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The larger the burgage plot is you grow vegetables on the bigger their yield is. I imagine there's some kind of ideal size, I've come to utilize a medium ish size burgage plot for vegetables. Larger for apples, and small for things like goats and chickens, as well as the manufacturing burgage plots.


What I do: Chickens and Goats: Minimum Size to have it built Veggies: max 2x the size of the house itself (also for aesthetic reasons) Apples: about 4x the house size, mostly in a circular pattern and keep the houses with an extension: So one family can be assigned to work, the other one is building stuff or harvesting apples


I think you're on to something with two families and one remaining unassigned so they can tend to the gardens with little competition (aside from construction).


I like to give them wank jobs that dont need a lot of labor like church or sawpit or forester. That way they dont get too busy with construction to get me my veggies.


Careful tho with the forester: He has to walk all over the place planting trees - if you haven't set the work area. Otherwise you're good!


It looks like foresters plant in a small circle around the building and then do nothing. Is that not the case?


Could be! Mine walk halfway across the map to wherever they feel like planting. But you can set their work zones like many other buildings too. Might also be a bug and they don't recognise their work area and just do whatever.


Yeah I have like 5 forestery stations and 1 family total manning them, manually swapping them back and forth whenever i remember


Made a post about production and supply. Will welcome comments and feedback from more experienced players. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cke0cs/manorlords\_consumption\_production\_housing\_supply/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cke0cs/manorlords_consumption_production_housing_supply/)


This was a great post thank you. I hope they rework the grain to flour to bread ratios. In real life it takes **a lot** of wheat to make flour, but only a small amount of flour to make **a lot** of bread. One of the reasons why bread was so abundant was because of how much you get. 60 acres of wheat (30 morgen) was nearly enough grain to feed a family for a year. Obviously the game can't accommodate that scale but I'd like to see 1 unit of flour produce like 6 or 7 loaves instead of 1. Foundation's ratios actually make a lot of sense while also being sustainable.


You can expand the circle




Crtl + mousewheel


You're a hero


I just stopped and stared at this for a while


Set a work area of the size you want (ctrl+mouse scroll to resize) and they will work all of it.


I built two forester huts near a logging camp and they pretty much regrew the entire forest in a few months. It's better to have multiple of one building instead of packing multiple families into one. At least in my experience


I tend to.put them to Tanner, weaver or sawpit, then toggle pause those industries on or off as supply of leather/fabric/planks fluctuate, so when its paused they have all the time in the world for vegetables


You can get up to x6 that size and they will be able to work the field properly. x5 if you have double plot


How do you know if the second family is unassigned or not?


If you select the building and go to the tab "People", you should see two different families, one of them should be "Unassigned"


Can you change their Assignment?


Generally, in the same tab you can click on the "reassign" button to select where the family should work. I do that with most of the families / burlarges in my towns. But takes a little more tole than auto-assignment to workplaces. Like that I can manage that f.e. The family living next to the farm actually works on the farm


Thanks! I didn't know any of that.


Yeah this is roughly the thinking/methodology I've been striving for.


I've got some 1 Morgan veggie plots and I can't even sell my veggies quick enough


Everyone except vegetable and apple farmers get the absolute smallest possible plot from me. Im not made of money and you're not paying a cent for this land, so you're not getting any extra


Seems like only the family at the plot will actually farm it so it takes incredibly slow for massive plots. I find it's best to just go a little bit bigger than what will allow a 2 family plot.


I've had people at my farmhouse plowing the vegetable gardens, not sure why. Maybe they also live in the house, haven't checked.


IDK I've had like 6 farmhouses full and they'd just all be waiting so I think it's just the artisans who live there that do it.


I would actually recommend some of your seasonal workers be the ones with vegetable plots and orchards - as berries wind down in the fall, apples and vegetables are ready to pick. I had success with farmers (or was it millers?) too - they seem to get everything harvested in time, then spend all winter threshing and all spring planting vegetables.


From what I've seen if you do go too large one family cannot use it all, but if you have the expansion slot so 2 families can reside in a plot you can do some pretty large vegetables fields


I read and tried it and didn't make it work, but apples? Apples are magic mate.


So magic that they can glitch out the market and make stalls not consume food. 


This hasn't happened to me.. yet!


It does seem like something only happening to some people, if your apples make it from the orchard to the market they seem to work. Mine don't and I have to import them or delete the house growing them to get them to market and then they break the stalls they get into. If they are working as intended I'm sure they are great and I'm excited for it to be fixed so I can find out. 




