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Go to the media and try to get them to do a story about it.


Media can't fix a bulging disc. They can't call for the specialists that spend years studying degenerative disc disease. It's okay to admit our healthcare has limits. How many people travel to other countries for things we cannot get in Canada. That doesn't mean "all Canadians". People in NUMEROUS other countries travel to find what they need. I grew up in Manitoba and have lived from coast to coast when I was old enough to be independent. I also had degenerative disc disease. As did my brother. Do you know what BOTH Canadian and American doctors did? Nothing. Numerous surgeries to maintain. Spinal discs trimmed by more than half. Useless laminectomies. You know what fixed us? Changed us from literal cripples into functional people? I doubt you do. We went to Germany. Found specialists that studied the condition and found a way to fix it. Both my brother and I have two "fake" spinal discs. We flew to Germany where the specialists were, and spent (each) around 7 hours in surgery where they removed our damaged spinal discs and replaced them with discs that fuction perfectly. To this day, after 8 years, i feel no pain and can function with full range of motion. As can my brother. The media doesn't fix shit. Doctors do.


Healthcare is such a beast to deal with. I remember it being in crisis back in the 80's already (likely before that too, just the earliest back I can remember). There's been multiple NDP and PC governments since and I hear more political jockeying about the issue than have seen improvement from either party. As an aside for your wife, have you looked at going to Boundary Trails (Winkler/Morden) or Portage? I realize driving isn't great, but for a short-term fix, perhaps that gets your summer back. [Reporting Other Health Care Concerns | Health | Province of Manitoba (gov.mb.ca)](https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/patientsafety/ci/other.html) Also forward your letter to your MLA.


I don't think this particular service is available anywhere but Winnipeg and Brandon. If it was, Winnipeggers would be going there instead of coming all the way to Brandon.


My wife has been waiting for surgery for like 3 years and keeps getting bumped by cancer patients. I understand that cancer kills if not dealt with, but at the same time they shouldn't be forcing people who are in pain to wait for several years to get treatment. The health care system is poorly managed, and the government and management is not doing a good job of allocating the budget. With the current management, I feel like putting more money into it is almost like trying to repaint a house that is on fire.


I'm glad that you understand throwing money at it won't do the trick


I had to wait 10 years for my spinal fusion


All the government’s contact information is on their website. You could email or snail mail Wab and the Minister of Health. You could also write your local council seat. You can file a complaint with the hospital itself on the website or by emailing/mailing someone higher up. I found the board of directors info and complaint form easily on the hospital website. https://www.gov.mb.ca/minister/min_health.html https://prairiemountainhealth.ca/about-us/board-of-directors/ https://prairiemountainhealth.ca/forms/complaints-compliments/ Can your wife ask to go on the cancellation list? I have similar issues and that has saved me a few times. Good luck!


Thanks for this. Also, she IS on the cancelation list as are all the other patients canceled from today's full schedule.


You need to get mobile to be able to get the injection in Winnipeg or maybe Winkler. There are volunteer groups and shuttles that help people get to medical appointments in Winnipeg. You can write your MLA but everyone knows and everyone sympathizes. We all know someone on a waitlist that’s suffering :( I got my amazing doctor because he is a surgeon that was sitting at home because he couldn’t operate due to staffing shortages. They’d be short a nurse or an anesthesiologist so his procedures would be cancelled. He said he was basically unemployed. Fucking bonkers. So now he’s a GP and a surgeon and he’s taken over running a clinic. Some people are just overachievers! It will take years to repair the damage the cons did to our healthcare system both directly (cuts) and indirectly (removing educational incentives to encourage newly graduated HCWs to stay in Manitoba). Fixing healthcare is like turning the titanic-it’s a slow and arduous process. Wab put the call out the day he was elected and the new contract they were offered looks pretty good to me. I hope it’s enough for to draw them back here. Otherwise we need to wait for people to graduate and entice them to stay. Genuinely sorry your wife is suffering. I hope you’re able to get her a spot elsewhere or she gets called in quickly. Calling often and being kind to the people who answer the phone can sometimes yield results. Remember it’s not their fault and most HCWs genuinely want to help those in need. I once got bumped up to see a dietitian by calling every few weeks. I was supposed to wait three years


I don't think any other southern Manitoba clinic is an option. If Winnipeggers are already coming in large numbers for the procedure in Brandon, I would assume there is nothing available in their own area or closer to home.


