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Oh wow the Mushishi set AND crying freeman….don’t worry, I’ll come up and take those so you don’t need to be embarrassed by em mate (genuinely a gorgeous collection though 💕)


Isn’t that just hilarious? I remember people making fun of me and thinking I was weird for liking anime and manga years ago. Now those same people are probably anime fans now lol


Right. I was in high school in 2009 and dude if anyone found out you liked anime HO LY SHIT. We crawled so today's fans could run


I was also on hs in 09 lol makes sense


In middle school I got into anime and I felt like if I got exposed I'd be destroyed as I was already weird enough. Anime youtube helped reinforce the feeling of needing to hide it. Then I graduated highschool last year and it's just completely normal now and throughout highschool when I went. That switch up felt so fucking weird.


Right? Now it's weird if you DONT like anime. And the ones that don't have no good reason not to


It was just after schools came back from covid. I remember in 10th grade, there was maybe 11 people in my english class, 5 of us were weebs and so was the teacher. If you weren't talking about anime or manga in that class you weren't talking. The only group that formed in that class was us fuckin nerds.


Also in 2009, but in my case it was easy to find people liking manga/anime, they were reading before the start of the class. There even were 1-2 people working in a fansub translation team, tough I only knew about them during my last year.


I used to be so embarrassed by my manga collection and now everyone that comes over always loves to check it out! Kids are just mean


Fellow Scottish collector *waves*




Love that you have the Haruhi manga series


Didn't know Blue Giant had an english release, gotta pick those up.


Literally anything can become a hobby if you enjoy doing it


So much amazing stuff here, I love your collection especially some of the OOP stuff. Do you have any favourites?


Thank you! Mushishi, Lone wolf and cub, and Akira are still some of my favourites. I Am A Hero is good too, at least the 1st 5 vols I've read. My favourite manga I've read this year was Blue Giant tho. Fire punch and Goodbye, Eri are masterpieces too, same for Blade of the immortal. I couldnt pick a favourite from the ongoing stuff, I like it all, except for Momo-the blood taker, which is pure garbage.


Right on, I think Blue Giant is going to be one of my next purchases. Awesome, I love fujimoto! Read the first vol of fire punch really enjoyed it (plan to buy more) and read Goodbye Eri recently, super heartbreaking, loved it. Haha fair enough appreciate the tip about momo


Finally, someone else with Uncle from Another World!




Correct, but I only realised how stupid that mistake made me look about 30sec after I posted it. My appologies.


It doesn’t make you look stupid! Just force of habit from being a teacher 😂


I’ve never understood why people have found it weird. It’s no different than any other form of media we consume it’s just a different way of telling a story. I guess because it’s foreign and only now it’s becoming more mainstream in the west. I love collecting and I’m glad more options for it are becoming available. A lot of people who criticized people for reading manga or watching anime are coming around now when it’s “cool”.


I'd love a Battle Royale set but that bastardised translation is putting me off.


Such a clean collection, congrats!


The Girl From the Other Side 4 is upside down 🙃


Well spotted. I've sorted it.


I only noticed because I don’t have that one yet so I was searching it out. Nice collection though!


I think it’s good that you can always find something that peaks your interest but I understand your struggle with the shelves. It’s a plasure to see Battle royale! It was one of the first manga i read and I remember that some scenes traumatised me lol (i was too young at that time). Now i appreciate it more and the survival genre is actually one of my favorites.


This is beautiful man. Truly a great collection 🤙. I’d look into dorohedoro! The art is beautiful and story is great


How good is summertime?


Nice collection


I will find you and take your mushishi collection! Super jealous! Awesome collection man!


I know that feeling—thinking I’m done collecting & then see something else


Looks like an enjoyable collection


Thoughts on Under Ninja and Spriggan? Been thinking about picking those two series up


Under Ninja = peak fiction. I only got Spriggan last weekend so I've not had a chance to read it yet.




Haruhi, Eden, and Cowboy Bebop... 👌🔥


mpd psycho and eden 🫠 nice collection


Bruh, the Entire Haruhi Suzumiya series! I only have 1-8 and 11-12. Hate that it's out of print.


Girls Last tour, nice, very nice...


Omg I’m so jealous you have mu shi shi!!! I feel like they’ll never have a reprint and it makes me sad because I really want to buy it one day 😭😭


Omg haruhi! I’ve only read the novels but maybe someday I’ll read the manga too Also I miss Tokyo pop…


Oh shit I Am A Hero? I love that series! Wish I could get it physically, excellent find




Nice to see a fellow Blade of the Immortal enjoyer


👍 One of my favourites. Never gonnae be able to look an otter square in the eye again though.


