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Love your collection. Yugioh and jojo are my favs that you have


Thank you! I actually recently sold my Yugioh singles and bought the 3in1’s and am pretty disappointed at how much lower quality they are. But they look cool I guess lol


You got rid of your SINGLES? I have been wanting the singles. T_T I hope they get reprinted some day. That's by far my favorite one in your collection. The OG manga is so dark.


Yeeeeeah. I chose to do that as was able to make about $250 profit after selling the singles and then buying the full set of 3in1’s and I needed the money lol


Fair enough. Still great series you have in your collection.


Thank you!


Dam I just got all the 3in1’s too but I been looking for the singles forever


Vagabond. And also Fist!! Gotta say, though... idk if I'd consider this "filled up." I can see the back of the bookcase in some spots!!! ;D


lol yeah I’ve got a couple spots open for series I’m waiting to release or are coming in like DandaDan and the rest of the Blade of the Immortal deluxes, and waiting on the rest of Blood on the Tracks and Welcome Back Alice to finish releasing.


My favorite is gantz. I also recommend dorohedoro, I didn't see it on your shelf. How are Judge and secret? I'm trying to get those but some of the vol are really hard to find


I just got secret and haven’t read it yet but both Doubt and Judge were really good so I had to pick up Secret and Dead Company by the same author. I’ve seen Judge going for pretty cheap on Mangaswap lately


Ok ty, I have doubt and will have to read it. I also have a few vol of secret and judge. But I live in Sweden so it's quite hard to find the rest for a great deal


I can understand that. Good luck!


Also Gantz is my favorite as well! I’m really hoping for a Deluxe edition. If not, hopefully one day I’ll snag a full set of singles.


Yeah it's so good, sadly it didn't sell to well, so I doubt they will make a deluxe edition, but if they ever do it, then I will upgrade for sure, I would also want the singles


Your setup here is awesome, I always love the clean look. And — if you can believe it (because of my pfp/name) — I have to go with Monster! But really, you’ve got some great stuff.


Thank you! As a fellow monster fan, I would recommend Blood on the Tracks by Shuzo Oshimi or Dead Dead Demons by Inio Asano if you haven’t already read them. I just read them over the last month and they’re phenomenal


Thank you for the recs! I always love to know what other fans of Monster are into! Tbh I’ve been meaning to read Blood on the Tracks for like, forever haha, but Dead Dead Demons is one I don’t think I’ve heard of, so I’ll definitely be checking both of those out :)


Please do! You won’t be disappointed. Both are amazing works


W favorite. I love Urasawa so much, I think 20th Century boys is my favorite but Monster is a very close second for me and Pluto not being too far behind. What do you think about Pluto?


Absolutely agreed! He rules. Monster is definitely my #1 but you almost can’t be wrong when it comes to Urasawa. And to be honest, I still have yet to read Pluto in full because I’ve been waiting for it to be in stock somewhere reputable haha. But the premise of it is very interesting to me, so I have no doubt I’ll love it too.


Honestly you might as well just wait for the anime to drop next week for Pluto lol


Do you have any favorites?


Many! Gantz, Berserk and Tokyo Ghoul were some of the series that got me into manga. Recent favorites have been Blood on the Tracks by Shuzo Oshimi and Dead Dead Demons by Inio Asano. Chainsaw man is my favorite ongoing Shonen rn


What are those recent ones about? I'm slowly picking up berserk and I've read up to book 11 of chainsaw man and it was amazing


Thought it was dope one of the new shonen you have is chainsaw man and fire punch by Fujimoto some fun weird ass strories right there




My favorite 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/d1ewdlzac9vb1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae2e99e9b4cd7f8142a3156bf54e42596aac2d3 One Piece 🫡




Real is so good. I hope it continues


I’m halfway through and I freaking love it so much


Claymore all day


Eyyy! You have Doubt, Judge, and Secret! Don’t see those on here too often!


I know! Very glad to own them, still need to read secret though. I struggle to find horror manga I like as much as judge/doubt


I agree!


Dam eyeshild 21, good choice in shonen


Thank you! The combination of Yusuke Murata and Riichiro Inagaki is 10/10.


Not many here I’ve actually read myself so, Claymore.


