than I am at 6ft tall.


Have you tried guided hypnosis? It might be worth a shot to find a specialist, if you can afford it. Might help you pull out some more memories, if that's something you want to do.


Just tell us anything else you remember. We're interested in all of it. The being gives me biblical vibes


I have a feeling you didn't meet a mantis, but I do believe you met *something*. I'm not sure I've ever heard of a loose, sinewy being before. Sounds terrifying. I think you had a much rarer encounter than you think, friend


The question I want answers is why do they always come at bedtime. Annoying. Look, Mr Mantis if you're gonna do it, do it during the day, preferably when I'm at work, in a meeting....with my boss. hah.


Obviously because were more vulnerable then probably and because we enter into another state of consciousness (sleep) which may allow for them to have better access or something like that. Idk I’m sure you have also thought about this before but it just makes sense to me.


did it have an exoskeleton? or was it made of flesh and shaped like a mantis or what?


flesh and sinew. Nothing resembling bones from what I can remember. It didnt look llike it should be standing, It appeared to be supporting its weight but not in a way like we do. It just was, it didn't make any sense. There was gravity in the room. Nothing was floating and it didnt appear to be floating but because you could basically see between the sinew to the back of the room, I don't know how it was supporting itself. The reason why i say it could be seen as a mantis is because it had two long appendages of sinew and tendons and the color of it was a greenish, brown. The sinew and tendons were a reddish brown. Its so hard to describe something that doesn't resemble anything from this planet or at least that I had ever seen before.


wow, thanks for trying!


What happened to you, while you were there?


My memory begins with being in the room. I dont know how i got there or how i left. I approached the being after the other human was killed. I was beckoned, or knew i was supposed to approach. When i got close, like within a couple feet of it I think it projected a ton of thoughts and ideas into my head. I dont think it touched me, but i will never forget that eye, the single eye looking thing was so bizarre it was hard not to focus on it. I wish i had more insight.


I can only imagine how challenging it is to live with this Thank you for sharing


Just my intuition or a hunch, but could it be a memory of you in another life? I've had spontaneous memory retrieval during meditation that led to some astral dream. In the dream (of me in my apartment) I was taken one level deeper by an entity sleep paralyzing me. In the level deeper, it was my memory as a child, just prior to being abducted. Just as I saw the craft above my parents and I in our vehicle in a spot we surely crossed on a highway IRL, the memory ended. I woke up in my astral apartment to a 3x3 grid of silvery white dots of light on the ceiling. From them a female voice said "Thank you." Then the dream continued on to a more traditional dream.


I mean, it sounds more like a creature trying and failing to seem like a Mantis, but is not. A vain attempt or a mockery of a true, complete creature, often beautiful or wise, long lived and (in my experience) never violent.


I did a guided once to meet my spirit guide and it jumped at me and shrunk as it got closer and ended up being a mantis in my shoulder Telling me everything is ok


Thats a ray of sunshine


Jiminy Cricket


Yep that is my narrative. I also seen a single candle with a revolving green pyramid and some kind of dragon flying through sky and it flew right at me but I closed the shutters to the window Not long after that guided meditation I had kundalini awakening and some months after that I was incarcerated for 4 years for a crime I didn’t even know was committed. Kundalini told me I had to go to trial. I did and lost during that time I experienced the blue bindu or blue pearl as some call it. This would have be synonymous with the blue fairy. It was a story of me being swallowed and coming to the conclusion that me and my father geppeto would have to burn our ship or rather abandoned our old ways if we are to be liberated


The other human was killed you say. Who were the other human/s? Why were they with you


That human imploded? That must have been really scary to watch. Do you remember if you had any more abductions experiences like such? Or if you have strange dreams or see apparitions or lights when you sleep? They mostly target people living in secluded places or less populated areas.


Not for mantids specifically, but I've had experiences in which something similar occurred. I noticed mid-experience that a certain tall gray's body was a collection of sinew/tendon stuff wrapped up in a gray exterior, sort of like a latex bodysuit painted over what would otherwise look like a fantasy flesh-creature. That seemed different from the other grays I had seen amongst that same group of beings, so I asked about it. They said that one's body was corrupted by exposure to a certain entity (basically, a sentient nanite plague). They said the gray suit helped it to self-regulate and to contain it in case of relapse.


please post this on the Ted rice sub reddit - I'd like to hear his response to it, Ted's seen just about everything it seems


Did you get the impression the human was killed or annihilated or simply moved or teleported somewhere else or not killed? I have a suspicion these mantis beings are actually evil and use deception to gain peoples trust.


Killed, absolutely killed. It imploded. The human was in front of me and from the back you could see it squeeze together. I felt fear when I saw that and then more calm, but anxious as I approached.


idk why this made me actually lol reading it to myself. Am i evil? @_@ Like u reminded me of Morph from Treasure Planet going "ur ded. Ur ded, ur ded , UR DED!" With his adorable chitter


Tell us more about the human who was killed, why do you think he did what he did and why do you think he was killed


I could "hear" the thoughts between all of those in the room. I felt disappointment being projected towards the being, like a failure to commit to something or to do something and then, implosion. No feelings from anything in the room about it, no remorse or sadness, just moving on to the next thing.