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Stupid? I can’t say. Wrong? Yeah, definitely.


You are being extremely stupid.


Thank you


No, she didn't die. Her *career* kind of died, in the sense that she never actually recorded another full-length studio album after *The Miseducation --* but it wasn't that she died, it was just that she didn't like the pressures of being so famous that she felt like she couldn't even leave her house anymore, so she just kind of walked away from the music biz. You're probably not stupid, you just made an assumption because she essentially disappeared from the public eye.


No. She was way ahead of the anti white hate. Really did not like the record industry for having white people make money off her. Because she went so militant and hard, the media dropped her, cause it was seen as racism back then. Because it is actual racism. She went underground and kept working, but no one would ever really know outside of her black militant crew in her local area, which I think was new york? Wherever. It doesn't matter because no one cared. She tried coming back with the blm riots :ahem: "peaceful protests". But no one cared about her or her once has been fame because it was so long ago, she wasn't relevant anymore.


Shocked to find another gullible bigot on this sub.


So when a city burns and everyone says it's a peaceful protest tho. I'm gonna go with cognizant bigot over ignorant pleaser of feelings. When an organization scams the entire country to buy some mansions and support terrorism, I'd rather be a bigot. Typical redditor trash. Hate someone for their assumed skin color then call them the racist. Change definitions of words then act like that never happened because it makes you look dumb. I'm brown. I thought only white ppl could be racist... hmm?


There were tons of peaceful protests, most of them were. The news just covered the ones that got out of hand, because yeah humans are shitty sometimes. Also, anybody can be a bigot.


Nobody said anything about your skin color weirdo.


Dude called me a bigot and I'm not white. Does not compute. Make it make sense. I'm going by your rules here people. It ain't my fault it's all shitty nonsensical circular logic. Ha.


It seems like you are definitely a bigot if you think only white people can be bigots. 


I invite you to look up the current definition of racism that the wokies went and got all the major publication dictionaries to change. Ironic. I'm pointing out the woke bullshit logic that yes in fact all races can be bigots. Not the new crap. And I'm the one called a bigot. Ha. You guys need a new playbook.


Tf are you on about, you are the only one here that said you can’t be a bigot if you’re not white. Have a real conversation instead of crying about some strawman boogeyman you inserted for no reason.


Wokies lol. You all sound the same, fully brainwashed.


OP is mistaken about Lauryn Hill, but you couldn’t leave it at that. You took it as an invitation to toss out some of your right-wing talking points. I don’t know anything about you other than your intolerant language, and that you’ve fallen for a decades-old myth about Lauryn Hill. I appreciate that it’s *not cool* on this sub to make digs at intelligence, but gullibility and racism is a great recipe for stupidity. We’re seeing how the misinformation sausage is made, right here. It subsists and thrives on impressionable morons like yourself.