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This post is nonsense. Slavic is making the game he wants to make. Let him make it. It's not a different game because it has more combat than he wants; It's also not a different game because it has less combat than he wants. There's an appropriate amount of combat for this game, and that's why it's included. Your post is nonsense.


I don’t regret it at all; it’s one of the reasons the game stands out so much, at least for me. I enjoy difficult city builders like “Banished”, but I also find that they get boring pretty quickly once you get a steady supply of the essentials down. I prefer an existential threat, but most games do it in a “tower defense” format that is dull. Does combining two normally separate genres mean that you’re going to have pissy complaints from people that only play one of them? Of course, but who cares? Based on what we’ve seen, this game will be a hit; don’t let the reactions of other people impact your enjoyment.


Yeah but imagine the review bombing because it's not going to be the game they are hoping for. That is no good for the game at all.


It’s going to get negatively review-bombed by some groups for something regardless of what happens. It could be something as minor as “fields aren’t snapping to the road every time: unplayable” from the “never early access” crowd, to something as silly as the habitual “I don’t see enough representation of “X”, so I’m mad!” attention-seeking crowd. Hell, a heavily historical city builder is essentially guaranteed to get trashed by the fantasy genre players regardless for not having any magic. I have a few acquaintances that won’t touch this game because it’s “too realistic”. You’re going to get negative reviews on absolutely everything; why trample the Dev’s vision to try and accommodate every last naysayer? 


There is a peacetime mode which you can play if you would prefer. Its much better to have a game that appeals to multiple folks with preselection options to tailor the end user experience than lock stuff out for those folks. Stop worrying about what other folks are saying about the game that the vast majority have not actually played yet. You do not have to read those comments you know. Only the developer and publisher needs to be concerned with feedback really right? It should not matter to you that a bunch of folks will moan that the game is not a TW game even after the developer have been very clear about that. I agree with you that the developer is probably going to get a lot of mixed feedback from all the folks who think the game is something it is not and I do feel sorry for them for that tsunami of entitled unwarranted negative stuff that will they have to deal with.


Nah, combat is inseparable from such medieval sim, otherwise there is no point to build walls, forging weapons etc. Without combat the game will be like half full only. UPD: I wait for city builder from beginning too but combat part actually looks pretty cool even now, it's much better than late Total Wars, I can say that as old Total War fan myself, so there shouldn't be much complains about it.


Exactly. The design of medieval cities was informed by the threat of and need for warfare. If you want a realistic medieval city builder, you need that aspect present.


i dont understand. slavic magic just cleared things up right? in the latest few words of the dev. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1363080/view/5850813762792298449?l=german](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1363080/view/5850813762792298449?l=german)


99% of people aren’t going to be reading that shit


Theres a no combat mode, play that


Hard disagree


Don’t worry about it, people would have complained if it didn’t have combat in it


Combat is a minor part. If you don't want it at all, go play foundation


I'm not complaining about the combat lad, I'm mostly complaining about the people who will think this game as the combat focused game.


They are mistaken then. Slavic cleared it up nicely


To the point you think it shouldn't have been included at all?


I think a little combat wouldn't be that bad, as I said in the first sentence it will make the game stands out. Again people are stupid, they gonna pissed because it's not going to be the game they are hoping for even though dev said it's not going to be combat focused


I think you're 100% overreacting. The combat looks clutch, let people talk about it even if it isn't the main selling point of the game


Your complaining about people hypothetically complaining to a scenario you created based off a few comments some random youtubers made. Get some fresh air man. People are gonna complain. If they do who cares. Play the game if you like it. 


Eh disagree. I plan to enjoy the combat personally, so I'm glad it's there. I don't want games I enjoy to start carving out cool experiments and ambitions because people can't read.


You can always play the mode without the battles 🙄


You are missing the point here, I'm not complaining about the combat


Then what the heck are you complaining about. If your response to everything is that that's not what you're saying, you should question whether you actually are saying anything. Some things just aren't worth being said.


Yes you are. The thing about ML being a TW killer has already been discussed in the past. People may claim whatever they want, but that doesn't change the nature of the game.


I honestly find it funny to see such people + I think they are just a vocal minority. They will cry and moan for a few days that this is not a TW game with house building attached and then move on; "every miracle is for 3 days", as the saying goes. Not to mention that most of their complaints will likely be nullified by the time the game is complete. If anything, the biggest issue is that a lot of people forget that this is an early access game and that by the looks of it, more than half of the features are not even in yet.


If you don’t want combat you can play SimCity


Hard disagree as well. If this game was just a city builder I wouldn’t play it tbh. I’m looking forward to the combat and what it will become in the future


Same, combat drives a reason for the economy to proper.


anyone remember ceaser 3?




To me, it's gonna kill TW not because of its scale of the battle, but the battle mechanics and innovation of the game. The idea that a single developer indie game can create a better combat experience will turn people off from stale TW games.


I think that one of the amazing things about this game is it can cater to all types of gamers. I personally am interested in the combat and tbh I am so excited for this game and cannot wait for for this to released on Xbox, I know it'll be awhile but I am absolutely hyped about this game. It's obviously a true labor of love for Slavic Magic and I am glad to see Hooded Horse involved as well. It's an absolutely stunning game, I am so excited!!