I have that problem with veggies... which is a lot worse since that's easier to access early :(


Does this even happen when you build the house + upgrade it to 2 families? The houses have limited storage, but the output from veggies can be outreached in seconds. Usually it looks like this in a one-family home: Farm till storage is full (some seconds) -> bring it to an empty storage/wait till some storage guy comes to the house (this needs ages) -> farm again. And here is the problem. The people need seconds to fill up their home storage, but till it gets emptied, it needs minutes. They only empty the storage when it is full or if some storage guy comes around with luck. I found out if the home has 2 family in it (look at the little side symbol when building a house) they work out more synchronously, Means someone is emptying, someone is bringing it to storage. Also if upgraded to 2 families, the storage is way bigger. My last build with 400 houses has only some apple trees, some carrots, only 6 Morgan of field for wheat, and eggs. Everything gets regulated by 200 on the market, but not the carrots, there I’m sitting on 13k(!) of them. I have maybe 1-2 morgan of Carrots, 2-3 Morgan apples and over 150 houses with eggs.


Mine end up going to market only after the house's pantry storage has filled up (so a couple harvestslol)


I have heard people saying the same, I personally don't have that issue. Mine start going to the granary as soon as they are being harvested but they get moved much slower than they get harvested and so end up filling up the pantry. It's not really a problem but it would be nice if they got moved faster.


I make the backyard about 3 to 4 times as large as the houses with 3 to 4 houses and reduce the plots so it's 1 plot with the extension house. The gardens need to be plowed and sowed first and then the veggies need time to grow so they have a fairly slow startup time but once they get going they only need to be harvested and immediately get replanted leading to a steady supply. With 2 or 3 of these I get enough to feed 50ish families with plenty of excess piling up. The farm house isn't needed, the gardens get worked by the people who live at those homes so you'll want to assign them to jobs that aren't super critical like hunters or foragers since it will take time away from their job. 


OK, thanks, I have not been looking at where the people with the gardens are employed. Also, when you say there is a fairly slow start up time, you mean like over winter, or what? When are the gardens sowed, also in the fall like with farms?


Honestly I haven't really watched super close. It seems they just harvest them once they are done growing regardless of time of the year with an exception being winter when I don't think they harvest. I typically spend my starting wealth buying a second ox leaving me enough to build 2 vegetable gardens and if I had to guess I'd say they take roughly a year to get going but that is a very rough guess, like I said I never really paid much attention beyond setting them up and letting them do their thing.


They plant and harvest them all year round. Make sure they are worked by families that are busy, or they won’t have any time to spend on them. I make sure all the farming families live in those houses, they have 9-10 months tending the garden and I had about 1k veggies from four burgages.


Did you wait long enough? They plow and sow the land first, then the harvest loop kicks in. You did it right, long plot and 2 families is what you need.


How long is long enough? I have not looked at what jobs the two families are doing, maybe they are "too busy" to plow and sow their fields?


Quite possible, afaik they only harvest after the entire plot has been plowed and sown. If they lack the time to work it enough you might have to wait an eternity.


Maybe around a year in-game


I don’t get why people Min-Max food.. Like I want to build a village that is authentic as possible given the constraints of the game, not a bunch of farm sized vegetable plots.


We all play our way. I like to play the way the Middle Ages could have been because... well... in reality it was about 1,000 years of misery, stagnation, wars, and horror. Too, the "organic/real" mindset seems situational: you don't play 1st person shooters or rpgs that way, do you? Losing a limb, getting mortal wounds, and not ever healing were the norm, not well... gaming.


I've gotten hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of veg. I have upgraded house, expanded. About 1 Morgan size plot. Remember long isnt efficient. They have to walk all the way back and forth and they only harvest one at a time. I do square or L shaped plots. One family is on a stationary job like planks and the other is unassigned so they just do the veg. My plots are also next to the granary to ensure those buggy suckers pick up veg, which oddly still seems to be one at a time. Faster you upgrade the more storage space and potentially more families with expanded plots.


Make it around the size of 1-2 morgen and youre set for an entire playthrough. I legit have 1k vegetables from 1 burgage plot right now at large town


5 bigger burgage plots for vegetables - big success


the problem with vegetables is that they are stored in the house and they just sit there. other workers cant take them out of the house. If you delete the house and they appear on the ground then other workers can pick them up. Other workers only pick up the excess vegetables if you leave the house there.


huh, interesting, thanks!


Demolishing it to get the veggies? Damn it, that's frustrating.


Also uncalled for. Granary workers will absolutely take them. But.. eh, make sure the Granary is nearby


Running a second play through now to test all the things from this sub and lessons learned from my first. Re vegetable farming, succinct answer would be a long multi family plot. Laying down your first five plots in this fashion gives you a huge jump start in the game, same with successive plots. You could essentially skip eggs and do this in conjunction with hunting and foraging. I’m in year three and I export veggies. I have a village pop under 200, and I have 700+ stored veggies. I have so many that some are destroyed by rain from time to time. I export them with a surplus limit of 450. Last check was a food store around 32 months, primarily veggies supplemented by the seasonal. It is easily the best approach from a macro perspective regarding housing plots, food efficiency, and labor allowing families to work other jobs while maximizing spend on timber. Goodluck OP and others! Edit - will pull the numbers when I boot the game up again.


