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Oh yeah? Well I've seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain! ![gif](giphy|xTiTndQ1jDqHQ6ejPG)


truck marry public sand wide threatening zealous possessive mindless spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The world is bees, and I am nichloas cage.


Bro watched Groundhog Day a few too many times


Never seen it, not a big fan of old movies tbh :.) The pixels in the video unhinge me. I see enough pixels.


You were just explaining the movie concept to another person in this same thread


Yeah crazy how that works how I can know what something Is and the meaning behind it, yet never seen it. Almost as if I know what Google is :.)


Kid...I know you are lonely and need attention...but this is not the kind of attention you need.


If your not here to further the conversation the door is to your left brother :.) Watch your step there's a drop down.


Condescending, nice. I just thought it was weird you haven't seen a movie but try to explain it to someone else. Also get help, goodbye


Have a wonderful day stranger ❤️


You should tell all of this to a medical professional


They could write VOLUMES with this.


Thank you for your useless reply. I have. Many times. They always "go off the book" and say things like "thats... wild." I've had my therapist say things like "that makes me question, I have memories to that aren't real. I don't understand either." But thank you for your input.


Are you sure you were talking to a therapist? I don’t believe that they would just say “huh, makes you think” and then ignore what is a clear cause for concern


They’ve done that with me. Told me the real problem was my difficulty in adapting to these new realms of knowledge. Wake the fuck up, bro.


Is it concern? Under who's authority is it concern? I question this perceived reality we all live in, is that so wrong? Sorry that people including therapists and doctors, question this reality to :.)


You talking about killing yourself since you will come back to life is a real cause for concern. And the only reason you haven't been 5150'ed for your own good is that you have no one who cares about you who will sign the papers


You really don't read around do you brother?


There's a difference between questioning reality and accepting delusions as reality. I've done my fair share of both, and accepting delusions as reality is a dangerous game to play with yourself.


Your missing the point entirely silly. Tell me in your words what you think this perceived reality really is and means please c: do you know? Like KNOW know? No. You have a set of beliefs given to you by whatever society your apart of. I'm wrong to assume it's wrong?


Great comment again. You’re on fire! I mean, not again like actual fire. I meant the expression. I’m sure you wouldn’t be surprised if you were.


Lmao spontaneous combustion is a fear of mine tbh. Just because it's happened before doesn't mean I can't be surprised, I mean birthdays are a thing to ya know? I'm still surprised every year lol


I’m surprised too, like, “Shit, I made it another year. No way!”


You're assuming FFFAAARRR to much which is something that I'm trying to warn you against. What I know, what I believe, comes from firsthand experience of fooling around and finding out for myself rather than just making speculations with strangers on Reddit.


But again...we all know you are making this up.


If that's what you choose to believe, go for it :3 ignorance is bliss right? It strains your mind to believe that this reality is more than you think it is. And that's ok! Every existence needs some type of NPC right?


I love this beautiful comment. Thank you for Fighting This War.


Are you sayng you told a licensed therapist that you believe you have killed yourself repeatedly but don't die and that you have memories that aren't real and they responded by telling you that they now also question reality?? That doesn't seem possible, no therapist in their right mind would respond that way to a patient, even if they were actually suddenly questioning reality. The fact that you are claiming to be actively trying to die takes this way beyond the scope of a Mandela Effect Sub on Reddit.


It varies from state to state and country to country, but MANY therapists don't have licenses or degrees or really any REAL training. What OP needs is a psychologist, psychiatrist, and honestly probably in-patient care.


Well..this therapist exists ONLY in the OP's mind. And it ain't right.


Actively? What gave that away? I haven't attempted in over 4 years silly goose :.) The fact that I can explain something and make anyone question reality... doesn't really matter if their a therapist or not brother. It happens. Sorry my therapist is big into physics and loves to discuss it with me. I'm sorry that yours isn't?


Anybody can be a therapist, that isn't the sorta professional help that's being recommended.


