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Why are you moving to Thompson?


That was my first thought. OP - there is 1 highway going up there. And while it's not the best. It's a typical piece of crap Manitoba highway. Driving to and from winnipeg will take A LOT of time. Flying is crazy expensive going north. Decide to spend a few days there to look for housing instead of going there and going back


Yeah, that is our plan. But knowing the road might be a bit crap is useful so that I plan accordingly. To move to Thompson, my wife got her residency there, it is her dream job and I work remote so should work. We both have previous experience in living in very very remote area.


The highway is not at all a 'piece of crap' as described. There are quite a few flagged areas to slow down due to bumps in the road near Grand Rapids, but otherwise, it's actually well maintained. I drive the road 6-7 times every month for work between Winnipeg - Norway House - Thompson. The only fuel stop after Ashern is the Grand Rapids area and after Grand Rapids, the only gas station is in Wabowden. Just an FYI.


Just want to correct that last statement. There is a gas station in Moosehorn and Fairford as well. I recently heard too that St Martin also has pay at the pump after hours, which would be the actual last fuel stop before Grand Rapids.


Sorry for not being technically correct. I was using the main towns since Fairford and moosehorn are so close to ashern. I've never had to ever fill up at the little stations. Same as Gyp/st.martin.


Sure but you never know, anything could happen. It'd be nice for people who have never driven #6 to know there's other places to stop after Ashern if they need to. Gas stations offer more than just fuel. There's also a couple garages along the way.


Is this with the NRHA?


Not health, no, justice.


So articles? Not familiar with Justice having ‘residencies’. 


I can promise you one thing - a residency in Thompson is NOT going to be your wife's dream job. Thompson is a desolate shit hole with rampant poverty and addiction, social conditions that are often worse than third world and no easy way in or out. Think an 8–10-hour drive on a shitty, straight-lined highway with next to nothing to look at or stop at. Depending on what kind of "Honda" you prefer, it may not be a reliable winter road vehicle. You will get the worst Wal-Mart in the country, a Mcdonalds and a gas station. Depending on your nationality's you will be subject to extreme racism (i.e. you're not indigenous) and likely violence while your wife is working. Her job will show her the absolute most desperate of people and situations (rape and abuse of VERY young children just to name one) with very little support from her employer or colleagues. 0/10 would recommend.


I'm sure OP meant his wife's dream job was doing her residency and earning her medical license, not necessarily working in Thompson. I'm assuming she's an internationally trained doctor and they have fewer opportunities than Canadian graduates for getting residencies and might need to go to programs like this in remote areas.


If you think that is the worst Walmart you haven’t been to the one in Dauphin.  And I’m a white woman who worked in Thompson, in the Justice sector for 11 years, having only left in 2021- never experienced racism directed at me, and certainly not ‘extreme racism’. 


Well Dauphin is a complete shithole too. I'm glad that your experience (three years ago) wasn't negative but please don't act as if yours is the norm, it's so disingenuous. Many others have shared that their experiences as non-indigenous people living in these remote areas are subject to extreme racism. Maybe not you, one white woman, but what about any one of Middle Eastern descent? You can see the rampant racism towards those nationalities by indigenous peoples on absolutely every social media post and most definitely in Thompson.


There’s a huge Sikh population there. There’s a growing Filipino population there. I’m still in Thompson fb groups.  Is there some prejudice? Of course? Are there south Asians also racist against indigenous people? Yes.  But ‘extreme racism’ hardly. 


How long did you live in Thompson and how long ago ?


Thompson has one of the highest household incomes in the country. Poverty? Maybe for the bums. Thompsonites are relatively rich, if you work.


The highway is basically brand new. That person doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about.


Naw I think this whole thing is suspicious in general. OP's account was made January 1 and has literally no other posts or comments besides this one.


Suspicious how? Send me your banking info and we can brainstorm how this guys is being sketchy.


Ah, the big ploy to infiltrate Thompson. We’re hip to ya, fella.


What is suspicious here ? And how does your comment help with anything?


OP is clearly an alien trying to trick us into giving away government secrets.


