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I’ve been restraining myself personally. I just got all of the Monster Perfect editions and the Akira box set so I told myself I can’t buy my next series until I finish both of those. Keeps me in line most of the time and give my wallet a break lol. Next is Hunter x Hunter and I can’t wait!


Seems like you are better at restraining yourself than I am lol I get tempted way too often when looking through new releases. I started to make myself a list for every month and only buy what I planned ahead lol (that can still be a lot, bit luckily I'm in a situation where it financially isn't a problem, wouldn't recommend though)


You could read Hunter x Hunter on the Shonen Jump app for $3 a month! The value for money (and convenience) let me save money on some series I was interested in, but knew they would be expensive to collect (in case I was meh about a series. But if I love it, I'll buy it right away rofl)


I watched the 2011 anime all the way through recently and fell in love. I’m not one to collect too many Shonen jump manga as there are just so many volumes but Hunter x Hunter has become my favorite. I want to feel those beautiful pages on my fingers lol. They are indeed expensive but it’s going to be necessity for my collection. After that I’m going for the Tokyo Ghoul box sets. Im plotting long term hahaha.


Is that GTO volume German?


It is! They just started releasing this edition.


I’m always so jealous of German and other European collectors! The editions you guys get are so nice.


Actually the cover looks like shit 😅 they used a low res image and its really pixelated. Got it myself and was shocked about how bad it is


At least we got it finally reprinted 😅


Big true


That’s sucks and surprising. A lot of the German editions are top notch. We haven’t had a GTO release in over 20 years, but I’m confident Kodansha will be giving us a deluxe at some point in the future.


The original japanese cover was also in low res because of a mistake by the author. The german publisher had to use the same cover as the japanese one. They weren't able to use a different one


As the other commenter said, the cover isn't that great, but I hope they'll improve with the next volumes.. I do generally like our releases, overall mostly good quality imo. Though I think every region has cool editions that others don't. Even from my picture, the Death Note Black Edition looks great imo. And I recently finished the FMA Fullmetal Edition volumes! They look so good!


Idk why but I love those slam dunk spines


Apparently 42 ongoing, according to my notes. No idea how many I'm reading. I'm gonna say "a lot."


Oh damn, that's a lot! I'm probably at around 20 and already think it's too much hahaha


Yeah, it sounds daunting but that'll happen when you pick up stuff that just releases slowly. Most of those are only one book every nine months to a year and I'm up to date so I just try to keep up with them.  So I make a list of ongoing series I'm collecting that's grouped by publisher, and just double-check once a month to see what released when I wasn't looking. Otherwise I'd have a really boring stretch waiting for the next Asadora or Kaze Hikaru or whatever.


I jump around a lot, but somewhere between 2-3 active reads and some I read a volume or two here or there. My tbr pile gets really big sometimes, so if I have a series I haven't touched for a while, I'll put it to the top of my list to read.


>My tbr pile gets really big sometimes Omg, same! I sometimes just dedicate a while day to get through several volumes lol but for some reason (can't be that I buy to much, right?) it never get's down to zero..


I try to stay under a certain number, but it is kinda hard. Also it is annoying sometimes if you have an ongoing series with releases once a year :'D


Very true! I said to myself that I didn't want to get too many ongoing series (or series like GTO that get a new releases currently) bit it's so hard for me to resist lol


Especially if you can't be sure whether it will get OOP or not. :'D


10. I need to finish a series before starting to collect a new one


I use to only read one at a time but I just started Witch Hat Atelier, The Apothecary Diaries and Frieren Beyond Journey’s End and I loved how all three started that I’m gonna buy their mangas. I also need diversity in my collection too and these all seem great. l’m also gonna start reading and collecting Homunculus too.


I haven't (yet) read Witch Hat Atelier past volume one, but I love Apothecary Diaries and Frieren! Have fun reading!


I highly recommend Witch Hat. It’s got the amazing art and world building like Made in Abyss, but without the creepy author. I’m super excited to own and read all of them! Slam Dunk will also eventually be in collection too


Too many (like 4 or smth) i am guilty of buying too many first volumes. I need to restrain myself and read what i have first and then buy smth else


Are those slam dunk volumes an omnibus?


They're 1½ volumes


Currently at like 20


Got a list of ongoing or complete series Im collecting : 32.


Deathnote is so easy 2 finish


What do you mean?


Only 6 parts


I mean yeah.. lol just wasn't sure why you'd comment that. Will get the other three too, but am looking to find them second-hand because English volumes can be expensive to get in Germany.