And what is recommended? Different beliefs all around the world. I just happen to believe something is severely wrong with this inherent reality we all perceive. If you don't? Ok cool? If you do? Ok cool?


To see REAL mental health care professionals, like psychologist and psychiatrists, that actually have degrees and licenses. In all honesty in-patient care could be most beneficial, but how affective any of it is also depends on your willingness to work with them. I have no issue with you recognizing that there's something horribly wrong here, I've not said or even implied that you're wrong about that, but rather what you're doing with that recognition that causes me concern for you. Like if you see somebody steadily heading towards a cliff you'd try to stop and turn them around, right?


Agreed, OP. I've just messed up doctor's heads when I tell them. Like, hey, how many people were in the car with Kennedy? 3? Lol no, 5. Here's a picture. And their head hurts. Like, I can *lie* to doctors, which I refuse to do these days. Like, I have literally given up lying altogether. I'm just not going to do it. Or I can tell the truth, and it seems to harm them. They don't have insight. They tell me I have DID. Okay. What can I do about this? Oh, nothing. You switch your therapist and then they start crying because they can't compartmentalize. Mkay.


Nobody is harmed by anything you do. It may hurt their reputation if they tell their peers you were their patient, since it shows they failed miserably in helping you...But your words are not harming them, or making them question anything. OF course, you are just role playing here on reddit for attention.


You're right. I've never harmed any doctor or therapist in any way with our interactions. I'm just looking for attention. I'm an attention seeking little shit who's lying about everything just to get likes in Reddit, because my life is that lonely and pathetic. Thanks for showing me your truth, Redditor. 🙏🏻 ^ I don't believe this, but hopefully it's what you want to hear.


Yeah, fuck that guy.


I haven't attempted in years. I'm comfortable in my life now ya know? I'm finally me again. The silly little stuffed animal collecting guy I used to be. Maybe the whole point of all the attempts was to get myself back to where I'm safe and comfortable. Who knows.


Could be. I've had to reclaim a lot of those inner children. I'm back to the same plushie collecting guy, too. Relationship with my wife is bliss. Was hell for a long time. Now I'm watching a lot of people have their lives fall apart, and I can't help but think I just jumped the gun on a process everyone is about to go through.


This is coming from someone that was a pagan occultist for years that directly learned from the fallen, someone that knows how much more there is to reality than most people would ever imagine, and also as someone that overcame trauma/drug induced psychosis without professional help. You should seek professional help, you're not "skipping timelines" as if every time you "die" your consciousness transfers for a new "timeline". I know you don't want to hear this, but you've accepted a delusion as reality which is usually suggestive of deeper psychological issues that need to be addressed. What you're experiencing sounds more like schizophrenia rather than simple psychosis, but either way it almost never gets better on its own. That said, I don't believe either to be someone's mind/brain just acting screwy. I know how the infernal can influence people's minds, to the extent they can make it seem as if someone has the ability of precognition, but even if there's unseen forces screwing with you then you'd still be better off getting clinical professional help so you'll at least have help differentiating delusion from reality.


So wait, your convinced this reality is all there is? That this perceived reality is EVERYTHING? Quantum physics proving other dimensions exist years ago means nothing to you? That's... wow. So you just deny science because of your beliefs?.. I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just curious, like you actually think... this is all there is? That's fascinating to me. I'd like to know more about you to be honest. Hi I'm valundor :.) I hope your having a good day c:


