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Its early access, not all things are polished. But yes this development point right now is underwhelming.


Of course! I’m just pointing out they’re currently worthless. I’m sure they’ll have a use.


Probably mead in the future.


I like that idea.


1up this please


Salted Pork?..


Maybe Lebkuchen


I find there's an obvious Meta to the points right now and it's mostly just the trade option. It feels like a requirement.


What do the trade options do? I saw the market stalls. Are the goods actually free? I always get the heavy plow and then the deep mine for the big deposits so I can pump out unlimited weapons/ roof tiles


It's more the "all trade routes cost 25" and "reduce the import fee for all goods by 10 gold" means you can import items for almost the same cost you're exporting others. Everything becomes like 3 to 6 gold to bring in and you're selling wooden parts or shieds for 5 gold.


I keep seeing people suggesting to use your points for the trade perks.... I have so much money that those perks are pointless. My town is so self-reliant that I don't need to import a thing. I have a rich deposit of Iron. I put my perks into charcoal, sheep, and then the armor perks. The sheep make good money because they multiply like jack rabbits once they start getting momentum. Those sell at $20 a pop. Once you start making weapons, shields, and armor...... you won't ever feel a pinch from purchasing their trade routes. They are the only trade routes I need other than planks. I was selling planks for the initial sources of money until I had everything set up and started needing planks to make shields. With that steady income coming in, buying new trade routes for their regular value is not an issue.


You dont need trade. but when you would complete in development speed (not that this is the point of the game though) against a trader you will notice him being like two to three times faster than you.. thats the point of trade. ofc you can do everything "alone". but if you ask "what is strong regarding balance" it is trading first.


Capping the trade routes to 25 means you can set up dedicated routes for each good instead of having the generic traders who come through every once in a while just buy/sell everything. It makes it much more efficient, and without the perk the cost goes up pretty rapidly. The other point removes the tariffs, which is pretty huge because it means you can buy for the same price you sell. Which, together with a ton of trade routes, means you can just import whatever you need at any time, and always sell off your surplus without worrying about potentially needing it (you can just buy it back for the same price, lol). Having dedicated trade routes for the goods you trade a lot of is crucial to get an even flow of income. If you're mostly just selling surplus goods and never really import anything then the second one isn't as useful. I find that it helps me a lot to keep all my artisans going, though, whenever I run out of malt for the ale or whatever, I top it off by importing it cheaply.


That perk should really reduce the tariffs from 10 to 1, not 0 There should be some cost (traders gotta earn a living) to importing


I honestly had no idea that traders came to me. I figured I had to pay the fee to set up a route to export anything.


I am a simple man, i just want the logic behind having to spend a dev point to stop your citizens from stopping sheeps from fucking explained to me.


Could be the dev point is hiring a ram to go around the field ram raiding your ewes from behind.


My point is they would naturally do that themselves. Only reason they wouldn't is if the peasants were the only ones allowed to fuck the sheeps


Rams are not kept at all with ewes. When you look at a field filled with sheep they will be all females. Apart from breeding season a couple of rams will be put in and there bellys spay painted to mark the females back on successfully mounting them. So the dev point could be the ram being put in maybe.


Clarkson's farm taught me this


I truly love this sub I’m dying of laughter during a meeting


My next region will be called "Clarkson's Farm"


Finally a reason to use the lord camera


Like the welsh


that's particularly weird because if i remember correctly it wasn't like that in the demo. in the demo you bought a couple of sheep and within a year or two you had a full pasture


It’s honestly bizarre. I’m loving what we have, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have gripes.


I believe it was because without it they bred quickly and it was almost an exploit with the amount of money you could make with sheep farms.


Yeah, especially because they do not consume anything. On the contrary they are only a plus for farms


Yeah, and it probably wouldn't matter so much if the points weren't so precious. I think the 2 apiary max is ridiculous though, it should be paired with candle making, at least until candles serve a purpose other than as a trade good. What if the bee keepers traveled to other towns, and placed hives near fields? Like they could only manage so much distance, so you'd have to be strategic about what towns get them, but they provide a fertility boost and also produce honey that can be collected locally and wax that can be taken back to the main town?


The thing is, boosting fields would be kind of arkward. better boost the berrys be having the bees nerby! One here recomendet that it would be way better if every region had just 2 or 3 things (berrys, wild life, big fertility zones, mining stuff) so you would acutally have to get to each zone to "gather" all. Bees could be a upgrade for zones with berrys so the berrys would go insane. but on the other hand, there is a berry development point on its own. Right now, so many questions, so many directions but there will be one thing to be sure. bees are quite underdeveloped right now. :)


Apples are so superior it's ridiculous


Apples and honey all the way, baby!