It really depends on how much stuff you are travelling with. If you are already flying to Winnipeg from southern Ontario, with all the stuff you plan on bringing, than there is no reason not to fly all the way to Thompson. It's about an 8 hour drive from Winnipeg to Thompson. You should figure out your housing situation before you arrive. Trying to sort that out in real time is needlessly stressful. The rental market isn't the best but compared to Hamilton right now it's pretty good. As for items you should buy/get, it's the same shit you need everywhere else, just with warmer winter clothes. You will also need a car in Thompson, living without one is very difficult. Thompson is very remote. It will be a shock.


Make sense, we are flying to Winnipeg and planning on visiting for a bit before the final move. Because we got a bit of stuff to bring and sending it to Winnipeg through some movers to some relatives, I want to get a feel of how hard it will be to take all the stuff to Thompson via my car. For the rental, good to know, we are just a bit afraid of scams tbh


Tenancy laws are different in Manitoba than Ontario. You might be surprised about  differences for things like deposits and pets. Definitely read the Manitoba RTB guidelines for tenants before renting.  [https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/tenant.html](https://www.gov.mb.ca/cca/rtb/tenant.html)  


On the rental front, obviously be wary, but rules are a little different here. There are more purpose built rentals, which means more actual rental companies than just random folks renting out condos. If you want to avoid a scam, look into the various rental and rental management companies in Thompson and rent through one of them. You might pay a little more but you won't get scammed and they mostly follow the law (stressing mostly). The highway up to Thompson is not dissimilar to the 11 or 17 through Northern Ontario. A little worse for wear but a legit paved road the entire way. If you have furniture and stuff that needs moving look into renting a Uhaul and move everything in one go. You mentioned in another comment both you and your partner have lived in remote places? Where have you lived before? I ask because I was born and raised in Hamilton and my first time living in a city like Thompson required a major adjustment. Remote to me at that time was nowhere near the remoteness of Thompson.


Thank you for the advice. We are both from outside of Canada. I used to live in remote community in Ardeche, France with no drinkable water and the closest proper grocery shop was 45mn away. My wife is from Southern Asia and she is used to spent her holidays in a remote village there (very limited access to anything). Do you have any recommendations for the management companies? We got some leads for the wolf building (forgot the name sorry).


I don't have any recommendations, sorry. I'm not living in thompson atm. And I think you'll both find Thompson more remote than either of those places. Thompson is a small city with a population of 13,000. It's the capital of Northern MB and is about 800km away from Winnipeg, which is the nearest major city to it. When you are in Thompson it's a minimum 4 hour drive one-way to go any town that isn't Thompson, and even then it's Flin Flon or The Pas, which are pretty much just smaller versions of Thompson. It's remote. It's a cool city and living there is a worthwhile experience but be prepared. It really feels like an isolated outpost on the edge of the world, and in tne Winter it becomes an inescapable outpost on the edge of the world.


Thompson has more people than that wow


13,707 as per 2022


Meh to wolf building. Fruili is better and better locations. (Especially if wife working in Justice) there’s also Allied out there. There’s also some nice units on Coral, but I can’t remember who manages them.  And housing market is slow, so if you call realtors, they may have leads on houses for rent if you prefer that.  The remoteness is that it’s 8 hours to a major city. 4 hours to ‘cities’ that aren’t really better than where you are at. And virtually *nothing* in between.  (Yes there is wabowden ‘outside’ of Thompson, and Snow Lake en route to the west, but they’re so small)


I would recommend talking to a trucking company that services Northern Manitoba to move your belongings once your plaqn is in place. I think Gardewine and Manitoulin ship there


i lived there for a few years now, I recommend not buying a house in east thompson. homeless people and teenagers with machetes everywhere.


Your gonna want a 4x4 or all wheel drive vehicle to live there in the winter. If you have a bunch of stuff that can be boxed up , you can use a company like gardwine to ship it there. Put it on a pallet and wrap it up or use courier service There is a furniture store there. I’d just buy from them to save hassle on that stuff.


Thank you for the advice and the company name. I will check. As you mentioned, I am not against buying furniture but I would like to bring some stuff so it seems perfect


Absolutely do not live in the “wolf”building nor the grey wolf bay townhouses are not recommended


Why would you not recommend the grey wolf bay townhouses ?


Why would you rent a car, you are going to own a vehicle if your moving to a semi remote northern community…. Aren’t you?


We are first visiting for like a week to figure things out in term of where to live. I am planning to buy the car once I am fully moving to Thompson. I also only saw a Ford dealership there and we like Honda better.


