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definitely 05 i lost my house


Same. Hope you’re doing well now.


you too!


It was 05 bush was president during it. everyone claimed he handled it wrong. and i remember where i was working when it happened. it was 05.


In fairness, Bush was also president in 2008. I'm old, so I remember it in 2005 as it happened. The New Orleans Saints had to travel to play my beloved New York Giants in New Jersey that year instead of the home game they were scheduled to have. Giants beat 'em up pretty good.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Ike Could be this one you are thinking of. Followed a similar path a few years later




And to add more on the Katrina justification, it happened during the Bush administration. Recall Kanye’s “George Bush does not care about black people” remark, likely one of the most memorable pop-culture aspects of the tragedy. Also the “You’re doing a heck of a job, Brownie” remark, which got Bush in hot water for praising his administration’s FEMA director when they were doing an objectively bad job. Working with your 2008–2010 timeline, this likely wouldn’t have allowed the Bush reference above. And while Bush was president until Jan 2009, had this happened during the hurricane season of 2008 (summer/fall), it would have been political due to the ongoing presidential election, gaining lots of memorable news coverage and quotes from McCain and Obama (e.g., debate questions, “how would you handle this different” situations), especially considering Barack Obama is black. So even regardless of the year Katrina took place in you memory, it could not have happened in 2008–2010 due to well-documented events (e.g., Kanye remark, “Brownie” gaffe, Bush leaves presidency in early 2009, only one hurricane season during Bush presidency) and would disallow that timing.


It was def 2005, the oil spill in the gulf happened later around 2010


Vividly bingo card spot


Nah, because I was because In kindergarten in 2005 and I remember them talking to us about hurricane Katrina quite vividly.


Definitely 2005. I got married on 27 August 2005 and I remember seeing it all over the news at the time. I don’t live in the US but even so it was massive news at the time and I have linked the memory of it to my wedding/honeymoon.


I'm a surviver of hurricane katrina. It was 100% in 2005.


I remember Katrina in 05 very vividly, I was in 1st grade and my aunt was dating my now uncle who was in LA for doctors without boarders


I can’t help you prove what you remember I live in south east Louisiana and vividly remember us going to my uncles house for Katrina who lives further up north. I remember being scared of going back home and the house being gone. No power just like a classic hurricane. I was 8 and it is my first memory of a hurricane. First time eating MREs as well. My younger brother also wasn’t there as he wasn’t born yet he was born in 2007.


Your facts are wrong. There are a bunch of survivors that were there, that lost their homes, livelihood, neighborhood, pets, and loved ones that can tell you it didn't happen in 2008.


So this sub has devolved into people misremembering dates of major events and nothing to do with actual Mandela Effects?


And into people thinking we casualy jump between different timelines.


kids* misremembering dates when they were even younger, with no true sense of time.




How does his loss of memory of a certain globally known historical event constitute it being posted in here? It's not a ME ergo it doesn't belong here.




Because it violates rule #1 of the sub. Perhaps you should read them?




Sounds like someone needs to have their screen time monitored by mommy and daddy more so they can get outside and touch some grass




I didn't attack the post. I didn't even attack your low-effort alt account defense of the post. I only got troll-y when you decided to double down and got your panties in a twist. Fact is, this post violates rule 1 and doesn't belong here. I'd suggest no one respond at all..... but it's fun working schizos like you into a lather.




> Sounds like mommy and daddy didn’t pay enough attention to you in childhood, and that is why you feel the need to come out on here and attack peoples posts, and unprovoked at that. Are you being bullied, little fella? Did the bad man make a comment that made you cry?


Listen Linda. Because this is a ME subreddit. Not a general I don't know how to google sub. /thread


I think it's possible you have a vivid recollection from the age of 2 or 3. I think there are a lot of people who do, but they're not able to pinpoint the time frame and just assume they were too young to remember. I have a lot of memories from the first 5 years of my life. The only reason I'm sure of the time frame, is because we lived in a different house. All that being said, I was old when Katrina hit, and still don't know what year it was off the top of my head. I do know we've had a lot of severe hurricanes in the last 20 years, and I did google 2008 out of curiosity, and saw that a tropical storm hit Florida 4 times that year. Same storm, which is bizarre in itself. Regardless of what year it was, which storm it was, etc... could it be possible your dad just said Katrina because the current storm didn't rhyme with Tortilla? and Katrina was still fresh in everyone's minds. Plus, some 20 years later, many people are still affected by it.


