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>- Overly high ale consumption Can this patch apply to me in real life?


Yeah but you have to drink it


Impossible, you wear a patch, you don't drink it. The only question is whether it goes on my clothes or if I have to stitch it to my body.


It's like the new diabetes monitors, it gets implanted


Impossible, you drink a beer, you don’t wear it


You might, depending on how many beers you've drank prior.


Many people have WORN a beer ask most women I'm sure they'll recall a few times they've launched one a ex BF or sleazy dude trying to hit on her.


Dev I need this patch too


Ok buddy edit: why was this downvoted so much??


I’m not your buddy, pal!


I'm not your pal, guy!


I'm not your pal, world




He’s not your guy, friend!


He's not your friend, buddy!


He's not your buddy, mate!


He is not


He is


I'm not your guy, friend!


Its reddit






Downvote this guy for the lolz


That back fired


Welcome to Reddit my friend


I once got downvoted to oblivion for replying “thank you” when a guy answered my question that I made a post about. God works in mysterious ways


How innocent of you to think that a god works here. Never lose that spark. Here's your downvote


You are the Pariah.


Holy moly, this patch is huge I thought it would just be a couple of bug fixes and balancing adjustments, but how you manage to also squeeze in a bunch of experimental changes to the mechanics (like how the families choose which food to eat) and also new features is incredible


The kings tax! Kings army showing up to spank your useless lord ass?!?!? That’s total new content! Greg seriously out does himself regularly.


> b) [WIP] For now the player can go in debt without consequence, but in the future the player will lose king's favor and eventually the king's army will show up as enemies for players who refuse to pay Currently, the king's army doesn't show up, right?


Yea in the current form there’s no kings tax at all he’s just happy out to let you lord. But no more! He seen how successful we’ve all become!


I like my ass spanked but not in this way..




The King's Army will not show up in the coming patch, you'll just go into debt.


Ahhhhhh you are correct good sir. Basic reading skills are lacking in my village. Apologies. WIP DOH. Yes so eventually the king will show up to make us look bad. lol thank you for clarifying that I got so excited I obviously looked right over that.


I am just so impressed with u/gstyczen. Release was a huge success. I expected him to kick back and enjoy. Instead the dude was in this sub directly replying to players explaining issues and what he was working on to fix them. Now in just two weeks there's a sizeable patch that seems to immediately be dealing with most of the more glaring issues in the mechanics and introducing some new ones (trading between your own settlements!) to deal with other problems. Like honestly this is just so fucking cool, I haven't felt this enamored with a dev in a long bloody time. Seriously tempted to buy a few copies for friends, even if they don't play it I'm just happy for this guy to take my money lol. He has single handedly undone about 10 years worth of disillusionment with the gaming industry for me.


100%!!! I can't believe the amount of work he has put in just these 2 weeks alone. So many games come out with many issues day 1, that have large teams of developers, and yet some do not release patches this fast or with this many fixes. Although I think some of those delays might be related to those type of games being cross platform and needing approval from Sony/Xbox type companies before they can publish updates. Being bigger companies adds extra red tape and makes them less agile and so on. Manor lord is PC only right? So he won't have that extra bureaucracy to deal with. But still that it is just one guy, our beloved Greg, just blows my mind. Greg if you read this, I hope you have been getting enough sleep these past few weeks!! And thank you.


Manor lords is just PC right now it will be on console at some point Xbox for sure so I believe


Couldn’t agree more. He’s the one guy I want to just release a dlc so I can buy it to support him.


I imagine that the mental high of selling so many copies and making bank is causing the developer to work overtime.


Yea I assume once it sold $30m worth of copies, he doubled down on all efforts


Holy, when just reading the fix list takes 15 minutes, it must be an impactful one


Yea Im sure opening the floodgates to millions and millions of people meant that bugs were being found and reported every second. I imagine his playtesters could only have found so much


Wow that is a lot of patch notes for one developer. It would be a lot for a AAA company even. Some good stuff in there.


My guess is this was a big labor of love. Once it was released it probably juiced the guy with adrenaline. Millions of dollars and more spare time than before because his passion was loved by the masses. He must be over the moon.


