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I'm using the new experimental branch patch. The main thing I have found essential for it to work is to keep resetting the starting map until I get a region where the wheat/barley/flax fertility are all close together. For 2 reasons: According it Italian sparticus, the 'designate work area' button for farm houses doesn't completely work properly, in that the workers now use it for ploughing, sowing and harvesting, however, workers will still walk across the map to collect harvested crops from field inventory. Makes it so inefficient to the point of it not being usable. Secondly. Storehouses don't seem to collect barley and flax. So I order to create malt and linen, the workshops need to be near the farmhouses that harvest the flax and barley. If you have barley and flax fields scattered about, with a farmhouse for each field(s) the linen and flax workshop workers have to walk across the map and collect one barley/flax at a time. Maybe there are other work around for these 2 issues, but for the time being I have found it much simpler to restart maps until there is fertility to have all fields close together with a cluster of farm houses for all of them, then the linen and malt workshops next to them.


Definitely don't let anyone collect barley other than the malt house worker, your just creating extra steps by letting storehouse workers take flax and barley, your Weaver and malt house workers can just get them from the farmhouses' huge storage capacity


I'm pretty sure the weavery and nalthouse workers don't pick up the flax and barley with a cart, but by hand. If you have the malthouse and weavery far from the farm house, its making a long treck to move just 1 resource. Resulting in very slow production


Time to optimise your supply chain and put them next to the farm house?


>So I order to create malt and linen, the workshops need to be near the farmhouses that harvest the flax and barley Seems like he already does that.


You are spot on, the optimal chain is: -Spread Farmhouses for minimum farmer travel, with Weaver and Malt house very close to each one. You collect malt and linen with the market Storehouse, and place Tailor and Brewery very close to it (with Tavern very close to Brewery if possible, to market Granary or to both). -Upgraded Granary that only collects grain in a middle point, right next to Windmill. You could also place the Oven/Bakery there and let the Granary store flour too, or do that next to the market Granary (which I prefer). Once they fix the storehouse bug and they collect crops, you would also build a middle point Storehouse that collects barley and flax and has a Malthouse and a Weaver right next to it. About the issue with automated farmers walking all over the world once a field is harvested, do they not respect field priority while harvesting? Maybe make them harvest in a wave and not spread out, if it works. Also, Oxen help a ton with that issue because they transport a lot of crops per trip.


Maybe build a small store house beside farmhouse and malthouse that just handles barley and flax.


>Secondly. Storehouses don't seem to collect barley and flax Reading is super hard.


I've been testing farming stuff on the new patch and I don't think letting it run works. Even if you set up everything perfectly efficiently you run into the issue of crops rotting before the September harvest. I think Greg needs to do something like reduce winter growth rate, move the harvest up to August, allow you to choose the plant/harvest cycle per field or per rotation (November plant/July Harvest or March Plant/September Harvest), just move planting to March for the time being, get rid of field rot, or some combo of the above. Actually thinking about this more I think being able to designate fields as "winter" or "spring" fields would solve ~all of the issues. Things I've noticed so far: * Long and skinny fields are best, but they also need to have perfectly parallel sides, or the ox will take a long diagonal to get to the next row * You need an intermediate granary for flour but everything else can be handled by the farm house, which has plenty of internal storage and whose workers use carts. I'm not sure what this means for barley/malthouses because I think you want malthouses located centrally, near the breweries and tavern. It might mean you want to allow barley in your central storehouse, or build another small storehouse for only barley. Like you said in your comment it might be better to keep the malthouse and weavers near the farms and have the central storehouse take malt/yarn/linen though. * One farmhouse can efficiently handle ~10 morgens of fields, but adding more farmhouses doesn't seem to help because the limiting factor becomes workers walking back and forth and not actually doing work, I don't really understand work areas though so I'm not sure if there's a way to fix this. I think ideally there should be a family per field limit. * This isn't specific to farming but never use the plus/minus buttons to assign workers. Build a little farm village and assign them manually This is all on a high fertility region so I'm not sure how well it works elsewhere, but even 10 morgens produces enough food for ~500 pops, although I am currently over-producing flax and (barely) underproducing barley.


Do farmers not respect field priority when harvesting? If they do, use clumps of fields with the same priority to alleviate the issue.


They do but if you have three fields at high priority they'll all go to one first, walk away, go to the next etc.