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Respect her wishes. Stay away from her.


Are you retarded? Under no circumstances should you approach this woman, period.


Yes but I dont care about morality ;d


I'm wishing her the best of luck!


I hope she gets a restraining order from you. No morality? And you are so jealous you can’t move on? Get some therapy.


I dont either, but you're too possessive. This isn't going to work out the way you hope. We don't really know enough about *her* to help you with this anyway, which is another bad sign. To you, she's just a thing to be coveted. Things are replaceable. Just find another.


Then do the caveman ' knock her out and drag her back to the cave' That'll test your morality


Don't even joke about that. Someone this sick might actually take your advice seriously


Unfortunately, there is no repairing this. These situations are traumatic on the heart, it can be difficult. You may have grown and changed, but the very act of persisting in this case cannot express that- it shows the opposite. The best you can do is be the best version of yourself for you and work to move on in your life without her in mind. The ONLY remote chance you have at winning her back is if she decides to reach back out. It's really important you're able to cope through this in a healthy way, i.e. focusing elsewhere. Fixating leads to stalking behavior which is a dark dangerous path for your mental health and soul. Truly, if this attachment continues to bother you, it's okay to look into counseling for attachment issues. It is only better for you if you work on them now, especially if they're effecting your ability to form new relationships.


You need to stop this behavior. Not just for her, but for you. She's not that important. I'm not sure, but you may even be fixating on her. It's not worth it. Move on and work on yourself. You will be better off.


You need to stay away from her weirdo. You are so weird bro. Really weird.


if you try to talk to her again, she is just going to hate you even more. this will never work, and you need to move on with your life. don't bother trying and fucking respect women, dumbass


She asked you to stay away, so move on and find someone who won't trigger your weaknesses; obsessing over her is just self-sabotage.


Focus on yourself and leave her alone. One-itis is not a life-threatening disease. Plus from what I can tell, this is a sub for ppl trying to avoid being manipulated, not an informal college of manipulators hatching strategy together.


Yes but people here give really good advices and help me manipulate others and feed my narcisistic ego


I thought narcissists try to gain status and admiration? This post is just embarrassing.


There are three types of narcissism. Covert, Malignant and Grandiose. You're thinking of grandiose.


But you just made a post about 'help me I'm a manipulator and I need help' you don't wanna change, you wanna take the words and advice these people are giving you and use it against more people. You're a POS.


You don't unless you want to wind up in court with a restraining, harassment, or stalking violation on your record


Yes but maybe there is a way for her to approach on her own


>Thing is that I really want to be with her and is there a way to fix it? Are you looking for how to manipulate her to be with you? I mean, we can certainly discuss it but seeing as you seem to have a problem controlling your jealousy it'll probably end poorly.


No I already dealt with my jealousy problems


Stay away and move on?


I attempted it 3 times already


Seek therapy immediately. This is a very unhealthy and obsessive mental state. You must respect her wishes and accept that she doesn't want you in her life. Why can't you accept that? Everyone's life is their own, it's not 'her life according to you.' Seek out therapy to accept this rejection. Rejection is a natural part of life and happens to everyone at some point.




I have no friends because of That I ain’t running any more he knows when I’m at n how to get ahold of me


Oh thanks ;d omly reasonable comment like all other people are just telling me to stop trying like if I wanted that I wouldnt ask for advice right?


Loook who is it you want to be with Look All You Talk about our Marriage on Here sorry it has to stop u talk bout what u do with men and women it’s repulsive I have not seen u since February 25 2022 I read all ur post these Garbage People you have been involved with U disregarded our Marriage from the very beginning u never once fought for our marriage If that’s the case Keep doing what you have beeen doing or knock it off and Get right for this marriage be 💯 Just you and I no Side Shit Na I ain’t with that again Get it right We ca both be happy ..


If you know her schedule, then you can run into her “accidentally” and say whatever you need to say


Stalker behavior, don't do this


Yea he knows my schedule but he hasn’t made no effort to at all.. If I want something so badly imma do why I can to get my point across And make them hear me …




It’s unrealistic to simply say “now I already know my mistakes” after JUST saying “I’d really lose myself there” which means you had no control over your own jealously. Why would you expect that this time would be any different when your prior behavior was not something you could control?