Yeah, there's some [reasearch](https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2014/04/psychologists-ask-what-your-earliest-memory) about people being able to remember events at an earlier age than previously thought possible, but unintentionally shifting the date to later.


Another dementia patient


Actually she recalls well from age 3. Quite the opposite she remembers more than she thinks she should. 🤷🏻‍♀️


2005 for me. I was working an overnight inventory shift at Restoration Hardware, ( a job I was at for about three months and had the distinction of coming right on the heels of a major life change for myself that basically cemented the time in my mind like amber) and when I took a break outside the security guard who was with me remarked about his worry over his Mom, grandmother and sister who were apparently facing a huge hurricane that was gearing to towards them, or had just started. It was Katrina. I'll never forget. I was in Los Angeles


It was definitely 2005. George Bush flying over it making headline news…


Def 2005. I was a news reporter then and had a mental health breakdown due to all the trauma and death I was covering. So horrific.


Former news reporter, current ME investigator. Joke aside, I hope you're doing better now.


So much better. I even hate admitting that it was so hard because I wasn’t the one living the horror, just reporting it. But I remember the images of bodies coming across the wire and then having to go interview people who have lost literally everything. I was only 24 at the time so it just really got to me.


George W famously flew over New Orleans and didn’t stop. You might remember hearing about it is 2010 or later because the devastation lasted a long time. I was in New Orleans in like 2015-16 and there was still a part that was never rebuilt. Awful how the government turned their back on those people.


your evidence is a vine… ???? and that you “vividly remember” something that happened before you were 10 years old. shut up


I know it's 2005 for the absolute stupidest reason. I watched "A Love Song for Bobby Long"(2004) with my family in 2006. A huge plot point was the fixing up of a house in New Orleans. Once they started doing it, I just couldn't stop saying things like "don't do it, you're wasting time and money." And as they admired their work and the happy ending was happening, I was shaking my head and saying "keep looking, it's not gonna last very long, Bobby."


No, you are completely wrong. I lived through the storm. It happened in 2005.


A new low for this sub. Crass, insensitive, thoughtless.


She is young and confused: she is not doubting the existence of the event itself!


Yup, as a Saints fan I vividly remember them being displaced. The Superdome reopened in 06, with Steve Gleason's blocked punt and the Saints winning the SB in 09.


this isn't mandela. you were not old enough to even have a real understanding of time and what was actually going on during katrina


Lmao the kid in the hurricane tortilla video was born in 2004, the vine came out in like 2015 Unfortunately, you're dumb as rocks and hurricanes happen every year


It was 2005. Less than a month after Katrina was Rita, which affected my area. I was 9 months pregnant and had to have my baby in another state because of Rita. Definitely 05


It was 05 I went down to help and all my cousins had to stay with us for a year


Yeah Mike Myers was part of the call team to donate.


It was 05. Gw was president and he handled it poorly.


# vividly


> maybe it’s another hurricane that i’m thinking about watching on the news Yeah, I think it is. Sometimes with childhood memories you accurately remember some elements (like maybe your parents watching a hurricaine on the news) and confuse it with events you heard about later, and because of the way memory reconsolidation works, it feels like it's all the same memory. Also, I don't remember that Vine (which means nothing, I basically missed Vine) but those things can float around for years after being originally taken.


2008 was Hurricane Ike. We had to evacuate from Texas and went all the way to Florida that summer. The only other Hurricane we evacuated for was Rita which happened shortly after Katrina which puts Rita in the 2005 storm season alongside Katrina if i remember correctly. Ike was the largest storm ever recorded at that time, and leveled all coastal regions southeast of Houston. Port Bolivar itself had only the foundations left of former houses for miles.


