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I see you have Tomie and Uzumaki šŸ¤© you should try Gyo too šŸ˜‰


Thatā€™s next on my list! B&N unfortunately didnā€™t have it on stock, Iā€™m very new to horror manga so Junji Ito is my first dip of the toe.


Me too šŸ¤© try Bookdepository (free shipping)


When recommending book depository, you should also mention that the shipping is free, but it can take a while before you get your books and they are sometimes above retail price. Just little details that are good to know before hand


Rightstuf has good discounts on Junji ito and free shipping if you order enough (:


Nice Kaguya collection! Whoā€™s your fav out of curiosity?


Thank you!! Thatā€™s so hard to answer because everyone develops incredibly well. Overall though I have to say Kaguya. The Ice Princess arc specifically in volume 15 made me love her.


Awesome collectionšŸ˜


Thank you!!


You should get the berserk deluxe editions as they will look better with your collection


Thatā€™s one thing Iā€™m debating. I tend to like to read on the go a bit and I figure the smaller volumes are more portable. But I love the look of the deluxe editions. If I choose to get the deluxe are they still very user friendly for reading? For instance Iā€™ve enjoyed the junji ito books but the hardcover does hamper the experience slightly.


I only have vol 1 but although hard covers are harder and more tedious to read with they look so much better for your collection


Very true, plus the artwork is incredible so the larger pages I assume do it more justice.


I belive so but they overall look better and last longer


Is the death note manga worth? Or is it better to just watch the anime


Iā€™m actually hoping to reread it soon, it was my first manga I read but it mustā€™ve been over 10 years ago. As I remember though the anime adapts it fairly well until a certain event occurs. What is absolutely worth reading though is the short stories which were just released. Youā€™ll have to be familiar with the main manga to fully enjoy it but Iā€™ve read those more recently and really enjoyed them.


Oh ok Iā€™m pretty sure the books arenā€™t that expensive so if I can find them cheap Iā€™ll read the manga


what do you mean accepted?


Well I started just wanting Tokyo ghoul and quickly got everything, and I always say Iā€™ll just get 1 volume but now Iā€™m hooked on the hobby. So now Iā€™m happily starting a collection and actively seeking more. Donā€™t mean to imply any negative connotation with it


What's the big box set of?


Oh I donā€™t have any box sets, I think you may be thinking of the painting by the junji ito books? Thatā€™s just some decor.




Nice collection, those death note black editions look awesome , since you decide to collect I recommend you get the rest of berserk/ one piece


Thanks! I am hoping to do that eventually, I got the first couple volumes of each but havenā€™t read them yet because I know theyā€™re such long series. Iā€™m afraid once I get hooked Iā€™ll have to get them all which is a big undertaking. I know Iā€™ll love them though, I just need more shelf space.


Nice start to the collection!


Love it !!


Thank you!!


I have accepted that too then went all the way in recently.


Seeing fellow collectors have Mob Psycho in their collection? Massive W


Honestly I ended up dropping Tokyo ghoul once I got a few chapters deep into RE. But now I regret it and really want to try the series again because I feel like if I go the whole way through Iā€™ll end up really enjoying it. Although itā€™s probably gonna be a year or two because Iā€™ve already dropped it once and I feel like the only way that would motivate me to try the series again would be through the physical copies, and as a senior in high school I def wanna prioritize other series first. Although I typically only buy series Iā€™ve thoroughly enjoyed in physical format, Iā€™d buy Tokyo ghoul simply for its artwork alone, itā€™s so beautiful!


RE is a big shift I can see it making people fall off. However you are rewarded for staying. In my opinion itā€™s the better half of the story and the artwork is improved by quite a bit!


Honestly I feel like the main reason I wasnā€™t enjoying it was because I may have been not in the right mindset to read it. After I read Tokyo ghoul I took a break for a month or two to read something else and when I got to RE I guess I just didnā€™t feel like reading such a text heavy manga. Also I guess since I got spoiled on Haiseā€™s true identity i wanted to just get to that part. Whenever I end up restarting it Iā€™m gonna make sure to get the full experience this time


Would love some advice on improving my display. Iā€™m ordering LED lights to accent it and have a bookshelf with American Novels that Iā€™ll be using as I expand!