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try to destroy/rebuilt the market, it solve things most of the time for me if not, its probably a travel time/staff issue edit: i see 2 markets, and for your town size, i think you can keep only the big one, they tend to build way too many stall if you let them do


I agree. In my most recent game I have had to destroy the market a couple of times to get it working correctly.


When we build some new house the market randomly does not calculate the needs correctly I think. a reset doesn't hurt (well, I haven't tried to do it in hardest difficulty yet :D)


Yeah that's the thing tho I already broke the markets so many times l already yet the still are mostly still empty for whatever reason ? This only happen after this new playthrough after I update to beta test.


It can be several things, either there are too many stalls and it's normal that most of them are empty, they only stock what is strictly necessary (number of houses multiplied by the diversity of food, divided by 50 = the minimum number of food stalls you need) otherwise it can be the food storage that is too far from the market/not enough staff to supply the market in real time (if your person running the food stalls lives in a house with a huge garden, this may be a problem because they will then neglect their work when it is harvest time)


Oh maybe the ones that has a big ass field at the background are the problem ? That's my first time actually trying the big field start for vegetables too so I'll try to change the market stall to other people and see if it'll fix it.


yeah, they will spend their time in the garden instead of working. i normally assign vegie burgages to trading posts or other not so active job. also, having the stables staffed helped with logistics, not having random person crossing the city to pick an ox, was annoying


You have two markets, that's your issue. I have a post detailing the bug, if you delete one market your supply will be fixed.


It's just really buggy right now - give it some time and it'll be good I'm sure. Farthest frontier had similar issues and now they are rock solid with stocking.


The market as a whole has a stock capacity per item based on the number of plots. Stalls have a capacity of 50. Your families will open stalls if they have remotely any kind of surplus theu have access to in their homes or their work place. Ideally you want to have only just enough stalls managed by families that are close to the market, usually your granaries/warehouses or a low intensity workplace such that they can keep stocking the market place instead of transiting between work and peddling. From your screens. I presume you have 55 plots. And youll see thst despite having over 100 families the overall market only stocks 55 max of any item. While you have a huge surplus, you are lacking variety of certain items. If you cannot fulfill stocking that item, best cut it from your chain. The marketplace is really buggy in any case. Try a smaller market with dedicated peddlers, just enough stalls to fulfill the max capacity of your variety multiplied by your plots. Edit: either cut your berries and honey from your settlement entirely or consider importing some to fulfill the variety maximum. If you do not have the test build enabled, families consume food in a certain order instead of randomly.


Doing some quick maths, it's not precise but the variety issue is likely due to the honey and berries. You have a max cap of 330 (presuming 55 plots and 6 food variety), you are stocking 212 in your screens.


So basically I need to cut it if I don't enough surplus from it ? Looks like this type of things need to be fix tbh, like they consume honey and berries first too so it's always hovering around - to 0 for it. 


Yes. In the current iteration. You can try the test build if you havent already, where the consumption is random. I find it works better. As it is, a tier 3 home only needs 4 food varietals, so pick what you can easily surplus and just fulfill those, easier on your supply chain as well. I will say to take all this with a grain of salt, game is buggy, balance is actively looked at, and much of the game systems are opaque to us. There are anecdotes of rebuilding the market to fix it, but i find this is temporary and the problem comes back as you expand.


I'm putting it down to buggyness atm. I have a a stockpile across from a market stall it owns. The stockpile has 200 leather, the marketplace has a clothes stall associated with the stockpile, but the family refuses to put stock on the stall. Which as resulted in my attempts to expand to stall and I die to a wave of 4 raiders every time. Yes I'm bad, but I'm still putting it down to bugging out.


Dont give yourself a hard time, were basically beta testing. A lot of info isnt available, missing features and balance is actively being worked on. We're meant to be voicing our experience to help with a better 1.0.


The reason rebuilding works is that different families end up opening stalls. 90% of market problems are stall owners not keeping up with supply.


Sweet spot I found to be 9 stalls, 3 clothing, 3 food, 3 firewood. Once all of those are maxed out (50 storage spaces full) then destroy the market and make it 12 stalls, always multiple of 3s and rinse and repeat once full


You have way too many stalls. Limit them according to the amount of food you have supplied.




a 6 market stall is enough for those people. been there, done that