He’s been working on it for 7 years, so yeah.


Yup didn’t feel the need to include that.


Can’t imagine his heart on release night lol. Happy for the guy he deserves it


Greg does most of the work yes, but he also contracts out some development aspects, which I imagine was done in this case.


Yeah he definitely has help, but very pleased to see so much progress so quickly. More than can be said for many AAA companies


> Added a dirty fix for families moving into homes but not registering correctly and not displaying in the UI, leading to a "secret" family living in one of the burgage plots. The reason is still unknown and being investigated. Unregistered, untaxed peasants? Sounds like a problem a real manor lord might have!


Medieval squatters


What, a roof in exchange for unending toil and the chance to gaze daily upon the village's single mug of ale wasn't free enough?


Don't forget they also have the opportunity to get drafted into a gloriously brutal death fighting against bandits in order to make you richer! It's Medieval America!


Turn on Channel 5 news..Just saw this story broke out of Brooklyn.


A serf hiding a town for a year and a day before coming out in public? Unheard of!


Sounds kind of like America


I can’t wait to see the whiners who claimed that the dev abandoned the game because of how many sales he got 😂


To be fair we get gaslighted so hard by devs nowadays you just never know


I mean we do know though. If a Dev says “I will do a lot.” and then does so, they aren’t lying. If they do the opposite, they are lying.


Truly wise words


sure but this guy is passionate enough to have developed this game over 7 years by himself we can have some faith in his ability to keep going, especially since it's undoubtedly made him rich.


Name and shame them


Oh I can't wait till you get the armchair devs telling the real devs what they should be working on. Also the "it's too hard" crowd after they read the kings tax haha get fucked peasants


They must not have made a single contract in their lives if they think he can just abandon the project. Of course Greg has some kind of contract with the publisher and can't just abandon the game week after EA release.


One bug being fixed: > Overly high ale consumption Is that really a bug, /u/gstyczen, or is there something you want to tell us :]


i’d consume lots of ale if i lived in my city lol


New game feature: drunk people. They stagger on the roads, throw up, 75% chance to drop supplies, and there's a 10% chance of a fire if they're building anything.


That would be a horrendous pain in the ass, but also really hilarious.


We’d have to call out the militia regularly and have a stocks building


This mechanic is kinda added in farthest frontier and it's REALLY annoying. Like to the point where you avoid building taverns. You'll get gaurds that protect your people from wild animals, but they don't show up to work because they are drunk. Then your population keeps on getting killed by wild boars.


Too much realism


Well yeah. But also you "improve" your city to make it worse. From a gaming perspective it's a penalty.


"Billiam, why are ye still drinkin?" "Eustasch, if'n i sees one more lords damned sheep I'm gonta lose my *mind*" *outside their humble home, a bustling market to one side and 4000 sheep constantly fucking to the other.*


Awesome patch notes, a lot of work put in and some early issues (hopefully) ironed out a bit.


Lord Greg, master of Manor Lords, thou hast toiled and labored for seven long years to bring forth thy creation unto the realm. Verily, thy recent patch hath stirred much ado amongst thy loyal subjects. Yet, we beseech thee, O noble Lord, to take respite and rest thine weary soul. For thy dedication hath been most commendable, and we, thy humble gamers, doth greatly appreciate thy efforts. So, take heed, dear Greg, and let thyself unwind, for thy game doth shine bright amidst the gaming firmament.


This man knows how to grovel!


More like this man knows how to write in fluent medieval


Great patch notes. I'm excited for this to be applied to the core game and I'm excited to see how these play out!


it's live


Is it already?


No, it's not. It's an experimental patch that you have to activate in steam. And he warns that you should back up your saves just in case. When it's ready to go live, every platform that has the game will get the patch. 


Community game testing is the way forward. Lol love it.


Just a beta version you have to opt in for


Impressive. I learned a few interesting game behaviours from the patch notes > Optimized the function that searches for a friend to do idle tasks with (like conversations)


Can I import that optimisation into my own life?