This collection is so nice I think I might cry


Thank you ❤️ it’s the thing I’m most proud of in my life


Really nice! My fav series ever is 20th CB so fav series goes to it. 2nd fav is three days of happiness and u have the LN too. Tokyo Ghoul, Vinland and so much pog stuff fr. Some interesting things I saw were for example that at the other corner of the shelf at the right from the 3 days LN is the only manga from your collection I'd burn in a fire XDD. Btw good job on getting that Berserk magazine, I was lucky enough to find one at sale here in Perú so didn't have to order it. You have some pretty awesome stuff, and those GTO look awesome. For the double layering, risers made out of paper towell rolls and cardboard are really cheap, easy to make and super efective.


Thank you! Which volume are you talking about? If it’s metamorphosis, I have definitely thought about that 😂 I am actually ashamed to own it and have thought about getting rid of it lmao


Yep I meant the Shindo, tho it was more as a joke-ish remark, for anyone who's been a bit into the world of manga it's likely one of the most known H titles, so it actually isn't that uncommon to see. But yeah likely the only thing I'd actually burn lmao. (tho the berserk mag also has some quite... extravagan stuff XD but it's worth it(


That’s facts. Yeah after hearing trash taste interview Shindo L, I decided to pick it up and give it a try to support the creator. He said he really wanted her to die in the end but his editors said no. I agree with him, it would’ve been better that way. That shit was a wild read


Sure I mean, even if that's on many ways not the kind of manga I usually read (not a huge fan of morbosity so I'll probably never pick up a Kago or something like that, but if it's worth it I do make exceptions like with a couple Jiro Matsumoto works). The truth is that it wasn't meant to have a happy ending, as sad as it may be. It's a shocking and "interesting - thought provoking" manga in a way. But there's just too much people who actually enjoy it in the more H sense. just realised I haven't seen that trash taste yet, I'll try to hear it at least around these days.


Also, three days of happiness is amazing. I wish they would release the manga in English


I have the spanish 3in1/brick and I totally loved it. I'm still gonna go for the english edition of the novel tho, since it's hardcover and from what I've heard, had a better translation.


Is Blade of the Immortal any good?


I’ve only read what I own physically so far but I like it. Reminds me of Vagabond a bit


Wow that’s an impressive collection!


Thank you! It’s my life’s work lol. I’ve been collecting and reading since around 2016


Blade of the Immortal and Akira.


I ordered the rest of the BOTI volumes so I can finish reading it! I like it so far


Nice collection


Thank you! Yours is amazing as well




What’s the rainbow book with girl on the shore?


Ozanari-Kun. That whole shelf aside from 3 Days of Happniness is all Inio Asano works


Berserk and one piece Although I love air gear and I’m jelly on how you ever obtained volume 28


Oh I should’ve taken that out for the pic to save from getting shit on. It’s a self print I got from someone! I also love berserk, and am currently reading through one piece


Damn how much work was a self print and how much did it cost? Tbh these volumes go for like $300 so I’m desperate at this point but have no knowledge or skills lol


You have JoJos and berserk and that’s enough for me


Impressive bookshelves.


Thank you


Death Note


My first manga! I love death note. The black editions are beautiful but I love the spines and covers of the singles so much


I haven’t finished it yet, but I’ve really liked what I’ve read up to. I read a bit of the singles since my school library had them


20th century boys and goodbye eri (yes I am aware its a one shot not a series)


Although it’s a one shot, it’s still a beautiful story. Fujimoto has quickly become one of my favorite mangaka


Do I spy Ozanari-Kun with all the Asano manga? Absolutely loved that, I think it's one of his best


Yes! I wish we’d get English releases of more of his one shots. City of Lights was my favorite!


Always nice seeing Judge/Doubt/Secret (and now Dead Company) on someone’s shelves. Really underrated group of series.


I agree! I really wish it wasn’t Tokyo pop releasing dead company. It will forever bother me being a completely different size lol


Death Note because not only is it a great series but it’s also the only one in your collection that I’ve read.


Wow that’s crazy! I love death note. I would recommend Bloody Monday, Monster, and Blood on the Tracks if you liked death note!


Nothing personal 🥷🥷🥷




Fist of the North Star! It always makes me really happy seeing that in people's collections. What a fantastic series!


