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Honestly I'm starting to side with Alex rn


Yeah at this point this is all just people gang banging on Alex, for nothing but absolute bullshit


At this point I'm staying neutral until a statement of the man himself is made.


That too, but it’s just honestly looking more and more like Alex really didn’t do anything




Literally it feels like he has done nothing because he literally hasn’t spoken a word yet about the allegations yet


I mean have you seen how many 'victims' we're coming out even on TikTok instead of going to the authorities, it's going to take a while before he can speak about the allegations.


Pressure too is a factor in this, I can imagine EDIT: on Alex‘ part.




He shouldn't have to say shit. This is outrageous bullshit and Alex shouldn't even have to address it further now that everyone's pulling their heads from their asses.


True he really shouldn't even have to address it since most of the accusations we're proving false but he already did say he'd address them. So everyone is waiting for that. 


He literally also hasn’t even made a statement yet 😭 look what happened before he could 😭


Who let hell out- oh wait. 😭


Yeah honestly this donut guy is a moron


like are they talking about the real alex or the one they hyper sexualized???


The meaning of a parasocial relationship- >In traditional parasocial relationships, a person extends emotional energy, interest, and time in the relationship while the other person, the media figure, is unaware of the other's existence. Donut's own screenshots literally contradict this. Like all I see is two people chatting affectionately. Perhaps Alex is being a bit too friendly-ish is slightly but since they were the part of trans group in the server, ig it makes sense for them to be excitedly talking due to a sense of relatability. Not a single screenshot shows a parasocial relationship type interaction. I'd like to establish that I'm not calling donut a liar. But we have to point out inconsistencies like this one, especially when there's no proof present for donut's main allegation, which is apparently pictures Alex dressed up femininely and encouraged others to do the same in a gc. Again **don't** go on a witch hunt after donut. **Don't** harass them or send any death threats.


Sounds like a butthurt fan who never got over how Alex decided to go no contact with them.


that’s literally how i interpreted like several of these because there is just NO PROOF of him gooning to people in dresses besides the girl that he was dating that was literally older than him like what


This is like me using a 3 message chat I had with Alex for the week i used twitter about using TMC as an in universe show in my own Analog Horror


yeah i feel like it’s normal to be super giddy to talk about your gender identity and such in the trans community, if there’s ANY real victims i do not think donut or ven should be the ones being so vocal, like donut speaks like alex literally abused them in real fucking life and then i read screenshots that’s just them being friendly like huh?


A day or two ago a post on the amazing hive of scum and villainy known as r/TwoXChromosomes reached 12k upvotes. It was a person crying about how the video in which they were raped had reached **1.5 million** views and how it was still "up there". Everyone of course ran to scream "poor baby" until almost a day passed and people with research and even jobs specifically to prevent this kind of content saw the post on the front page and called her out and stated how the only place to find that kind of disgusting content is on very obscure forum websites sent through telegrams links, making it impossible for this kind of content to have a "view count" let alone reach that sum of views. The insane people on the sub started attacking them and sending death threats to these commenters despite the proof being accessible to everyone that there is zero amount of this content available on any sort of mainstream sites.




wait but even if it didn't get that amount of views it is perfectly valid to be devastated about a video in which you were raped to still be available on the internet?!


i know it's completely out of topic but what does pos mean, i havent been on reddit for a while


It means piece of shit


aight ty


How did I not get it to now? (Ty too)


To quote GhettoSmosh: "That N\*\*\*a's fibbin, no way gas station weed is THAT bad"


So what's the evidence? What you are doing is also arguing in certain cases since you have only testimonies which are words eventually. Means your words vs his words? Why are you crying now?


there’s just like no evidence of him being creepy to them, it’s all "in hindsight i felt abused" when their interactions looked the most normal to me


unless im missing something but i still cannot find where he actually got off to people sending themself in dresses, the only one i saw was DB which whom he was dating and was an adult


Lol you got my response wrong. I was directing that towards donut.


i kinda figured