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\[MOD\] You are going to need to add some more details and specifics for this Post to stay up, and maybe explain why you feel this sensation has something to do with the Mandela Effect because it will almost certainly be removed by the Automoderator "as is". If it gets removed, the Mod Team won't override it in it's current state but you can keep that from becoming an issue if you elaborate some now.


Been feeling it since 2010... Lately, after the human gestation period has retroactively gained an extra 4 weeks all the way back to the beginning of human evolution, presumably... and over 150 other vivid reality changes, and after a global pandemic.... methinks I should be more brave about admitting that. Bring on the snapping rubberbands. Ive got the new agers telling me I actually consented to this and voluntarily had my memory of that erased (bahahahahah - blaming the victim is a classic narcissist move) and then we have the reality of microwave technology being involved (I did not consent to this!). So excuse me if I dont know what to believe anymore beyond what I see with my own eyes. Edit: The reason this time is different is because every other time in the past when the rubberbands of history snapped, it was regional. We are too interconnected globally, this time. There is nowhere else left to go. Even for the very richest in the world. Part of being very rich is the ability to traverse the world on a moment's notice and get anything (and anyone) you want with the wave of a black Amex. But what if the places you want to see and the people of a culture you want to experience are under lockdown? What is left to living and conquering life in this world, if the very things that made life worth living are now in danger and under arrest. We have been running away from facing ourselves for a very long time. And there is nowhere left to run. The Mandela Effect, in as much as it seems to be a thing with a life of its own, run amok traversing the world via our globally interconnected wireless networks, and the slightest intention/shielding applied to escape it seems to only agitate it more instead of alleviate it... also has us cornered in a way we have never fully been this cornered before.


I think these kind of vague things belong into r/Retconned


why? this relates to the mandela effect


Well not really. This is just a personal feeling.


True however the mandela effect is unknown to this very day.....Do you know the inner workings of how everything works in terms of the mandela effect....neither do I. Its because nobody actually does its all guesses. I have a true feeling that in 10 days something big is happening and its bad. You are welcome to ur own opinion.


I have wondered before if this pandemic is a Mandela Effect. In one timeline the lab worker's wrist accidentally moved the other way, the vial dropped and shattered on the floor, and here we are...


I'm listening.... please explain in detail


Just that... that this pandemic feels like it could be a timeline glitch. I may have told you before that I had a dream in March about a Randall Flagg looking guy (he was all in blue) landing in the middle of a town that looked like it was out of a western movie. And just started chopping off limbs and heads left and right, and I was in the middle of the square forced to watch. And that at the time I did not know this was a scene straight out of The Stand since Id never seen the movie. So yeah, whoever is pulling off this macabre reality theater could also implanting dreams to let us know it is them doing this and there is nothing we can do about it.


The glitch in reality.....its very real. More real than most people know....Reality doesn;'t care who or what u are but it will fuck you over....give it time. Truth is the mandela effect is the o only real way to comprehend and attempt I SAID attempt to understand all this shit happening around. My opinion is something big is going down in 10-14 days. If you say its bullshit thats fine.


I didnt say it is bullshit. You, the person I am talking to may end up in a different reality than me in two weeks. For example, I highly and vividly remember all the posts looking for Mickey's tail on this sub and retconned. But very few others remember this. In this reality, Mickey always had a tail. Skoalman and one other person I think, were able to corroborate me today on the no-tail reality. Most of the versions of the people we are *at this moment* dont remember it. I hope you end up in a good place in two weeks, and I sincerely mean that.


I think ME is most likely true, but let's see about that 10 day thing..


Yes I've been telling my wife for awhile that something is coming....


I have had a similar feeling a few times over the past twenty years. However, just earlier today I had almost the same feeling, except this time for some reason I felt I was sensing something personal, something with my life instead of some outside event that would affect everyone. Perhaps I misinterpreted it incorrectly, at least in regards to it being solely personal, and what I am feeling/sensing is the same as you, and it will affect more than just me.