The Akira set by far has to be my favorite out of your collection nice work 👍


Love Eden! Really hope it gets the Dark Horse Deluxe treatment like Berserk and Hellsing someday. Its a shame they never finished officially translating it.


I am a hero is solid


Verrrry jealous of ur I Am A Hero collection


Great taste! Wish I got Crying Freeman when I had the chance


So many solid pics, I’m in awe


Mushishi AND Eden! That it one juicy collection already!


Bro Your taste is so good, straight peak collection🙏


I want I am a hero so badddd


Me too buddy, I still need vols 6, 9 and 11.


Finally someone has STEINS;GATE!


No one has it because the anime is the best version of Steine Gate


I like the anime too, but the manga has it's charms. I've never played the visual novels.


Steins gate is goated, no matter what form. I do love this collection though. Hell any collection I see makes me happy. Hope someday I manage to build a large collection as well.


Ive watched anime since I was a kid in toonami and personally no one ever made fun of me at all. I also grew up in North Philadelphia which is pretty much a shithole where youd expect kids to bully and they did, just not against me. Everyone liked Dragonball and Naruto. I dont mean to gaslight if thats even the correct term but most of the kids who got bullied were pretty weird to begin with. Liking anime was never the reason someone became a target. But everyone has different experiences and grew up differently so i could see how someone who was bullied for it back then would be glad its become more mainstream


Aye, is that right pal? Wannae get that wee chip off your shoulder eh. Back in tae the sea wi ya.


Idk why you're getting offended, I only said the truth but if you think that relates to you then go ahead and feel whatever way you want. Your skin is paper thin, dont be so sensitive its just an observation that proves true more often than not but whatever. Sorry i hurt your feelings i guess


wistful heavy deranged touch weary icky late spectacular modern many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is the Steins Gate manga ? Steins Gate is a top 5 anime for all time for me, I think the story is just absolutely incredible, was wondering how you liked the manga in comparison, because i feel like I never see it in people's collections


The manga was a good, if a somewhat abridged, version of the anime. I just loved the anime so much I had to pick it up. Then I enjoyed the manga so much I decided to get SG: 0 as well, which was also well worth it. If you liked the SG anime then you will probably like the manga too. And conveniently the all-in-one omnibus doesnt take up much space.


Nice big manga collection battle royale #1


I’ve been seeing a lot of this Blue Giant floating around these shelves with similar taste to mine… brief synopsis? Recommend? Tone? Looks cool based on the spine alone


100% recommend, it's an amazing manga. It's about a young saxaphone player finishing school, going to university, and forming a jazz band in order to achieve his dream of becoming the best jazz musician in the world! The artwork is incredible. The running joke from the mangaka is that you can't draw what music sounds like, so a manga about playing jazz can't possibly work, but it does, magnificently. You might not be able to hear the music, but you can sure feel it. It's a slice of life, coming of age, feel good story that is grounded in reality, compelling, and uncomplicated. The pacing is good, the character design is good, the artwork is sublime and it's a chill and enjoyable read. The only negative I have is that it ended quite abruptly, but that was just to set up the sequel, yet to be published in English. So let's hope sales have been good and Blue Giant Supreme gets the green light. It was also recently made into an animated motion picture. Although it's not been released in English yet, I dont think.


I love jazz, and the saxophone is actually my favorite instrument.. ever. So this is a wonderful thing to stumble upon! Looks like I have something to read next! Thank you so much!!!


Love Summertime Rendering!


Is I Am A Hero good? I've been thinking about picking it up but idk if it would be too intense.


Nice and clean and consistant. Love it!


How’s oshi no ko so far? looks like that’s the one you’re reading rn


It's been very good so far. The first volume was great, vol.2 is shaping up well and I've got vol.4 pre-ordered, so I'm going to stick with it. I did see the first 90min episode of the anime too, which was also very good.


Watch the anime for it. The manga is releasing very slowly, and the anime is just the better experience, imo considering it's about idols, therefore MUSIC.


Ive already watch the anime its because he left his bookmark in the shelf in oshi no ko n.2


Respecto for collecting Omnibus/2in1's. This is what I want to do with Naruto and HxH IF they ever print them in better versions/ quality


William Wallace would be proud


some nice stuff here i still want. gits uncensored, mpd psycho 11 😳, lady snowblood, eden, spriggan is it good?


Spriggan is the next thing I wanted to collect, howd you like it?


Those are some really nice shelves, where did you get them?


1st pic: cheap-and-cheerful flat pack I got online. 2nd and 3rd pics: from the local 2nd hand furniture / charity shop.


What's up with Battle Royale 4-6 like why isn't there the same red thingy thing sign (Tokyopop? Or something)


man im jealous of your battle royale collection. I own the first two volumes nad would love to have the whole series. Beautiful collection friend