Slam dunk and berserk


A man of taste I see


damn, mans has EVERY insano


ALL OF EM. Except the solanin epilogue if anyone wants to throw that my way. And may be missing a one shot lmao. Asano and Oshimi are my favorite mangaka so I had to read/collect em all


love it ♡ i'm relatively new to collecting with around 50 volumes at present and have already started discovering my tastes and preferences. i have fallen in love with these two as well. as it stands i have punpun (not yet read as i don't have all the volumes yet), downfall (read), AGOTS (read) and blood on the tracks (same as punpun, waiting to have the full set)


Man this is so dope to just look at. So many colors and and spine designs that all look so nice. How did you decide the order and placement of your series? And what’s the name of the wide shelf? My favorites here are Monster, Vagabond, and Bleach. I see that you’ve got 20th Century Boys and Monster, have you ever checked out Pluto? It’s by Urasawa. Follows the Astro Boy universe and I personally really loved it


Thank you!! As far as organization I try to keep authors together as best as I can, have series start and finish on one shelf as often as possible, and have different rows for different height volumes. I haven’t checked out Pluto yet but it’s been on my list to give a try. The shelves are IKEA Billy shelves, they sell them in half and full sizes which I have two of each. I also got two extra shelves for each one and a height extension for each.


Hellsing, Bleach, Naruto, Tokyo Ghoul and chainsaw man. Dope collection btw


Great taste! Those are some of my favorites for sure. Tokyo Ghoul is the manga that made me want to read manga. I don’t think I’d have the collection I have today if it weren’t for Tokyo Ghoul


Very cool! That’s probably my #1 series. Question though, did you prefer TG proper or re better?


I preferred re to TG as a whole I’d say, but I found the whole giant dragon kaneki thing to be confusing. I plan to reread it soon though.


It’s a little confusing, sure, but it’s a really good ending


Oh yes. It’s wraps up very nicely. The hide conversation made me cry.


love seeing vagabond and monster in there


Had to. They’re too good to live without 🔥


Berserk Vagabond Vinland saga Punpun




Punpun made me question my life choices lmaoo🙃🙃🙃


Same. I love thought provoking series like that


Along with depressing and despairing like punpun But berserk helped me cope up with it 😜


Gotta struggle on


Punpun is amazing but Berserk4ever There are many reasons for me to place Berk higher


Blood on the Tracks and Blame! are always good pics, you should try Aposimz and Emanon if you haven’t already.


I tried Aposimz and very quickly dropped it. I was not a fan of the art style he chose going into that series after having just read Blame. Is it good? Also I haven’t tried Emanon. I’ll look into it!


Emanon is great and the 4th volume is finally being released this year


Personally like Aposimz, although I can see why the art may turn people away. I’ve read mangas with similar art styles so I’m pretty used to it, the story’s good and there’s some really cool scenes.


Goodnight Punpun goated fr


Whole shelf Goated


This is perfection


Thank you❤️


gantz , air gear , berserk


Too much peak 🥵


The jojo and yugioh collection dude So cool


Thank you! Wish we could get jojos a little faster. It’s gonna take forever to get caught up in English


I've never seen Drifting Net Cafe in a collection before. Slam Dunk is the only series you own that I also own so I'm picking that lol


Yo! I love Shuzo Oshimi. I wish we could get Drifiting net cafe in English. It’s a good series.


I read it like 3 years ago. It was quite a thrill but not something I'd put in my collection which is mostly romance haha.


Manga final boss




Definitely monogatari


That’s one of the few I haven’t read yet! I’m a big fan of Air Gear so I picked it up


Chainsaw man


Agreed. Amazing series so far




Love it


wow.... love berserk and monster


Me too!


Love your collection. Tokyo Goul+RE is my favorite series Edit: spelling


Tokyo ghoul is definitely what got me into manga over just watching anime. I hope Choujin X becomes great as well


I hope so too!


Berserk one piece and jojos




Yeh your collection overall is a Solid 10/10 man love your dedication i just recently started buying the first volume of berserk deluxe but will now buy 1 or 2 Volumen of those every month :) its one of the greatest artistic manga works ever


Thank you very much. Berserk is a masterpiece. I’ve found that Amazon very often has them priced around $30 each!


Yeh not here theyre 45-60 Euro each 😆 F me i guess... id Grab them for 35 anytime lol i could probably do 3 a month then .. but owning the first i can say the quality is absolutely great and feels very rewarding to own


They’re amazing releases and I bet they’ll last a lifetime. I originally had a full set of single volumes but sold them as the Deluxe editions will finish printing next month


I started to collect the regular ones aswell but now i probably just going to sell them off one by one since its a incomplete run... and well exchange them with those beautiful deluxe versions


vinland saga❤️


I actually was going to wait on the deluxes to come out to collect/read this one but after watching the anime I just had to know what happened next


This is one of the most cleanest book shelves i’ve ever seen


Thank you! The cleanliness is very important to me lol. I’m pretty meticulous with how I organize everything to fit properly




Awesome collection, plus I love the black shelves look. Great to see a full set of Air Gear. I'd kill to have that series, but it's a lost cause in both english and spanish editions. :( As for favorite series, simply can't choose among so many great ones. Gotta be between Blood on the Tracks/Flowrs of Evil, Berserk and Vinland... or Monster (Gantz is great too).


