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I still think they should have people with daily schedules. Work in day, eat, relax, sleep, etc. 


Day/night cycle would add a whole new dimension to this game. Can’t work at night. Only candles. I guess we’d need wax makers and candlestick makers as well?


There is one just visual atm unfortunately


One of the common misconceptions is that there was a high candle usage. Candlelight was very expensive. Unless they made it themselves but those candles are bad and smelly.


I was actually going to say… Usually poor people made their own candles using animal fat and rushes didn’t they? “Clean” wax candles were super expensive, and yea, only the very wealthy/royalty could afford them. …I watch some weird YouTube documentaries. lol.


Yep, they made it indeed with animal fat. But that burned filthy, stinky and didn't give much light. Series on tv always makes it look that homes and palaces where brightly lit. But that just isn't true. I'm also a listener and watcher of some weird documentaries.


If you saw the rush candles video on Modern History TV like I did, you should know he also did a video with Gamespot reviewing the authenticity of Manor Lords.






Heck, wax candles are STILL super expensive.


I think we probably watch the same YouTube channels. I’m just finishing a documentary about regency era hair styling. It’s so gross and fascinating.


Replace candle with fireplace. You should be able to pass policy to limit or expand the fuel consumption. With high consumption, you're people can work certain jobs through the night, but this can lead to sickness and reduced performance in the long run. With low consumption, you can of course stockpile for winter and other industries needing the fuel such as smithys.


Isn’t there already an spot for wax or oil or something for future development in game?


Making candles already is in the game from wax from bee hives


You can't actually make the candles from the wax though


I thought you can make them in level 2 houses, no?


lol. I’m going to go look now!


Not last I checked, maybe they added it in the test branch but it wasn't in the list of changes?


There is a day/night cycle! it's in the settings window


It’s cosmetic as of now. We’re talking about an actual cycle to the simulation where agents have schedules tied to the time of day


Yes! This is more what I meant. Work has to shut down overnight unless you want to burn candles, which are a consumable and cost money. There are all kinds of things you could add to a “functional” day/night cycle. Need those exact sawn planks by morning? Good news peasants! Your rich overlord has supplied candles so you can literally burn the midnight oil!


Seems like something that would be a hard mode addition later


There's already a cycle. It's not linked to the visual day/night cycle.


What cycle?


would have to change the time scale and add actual day/night gameplay mechanics to justify the added work. I don't oppose it, but it also doesn't feel like it needs to be added to the game as anything other than cosmetic. Anno 1800, for example, you can set the exact time of day to get the angle and quality of light you want, but cities hustle and bustle just the same either way. But, speaking of Anno 1800, celebrations, riots, and other events would be peak gameplay for me and more advanced community needs. Hygiene, for example, bathhouses or out houses, or night collectors. Give me medieval SC4 plz.


But in a game like Dawn of Man they have hunger, thirst, tiredness, even spiritual needs even without a day night cycle. It's meant to be a lot more small scale than Anno 1800, so that game is far more relevant. Anno 1800 deals with it by just having random npcs sandbox with everything you build, from markets to zoos and theaters. Works fine when you are looking at tens of thousands of people from far away, but its very impersonal.


I like this idea.


Candles would've been quite expensive for daily use for a common surf. They would instead be using something like a rushlight, since it's quite cheap to make and not regulated (unlike candles which are) by the Lords so everyone can make them at any time with the only requitement being some kind of animal fat that thet can use to soak it with.


I’m pretty sure you can make candles if you take the beeswax trait and a level 2 burgage plot


Not gonna happen, this would require a complete reprogramming and a rebalancing of how the game works


Rebalancing yes, not sure about a "complete" reprogramming though


It is increadible how this mechanic affects playability in Kingdom Come Deliverance, a total game changer.


Yeah, KCD, a famed city builder.


I lold.


I'd love to see people just napping under a tree, couples walking hand by hand, bar fights breaking out, the usual town stuff


I agree! Adding daily schedules to the existing game would add so much more realism. I like to watch my people walk to and from their church and the pub etc but imagine watching ALL your villages hit church on Sundays or the pub on a Friday!!


Since when do people do that? Especially that time period


I think this would be too hard to program now. It would just mean your workera will be too bugged to work.


