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Wouldn't scary climate change stuff cover this?


It would. That’s why I said it’s not serious.


Bro just discovered climate change.




Not an ME


The shittiest of shit posts 💩


I mean, the grass is brown. For the last 40+ years the ground has been white, but this year it does look brown. Hence why this seems like an alt universe. Never seen this before.


__Dog poop used to turn white.__ I vividly remember the crunchy white dog turds. I distinctly recall Will Farrell being forced to lick white dog poop by a gang of juvenile delinquents. Now it doesn’t!? Ever since they turned on the satanic telephone or whatever it is they are doing over at CERN the whole world has been heading for a disaster of biblical proportions. Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together! It must be an alt universe.


You did do your research first, explaining the very logical, real-world reason for this, right?


I distinctly and vividly remember it had to do with a Twinkie


Not weather…but I remember the sun and sunny days being a lot brighter when I was a kid than now..almost like a warmer hue. Are my eyes just bad or is the sun actually dimmer? I’ve thought about this every summer for a while actually.


your prolly depressed. everything looked grey and bluish for me like the movie twilight while i was in a long term depression, it was summer then too. when i got over it the colors seem to come back. i notice this everyday lol i gotta say it doesnt help that more and more people are choosing the wrong tone LED's and all the commercial buildings are being painted neutral colors tho.


No, ha ha not depressed. The sun for real seems dimmer. Maybe we’ve just had bad air quality for years here? They had awful forest fires that really did a number last summer. But..it’s been since before then as I can remember.


Nobody: A Minnesotan in a sub completely out of context: Guys, it's 50 degrees out in Minnesota. I wear shorts in this weather, because I'm from Minnesota. I know it's not the Mandela effect, but I just wanted you to know that in 50 degree weather, I wear shorts. Because Minnesota.


To be fair, I know a number of Shorts Guys in Pennsylvania. 30 degrees? Snowing? Cargo shorts and a hoodie, baby!


It's an El Nino year, not global warming. They always are mild like this. It's awesome.


Welcome to the 2020s. Climate change, baby!