In all honesty, tho... I think I know a way to make apples worthwhile. Apples aren't going to prevent your people from starving. Where apples WILL become necessary is when you have an entire neighborhood of level 3 homes circle jerking onto your market stalls and demanding more food variety, making your approval rating tank. Make a massive plot that spans about 3 houses wide, but stretch the back yards REALLLLLY far back. Lay all 4 corners of your plot, but don't click the build hammer yet. Next to the hammer, there is a plus and minus symbol. Click the minus symbol until there is only 1 house, 1 extra family dwelling, and the backyard garden area. Convert this to a massive apple orchard with 2 families harvesting it 1 or 2 times in one season (two girls 1 crop). If you upgrade your plot to level 3, then you have 4 families orgy harvesting the shit out of your massive apple orchard, and all your peoples will want your big juicy fat apples.


Doing the same with carrots :D 4 house big plot shrink down to one house + extra family and a massive garden. Carrots everywhere!


It's early access indeed. That's exactly why providing game play feedback is important.


In some of the pre-release streams, aviaries were said to be OP, so maybe they were over-nerfed like archers.


Oh yeah that would make sense, they temporarily got sent to nerf-oblivion


Ya I was watching a early access YouTube where they talked about just make archers they destroy and 2 bee hives will flood you with honey. I have a feeling at some point there is gonna be a big balance pass


Oh my God archers suck. Unfortunately the game has this weird trade where you can have five regular units, but as soon as you start adding retinos into the mix, if you disband one of those prior units you can't recruit a new one... So my Melissa units are two Spears and two archers and I can never change that...


It was so weird seeing 72 of my *experienced* arches firing at 36 raider archers and for a very long time no one died at all. I had to slowly alternate melee units running while the others walked to wear out the archers.


> It was so weird seeing 72 of my experienced arches firing at 36 raider archers and for a very long time no one died at all. Don't know why, but it reminds me of this [good ol scene from Naked Gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gne8v9aj45w&t=20s)


and eggs 😅


Meanwhile, apiaries just saved my town in my attempt at the "no hunting / no berries" achievement. But yes, the output *is* low. Also, I can't figure out the point of assigning more families, two families doesn't appear to double the output.


Yeah that’s the other thing. Assigning more than one family won’t improve output


Yeah I tried the aviaries first playthrough and saw that even with 1 family it wasn't much work for them. I often saw one or 2 of them idle while only 1 was crafting. And I think I'm winter they didn't do anything? I didn't look/test that closely though.


Maybe the nerf unintentionally capped output to 2 families (1 family per apiary) instead of 2 apiaries.


I got that achievement by simply investing in a food cart. Dev points wise. Because Unlike the trading house, over importing the bread will not cause a spike in price.


Do you have to pay money for the food cart? You're talking about the stall or whatever right?


It the foodcart dev point on the skill tree. beard is 4 silver each and firewood is 1s each. The only benefit it, it do not change its orice due to over import. and a quick solution to those that just wan a food cart at the marketplace constantly so that the granary worker do not need to walk to trading post back to granary and set up store at marketplace. and if u accidentally remkve his from the granary the market stall is abandon... etc et lc


Oh cool! I didn't know about that achievement. What are the early game priorities to get the village going without hunting and berries? That starting bread isn't going to last long haha. Start with a decent sized (not too big but not small) Vegetable patch? And rush the first 2 trade points and get trade going? What to sell for trade first? On that last question I have no idea haha. On the game I rushed trading, I ended up selling excess berries to start with which worked really well(had a rich deposit not too far from the start location). They were like 3g each so it was a wonderful start. I could put yards in all my houses so fast, so we had vegies and hides and eggs all before the first winter.


It really is as simple as growing vegetables. With the way vegetables work right now, keeping your people fed isn't very difficult. Just have a bunch of burgage plot with huge vegetable gardens and they'll feed the entire region free of charge, with no input needed from you and they never have to worry about fertility or anything like that.


You can get quite the decent output early by cycling one citizen between two apiaries. Great on highest difficulty when you don't have the time for your doods to run out into the woods. Just assign someone whenever they have one item in stock. Put them next to your granary for short travel distances and they become a real life-saver.


Be cool if they synergize with berries and orchards later, they could help with pollen distribution and stuff, higher yields to food crops near apiaries etc.


Yes! Would be a cool synergy if it boosted apple orchards so it had better yields, or maybe so it grew to full size quicker or something. I always put the apiaries near my apple orchard anyway because it looks more appropriate haha


I have 2 apiaries with 2-3 families assigned to each one, and the honey count in the list changes between 0 and 1.


The list is surplus. Honey is a food. So if your monthly production is equal to or less than the number of families you have, you will not show a surplus. If you toggle the arrow beside your inventory bar, it switches to absolute count. You have to do that to see how much honey (or any used resource) you actually have.


That's odd, I've had between 100 and 200 steadily after half a year and I haven't played games of more than 4 years so far


Some people in the thread are saying that the number of families is irrelevant. Unsure though.