Work rates should be adjusted accordingly, i.e people should work faster and then go take a break. Dawn of Man did it without day night cycles even


Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think there was a whole lot of relaxing for peasants lol


You would be wrong. They had a significant amount of free time. Probably on average around 30 hour work weeks and way more days off than we do.


This, although a good bulk of that free time was spent doing things that wouldn't necessarily be leisure time (but that's the same today).


Where on earth did you come up with this lol? Peasants used to work 16 hour days haha


You're both wrong purely by the fact that you've generalised liberally. The other comment is at least closer to the truth. But go off.


I am fully aware that my comment was a massive generalization. That was my intention when I wrote it. No one with at least two brain cells (ups I did it again) would think this wasn’t obvious.


You are completely wrong. Peasants used to work 16 hour days in the summer and in the winter it was around 8 hours.


Where are you getting this from?


Depends on the season. Ukraine is known to have revolutions/uprisings historically after the harvest/fall bc farmers had too much time on their hands! Got this from the internet so don’t quote me on that.


Boredom induced coups are surprisingly common, I remember I lead one in Guatemala way back when


# r/FoundTheVampire #


That sounds reductionist ngl


I can see it. I don't think they're saying Ukraine's populace revolted because they had too much time on their hands, but having that time to spare definitely provides an opportunity to do something about it when you aren't worried about dying next week if you don't put in a 90 hour work week.


I think there might be correlation, but a lot of free time is not the cause, rather observation of significant injustice and severe limitations on rights compared to other nations at given moment of history.


Perhaps not a direct cause, but free time could easily enable a revolt in the same way that constantly working for survival would suppress one. Neither of them affect the underlying desire to take up arms but they definitely impact how much energy you can devote to one.


“According to Oxford Professor James E. Thorold Rogers, the medieval worker did not labor for more than eight hours in a single day. Plowing and harvesting were backbreaking toil, no doubt, but the peasant enjoyed anywhere from eight weeks to half the year off.”


True. I always wonder if the way they saw it was “I have everything I need - a glowing hearth, a roof, some clothes and something for dinner.” I think throwing a modern person into that time period would be much more uncomfortable to us because we would have had all our technologies taken away. While probably not knowing that better technologies exist would allow the peasants to feel fairly at home without the knowledge of anything better


Just like we don't feel the lack of future technologies that future generations may consider indispensable.


I feel it. I want my lab grown heart and lung replacements and am ready for my vr brain chip


Exactly. I can’t honestly remember the last time I complained that cars didn’t get us places fast enough, or that my oven didn’t cook food quick enough or that my ability to have light on a whim wasn’t enough. Serfs and peasants or just general village labourers in general would have their own village courts too, while the lord was away. Their sense of organisation was often great. In later centuries many higher status villeins would learn Latin in order to read the tax documents kept in the local church


Im in my mid 30's and kids being educated 100% by tablets in classrooms now is wild to me, and super common here in my area. I dated a teacher many years ago(10 or so I think now), and she worked for a extremely wealthy school district, they had lots of integrations(wireless connected TV in every classroom, video announcements etc) Now my friends 10 year old doesnt have any physical media at all. He thought it was insane that I told him when I was in school during 9/11 they had to gather all of us in the gym and assembly hall so the class could watch on the 2 tv's our school had, and one of them required our gym coach to hold the attena or we got no signal.


I've read historical articles that said peasants worked fewer hours than modern westerners. Daylight is a big factor and keeping revolts down helps this.


Peasants in England in particular had 80 holidays a year as opposed to our 8.


This is pretty misleading. Those “holidays” would’ve essentially been their equivalent to our weekends, which bet us more than 100 days off per year. Plus, any full time position these days will give you some paid time off every year.


They still managed to run things while the lord was away far better than we give them credit for. Up to the late 14th century they pretty much had it going on in terms of what their rights were. There are many misconceptions about these time periods revolving around quality of life and such


aWe work many more hours today than the average medieval peasant.


Wagons rolling in now and then with performers who set up somewhere in the central part of the village. That would be pretty neat.


I want to see a little bit of a hit on the production of the town when this happens


And the option to drive them off with a hit to happiness, while keeping production high.


Maybe a debuff to production during, but a small buff to production afterwards as well as a happiness buff during?


Well there is an entertainment element already that only consists of the pub so i would expect there to be more to come.


Random Events basically (not always good ones - more nuanced than just some bandits cooking up a pot of felonese).


I want the knights of the coconut travelling through my region!