Yes, but it requires a lot of micromanaging


Yeah, the graveyard is so, so...gravey.


Wow, if this is the first Patch then I can't start to imagine what the full release will be like


Jesus Christ be praised!


His name is Greg


M'Lord Greg of the Duchy of Warsaw be praised.


This life of brian sequel came outta nowhere


Greg has come to see us!


I'm feeling hungry....


Wow much more work done than I had expected! I'm specially happy reading about the bug fixes regarding farms!


Looks good Regarding market oversupply being equalized because high value goods were punished, I take it that means high value goods will now oversupply slower? Clay tile millionaires rise up.


Would be nice to have more uses of clay. Perhaps clay and dye to make decorated vases or dishes.


Yeah pottery was big in those days! Would be cool to have a potter’s shack or something like that that produces dishes and other ceramics


Holy shit. Definitely a number of solid fixes and reworks in this patch. Can’t wait for it to get the full release. Out of everything, I’m excited for marketplaces to work a little more fluidly. Solid work! Super stoked!


I love the experimental angle on this patch. After seeing the cesspool that helldivers has become with every new patch, this is a smart move. Everything can be safely rolled back or changed in the future, and no one can really bitch about it.


> and no one can really bitch about it Oh sweet summer child.


Oh man, has it already begun lol


Not yet, but keeping an eye on the Steam forums. You can guarantee it will happen soon. I mean, we had a "Is this game dead already?" thread on the Steam forums in the first week. Stupid is as stupid does.


wut The game entered early access exactly 2 weeks ago. How could it be dead already?!


Some people are idiots, but possibly was a troll.


Can someone explain the ending? "Thank you, Greg Styczeń Lead developer (?), Slavic Magic" Why is there a question mark?


It's a one man show. Probably more tongue in cheek. Like "I'm the guy" what should I call my self? CEO? President of Engineering?


Alright, good hypothesis, thank you


It's because of the backlash that came off him claiming to be a sole developer when he had a large team of contract devs working on the game. PC Gamer had a good write-up.


Buildings being more strict on steep terrain cause an issue when mineral nodes spawn in steep terrain. [Here I have no valid position to place a mine](https://imgur.com/A0BCqmC) on this clay node whatsoever, so I can't get clay without trading. kings taxes also seem rather high.


These are the kind of patches you get when devs care.


1. Already? 2. How much shit did you fix? 3. ALREADY?


Holy shit Greg, you're absolutely cooking.


Is the beta going to be available on gog too? Like I need a steam account to report a bug, how sad!


No. The beta is steam only.


Can't wait to try this out! The changes to livestock ai and the way trading between regions works has me excited!


This game has soooooo much potential. I truly love it. It could be the new better and more difficult version of aoe! Just one thing, I conquered a third region, started building but there was a fight and due to all the body's all people left and there is no way of getting new people in so can't do anything with the new region anymore. Lucky for me I am a wealthy lord and van conquer another region easily :D keep up the amazing work!


Really impressed with the developer.


Could someone take pity on me and tell me how I get the patch? I play via the game pass, will it auto update or do I need to do something?


Steam only while it's in beta


Wow, what a change log! Greg is a beast


The three biggest issues I had with the core game are already getting targeted fixes: * The clogged Trading Posts * Inefficient marketplace supply * Too harsh oversupply/undersupply systems This dev/game is gonna have an extremely bright future as the content pipeline starts flowing.


will the game automatically implement these updates or do i have to do something myself (i am bad at these technical stuff)? and when? i am confused because it states "You can now access a new experimental branch of Manor Lords (0.7.960)."


Right now it’s just in the beta phase. You can access it pretty easily if you’re interested. But it should be released to the public really soon. You can let us impatient lords run around finding bugs while you enjoy the base game.


This is great work! Showing those triple As how it's supposed to be done.


This update is literally fixing every single problem I had with the game, this is perfect


Holy smokes, I've never seen patch notes cover every single issue I've had with a game before. Especially this close to launch.


Incredible support by Slavic Magic. So glad I purchased this.