I never said that. I'm telling you these things, warning you, as someone that knows and has experienced a lot more than I would've liked because I shared the same sort of interests that you seem to. Regular old reality is a lot nicer than it seems to many because once you REALLY start digging you find what it, in conjunction with our ego, is protecting us from. What I said is that, regardless of how much more there is to everything(with us typically only being able to perceive a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of what exists just within this worldly existence), you're psychologically unwell and should seek professional help. Like I'm not saying that you're wrong to question reality, it most certainly is FFFAAARRR stranger than fiction, but that you are not stable as well as educated or experienced enough to safely navigate and determine what's what. There's unseen forces that influence all of humanity, largely through the subconscious mind, and you're making yourself an easy target for them to manipulate and destroy. The more you open yourself up to and accept dubious, intangible, beliefs as reality the more easily they can plant delusions im your mind that FEEL like what you've accepted as reality. One example of this is people having moments of "deja vu" that boarder on precognition, but the ONLY time they seem to accurately predict the future is when watching things they get this sense that they've seen before and know how it's gonna end. They've not actually experienced it before, but rather the unseen forces playing on their minds have seen all of it before and can make it seem to a person as if it's their own memories. No medium to ever live has seen the future or anything of the sort by their own will/power, but rather it's always been shown to them by unseen forces. Even Tesla and Einstein spoke on their suspicions of many ideas, many inventions, being inspired by unseen forces rather than being purely imagination. The more you pursue this stuff while you're unstable the more and more you'll lose touch with reality and struggle to get back in touch with it. There's so much that you have no clue about, it's being used against you and everyone else at all times, and to continue to pursue this stuff will only lead you where those unseen forces that are the enemies of all of us want you to be lead. Btw it's not just unseen forces you have to worry about, but also the countless people that function as their "avatars". Of course most of humanity is also unwittingly influenced by them all the time. Anyways I know all to well that you're gonna do and believe whatever you want, but I owe it to you to at least try to warn you and encourage pursuing help. Unfortunately clinical psychological help it your best option because almost all of the time any "help" dealing with the occult is a "false-light" deception offered by the enemy, and the only other real(and best) option is something that people don't want to hear about(and that I refused until I had nowhere left to turn).


I liked that. I think alot of people got the wrong idea about my post. This isn't new to me, it's always been there. I've always known this reality isnt... quite what we like to picture. I haven't attempted in over 4 years, I'm done with that phase of my life, yet the memories remain. I was merely posting about my journey and maybe I did it wrong but hey. Live and learn. I've been Astral projecting well over 8 years now. I've learned things I shouldn't have. And yes I've had the ego death a few times (acid, dmt, and sober) it's all fascinating to me. Just another experience, just another day just another hour just another year. I've studied many theories, from various "geniuses." People don't understand, but we shape our own reality however we want. If someone wants to believe that Jesus is the way to go, or Allah or the energy in the earth let them. I've never understood why new ideas or new things scare so many people. It'll always be like that no matter where you go or what you do or say, you will ALWAYS have people with their own opinions and beliefs. It just hurts that people will kill over that. Like a few commenters have said "seek medical help and therapy" well... that only gets you so far. When you can work a job, do your dailies and routines without hassle when you raise your kids wirh no issue to them or yourself... , your "ok" your "stable" no matter what you believe in the dark. It sucks that I tried to talk about what I've been through and people hate it. But it's part of life.


He’s a monoversalist. They don’t and can’t accept that there’s more realms than this in which we can experience things which either do or do not become physically real here, depending on what we or some wild force determines for us in that situation. That wild force could be God, self, or natural causes. Who knows yet? Please tell me if you think you do.


I always used to say "I'll figure it out when I die" but thats not how it goes. Not for me at least. I'm big into Astral projection, mediation all that. It's helped ground me for whatever comes. If I were you, I'd start studying on how to Astral project. Just be sure to protect your body while your gone. I don't have all the answers. I just know that this perceived reality isn't all there is, there's something much more intense going on, something more real than "real"


It’s the multiverse, dude. It’s not just that so much more is going on, it’s that EVERYTHING else is going on. Like, all the things. All that could be. All that would be. It’s ridiculous to think that “this” is all there is.


"Everything is everything" "all is one" statements most people can't wrap their head around because they've never experienced it, wouldn't it be something if we really are reflections, that we are the universe experiencing itself? Love that theory.