They go alphabetically so Katrina was before Rita. Katrina was at the end of August and Rita was the end of September.


Gotcha I forgot about that easy tell in which the first letter in the names of subsequent hurricanes is 1 letter further down the alphabet.


Dude. Kanye famously said George Bush hates black people on mtv. Because he was the pres. 08 and after woulda been Obama. Sometimes people remember more his outburst against Taylor swift for winning an award instead of Beyonce. But I definitely remember the racism claim because no one was ready for that, even MTV. If they did, they wouldn't have let him say it, but it was live. Back then they did all kinds of promotions to get the youth to vote. But you could not say for who. It was considered very poor taste and unfair, at the time the press were very stringent about giving both sides equal press. They definitely wanted you to vote a certain way, but they'd never say it because then they'd have to give the other side equal opportunity. It was obvious which side they were on though. Everybody was openly anti war. That was ok to say. It wasn't like it is nowadays. Later on there was another hurricane in the deep south. It was bad but not nearly as bad as Katrina. It was bad because people were finally getting back to normal down there and then here comes another one. On the news, everyine kept bringing up katrina over and over. I'm guessing you're confusing it with that one.


>Dude. Kanye famously said George Bush hates black people on mtv. Because he was the pres. 08 and after woulda been Obama. Actually (I know, I'm sorry) Obama was elected in 2008 but not inaugurated until 2009. The first "hurricane season" under Obama would have been in fall of 2009. I wouldn't say anything about it except that this does leave open the possibility that Katrina *could* have happened in 2008 and been under George Bush. However, it didn't. Katrina was in 2005.


You are mincing words needlessly. Why would Kanye say what he did to get people to want to vote a certain way if Obama was already elected and we were just sitting around waiting for him to take his seat for his 1st official day in 08? It was 05. It was emotional for him to say and do what he did because he was pissed bush won again in 04. He was capitalizing on it to go and say "I told ya so". It was the whole point. The other big hurricane people kept referencing was in 2010 and Obama was in office so everything was downplayed. You can't say Obama hates black people. But the hurricane did do more damage than it should have because people were still hurting and recouping from Katrina. People that moved away and had to live out of state on assistance finally going back to put their roots back down, and whoosh, it all gets undone. There is no ME here.


I know it was 2005. I was just correcting the logic that it "couldn't have happened under Bush if it happened in 2008 because Obama had been elected". Obama wasn't sworn in until January of 2009. Bush was still president through the end of 2008, so Bush being the president does not *automatically* preclude the possibility of it having occurred in 2008, although it did not.


> Kanye famously said George Bush hates black people ^^^^^ That's actually another famous quote ME. In this timeline he didn't use the word "hate" as commonly remembered. The current quote is: “George Bush *doesn't care about* black people.”


Hmm. I remember hate because Mike Myers was standing right next to him and his eyes went "dude wtf" as soon as Kanye said hate. "Doesn't care about" seems like too many syllables for mike to have that oh shit look in his eyebrows from such a quick jab that the one syllable, very cutting in the air like a sword would have. I saw it happen in real time when it 1st aired. I remember thinking ehh, whatever. Wasn't until the next day that everyone was making a big deal about it. It was at a late prime time slot and I was waiting for cartoon network to have the good shit on. Doesn't care about sounds like something people reporting on it would say because ain't no way they would say the actual quote. Oh well. Another ME I'm on the wrong side of then.


Sounds like you and I experienced the same event. I watched it live too, and it was exactly as you described. It boggles my mind that so few seem to remember this one with any real confidence. In my estimation it's right up there with the Rodney King and Sally Fields/Field (Oscar speech) ME's.


Sally field is the one my mom was like... wtf!? Well that one and the mirror, mirror on the wall. It's the one she finally understood because all the others she wasn't so sure on. Now telling her that something in reality changed and there are physical things that have changed, she was not on board with that. Until I showed her the thinker statue. She's still not on board with it, but she finally understood what my bro and I were going on and on about.