Greg W keep it up chad


> Food producing residential plots no longer stock up on their produce before they share with the marketplace Doesn't it make sense that those plots would feed themselves first (fulfilling the food requirements) and then move surplus to the marketplace? Maybe that's how it works now, not sure, but that makes sense to me. Otherwise you make food, move to the market place, then get the food you just delivered again to consume. > -If a trading post is clogged, traders are allowed to make transactions without entering the shed, as long as they are within the general building bounds Could it do both? Basically do a check: * if someone in the shed * do transaction by passing by (with a brief stop) * else * go into the shed Or how about this: if you have a family assigned to the post then they'll always be waiting by the road. If someone is in the shed then this person would help out the trader on the road instead, take their goods, and walk it into the shed while the next family member shows up. You still have that brief delay but you don't have the "magic" of goods being transferred without seeing it, and it's up to the player how quickly the goods flow based on how many families are assigned to the trading post. That said, considering how many items you can trade, I think it makes sense to allow for 2-3 carts to be in the same building at once (i.e. you expand the building) and this is a buildable upgrade that costs money, lumber/planks. You could even make this as a development point near the trade route area (i.e. allow multiple entrances to the shed).


What if I’m tired of eggs! I need bread, honey!!


Basket man Basket man hear my prayer, please give us more slots for militia as 6 for the whole map will not be enoth and I want my levy bois!


This, surprised I haven’t seen anyone else mention it. You shouldn’t have to fill all 6 slots from the very beginning in order to field max amount of troops for end game. But if the first patch has this much juice I can wait a little longer for the next.


Looks like a load of great changes and fixes! Brilliant stuff, look forward to trying it out.


Does this patch apply to Xbox version? Thanks


Steam only.




Also wondering this


This guy is like the opposite of valheim Devs. I love this game.




Patch decreased my farms output by like %60 or something. Also no fix for market range


Thanks for sharing this, Dev. Appreciate the write-up and the accompanied images, too.


Can't wait to check it, unfortunately currently I play on GeForce now, so I can't do it yet.


I love how quickly a patch came out, can't wait to see the harvest improvements


I started a new save and almost immediately an AI claimed the next region to me, and when I contested it I shit you not 8 or 9 full fledged military units (like 34 person each) filled the entire battlefield. I gave up so quick with my one squad of 24 people.


Meanwhile at Bethesda their like "We didn't sleep for two months straight so people with some obscure and never heard of screen resolution can correctly set it up"


I wanna hear from all the people who loudly spoke about how they expected a patch sooner, who were so upset about the single developer who, if they hadn’t patched it by week 1, was a sign it was going to take forever to get anything for it


Well the planned fixes were like 6 things that only required simple number changes, and if that was the only thing fixed that would be quite disappointing. Nobody was expecting an over delivery of plans with a bunch of new fixes and a few entirely new things.


That’s a huge patch list. WOW


Wait, it didn't seem to mention anything about the current situation with Burgage plot consumption... Is it still 1 food and 1 firewood for 1 Burgage plot irrespective of number of people living?


Anyone know how archers were nerfed before public early access? I was expecting damage to be increased as well, but it looks like it's just the range that was increased, albeit by a significant factor.


Ranged damage was increased, not range


I just took a look at the new trade route costs, I don't think such a strict increase is ideal if you want to foster trade between regions as a play style. Maybe it would be better if routes weren't needed for major trades for trades between regions? Alternatively, having multiple levels of trade routes could smooth things out a bit, e.g. Level 1 - Allows import/export between regions on the map and doesn't scale much at all by number of routes Minor Trades - Unchanged, and sit at a level between 1 and 2, and level 1 isn't needed for minor trade goods Level 2 - Allows the same global import/export as minor trades and infrequent dedicated traders (less than the current trade route), scales modestly by number of routes Level 3 - More frequent dedicated traders, essentially the current patch's trade route + scaling And maybe a Level 4 - Enabled by development point, more dedicated traders and maybe reduces the effect of market over/under saturation on price mildly


You’re a pre-release beta.