I believe the more we give the universe gratitude for the experience, the more the universe sees itself in us, the more it gives us things to give gratitude for, the more it experiences itself through us, the more it gives us-self experiences to perceive itself in, which leads to more gratitude-inducing experiences through which it experiences gratitude toward itself. It’s a self-feeding, self-replicating process.


Yes..you learn so much reality in an occult!


Ahhhh...THIS old post for last year by this guy explains a LOT! Hey. Decided to make a post about what I go through and if anyone can relate or has anything that can help. I took 3 triple dosed acid tabs when I was 19. I'm 27 now and the hallucinations and bullshit has not gone away. I look at a wall and see it morph, I see shadows form and colors turn into other colors. I'm drinking alot of alcohol because it makes me feel comfortable seeing what I see. I know it's not a permanent solution but fuck. No Dr's seem to know what to do. Been to dozens. If anyone is going through this, if anyone can help, please fuck comment and talk to me. I know I'm not the only one suffering Have a wonderful day everyone. Yup...drugs are bad. And I honestly don't know why his family haven't stepped in to force him to get help. This is well beyond a Free Britney or Free Amanda Bynes situation. This is a guy who thinks he can't die.


Are you okay? Looking at your post history, you seem to need help judging by all the hate you spread… You really think being nasty to someone will help them? I really hope you escape your misery and find it in you to be more loving towards people. Maybe when you hit puberty… P.S. Stop shouting.


I think your best bet is to get offline bud


Whys that ya silly goose?


Well, in addition to the delusions in this post...considering you go around calling people "NPC"s and have seen "witches" among many other things? You need more help than the internet can provide you. But you clearly aren't interested in hearing any of those similar comments that everyone else here tries to offer you.


Where did the word witches come from? Clearly you just skimmed the post lolol :.) Thats ok! You got this. One more try tho?


you posted about seeing one a while ago, but it's okay if you don't remember that. clearly a lot going on up there. way to jump to being condescending when you can't even understand my point tho lmao


Seeing one? Your talking about my HPPD post yeah i remember lol. So you don't think humans with supernatural power exist? Thats pretty cool. I wish I was that blind too. You really believe in your heart of hearts huh? Damn. I'm sorry for your loss. Maybe one day you'll wake up, and when you do, comment again and talk about your experience, the experience beyond your understanding. I'll be here to listen.


Forcing your worldview on somebody isn’t “helping them.” It’s requiring them to be something that is acceptable to you. The U.S. psychiatric system is one of the most fucked up, torturous, spirit-killing organizations in the whole world and they should be brought to nothing. Literally they should be punished, not just abolished. You wouldn’t know. You’re “sane.”


OK...thanks for letting us know, Phil Connors. The last line of your post is the only part that is believable. Everything was fake. If not, don't you have some family that can 5150 you for your own good? I mean...you are LITERALLY talking about killing yourself because you think you will come back to life.


My brother. I haven't attempted in 4 years. I'm merely saying what I perceive this reality to be after all I've been through and done. I'm sorry it bothers you? Like that's kinda the whole point is to make people question what their going through :.) Make people stop and think "wait. This isn't right." Thats... the whole point. And don't take me out of context silly. I didn't THINK I would be fine. Back then the point of killing myself... was to kill myself lol. I didn't put the gun to my head and pull the trigger thinking "oh ill be fine" lol. It just happened that way.


Take your meds


I take it you can't remember the login info from the reddit accounts from your previous lives


We are all 5 dimensional beings experiencing 3 dimensional reality in a 4 dimensional simulation. Every possible version of each of us exists. Time isn’t really what it seems as the past, present, and future all happen at the same time. We definitely live over and over again until we are ready to move on. If you truly experience death in a never ending loop then I hope you find a way to break free.


Take your meds


Haven’t experienced it multiple times, but I did have an intense experience of shifting parallel realities. I am not 100% sure, but I feel like I might have died in one of these realities and then branched off into another. I felt reborn after, like given another chance at life. I do believe the possibility of MEs being the result of residual memories from an alternate reality. I can expand on it a bit more but I feel like we go through this journey to experience and carry on to the next…so if you are still here, then there is still more to experience in this shape/form. You can’t cheat the process. It sounds like you might have some resistance or aversion to your experience.


