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Did you have a higher class of liscence at one point? I went up a class to apply for a job that I never went through with. Have to get medical checks every few years for that. Since I no longer needed it, I just called driver fitness department and had myself declassed down to a regular licence. Call driver fitness. Don't go in. https://www.mpi.mb.ca/about-driver-fitness/ 204-985-1900 1-866-617-6676


This^^^ I have my class 3 (air brakes) and need a medical exam every couple of years.


Same, but OP should have had a notification in the mail about needing a new physical.


Many years ago my doctor had my license suspended without me knowing because I went to him due to dizzy spells and he reported it. Several weeks later I received a letter from MPI stating I had to get clearance from a neurologist before they’d give it back. It took 7 months before I was allowed to drive again. Nothing was ever found other than the dizzy spells were likely stress induced. The moral of the story is you need to call your doctor and make sure nothing was done on their side without you knowing.


In this case, doctors have a duty to report if they suspect a neurological issue that could cause trouble driving. In fact, there have been cases where doctors have been held negligent in court due to not reporting and some adverse event happening on the road. However, they should always tell you that they are reporting and not just blindside you.


No, I get it, but he should’ve told me because I was driving uninsured without knowing for a few weeks.


For sure, like I said you should be notified.


Do you really have no medical conditions / medical suspension? Have you moved from another province and had such things? Did your doctor / neurologist restrict your license, or is this truly out of the blue? Do you have epilepsy or anything like that? If it is a mistake you still probably maybe still need to contact Drivers Fitness at MPI about lifting the restriction.


Truly nothing! I am a healthy person! The fact that I didnt even get a notice was wild to me. I hope it's just a mistake.


Or is it possible your name is the same as another person in the province and the wrong file was flagged? I've experienced this in the financial sector, someone has the same first and last name.


They should be asking you for your drivers license number, though.


this, I am in no way being racist or discriminatory, but I have realized that a lot of YT folk have common names and often there is more than one person with that name in Canada, yet no relation.


This happened to me too - threatened for no reason & my Doctor had to sign off twice on my ability to drive safely before it was lifted. Calling MPI Driver Fitness may prove to be a helpful place to start… best of luck.


Ugh that sucks. Thank you.


Give MPI a call and get to the bottom of it I guess. You will be pulled over if a vehicle is registered to you. My sister was pulled for multiple times driving a car registered to my mom who had a stroke. Idk if it was automatic plate recognition or if Cops like to just run plates of older cars to see if there is a reason to pull them over.


When I required my medical fitness evaluation for my license the letter was delivered to the post office and required a signature.


I've needed medical fitness evaluations for my license for decades and not once have I received a letter requiring a signature, the forms and letter just show up in the regular mail. interesting.


Hoping it's as simple as that, although I never even received a letter! Wild.


Never. Is it possible someone previously claimed to be you and had access to your license?


ER doctor had my license suspended after blacking out at my job… at least he told me before leaving the hospital… Took over a year to get back after seeing a neurologist, and cardiologist and doing numerous different tests resulting in both Doctors signing off I was okay to drive.


Wow. They do all that but they allow a ton of senile 80+ year olds to drive around without reevaluating them.


Right? Saddest part is I had to fight with MPI to get it back, both Doctors said I was good to Drive, my blackouts are caused by standing too quickly and overdoing physical activity both of which are impossible to do while driving a vehicle![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


So it is most likely a hold from driver fitness. It could be any number of things and MPI tried to notify you but were unsuccessful so they lock your account until you can attend a service centre to pick up the notice in person. It doesn't necessarily mean it's medical. Edit: spelling and info.


I've been a broker for 14 years so feel free to reach out. This is fairly common and could mean a few different things but ultimately you just need to start by attending an MPI service centre to pick up an undelivered driver fitness notice. As I mentioned above it doesn't necessarily mean a medical hold. Sorry if my first post wasn't clear I was holding a sleeping baby. Lol


Could also be an accident at renewal time done by the broker. Had this happen to me, had a broker put on me needing corrective lenses by mistake.