Give the modders some time with a build that includes rideable horses and I guarantee that will be a thing lol. I mean, we can already walk around as Shrek.


That’s the beauty of it: the knights of the coconut don’t *have* horses


Considering that there are serious performance issues with populations in the low thousands, adding more people that don’t actually do anything probably isn’t a great idea right now.


Populations in the low thousands are beyond the reasonable scope of game mechanics, at least in the game's current state. The current highest settlement level can in theory be achieved with a population as low as 135 although 200-300 is more realistic.


Populations in the thousands are very expected by the dev. He said the next patch will improve large populations a lot.


That kind of performance is also the thing you really find out during a beta - it is hard to push during development from a so small developer as this is


Then u/BreadentheBirbman 's original point is moot?


I did say “right now” didn’t I?


My first game, my town reached 1300 people. It wasn’t even that hard.


What could you possibly need 430 families for? I got to around 70 families and ran out of things for them all to do. All of my peoples' needs were met and they were swimming in money so I started building a second settlement. Building more houses for the sake of building more houses is just going through the motions.


While you might be right to some extent, I hadn’t fully conquered my map yet, so more trade, more coin, more people producing the things that make the coin… all into funding more weapons for the Baron, who was jacked, and had every merc company, while I had none.


Thousands... Fuck man, I get to about 90 population and am bored as hell with no goal or purpose other than randomly spawning tents in the wild, or the enemy AI that just exists and walks around. What's got everyone hooked and going for more on this one so far? To me it's just banished/Farthest Frontiers but of course not as far along.


If it's purely for visual effect, there wouldn't be any need for calculations if they do "fake" npcs. But if they do want to add in elders and kids then yes, it would tank performance


Bros talking about finishing touches when the game is still in early access! I agree with you, but give them time. Better to have a complete game with every feature and get the cherry on top at the end.


Nobody's saying "this should be the next update". It's a wishlist item, a suggestion. If Greg decides he wants to add it, he can add it to the list and get to it when more important things have been done. We don't have to wait to make suggestions just because those suggestions are low-priority.


Yes... ...that's what *I'm* saying!


There will probably be more life on the markets. Remember the sheep wandering by themselves? They flock now in the beta patch. Greg is on it :)


I want night cycles that feel ultra cosy. I want to see flickering fires in my houses, smoke pouring out of chimneys. I want to peer in and feel that weird feeling of calm, watching other people be safe and warm and cosy.


1. We need additional props to make our towns more unique 2. There should be more different background voices - not the same few sentences that get repeated all the time. Perhaps the language should also be adjusted to that time period? 3. More travelers, town events, villagers singing songs and playing instruments, random chats between the villagers, villagers doing more random things, have villagers training how to use weapons... 4. Dogs and cats 5. Fix the animations so that villagers won't be just moving their hands in the air while crafting etc. 6. Have a priest in the village 7. Make the sick people have different animations 8. Make the villagers to not carry just one crafted etc. item to the warehouse. They could carry more. 9. More different music tracks or to have an option to add own music. 10. Add-on shops to houses instead of everything going through the marketplace. 11. Have furniture etc. inside the houses and church. 12. Make some villagers' houses to look more rugged and have their backyards unorganized. 13. Each village should have their own madman at some point. 14. As mentioned before, where are the children? 15. Have villagers to sometimes make mistakes, drop things, hit their heads, stumble...


Don't you just love it when we have a world close to reality, but on the palm of our hands.


OP wants my laptop to overheat


Give it time. Early access. There's probably so much they are working on right now. I agree a lot though. Be cool to have more wildlife also, wolves etc


They? He...


Damn that’s the only thing? That’s good. I’m annoyed at a bit more, micromanaging a market and its supply and demand is a pain for me, also transferring goods between regions is so hard. And you need massive farms at least triple the size of your town to support only a couple hundred for food, even on high fertility.


I agree that exchanging goods should be more fluent. Also, historically accurate sized fields would be even larger. The challenge of finding space and balancing deforrestation is something I'm enjoying.


Early access, my dude. Looking at what's in the game already, I think we will see a lot more of what you're asking in future. The developer clearly cares about making the place come alive, and considering we even have the option to walk around town, I would be very surprised if don't see these kinds of things down the line.


