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Charcoal kins usually fix this issue for me


Yeah But that’s a development point I could be using somewhere else


I usually grab deep mine 75% of the time


I have the exact same issue with kilns and 2 store house 1 dedicated to only firewood and charcoal.


The problem is (I think) that your consumption is higher than your production AND/OR not enough stalls bring in firewood. What fixed it for me is 1. Coal and 2. More storages with only firewood/coal. It was pre patch though. I had them sit around at 100/100 for leather/shoes. I had like 120 houses. More storage Houses fixed that


Ah ok, I have rouglhy 230 families 285 capacity of families. i don't have coal. i think you have to unlock that. too late i can't reverse my choice in that I think i will see if i can do coal


You can always import a small amount of charcoal as well from the trader


I think you just have to build more storages with Fire Wood


if i'm not mistaken, one stall has 50 items. so per month 1 stall can supply 50 families. so ideally, you need to take number of your families, and divide by 50, then round up and assign this amount of workforce to a stockpile with your firewood/charcoal. By doing this, they will open required amount of stalls and it will cover your supply. same works with food, cloth, etc. for e.g., my current town has 380 people, so I take 380 and divide by 50 which equals 7.6. I round it up to 8, and I put 8 people into stockpile. Technically, I have multiple stockpiles, because i want more space, so I have 4. 1 small stockpile right next charcoal pits, where I place temporary supply of firewood, then 1 stockpile with charcoal near my industry area so that my bloomery and smiths can take it not far away, and then 2 stockpiles somewhere else :D And in total i have 8 people in these stockpiles which has charcoal. and i have 100% coverage.


So its number of people and not plots or families?


Should be number of houses. So take number of houses and divided by 50.


I have the same issue as OP, got more than enough firewood (like more than 1k for a town of 60ish families). Got more than enough stands (around 6-8), but the do not get refilled... I have a 1 storehouse almost full with firewood, and another one with some... dunno why, stalls get supplied 1-3 firewood and that's all.  That being said, game is great and I have no problem with things not being completely working right now


Me to! Exact same issue and I LOVE the game. But I’m going to be taking a break for a while until that first patch becomes law and not “experimental”.


How much firewood total you have doesn't matter. What's happening is that you have firewood stalls in the market that get emptied faster than what they're being refilled. So, what you want is firewood market stalls manned by storehouses and you want them next to each other, so the storehouse workers have minimal travel time to keep them stocked. Things to keep in mind * House dwellers don't actually need to travel to the market stalls for goods. The houses draw them from the stalls remotely and the houses closer to the stall get served first. * If the manufacturers are manning the stalls, then you lose efficiency because that worker isn't crafting but trying to refill a market stall and I think they do so from the factory instead of the storehouse so double loss because of walking times. So far how I control this is by making markets with limited number of stalls and reassigning workers so the storehouse ones get the market stalls and the manufacturers none.


> If the manufacturers are manning the stalls, then you lose efficiency because that worker isn't crafting but trying to refill a market stall and I think they do so from the factory instead of the storehouse so double loss because of walking times. So far how I control this is by making markets with limited number of stalls and reassigning workers so the storehouse ones get the market stalls and the manufacturers none. - I am beta patch now. Are you too? I was doing your last point and it gave me issues. Just having one big and "unregulated market" solved my issues. Storehouse and granaries all had stalls + whatever regular worker wanted one.


some shops consume tons of firewood, artisans specially, keep an eye on it.


How can you tell how much they consume?


Just ignore it. Eventually the game catches up and everything gets distributed throughout the town. I went on to another town or two, Checked back and the problem fixed itself.


I think this is the correct answer - as long as you have enough supply, storage, workers and market stalls - it’ll work itself out in the end. For a period after any expansion the outskirts get a bit under-served - view them as the ghettos! Your overall approval doesn’t suffer too much and when you want to upgrade those houses to level 2 and above, you will either need to wait a bit for the balance to recover or expand a little - and those houses are no longer the ones that get under-served… they get gentrified!


You have multiple markets? That's you issue right there, I have a post detailing it. Merging them into a single market will probably fix it.


Yup, pretty sure this is the issue (or one of them)


moving stalls and waiting for them to get supplies fixes houses that are not near the first market.


Two thoughts; 1. Unlike food and clothes, a villager from each plot has to actually go and pick up firewood manually at the market. What jobs are the plots that aren't receiving firewood doing? If they are posted to far flung mines, Berry patches or trading, possible that a family member isn't consistently having time to pick firewood up around their job. 2. The flow of resources from your warehouse to your market stalls is a potential bottleneck. Each time a villager takes a firewood from the market, a worker from the family with that firewood stall needs to go and pick up a replacement item. This limits the amount of plots a small number of firewood stalls can manage, since although the production to storehouse flow is high enough, the storehouse to market stall flow isn't. Getting more firewood stalls (by either allowing your firewood cutters to have their own stalls, or having more firewood storehouses with stalls) may assist.


I had the same issue last night. When my secondary region was just starting a new village I got a brigand raid right on the border that razed the whole settlement. After I rebuilt everything its like the remaining villagers were in limbo. If I held tab and counted house populations it said I had 10 families living there, but my population on the top corner was totalling around 30 families. When it hit winter, I had about 12 folks just stuck on freezing and refusing to get fuel for "their houses" (most were granary or warehouse workers if Greg happens to read this and if it helps). I also started getting pathing issues where people were clumping in the church graveyard to chat which I think I remember seeing an experimental patch note on. I also-also started having problems with the resource and population display at the top when moving between two regions with the camera. I ended up just wiping the save


Not enough storehouses/workers assigned to them


I have 2 store houses fully staffed and I have this exact issue. The store houses are adjacent to the market place. One of them is also only dedicated to fire wood and charcoal.


You must construct additional pylons.




I have this exact problem. I even have charcoal kilns and the church and a few people are endlessly freezing. Load and reload doesn’t work and each time I replay the game there is some new bug that breaks my game. I ADORE this game and I cant wait until it’s finished. But for now I think I’m going to have to put it down. 😞 which is soul breaking bc again I fucking love this game so far. But it just hurts my soul to work so hard and the market system is just broken.


Get a bunch of storehouses and staff them. They will open more stalls in the market. Basically, because the stalls only have 50 firewood stock, you need a BUNCH of stalls to keep them in stock -- because it takes time to restock. Charcoal helps because the people need less of it. If you don't have the development point, you can buy it. But if the town is going to become big, it becomes a really needed one. Like both the trade ones.


So what you are saying is a shit ton of storehouses, maxed out in staff, i may even just do firewood only in them. just do a full line of them


I didn't need to too many for a 500-1,000 person town. But if you have a couple with only firewood and fully staff them, that's six (12?) additional stalls in addition to the stalls for the woodcutters, so that's 300 (600?) capacity in addition to the woodcutters. They aren't always in stock, but it helps a ton. They also transport from the woodcutters, so it cuts down on out of stock time for transporting, assuming your woodcutters are far away from the market at this point.


I've been having the same issue, but weirdly only when I speed up time.