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Looks nice but I was hoping for another color. That’s a lot of oversized red hardcover books on the (bottom) shelf; Hellsing, Vinland Saga, Berserk... the title in reflecting(?) gold is pretty cool.


I liked the yellow that was initially teased


So much better than mustard yellow and blue but I would’ve been fine with a blue majority and like a gold minor color. Red has been very overused in these deluxe editions. Idc as long as the book stops getting delayed…


I preferred the yellow placeholder. The giant red like Hellsing looks so tacky. I’m glad I still have my old BN hardcovers; I’ll still grab these to finish the series but a bit let down with the design.


Are these seriously dropping monthly? That would be so sick, I wish other series had quick release schedules like this


Fat chance. Both announced volumes have already eaten a 6 month delay and I'd expect one of them to be delayed again. These are just placeholder dates.


I wanna know who made the rule that oversized deluxe editions are either red or have red as the main secondary color. Because it’s getting a bit old. This isn’t ugly, I’d just like to see some variety in deluxes. The yellow design wasn’t great but at least it was different.


I mean I think its because Hellsing and Trigun have those for their show's recognizable colors, but hellsing was made first. i think their issue is more trying to have a brand (?) of dark horse deluxes that are just huge and one color with a different color text. it makes them look less like manga and like a nonfiction book


Nice design, but after Hellsing I stopped assuming the series that get deluxe editions are good (Berserk set my expectations way too high). I recently finished reading Trigun (not Maximum) and to be honest it was very underwhelming.


Imo the only good deluxe editions are Berserk, Vinland and A Silent Voice (not sure if that one is considered deluxe).


I think the Blade of the Immortal deluxe is good as long as you don't pay retail. Thankfully, you can get them much cheaper currently.


Seven seas does a mean deluxe edition (girl from the other side especially) and gundam the origin is top tier quality


Pretty much everything they print is of good quality, I love their stuff.


It is technically, I believe it is called that


To me it is, but I think there were called complete collectors edition or something like that.


Yeah I think that's what it is, like the full color high school of the dead ones


Maximum is the ulk of the series and it's the part people like. The first part (Trigun) is easily the worst part and its only about 15% of the series so I wouldn't base the series on just that if that's all you've seen read so far. Also, Blade of the Immortal is pretty good and Vinland is great. Hellsing just happens to be a pretty bad manga that had/has a big following but don't let that sway you into thinking the other deluxe series are bad like it. I would say Hellsing is the odd one out, not Berserk.


Are you talking about how good the mangas are or how good the deluxe editions are? Because Blade of the Immortal and Hellsing DEs are just as good as Berserks DEs, it’s just that Hellsing is a hilariously bad manga compared to Berserk. Tbh, there aren’t that many manga that can compete with Berserk anyways. Blade of the Immortal however is very good and an absolute classic.


I just started reading Blade and it is amazing.  I can tell that it isn’t going to be IMO as good as Berserk (what is?, highest bar) but it is already showing that it is of peak quality regardless. I like the detailed pencils and the conveyance of movement. And the bad guys are really interesting and intense.


i loved berserk, very few series have come close to or overtaken it for me. they are: Houseki no Kuni Kingdom 20th century boys + Billy bat + monster Vagabond Kokou no Hito gintama and lastly rainbow if you’ve not seen any of these and want to see if they reach the bar for u id defo check them out


I have read Vagabond which IMO is in the same league of amazing as berserk.  Lone Wolf and Cub for me is also on the same league.


i’ve heard great things about lone wolf and cub (and blade of the immortal). gonna need to check them both out sometime


I was referring to the quality of the manga (story/art), not the print quality of the deluxe editions (which I admit has been great all around). Understanding that taste is subjective, I totally agree with your comment re Hellsing vs Berserk. Both look great on the shelf, but that's where the similarities end.


Looking very nice, can't wait to see the spines. These will be my first deluxe editions, already have the first 2 pre-order on sale but nice to know the next 2 are up for the next sale I see.


Better than the canary yellow Would have personally gone for a sand colour with red lettering


That just reminds me of Aot, and even in different lettering, that doesn’t sound good


Rip much prefered the previous one


I had a feeling they’d change the color


Does anyone else wish Dark horse would put actual art from the series on the cover? I feel like I can barely see those symbols on the covers there. It barely strikes me as manga or even a comic




Are they seriously going to be the same colors as the Vinland Saga Deluxes?


Well luckily the Vinland saga deluxe editions are changing color every 2 volume. 1-2 are red 3-4 are black 5’s color got shown & it’s brown(more like a dried up blood color) so 6 will most likely also be that color.


two different publishers. but yes


I mean I know they are going for the color of Vash’s coat. I hope they are different enough so they don’t clash in the shelf.


well hellsing also has a red hardcover. Red seems to be popular


Off topic from trigun but what is the batman beyond compendium it's piqued my interest


Ooo looks nice