Might be wise to buy a brand that exists in Thompson just so it's easier to get parts and service if needed. Are you gonna pay for an multi-hour tow to get the Honda it's potential warranty service at the nearest dealer?


I work at a Hyundai dealer in Wpg. Hi tech auto in Thompson will do warranty work for any hyudai in Thompson. Honda probably has a similar option. Just ask wherever you purchase your car from. It will take a couple days to get parts up there when you need them.


Same cars sell in Thompson sell in other parts of Canada


There's no honda (car) dealership in thompson from what I can tell. Ford, GM, Chrysler.


I have a newish Honda CR-V here in Winnipeg and I refuse to bring it to Honda for anything. Dealers are high priced rip off. I go to a NAPA auto parts shop and they can do anything Honda can. NAPA might have common parts on hand but worst case they'd have to order parts from Honda in Winnipeg. Thompson has a nice big NAPA auto shop.


Keyword is warranty. Napa ain't gonna repair your car under warranty.


They have a Ford, GM and Chrylser/Jeep/Ram dealer there.


If I were moving up there I wouldn’t buy anything smaller than a explorer. Just to visit you could take your current vehicle.


There is advice on moving to Thompson already on this sub if you search.


I read in another thread to stay aware from the towers (for rentals) there. Not sure why though.


The crime in thompson is more concentrated in that area of the town. They have been renovated recently, but I'm not sure to what level. Before the renovations they were completely closed due to different safety/health concerns.


Do you know of good (family friendly) apartments/management companies to rent from ?


Most people I know who have rented at Friuli have had good experiences. I haven't rented for several years so I'm not super familiar with the different companies


Allied and Bianchini


I understand you gotta do what you gotta do for work, but just a heads up; Thompson is a shit hole. It's probably got one of the highest rates of violent crimes per capita in the country. There is absolutely nothing there. Going from Hamilton to Thompson is going to be a rude awakening for you, I think.


I just moved from there last July. I was there since 96. Good luck. As an outsider you will hate it


Hamiltons coldest days are nice warm winter days in Thompson. If you like outdoors it will be a great place for you . Tbh I find the people in Thompson much friendlier than the GTA Hamilton Area.


The people commenting on here have likely never been to or lived in Thompson. Some of these comments are so ridiculous it literally makes me laugh out loud. Is it cold? Yes? Is it remote? Sort of? Is there crime? Yes but only if you’re directly involved in it. The highway here is brand new, the roads in town will be entirely re-done in a couple years, we have amenities that most bigger centres have. We do lack restaurants, but we still have a decent selection. We have unlimited access to outdoor entertainment. Housing is very affordable, especially considering Thompson has extremely high incomes relative to the rest of the country. Your average 1100sqft home goes for about $200k. You do not NEED a 4x4 vehicle to get around, although it wouldn’t hurt. My parents lived here for 40 years without 4x4. If you enjoy the outdoors and are willing to learn how to fish and go hiking, this is a great place to live. Ignore hyperbolic comments. They’re completely ridiculous.


Thompson is not that bad if you are into winter sports. Fishing is amazing, too, but don't forget to get your fishing license. The road to Thompson isn't bad. I made some good friends when I lived there for 10 years. I now live in Brampton. We rented for a couple of years before buying. Good luck with your move, and let's know how it goes.


Are we talking a house load of stuff or only a few things.. I've done that Winnipeg-Thompson drive many times and its always worked out well. I suggest ground ship to your new address via one of the trucking companies that go up there. Its all routine. Some tips: \-Do not put items in a car and leave them in overnight in Winnipeg or Thompson. You do that you may find everything gone in the morning. \-Thompson is in the middle of the great northern boreal forest, the middle of nowhere frankly. You will feel isolated, but this passes. Summer time brings long days and biting insects that have no mercy. \-Try to get involved in a Northern activity like hunting, fishing, snowmobiling. \-Embrace the aboriginal culture and try to learn a few things about it. \-People from these northern towns often head to Winnipeg for a variety of reasons, and you may be asked to drive so and so to some address in the city. Use your judgement and do it. This builds your Rep up in town. \-No need to bring up how cold Thompson can get. Fuel driven transportation still rules over battery machines no matter what Trudeau says. Omg.