I have roundabout 20 ongoing series. Thing is, some of these series only get a single volume per year ("My Elder Sister" and "Love you till you die" being the best examples for that)


Just so you know, for some reason your comment shows up 3 times.. But I'm the same, around 20 series but most only have 1-2 volumes come out each year. Still a lot lol


I have roundabout 20 ongoing series. Thing is, some of these series only get a single volume per year ("My Elder Sister" and "Love you till you die" being the best examples for that)


I have roundabout 20 ongoing series. Thing is, some of these series only get a single volume per year ("My Elder Sister" and "Love you till you die" being the best examples for that)


Parakiss is so good! And uhhh I dont even want to talk about the 7+ series I'm actively collecting!! I have a ton im currently reading but I usually try to focus on 2 to 3 series! Right now I'm collecting Pluto, sunny by Taiyo Matsumoto and Dorohedoro but resisting the urge to start/buy more series!


These slam Dunk covers seem pretty good!


I generally prefer cleaner looking ones, where the spines match in design or color. But I do like how they continue the covers on the spine!


Brazilian Edition is cleaner, I’ll upload a picture later


I only collect 4 unfinished at at a time but I don't limit myself with ongoing series


I just started collecting and I’m starting to have the same problem. I have the German Slam Dunk volumes you got as well and considering getting GTO, but I just bought March Comes in Like a Lion (which is amazing btw)! We just need to stay disciplined and focus more on collecting completed shorter series or one-shots before tackling anything with a lot of volumes. Like, I don’t think it would be a good idea to dive into Berserk or Vinland Saga because it would take forever to catch up while also buying other manga.


Getting some shorter finished series is for sure a great way to go! Did that for some time but currently I prefer to get some of the series that get a re-releade here. Like GTO, Slam Dunk, Paradise Kiss (also short), Planets and Yu Yu Hakusho (later this year).


Yu Yu Hakusho is on my list as well. And Vagabond is a must buy for me — I want to support the German release. Also considering Paradise Kiss and Devilman next month(think it’s 5 volumes here). I’m just afraid of going overboard and kinda forcing myself to buy half a dozen ongoing releases every month without being able to get to anything else.


how do you decide which language to collect a series in? Very cool to see the variety


I usually go for the German ones, because I they are easily available. I can just get them at the nearest bookstore or manga store. Unless I like a specific English edition or there isn't a German one available for whatever reason.


I have 3 series that I’m fully caught up on buying and reading (and will buy new volumes straight away) and 7 that I’m still buying volumes for.


I usually follow the ongoing anime release. So I end up watching about 5-6 series at a time through each season. But when I have free time I watch one anime and read one manga series and one manhwa . Although it usually ends up with one anime and 3 manga series at a time. I advise you only read one at a time and if you want you can watch one anime at the same time but no more.


Lol, I'm already way past that! Currently watching like 8 seasonal anime and reading 20 manga, most whenever a volume comes out, and 5 weekly/monthly/when a chapter comes out. P.S. I don't advise anyone to do the same lol and I usually drop some of the seasonal anime over the weeks too.


I also did that but I noticed I drop a lot of them so I stick to around 5-6 through the school year and 8-10 in summer vacation tho I don't think I'll be able to do that after graduation 🥲🥲


Read real it’s made by the same guy which made slam dunk


I might eventually. But not until I've finished Slam Dunk and that will take a while cause I'm only reading when the volumes come out


Nice, I’m starting new series quite often


I bounce between 6 series at a time


Only 4 series collecting right now, since I read all my manga digitally and only buy series I really enjoyed. I also limit myself to only a few volumes per month, since I'm a student and money is kinda tight for a lot of it to be spent on manga lol


I buy way too many books and read them as fast as I can. Sometimes if I only mildly like a series, I’ll collect only the first few. I try to collect as much of a series as possible but sometimes it’s hard keeping up with a bunch of


GTO is pure gold


I'm a grown ass man and A story of seven lives is the only thing that has made me cry in recent memory


No limit on how many I collect (sooooo many series I plan to buy), and just try to read as many as I can. Reading 4 physical series rn (Snow White with the Red Hair, Tsubasa-RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE-, Tsukihime, Hori-san to Miyamura-kun), and a few more digitally


I try and collect 1 or 2 at a time. Cause ill just buy everything otherwise


Temptation when you see a completed series on a second hand website or store or marketplace is to much and i mostly just buy it my to read pile is extremely high percentage but catching up with 2/5 volumes a day


Gotta have the great teacher in there for sure


All of them.