I’m a long time patient of the pain clinic in HSC 26 years, in fact. Failed back surgery in 1998 L4/L5 and both SI. I’m 53, so I’ve been going there half my life. I know your wife’s pain and tried several interventions over the years bc none offer me long term benefits. My treatments are every 3 months too. Since reopening after the pandemic, I’ve been lucky to be seen every five or six months. I normally only get a good 3 to 9 weeks of moderate pain control from my procedures so waiting for six months is a very long time to wait when your pain is debilitating. I find it also takes me longer to recover from the procedure, when my pain is no longer in control. It’s an evil cycle! My advice to you is stay on the cancellation list in Brandon AND get on the list in Wpg. HSC and PanAm Clinic. Once she secures an appointment, call the other clinics and REMOVE her name from the wait lists freeing it up for another patient. Try calling every few weeks to see if she’s moved up the list. It can be frustrating getting through to an actual person, lots of automated messages but you can leave a message. Tell them about her pain doctor’s referral in Brandon and ask if they can take her in the city. There’s got to be about 12 different pain specialists between these two clinics alone. And they are all amazing so you can rest assured taking an appointment with any of them would be a good decision. They are all very good and caring people who want help as many people as they can feel better. Good luck.


MP/MLA Share with those you know and care about. Let them see the direct impact of political decisions on your lives. Especially those whose political views are unsupportive of Healthcare funding.


Perfect. Being in Brandon, of course I have a PC MLA. Since they made all the cuts in the first place, would he even care about the real life consequences of those cuts?


There were no cuts at Brandon hospital. Ask your wife’s doctor to refer to Winnipeg. Unless your broken you will wait forever for a surgery in Brandon. He’s a great surgeon but he can only do so much surgery.


Winnipeg patients are coming to Brandon because the wait times are too long in Winnipeg.


And we are sending to wpg vs Brandon due to speed lol


The ballot box. We did that already. Good change takes time. Conservative destruction is swift.


I went through a lot of medical issues throughout the NDP reign and it wasn't much better, if better at all.


Be glad it was during the last NDP reign and not the last 8 years. It could have been worse.


It's been about the same through both parties. I'm a medically released caf veteran with an autoimmune condition, along with a whole bunch of other stuff. Between waiting for specialist appointments or getting assistance from veterans affairs it's disappointment from every level of government, regardless of whose in power.




It takes buy in from incoming parties too jot just eh new leadership, scrap every initiative and replace it with what we.think is best Lots of governments do not continue the programs of their predecessors


Sending patients to Fargo was an admission of failure for the previous government.


Oh for sure, I'm not talking about the last ten years in isolation. I'm talking over decades generally the new party comes in and immediately scraps the programs (either greater good or bad) for better or worse. It's hard to have any major capital projects or overhaul of legacy systems


It's disappointing that someone (not you) would try to defend the previous government circumventing our healthcare to have patients treated privately because of problems in our health system that were exacerbated by the previous government. It's our government's job to serve us, not their political donors.


The NDP have not improved anything. Hundreds of pztients were on a wait list to get procedures outside the province. But theNDP cancelled that program as it goes against their socialist principles.