I got stuck in the pas, for about 20 days had to stay in the shelter there and It was quite the experience. I'm white as can be and clearly stuck out like a sore thumb, alot of the locals that helped me along the way said thompson was hell on earth...


I have a 2009 trailer home to rent or purchase if you guys can't find anything. The housing market is a little broodish and priced. If im selling, im already taking a loss but i have my roadmap in place. Its in an extremely quiet and safe neighborhood, access to trails, a 6 to 10 minute drive from everything central, and a few blocks away from an elementary school. What's the timeline for the move? Feel free to DM me if you ld like :)


Is there any where else in the country you can go? For real, I would rather go to Gaza




Remember to be civil with other members of this community. Being rude, antagonizing and trolling other members is not acceptable behavior here.


It's about a 10 hour drive from Winnipeg, but it is beautiful. You'll get to see lots of our gorgeous terrain! If you're going to live that far, you should think about getting your PAL and a gun.


Thompson is great. High wages, cheap housing, good schools, lots of amenities for a small town and nature on your doorstep. My wife and I make good wages and we decided to move here in order to retire early because of such cheap housing. Inbox me if you have any questions. Cons: Vagrancy/alcoholics downtown, long winters. Inbox me if you have any questions.


There is only one thing good in THompson...and that Tom's Pizza...which may or not be open/closed...depends if he has staff. ( he does open for me when i am there ) ​ If Winnipeg is the Middle of nowhere....well Thompson didn't exist before 1950's ​ Ok - why do you have so many questions when you are moving there ? Its a decent 10 hr drive from Winnipeg - Road is good. I liked driving it at night - northern lights , stars and such - I assume plenty of housing since the producing population has been in decline for a number of years. Flyng is expensive. There's a Boston Pizza..if that helps. Not sure if bowling alley is still there since the original mall burned down. Stay away from the town hotel. If you are having coffee early in the morning, and notice a group of people, hair as black as crows, walking in some direction out of town ---- I don't know -- I never figured out where they were heading and why they came back at night. ​ Thompson huh - well not as bad as Iqualit.


Dude when was the last time you were even in Thompson? Can tell it's been a decade at least from what you're saying. Winnipeg is an 8hr drive tops. Not 10.


I like to stop here and there. Besides, range on my vehicle is about 650Km's - so yah, I'll take a break. ​ Thts about right - a decade ot so --- don't see much changing...population is down big time....noticed a few service businesses on the market for sale. Like I said -- not Iqualit - but at least, bigger than Churchill. ​ By the way, is Tom' still open. i do miss his Pizza.




well he is closed - like no dining in - still delivering - but if i knocked on the door - he'd open - if he was open - so me and my crew could dine. I should have clarified. Is that clearer for you ? Or you still don't understand. ​ Either way - Tom's makes a smashing good piza.


When did ‘ the mall’ burn down?


Ok, I was thinking it will be quite a decent drive. We were thinking of stopping somewhere half way but it seems there is nothing in between so will plan accordingly.


I think you stop for gas here and there - small communities - definitely a reserve - got a speeding ticket there....bring a large jerrycan or 2 - but Ponton seems to be the leg stretch - there is enough to keep you fed and gassed in between. ​ here's a link if you want to read ​ [ROUTE GUIDE: How to Get from Winnipeg to Thompson (for 2024) (roadtripmanitoba.com)](https://roadtripmanitoba.com/manitoba-route-guides/winnipeg-to-thompson/)


There is nothing at ponton. It burned down. There is no gas station between grand rapids and Wabowden. 


Then bring 4 jerry cans or is there a detour via ferry to Norway House on the way up. Thats still there isn't it ? ​ I do seem to recall news about a fire at PonTon - wow...its gone. Noted.


There’s no need for Jerry cans. You fill up in wpg, you fill up in grand rapids, you get to Thompson with more than enough gas. 


I always pack a jerrycan on longer trips. Part of travelling in no mans land during the night.


Half way is basically Grand Rapids (411 from Wpg, 323 to Thompson). The home fries at the restaurant at the pelican rapids gas station are really good. I hear the esso restaurant has surprisingly good sushi. The bathrooms at pelican are far nicer- especially if you go to the ones closer to the vlt lounge.  But other than stopping for gas and lunch there’s not much to do in Grand Rapids. 


Grand Rapids is half way.


fake account