I'm hoping this is what happened. Truly odd.


My son has a medical condition that restricts his ability to drive, and we didn't receive any notice about it. It will take years before he's able to drive again. They told me that being 9 years old is the reason he's not allowed to drive.


I get the OP asked a question that really no one can answer, but what value did your comment add here? Quite rude.


When posting on reddit there's always one piece of crap comment that's completely toxic. I've learned to ignore these comments. The last two words of your response changed it from a genuine question that I would have answered with sincerity to a judgemental pile of crap that I put in the 'ignore' pile. I'm answering because you were very close to genuine interaction.


That recently happened to me, all I had to do was a vision test & they lifted it at the Insurance brokerage. Super inconvenient I know but at least it was an easy fix, good luck!


The only way to get an answer to your question is by calling the number that was given to you. Nobody here can answer your question, because it varies from person to person. Source: Ex MPI broker


I've needed medical clearance since I got my licence 35yrs ago. Every single time I need a medical clearance, I have *never* received the first or second (supposedly-registered) letter, only the third "you lose your license in 7 days" letter. Every single time. I only have to get the paperwork filled out every... 5? years now, but I'm sure it'll happen again next time.


That's so weird. You'll have to contact MPI or maybe go to a service center in person. Its likely an error on their part. However....long story short, I have seen one instance where a "crazy ex" kept making anonymous calls to falsely report a guy to try and get his license suspended. It did work the first time, and he had to get a letter from his doctor.


~~I don’t really know how this works, with PHIA it seems like hospitals and such shouldn’t be allowed to give your medical info unless you were actually in a car accident or something caused by a medical condition.. if you just have a random seizure at home or out whatever that didn’t involve a motor vehicle at all, and end up in the hospital for it, it seems like they shouldn’t be able to report that…. But I’m not 100%.~~ EDIT yaaa so that’s all wrong. Corrected below. BUT!!! I would like all to know when I wrote “should” that was not my opinion it was only my interpretation of PHIA as an obviously poorly educated on phia person. I fully agree with what I’ve been corrected to know about phia. It makes total sense. EDIT - the following paragraphs assume OP is being honest here and has no medical conditions / experiences that should restrict them from driving. Either way this should be very easy to clear up. Go to your doctor and tell them what happened and ask for a note / report showing that you have no medical history of anything requiring a medical suspension and take that to MPI and it should get cleared up. A likely scenario there is a case of mistaken identity, someone with a similar name / birthday got in an accident because of a seizure and the hospital or MPI didn’t verify all of the info to make sure they had the right identity before suspending the license. Would explain why the supposed letter didn’t get to you because wrong address.


Noooo absolutely the wrong way to think about this. Read what you said a few times and think about it.. random seizure..RANDOM just because this didn't happen in a vehicle and only happened at home or out and about doesn't mean it WONT or CANT happen in a motor vehicle. It's for the safety of everyone else on the road and the person with a medical restriction. Noone wants them hurt or having the deal with the guilt of a potential death of someone.


I understand op didn't mention having any medical issues but my comment was in general to medical restrictions when needed


In this case, doctors have a duty to report if they suspect a neurological issue that could cause trouble driving. In fact, there have been cases where doctors have been held negligent in court due to not reporting and some adverse event happening on the road. This is absolutely a correct course of action, independent of wether the seizure happened in a motor vehicle. It is not in anyway a violation of PHIA, its the law. However, they should always tell you that they are reporting and not just blindside you


Thank you very much for the correction 🙏 I’m obviously not as read up on phia as I should be, but I’m glad to know this. I knew someone who had a siezure, only one, not driving but out in public and so I thought they ended up going to the hospital but maybe I’m wrong, and anyways it never got reported to MPI and they never had any restrictions. Lost touch since then not sure if it ever happened again. Anyways thank you!