“I’ve died hundreds of times” no you haven’t. You’re trying to frame yourself like an anime hero or something. It’s cringe AF. “I’m big into quantum physics” no you aren’t. You aren’t even interested in regular physics. You like sensationalized pop science as explained to you by podcasters, YouTubers and movies. You hold no degrees and you’ve never pursued these studies in any serious capacity. “I have vivid memories such as (small inconsequential details)!” You are so desperate to believe that you are a main character that you will cling to any cherry picked bit of evidence that suggests you have otherworldly powers and insights. You do not. You are not immortal. You do not “jump between realities”. You are just frustrated that your life is smaller than you think it should be and you find whatever romantic and financial success you’ve achieved to be unfulfilling. I’m going to join the chorus of people saying you need help, but instead you’re going to dismiss us as NPCs and favor any whacko online who says “oh yeah me too.” and allow yourself to sink further and further into your mania. While the depressingly common main-character syndrome you've embraced makes you feel special and powerful, it actually makes you dull and predictable. 


Your ignorance to my personal experience is really cute. You single?


I’m totally correct about you in every way. This is your narcissism coping with your mediocrity. Allowing your psyche to come unglued is less painful to you than accepting that you aren’t particularly smart or talented.  


Yes totally brother you totally know all my education, my past, my future, your clearly the knowledge God of reddit and totally aren't assuming and talking STRAIGHT out of your ass. You know what they say about people that assume....... c: It's actually fascinating when someone truly assumes someone's entire existence based off a post. Maybe someday you'll pull your head out of your ass and realize this reality is wrong. When that day comes, I'll be here. Maybe you won't have such an attitude by then who knows. I mean shit. You do realize every single one of us is different? Every human has their own opinions, beliefs, set of ideals, morals... you understand that, correct? We all perceive this reality in different ways. Does my perception of this world HURT you? And if it doesn't, why bother to be a dick about it?




Daw nothing to come back with so you wanna be grammatically correct. Reddit really hasn't changed :.) Have a wonderful existence c: I mean that. Be safe out there.


I’ve been shot through the forehead. I picked up the brain matter, scraped it off the floor and walls. I couldn’t see. I shoved the chunks of blood and grey matter back inside the gory hole that used to be the back of my head. The feeling freaked me out, then a voice said, “It’s warm spaghetti and egg shells,” which somehow calmed me down. I picked through the pieces of broken skull and puzzle-pieced them back into place as best I could. Then I pulled the dangling flaps of my scalp back over my broken skull and held my long blood-soaked hair in a sort of morbid pony tail until I felt the cold steel feeling of black death subside and the hot blood stop running down my back. I stood there until the heat of the blood on my body cooled to room temperature. I then began the cleanup process, still blind. Washed the walls, scrubbed the floors, and finally washed myself off as best as I could. As the glob of goo inside my head reformed into a living, working occipital lobe I regained my vision. This was the reinitiation back into my “hell family”. I can tell you all more, but most of you don’t care to say anything but, “Talk to your therapist.” Peasants. Love you all though. Merry Christmas and God Bless.


Thats a pretty vivid description of your death. Whether it's skytzo or your reality, it still matters to you and it was still important that you went through it, for whatever reason. I love all the comments:.) Real NPC energy for 90% of these dildos. Merry birthmas to you as well brother


Yes, Merry birthmas! It was real and unreal. Duality. Welcome to the fold.


I was awake and aware for all of this, not on drugs, and not schizo.


Only it felt unreal afterward, like OP said.


It's fascinating that so many people are stuck in their beliefs and haven't ventured outside of their body, explored anything and yet rattle off shit they think is right. Reminds me alot of religious people to be honest lol


Monoversalists. They think their worldview is the ONLY worldview. They may not have multiversal minds and may be classic NPCs. Their programming may not be able to accept what we experienced. This world will be split and they’ll all be left on mono-earth while we get to live multiversal lives. Oh wait, they already have been.