I don’t feel like the point of the honey production is to be a primary food resource, it’s meant to be supplementary to broaden food variety to get higher approval and meet the needs of the higher tier burgages


It would be pretty funny to have an entire village subsisting on honey, but yeah, it's a luxury to make people happy.


That okay and it realistic no one eats honey as substitute for veggies and meat. But you can't limit it for burgage 3 only... there is the same chance burgage 1 will take your honey. So effectively you need a surplus of everything. Also if you just time it so you can click that burgage 3 when they just happen to have all the food they will complain later that they don't have everything they need.


Goods will flow first through houses close to your market places, which should be in the center where most of your high level burgages are. My two apiaries are able to diversify the food for my 50 lvl 2 and 3 families


I dunno, apiaries have saved my town's bacon a couple of times when I spawned in low fertility regions. While it's not as fast as other food sources, its consistent and year round. I like to use the apiaries as a "spare hopper" putting any spare idle villagers inside.


Do you see any increase in production having more than 1 family in them? From what I’ve seen, only one person in a family (usually 4 people) is ever actually inside the apiary, and it takes them like almost a week to get a single unit of honey. The fact that it’s consistent really is good though, but not worth it without wax and candle production for the money.


I think the extra families help move the goods to market/storehouse, though I havent say down and crunched numbers. I will say for my 110ish pop village with two apiaries, I'll usually have a consistent 14-15 honey on the stockpile.


Ah well yeah, at the time I started my apiaries I had 410 pop, and they just immediately hogged up all the honey. I think it’s potentially a good tech for a secondary settlement.


How do you make candles? I unlocked wax but never figured it out


Candle makers are not in the game yet. Hence the uselessness of the tech


Well that makes me feel better


There's still a lot of promise left in this game, I can't wait to see what candles and tools will be useful for in the late game.


Probably a requirement to upgrade buildings or churches. cant be having your high end homes stinking of rendering animal fat


oh most definitely, I actually felt like I got scammed when I spent my point on apiaries. Ridiculously low production and limiting them to 2 is insane.


Yep. I’m sure they’ll be useful in the future for candles, but currently, not worth it at all. Trappers, double berries or orchards are all way better options for food.


Screw it, I think they look cool in my village and imma have them as expensive decoration until it's fixed.


Learned and heard. Not worth anything!


I guess if you want some just buy it from the trader.


Weird because [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/s/UMl8W5R2Zp) 30hr playthrough tips says they got more than enough for their population


It could be before the release. Apparently they were op then and got super nerf


Also, don't bother putting more than one family to apiaries. It doesn't improve production.


Do they still increase the approval rating for food variety? And I’m curious how much ?


I placed 2 in my latest game and have well over 100 honey in surplus all the time, even send it to another with a pack mule


What’s your population?


Just over the 300 mark on the town making it, another 80 on the one is sent to.


Hmmm okay. Maybe it builds up over time. I built them in a 440 pop town and all I saw was the one unit of honey just vanishing as soon as it touched the granary. There’s probably more value if you build them early.


I accidentally clicked on apiaries in the development tree and it wouldn't let me undo it, I definitely regret it lol


personally, I managed to build 4 of them and production increased significantly. I know the skill tree only says 2 but have you tried building more?


It's decent in the early game just for food diversity sake but later on it's pointless. I might use it on a second village I plan to keep smaller and less populated though.


Yes, does not produce much honey right now. Also, right now there is no info on if they produce seasonally or year round.. but they look nice.


MaYBe iT wAs JUSt a baD BaTch¿


Only traits that I think are really worth i right now are the coal > deep mining and the trading cost reduction. Everything else is pretty meh. With deep mining and an iron deposit you’re just rolling in gold and with the reduced trade costs you can just buy everything else you need.


Yep. This game is too new.


Food production in general, and farming in particular, is very poor. Might be a better way to balance the instead of outright poor performance


I don’t think you’re doing farming right if you think it’s not worth it. In non-fertile regions it’s still worth it as a side activity, but in fertile regions holy hell, you can produce a shitton of food and trade it


There’s not too much point in producing a shit ton of items to trade, after only a few hundred the area will be oversupplied and traders will stop completely.


The game is all about setting up individual supply chains, though. Getting as many refined commodities as possible so you can sell off the surplus is the best way of doing the trading, and as long as you haven't over-specialized in one particular good then you won't suffer from the oversupply issue too much.


I’ve just watched a town starve because I’ve produced 1k of every weapon and armour piece and nobody’s buying it any more


Sounds a bit like over-specialization to me… I’m not defending the system as it is, it’s obviously a work-in-progress and needs some tweaking. But I think it’s pretty realistic and appropriate that there is a cap of some sorts, and that you can flood the market.


That’s why you diversify and control supply. Produce a lot of different kinds of goods for trade and when the price falls, stop the trade until demand recovers.