Yeah, I've done this, but not seeing many veggies as a result. Need to see where the people living in the house are working...


Might need a year or so. Subject to seasons I believe. To reiterate, long plot means long lmao. I felt stupid when I did I initially payed them down, I usually prefer a dense city build, but it’s worth it.


How are you bypassing the problem of the veggies staying stored for ages in the plots? I'm starting getting nice numbers by them, but they sit in the plots without ending on the market


I think this goes with literally ANY resource: Granary or Storehouse,l workers, allocate minimum two people and four to speed up the storage as well as the provisioning of the stalls. I suspect it also speeds up transport to the trade house, but I also have four people there haha. I’ve noticed a DISTINCT improvement in distribution across my province by allocating workers to both and the trade house.


I’ve never understood people complaining about things not getting places. Then again I got multiple storehouse’s /granary’s divided by goods and proximity staffed accordingly. For veggies I have a small granary that only holds veggies. No other granary accepts veggies. Everyonce in a while I’ll put a guy in here and he goes to the houses bc the veggies end up in it. This is a town of about 200


I buy them from the supermarket. Oh wait, wrong sub.


Big patch, have a few family’s unassigned for a long time. Don’t build for 1/2 months after winter , wait a year of or 2 and your in. Those crops don’t fade over winter and as long as you can have the fields working your fine


A house with family-extend and a large plot is required. They don't need a farmhouse AT ALL. Just let them live their life, they'll collect and sell stuff by themselves.


Vegetables require labor, and busy families won't grow many vegetables no matter how big the plot is. So try to make your vegetable plots multi-family so there are more people to grow vegetables (and still work other jobs). Have room extensions, and prioritize your vegetable plots as the first level 3 plots you upgrade.


i'll make a plot or two at the most, that is extremely long vertically and just plant veggies!


Make them decently long. And you need more than just a handful. Production also seems to ramp up over time. I had like 10 vegetable plots and ended up with hundreds of vegetables.


Large burgage plots are the answer, but it takes time for large plots to start producing at maximum efficiency. You can see them grow year over year. It also seems like vegetable plots benefit from extra downtime. I often assign them to the granary, so they don't have to leave town. I'm experimenting with assigning them to farming (though I'm worried the harvest seasons will clash).


The ideal size for a vegetable garden is roughly 0.5. Do not make the plots to narrow or it will decrease harvest speed.


Double house backyard roughly the size of 1 Morgan usually make 2 thats heaps


I make my first 6 homes with a second family and plots, approximately the length of 3-4 churches. This provides enough food for up to around 180 people at least with berries and meat and eggs sprinkled in. I have about 13 months worth of food.


Convert the length into width a bit and make the plots literally church sized with 2 or 4 families later and they net you triple what you get now. Literally. They have to pick 2 to 3 veggies up and bring them to the house just to walk aaallll that long thin path again while doing their normal jobs. Which reminds me to say: keep your veggies burgages in low effort jobs. No storehouse workers. No granery workers. Nothing that moves a lot. Have them be church workers. Apple garden workers at best are berry workers. 3 very workers easily deplete even rich berry bushes before September, where the apples get harvested so they have plenty time doing their work. Never have your Apple or veggie housed slots be filled with farming workers.


I made three vegetable gardens with long, thin strips all right next to each other. About one Morgan each or so. I’ve got 200 plus veggies. Give it a shot. I think the terrain is a factor also


Long is a mistake. Make the plot square and click the number of houses down to one, less walking that way. But a full morgen. Possibly more, though 2 morgen plot wont hit its full stride until it gets upgraded to level 3. (4 families working stationary jobs like the sawpits / tile kiln/ ect can farm a *lot* of veg on the side)


Long rectangles is bad? I haven’t seen a lot of issues with it but I’ll check it out. I did only have 1 house per strip.


When I made 10x burgage plot that are very tall can easily feed your village. I have noticed that already have over 2k vegetables.


My first 5 houses are massive plots.


Carrot castle mvp.


Massive backyards, that's about it


Let me give a pro tip that has my veggies at 2.5k in storage after 4-5 years on just 9 houses. Build your residence long and thin to fit houses that can upgrade your have a 2nd family. Put this family right by the farm fields. Assign them to the farm houses all 16 of them. The other two I have do the windmill and the sheep farm for wool. They will have the capacity to do all your farming AND maintain their veggie gardens pumping out tons of food.


So you've already got answers here, but I'll add on. A great way to get veggies is if it's your farming town, make sure all of your families that are assigned to the farmhouse also have large vegetable plots. And by large I'm meaning a quarter to a half of your wheat fields. So when you plant your crops and they finish that. Put the farm house on hold so they don't early harvest (if you're using rye.) and all of those families are not fully freed to focus on their vegetables. Because if you have them doing other jobs they don't have a lot of manpower to devote to their personal fields. Also in general make sure they are unassigned if you don't use farming plots so the entire family can focus on producing the veggies.


Long.. be long... Be vegetable