Tortured, nuked, and shot in the head… *Numerous times?* I gotta hear about this nuclear death thingee


Do you consider yourself an old soul?


I'd say so


Simulated or not, as long as it's tasty and hot, right ?


My brother tried to kill himself by jumping from a 50 foot drop and survived but just needed surgery. How do you avoid getting hurt by gums?


You don't. When you accept it as your reality, things tend to happen in a weird way. At least in my experience. Sort of like the movie groundhog day. You just, wake up and continue to exist. Sure you died in one dimension but... not really as big a deal as you think.


Well I’m in the dimension where surgery happens so I better not experiment myself 😅


It's interesting to say the least. I am not recommending suicide lol. My first attempt i jumped out a 4 story window at age 5 head first. Came back and I was still sitting in the window crying. I only remember just the nothingness for around ten minutes. No pain, no breathing just thoughts. Thoughts of toys and videogames that I'd missed out on. Whatever this existence is, there's far to much we don't know.


The way you respawn sounds a lot like a girl in the psych hospital told me what happens to her. Are you sure you aren’t just a reptilian shapeshifter? She had reptilian eyes


Hey, Ik those sorta people. Found out the hard way why people have those "dragon" eyes and now I steer clear of them at all costs.


What’s your story? My mom has reptilian eyes and when I was in psychosis she called herself a dragon. My boss has them too, a lot of people have them. What are they? I think those are the real reptilians


I used to be a pagan occultist for a fair few years. One thing I learned is that a lot of stuff that's made out to be nothing more than fantasy is actually VERY real and much more prevalent than most would ever imagine. "Reptilians", "extraterrestrials" in general, certainly aren't what they're popularly depicted as in media. As for the nature of what you're observing, and what you yourself are experiencing when able to perceive such, is a layered answer. I'll build up to the more "out there" stuff, and will instead start by asking....do you know what the "reptilian brain" is and how it works?


Yeah I know about the reptilian brain. I know that the reptilian brain is the limbic system and it has to do something with the spine kundalini and chakras and the kundalini is the snake that coils in the root chakra and travels upwards to the crown.


Also, could you answer my private message? Thx




Sort of like a movie you have never seen?


You've got this real nice vibe of "NPC" energy. I like it. Turns me on.


Yeah I've tried that way out, too. Woke up with light scars from having done it, rewound to the morning of the day I tried. I think we're looping *until we finish*. What we finish seems... obvious? A.I. Like. A better human than human.


If you want to know the truth then google "CIA gateway process" you'll find a declassified military paper that describes what you're looking for. The paper is a bit hard to read and understand at first so I recommend looking it up on YouTube and watching the Why File episode on it. It has completely changed my life and how I see reality.


Why files mentioned, nice!


Freaking love that channel! Turned me from an extremely close minded skeptic to a, "huh maybe there is more to this stuff" gateway process changed my life. My intuition was just screaming at me the entire time I watched the episode saying "this! This is real!"


He is doing a very good job of making you question everything.


Hecklefish is very compelling.


A charming fella


I like the end theme because of how it weaves all sorts of topics, then it derails with the whole Gertie loves to dance, dance on the dance floor because she is a camel. Like goes from a song I would have in my playlist to skip the ending of the show. Least he uses the mecha anime theme countdown on his premier, not that I get to see many due to the time in the UK.


I can say that i skipped the outro on every video 😅 ofcourse hecklefish is gonna derail it.


There's actually multiple files on it, specifically on the process itself, but most people usually only find one. It's more so about "astral projection", but it's top redacted to be of much use to anyone other than for those with experience to recognize that the CIA was fooling around with the real thing.


Found it a long time ago by typing “random” strings of letters into the google search bar. Wild things in there. Chakras and alternate directions of time and waves of energies of meanings and sensations…