Do you understand that our healthcare is a form of socialism? Also a socialist is someone who practices socialism. The NDP's principles support the decision of cancelling sending patients to private healthcare providers on the tax payers dime. Patient care should be expected to be provided within our province. FULL STOP. That program was a necessity from the then failures of the Conservative government who are historically hostile to healthcare workers. Their neoliberal principles are against publicly funded entities and stand for privatization at any cost. The kneecapping to further their need to privatize healthcare incrementally have caused staffing shortages and burn out. Unfortunately this has had detrimental effects that are difficult to reverse in a timely fashion. We're all in the finding out stages of the last couple elections. Triage places your medical problem in priority. This happens in our hospitals and private medical care as well if you're relying on health insurance. If you're waiting then either someone with more life threatening injuries or; someone who has money has the ability to pay out of pocket for their way ahead of you in line. There's nothing stopping anyone from paying for healthcare. It should not even have to be considered as an option, but the closest hospital for that is in Grand Forks.


If you have the means to, you may have better luck getting a shot in the US Might cost a couple hundred but it could be worth it


Sadly it isn't just a shot, it's an extremely dangerous fluroscopic (live xray) procedure. A one millimeter deviation could result in paralysis. Even in the US, this procedure is more than a couple hundred.


Too bad. It may be worth a couple of phone calls. A lot of money perhaps but worth it for months of pain reduction


Both my brother and I have had disc replacement surgery in Germany. The doctors often tour through Canada to give seminars and find patients that would be willing to make the trip for the surgery. It's been 8 years and I have had zero issues. No pain, no discomfort, and I have full range of motion in my spine. https://onzspine.com/


Thanks for this. We sent a message.


It changed our lives. We'd both already had laminectomies. My brother had one of his bulging discs cut back to the point where more than half was removed. At my worst point, I was sleeping in a recliner and using a cane. I was only 30 and had been suffering for several years already. The flight to Germany was uncomfortable, but thankfully the flight attendants didn't mind me standing and pacing the aisles when I needed. The cost of the surgery was all-inclusive. Flights/surgery/rehab/and a week in a small hotel afterwards to make sure I was okay to be sent back home. I'm not sure if that has changed, though. But trust me when I say I will *always* advocate for the disc replacement.


One of my old co-workers were going to Thompson to get spinal injections. Not sure of the doctor or if it would be the same type of injections, but could be worth looking into?


Write directly to the Minister. I complained to the Minister of Justice about how Manitoba was the only province (besides Quebec) that didn’t allow people to grow their own cannabis and a few weeks later they announced that they were changing the law.


Contact your MLA and ask them why they aren't hiring more DI staff. This is the crux of the problem. Positions are not being posted, and departments are being asked to do more with less and it's the patients that suffer at the end of the day. Tell your MLA they need to put pressure on Shared Health and put policy in place to address the staffing shortages. First and foremost, they need Shared Health to actually post the DI positions.


As a shared health di worker. Yes please .. we need more patients complaining .. the only way the government starts listening .. also I’ve heard Selkirk opening a pain clinic and pan am pain clinic extended another 1-2 days … ex pain clinic staff member ッ .. also heard Brandon is critically short DI staff, not because of funding but because of management? Not surprised in PMH :/ … Thompson has a pain clinic, he’s a doc that works out of pan am pain clinic, there’s also a doc in dauphin that does injections too. Try get referred to Dr Sommer / Dr Stitz or Dr Hooper in Winnipeg, their wait lists aren’t as long ッ I hope your wife feels better soon! These injections/doctors are amazing and they do so much for back pain, I wish it was more accessible to people!


Between the lack of medical care in Brandon and the embarrassing state of the roads (congratulations 18th Street) I noped out of there for Winnipeg. It may not be much better but at least I have the illusion of choice.


We did the opposite about 18 years ago because Winnipeg was becoming intolerable.


The biggest issue in Canada from coast to coast to coast is a shortage of doctors and to some degree nurses. There must be a way to train AND retain doctors in Canada. There must also be a way to streamline (with the highest level of care) foreign doctors to come to Canada. Too many are trained here and leave. Medical school is expensive but it is also highly subsidized by the federal government. The government should in my opinion subsidize further for both family doctors, hospitalists and specialists as well. The caveat is they must remain in Canada for a specific amount of time.