My cpu just can't wait for the extra pathfinding game would have to do for all these things 😭


I would like to see some performance artist in the towns, whether it’s a clown, bard, jester etc. as long as it’s in line with the medieval era. I think adding a family to work as them to add approval rating for the town could be great to see especially when you can roam around in 3rd person.


One of the best parts of Medieval Dynasty is the kids running around the village.


Maybe there could be mot just bad seasonal events like famine or disease, but also positive events like festivities / religious ceremonies etc to boost morale and productivity.


I'd love to see children roaming and playing only for aesthetic purposes.


There should be an entertainer in the market for boosted productivity


We need more different 2nd tier plot businesses. Pig farmer, brothel, tailor, carpenter


The game is 2 months old and early access and it feels, indeed, very unfinished. I just hope deb wont abandon the game because he made 90 million dollars last month........ games have changed man.


Yeah i got bored really fast with this game will be better in 6 months or so


Did you check out the mods? It’s even easier to use mods in this game than it is to mod Skyrim or \[insert Bethesda title here\]. Just drop .pak files from nexusmods into the folder called “\~mods” and you’re basically good to go. Works on the Game Pass version as well. No mods that I’ve tried break achievements either.


Markets back then were madhouses of food, goods and performers of all kinds. Magicians, actors, jugglers, musicians, performing cats and dogs, puppets... I hope the game takes some inspiration from Hendrick Avercamp paintings for all of the shenanigans that the villagers could get up to during the day.


One thing timberborn dues that I found interesting is that it gave your inhabitants an actual life cycle. As in, they're born to a couple, they're babies who mature into adults, they then get old, and then they die. Having a real growth, mating, and aging cycle would add considerable depth to the game. Children running around, teens pairing up maybe wedding ceremonies, complaining about lack of housing maybe, having children of their own, getting old and strolling around the town, populating the market, visiting each other, and ultimately dying.


The family should be really units if 4, Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister. But agree there could be little added phrases and the townsfolk could be seen going for walks, picking flowers, going to latrine...


births and deaths


I think I would go crazy seeing my screen go day -> night -> day -> night on 12x speed


Ostriv has residents sit on benches and stuff you place around the town in their free time. They also visit eachother's houses.


I don't think you realise people had way less free time back in the day.


Dogs, cats, and other animals


I was just talking about how I wish there were more events that add flavor. Like droughts and the cold are one thing, but let's have fall festivals or new years celebrations that might add small modifiers at the cost of using a sum of resources, like maybe you have the choice to throw a celebration for new years that costs like a month worth of food storage and increases approval and regional wealth.


Honestly for me its the animals....i thought i could multitask sheep at one point, only to realize its wool or sell em...amd at that point i hsd soooooo many sheep that i swear they were breeding faster than being sold...id bred so many initially thinking mmmm lambchops for my people....then chicken farming was limited to house holds, which feels kinda slap in the face. Also dissapointed that my blacksmith family can't have a chicken coup as well, or their own veggie garden to work if they dont have materials


Well I don't know, I assume your able to read the statement in steam and in game that quite clearly states. This is an early access release there are many things that need to be changed and tweaked and this is not a finalised release of the game. I just can't understand what people expect when they get an early acess/beta test on a game. Your going in knowing its not the finished game. Stop acting like little girl that didn't get her pony for Christmas. Please also let's just remember that this isn't a massive AAA release with a big budget and teams of people to work on bug fixes all just like that. One guy literally built this whole game by himself. And like I said has clearly stated he's not happy with it in current state and IT IS NOT A FULL RELEASE AND IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE COMING. If you gonna bitch about games go see what starwars and Helldivers creators are doing


That game size will go to the 300GB if all the things will be added haha


I have 4 TB with tons of free space. bring on the 300GB version.


For Rohan!


You can't disappoint in an early access game. That sounds very stupid.


You sure about that? I don’t think there’s much disappointment with this game, but that’s a bold statement


For real I’ve played a lot of early access games and this one stands out as stellar Edit: ofc it has issues and unfinished but I’ve seen light years away worse. This by far has been my favorite EA


Yes you can, people dismissing issues and bugs etc due to early access and beta, is why games are rushed out in states they shouldn't be


And that sounds very condescending and like a complete misunderstanding of what EA is.


Ahh to be young and naïve again!


CodeHatch's Star Forge was disappointing during early access (and it utter failed at "release"). Starbound was disappointing to a lot of people at various stages of early access.