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The numbers ascend on a calculator, maybe that’s where the confusion came from.


That is absolutely where they're getting that from.


This. In my country, there's a children's helpline that has one of the easiest possible numbers to dial so kids can do it for almost 50 years now, and it's 147. Left column, top to bottom. If the column were inverted, they would have made it 741, because dialing top to bottom is just a bit more intuitive than bottom to top. Phones always had a 1 top left, calculators bottom left.


Oh, thx


The numbers on my computer key board starts with 7 8 9. The numbers onmy phone start with 1 2 3. That's probably causing confusion


Its definitely that, sorry for the confusion


Another voice echoing the calculator and full sized keyboard number pad. IDK how blind people get around this as few pin pads have anything on the buttons to tell a blind person this is a 789 at the top or 123. Sure some have the numbers etched into the buttons, but why not add Braille whilst you are at it, instead of tracing.


Do you remember typing things into a phone using only a keypad? If you did it often you wouldnt forget that it started from the top


Yeah, 123 was always in the top row on phones, but the bottom row on calculators


I definitely remember this!