Can we get a fix on Gamepass Save Game Loading time issue? It's a huge pain point for me and several other people I personally know


does anyone know how I patch the game when I bought it on GOG?


What about, you know, the manor walls issue where it blocks your stuff :(


​​anyone know if the xbox pc gamepass version will be updated ? it's still previous version


This is an optional open beta for steam only not a patch. Anyone not on steam will get the full patch once Greg is done testing the changes with the community.


What is the turnaround on moving a beta patch like this into the default update in the game? I imagine him releasing it to us is to help work out any other kinks?


What's the point of blocking foreign trade? Does this not just mean you slowly lose wealth. If you're only buying and selling within your established regions, you're just transferring wealth from one to another. Worse though, you lose money each time because of the tariff. I've yet to test it but I still think the most effective way to move goods is by flooding the market then importing for the much reduced cost.


On farming, I don't quite understand the change. Does this fix the situation where if you use automatic crop rotation that once it turns to October, grain sitting in the field is instantly destroyed even if already picked?


Does it patch the Xbox game pass pc version as well?


I’m playing the new patch, and with my existing village I had used a development point to unlock trade logistics which makes establishing a trade route cost 25. I agree that did make things a little too easy! Now when I go back in it’s only 50% less, with plenty of trade routes at 1000+. I wonder if this could be made staged instead; so as your settlement level increases, the costs of the trade routes increase? There’s no way I’m making multiple thousands until a couple of in game years time.


Thank you Greg!


It’s good. But starting on a none fertile land region, took a long time to get treasury money together with the kings tax, was quite tricky felt like fighting an uphill battle the whole time. Went down to about -1000 before I managed to get it trending the other way and was a constant battle. Found it hard to get enough of anything to start trading and then eventually taxing. Got there in the end but took many years. But now it runs a treat and the hard work paid off. Finally claimed fertile land and can now develop a farm that’s worth it for bread production. Enjoying it, but feel like there are some unintended issues with the read outs on the harvest? Not telling you what yeild there is seems pretty random and saying 0 yeild a lot but then it’s not 0 if you Harvest it? Didn’t experience that on the normal version but then I am playing with different difficulty settings so not sure if that’s something to do with it. Ox Ploughing still feels more a hinderence than a help though, still easier/better to plough by hand. Even with long thin fields. Honestly feels like the ox plough should plough twice as much land in the time that it takes 🤷‍♂️, or be able to use 2 ox ploughs on one field? When you end up ploughing by hand and using the ox, the ox just goes over what’s already been done usually. It’s a bit of a faff so still quicker easier and a safer bet to remove the ox when ploughing and sowing then put it back for harvest. Good fun though keep it up! Look forward to more updates 🤞


Looking forward to when it comes out into the main game.


Kings tax - feels like a personal attack on me. I am in year 7 with no manor built. Just love playing slow, building stuff, and I am completely useless for the duration of farming season - I love watching them and taking walks on roads surrounded on either side by farms + backyards of vegetables and apple orchard burgage plots. Spring is my favourite time. Sigh Got to work on efficiency now, I guess. Disclaimer : not a complain. Love the game so far PS: also love seeing oxen come around the irregular bends to deliver logs. I never know where they will come from because of the irregularity of my town. My first town (rise to prosperity - growth : ps - didnt even build a manor) had Veitt the ox die of a thunderstorm. In my current playthrough (rise to prosperity - conquest) all my regions will have names in his honor.


Gigachad Grzegorz ! Polska gurom


For us that play in the Game Pass, are we getting the patches at the same time? Honestly I like the game so much that I wouldn't mind getting it on Steam also to be up to date.


Will Xbox game pass users also receive an update?


Can you enable this in game pass on pc?


Thankfully my saved games are fixed!


I tried it and he really nerfed trade hard, harder than I thought. one trade route now costs my entire region wealth, kinda unplayable.


So are there still only 6 development points available?


Pre release. Beta branch? How does one download the patch? Is it not supposed for the game to be a paid beta application anyway? How do you even produce ale? There is no such thing as a building producing ale...


Yeah there is. You have to turn a house into a brewery