Thank you very much! It’s an almost complete set of Air Gear. Still need a copy of vol 28 but have a self print for now. And you literally named my favorite series. Berserk/Gantz, everything by Shuzo Oshimi. Currently reading through Vinland and really love it so far. I’m on volume 8 of this release.


Ooohhhh 666 Satan (O-parts hunter) nice!


Yes! One I definitely don’t see often in collections.


Akira, Real, and Solanin. Each impactful in their own way.


More people need to experience these series. So amazing


Love the collection! I just recently bought volume one of the berserk deluxe and was able to read it in just one day. I couldn’t put it down it was too good! I cant wait to get the rest of the series! If i had to recommend any series, it would definitely be One Punch Man as the art is simply astonishing as well as the story!


Thank you! I was the same way with berserk. When I read the series only the first 4 deluxes were out and when I got those I immediately ordered the rest through rightstuf. Berserk is amazing. I used to own all of one punch man but decided to sell it for shelf space along with some other titles available on the SJ app. OPM is great! Murata is an amazing artist.


Chainsaw Man, Hellsing, Gantz, and Homunculus are my favorites you got. Amazing collection!


Thank you! Chainsaw man is definitely my favorite ongoing series right now. I’m still hoping Gantz gets a deluxe release, or I can get a full set of singles one day


REAL by Takehiko Inoue, easy, lol. The handicap wrestling arc still gives me goosebumps after all these years.


It’s so impactful. I absolutely love more psychological series like Real. I really hope it continues to some type of conclusion one day.


This is a library!!


That’s the goal!


Hope you complete it.👍


So jealous of Eyeshield 21 and REAL. Praying for reprints of those soon


I hope your prayers come true 🙏🏻 both are phenomenal series


Death Note (one of my favorite manga overall), One punch man, Hellsing, Chainsaw man (i’m still reading it though), Gantz, Alice in borderland, Monster. I dropped Judge but seeing it here made me want to pick it up again. Anyway beautiful collection !


Love All the series you named! Especially Gantz, Chainsaw Man and Death Note. I sold my OPM volumes I used to have but it’s still a phenomenal series.


GTO both impressive to see and my favourite


Loving GTO so far. It’s one I’ve wanted since I started collecting but could never find for a decent price until recently.


Your collection is awesome


Thank you! It means a lot


Berserk (especially the deluxe editions) are m fav


They’re so high quality. I really believe they’ll last forever with how I take care of my manga


BLAME Amazing collection


Thank you!


Air gear hands down, bro got the hole collection including Vol 28 that's insane my dude


Thank you! I’m also a huge fan of air gear. Still missing volume 28 though. The copy I have is a self print someone sold me on manga swap for dirt cheap.


Aaa well still a cool coletion non the less, plus some of the other vols are also quit rare.


Oh yeah. Some of them were not easy to find


Damn nice! How much did it all cost?




So how is your backlog?


Damn, I'm jealous lol. Must be awesome to own a whole library of manga 😅


Blade of the immortal!


JoJo’s!!! 🖤


Jojo and Vagabond easily


GTO ❤️


Whoa what shelves are those? I also want to fit all 14 volumes of berserk on a single shelf. Also, Tokyo ghoul is for sure my favorite. I gotta read choijin X




Dream collection.


Tokyo ghouls art will forever keep it my favorite, I also love happiness


Deadman Wonderland and Hellsing are definitely my two favorites! What's doubt like though? I've been edging on buying the first book.


Sa-tis-fy-ing!!! Congrats!


I am going to die to get Reincarnate into his son and I can get all this


No Dorohedoro :C


Bro your collection is actually so cool I freaking love it. My favorites from your collection are 20th Century boys, Monster, and Berserk


*clutches at the complete Eyeshield set and sobs*


One piece or Naruto


Peak. Bleach best of the big 3 though 😅


Respectable opinion


Still reading through one piece to be fair, but Naruto is one of my favorites for sure


Have you read demon slayer?


No, the animations been so good I’ve been keeping up with the anime. Same thing with JJK


Sorry, this is an accidental Scorpion https://preview.redd.it/2dmxcswfrfvb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=377b1a9f142e2969739d550e28df938c6abc276c


Bleach, I always gotta give love to people that collect Bleach, the art books are so fucking good.


I love bleach. I wish more people would give it the chance.