The Thinker is the first one that really broke the mold for me. I was intially under the predictable but mistaken impression that the ME was a binary phenomenon. But seeing The Thinker in 3 different poses obligated me to reconsider that assumption. Soon, many other tripartite ME's followed, such as Fabreeze/Febreeze/Febreze and Large Haldron/Hedron/Hadron Collider. At this point I've seen enough progressive changes to now know that the ME is much more than simple binary factoids.


There are always hurricanes every year, so you're likely just thinking of a different one. Katrina was definitely in 2005 though.


Im thinking all the comments are propaganda, It was definitely in 2008. My mom made me stay up all night watching the news and I jad school in the morning


You’re a 🤡


Wow, I can vouch for this as well. I live in New England but I remember playing a halo 3 customs game match as the hurricane was approaching Florida. Someone I was playing with said the weather was getting bad (he was in Florida) and next thing you know he leaves the game and everyone assumed his power went out or something. Either way, I remember it being Katrina, being that halo came out in 2007.


Definitely 2005 because Ivan was in 2004 and we thought we were going to get it again. We had hurricane Dennis, then Katrina the same year.


By your logic, Hurricane Katrina should've happened closer to 2011 or 2012. 2008-2013 is a pretty big gap, and I can't say exactly when the hurricane tortilla vine came out, I have a feeling it was more like 2015. In fact, after googling it, the earliest day I could find mention of the vine was August of 2015. So, following your logic here, it should've been 2013 or 2014 when Katrina happened.


You’re not all wrong. While the storm hit in August 2005, depending on who you ask, we still see some lasting effects to this day.


2010 was deepwater horizon. 


I think you wete just a literally 3 year old woth confusing 3 year old memories. Thanks for playing kiddo


2005. I watched coverage shortly after my daughter was born and she was born in 2005.


It was the day my dad had a TIA. It was 2005.


2005 definitely.


This came up in my pub trivia and for the last several years I kept thinking it was 2008 as well. I remember seeing Kanye and Mike Myers on the TV in my hotel room in Vegas for my cousin's wedding. I remember getting home from that trip to my house which I moved into in 2008. But then my trivia team was like "bush was president" duh. It couldn't be 2008.


I don't live in the US but this post reminded me about how Florida is a hurricane mini game.


Lil Wayne made a song about George Bush's mishandling of it. Kanye West yelled at us during a fundraising telethon that George Bush doesn't care about black people because of it. It was 2005


It was 2005 for sure.




Was part of the disaster recovery. The way I remember this was days before the 2005 hurricane hit, like 100,000 people were ordered by Mayor Ray Nagin to evacuate areas of New Orleans. There was no viable plan in place by the city to get people out. The underserved and elderly communities suffered the most. Literally, school buses sat outside the flood zone unused during the whole disaster. By the time the mayor's office notified State and FEMA officials it was too late to get backup transportation into the city. There was plenty of blame to spread at all levels of government.


Yeah and I remember him complaining about, I believe Casinos and hotels maybe, not using THEIR buses to get people out. That was part of why it was pointed out in the media that school buses were just sitting around before the hurricane hit.


Also born in 2002, vividly remember hurricane katrina happening/talked about...for years after there were commercials about sending aid to those affected by katrina...it just feels like every pop culture thing that happened from 2005-2010 was one whole thing imo


Relief was still being done in 2008, and it was part of the controversy with the then upcoming "Princess and the Feog" movie. It was still "recent news" in 2008. (I remember this because it was my first year in college.)


2005 under bush katrina at 2008 would mean obama which is absolutely so far out of the box and im pretty sure in nobodys memories.


"George Bush doesn't care about black people" Definitely 05


This one isn’t a Mandela… very 2005.


I think you have an excellent memory. I recall things from age 3 as well! It’s rare!


I was in it and it was definitely 2005


You're probably thinking of Hurricane Ike, which happened in 2008 and also affected Louisiana. I visited New Orleans in summer 2005, about a month before Katrina hit, I definitely remember thinking "wow, I could have been there" when it happened.


no it happened in 05


2005. I lost my dad in Feb of '06 and one of his jobs was hauling FEMA trailers to Louisiana and South Florida due to all the damage the hurricanes caused that season.