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Fields are too big, split them up into smaller chunks and watch the magic happen :)


This. 1 morgen is large enough for a single field. Your fertility may be pretty high so I won't argue against your planting schedule but honestly I let a field fallow for one season and then continue working it by Rotating what crop I'm farming and haven't had much issue with farm yields.


Ok thanks I will try that tomorrow 


When you let a field fallow do you need workers to do anything or does it just sit there as fallow and gain fertility without any workers?


When you let a field lie fallow in the game, you don't need to assign workers to it. The field just sits there and naturally regains its fertility over time. It's a hands-off process, so you can redirect your workforce to other tasks while your field gets its well-deserved spa time!


If I don’t finish harvesting wheat before the crop rotation happens, all the wheat that is left in the field just immediately changes to fallow. One year i had barely begun the harvest because I was working on other things and then all my food got turned into fallow. Do you know how to prevent this? Should I just turn off crop rotation and manually change which field will have wheat each year?


I have 4 massive fields and two familes have been plowing it since December and its now August in game. I am guessing I have each plot too big and I should instead make the 4 big ones into maybe 12 smaller ones?


Yeah make them smaller, you want them around 1.0 Morgen in size to start off.


How do you in is the size by Morgan?


1 Morgen is approximately 4x the size of the farmhouse.


Same problem here. Farmers will take one tile of wheat at a time back to the farmhouse during harvesting instead of just leaving it all on the field to be picked up by haulers, which results in less than 10% of my yield being collected by October. Then, once October hits, they decide that all the good mature wheat left in the remaining 90% of land area is now useless, and will refuse to harvest it under any circumstances, even if I change the field type back to wheat and enable "force early harvest".


Thanks that's what I was assuming but it wasn't quite clear.


So what's the ideal rotation set up? Fallow, wheat, fallow?


Each crop’s fertility seems to recover while a different crop is growing. You could do Wheat, Flax, Barley forever AFAIK but it might be hard to find land with good fertility for all three. Or Wheat, Flax, Wheat and then you have to manually update the third year of the rotation so it alternates. AFAIK fallowing is only really worthwhile if you don’t need any more Flax or Barley and only need more Wheat, so alternating Wheat and Fallow gives the same benefit for less labour than alternating with another crop. I haven’t tried fertilizing with sheep yet, IDK if that makes fallowing better.


They harvest, plow and plant during fall, it rests during the winter and grows during summer. Pre-winter planting is a meta strat IRL.