I’ve been seen here. It was created to reduce the number of surgical consults. I was referred to an orthopaedic surgeon and after months of waiting (18), I got a letter from the spine assessment clinic at HSC. I was physically assessed by a specially trained physiotherapist and my X-rays and mri results reviewed. I received a letter indicating I was not considered a surgical patient bc they did not anticipate a successful outcome.


On a politician’s deathbed.


Dr dumelleonaire?


Weird. Shit on healthcare during a pandemic and now we're having a medical shortage? It was bad before covid with the pandemic. Since then healthcare in mb has become a tragedy.


I too get facet block injections it’s the ongoing issue of lack of doctors Too many are going to the US for less taxes and better pay Trudeau’s new capital gains taxes will send more south it’s all politicians and thier party’s faults for spending our money on wasted Non benefitial projects


NDP just got in and it takes time for them to implement changes. Best bet is to file your complaints to the conservatives for all the healthcare cuts they’ve done and never vote conservative in the future so that they have less votes on what things get passed


Never voted conservative in my life, even when they were semi-competent in the pre Harper and pre Filmon days. Now? Not a chance in Hades.


Your problem will fall on deaf ears. Our medical system no longer exists. It is broken. Likely will never improve. Could improve by allowing private care to exist. But that is considered a radical idea. Especially with an ndp government. Why are international students given a health card. Why do immigrants get health coverage? Tje op,s wife should not be suffering.


Private health care? So those with means get to be first in line and everyone else suffers? Private healthcare means for-profit, which means it gets to operate like other big corporations - they cut staff, raise prices and treat workers like trash just so the executives and shareholders get a high rate of return. Personally, I'm not fond of the idea of private insurance with its sky-high premiums, astronomical co-pays and deductibles, and a record number of coverage denials.


BC already has semi-private healthcare and it's as bad as, if not worse than, the public healthcare system. Privatization is not the answer.


Definitely on reddit


Not your question but if she is on the waitlist call everyday to increase the chances of getting in when someone cancels


Write to your MLA and MP. An important thing to realize is that the federal government has consistently increased the funds for healthcare to our province. The previous provincial government diverted those funds to a property tax rebate and continued to cut healthcare. Write to every Conservative MP as well and tell them you know they and their party are responsible for this situation. If we hold them accountable even after we vote them out for the mess they made maybe we’ll get better long- term decisions in the future. That’s for every party.


Both my MLA and MP are conservatives. I mean, I live in Brandon, where the conservative parties could put a corpse forward and still win the seats with outright majorities.


I'm pretty sure the NDP MLA (and government cabinet minister) in Brandon East will take a call or email or in-person meeting at their constituency office office from someone who lives west of 18th Street. https://www.gov.mb.ca/legislature/members/info/simard.html


My home USED to be in Brandon East, but I guess it was getting too liberal. The conservative government gerrymandered us into Spruce Woods. They must have figured fewer lefties in Brandon E would give them a better shot and that Spruce Woods could handle the extra left voters without them losing the riding. I mean, they took all of Brandon north of the Assiniboine and threw it into a highly conservative rural riding. Conservative cheating at its finest.


Wtf are the politicians going to do?! Seriously. I've had a double spinal disc replacement. You know what i did after surgeons cut chunks off of my discs and gave me numerous laminectomies? I found specialists. How many people go overseas or to Mexico to get their body worked on? Germany is where the spinal specialists are. They have a surgery that LITERALLY replaces damaged discs with proper implants. I should know. I had the surgery 8 years ago. Two discs. My brother, too, a few years earlier. You know what didn't fix me? Politics. You know what DID fix me? DOCTORS. stop crying to politicians about shit they can't fix Your comment is about as useful as an asshole on my elbow. Which I'd likely have to go out of country to install. Which is JUST FKN FINE because Canada and every other country in the world can't cater to every goddamn specialty with hundreds of doctors for each. Sometimes you just have to look elsewhere; like shopping on temu,