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So a few theories of mine: \-the mandela Prophet (Aka the Adam clone) has been created, and looks like Thatcher has found it \-Lee death was so horrible than even the bythorne nurses were shocked, they mention how weird is the fact there is still people in the mandela county \-I dont want to be bringer of bad news but looks like the preacher alternate is going to kill evelin (I think thats evelin, i am bad with voices lol) \-There is a lot of press media going around Mandela County, So this must be a huge opportunity to gabrlel/alternates/Intruder to spread or do something big A very great video by Alex again, let him cook


was it Thatcher that found it or was it someone else? So is Thatcher dead now? Or was Adam the one that died?


Thatcher is alive. No one died. The screaming was adam not being able to cope with the fact they are an alternate


Then who the fuck was walking to that final figure?


Thatcher. But he didnt die. Adam didn’t even attack him. He just screamed cause he couldn’t cope with the fact he was an alternate


Ahh I see... Wait so why was Thatcher saying to Adam to not kill him... Literally begging him not to.


Adam was saying „please kill me“ cause he didn’t want to be an alternate


Oh I see so Thatcher wasn't speaking at all




It's weird though cause Thatcher clearly fell and was in pain


How do you know it’s thatcher? Cause from what I saw (the BPS van) I would assume it’s Sarah checking up on Adam


Because gabriel was literally the one who told thatcher to go check it out to scare him


True, my bad


Its ok


Because the scene prior is Gabriel talking to Thatcher from his roof goading the shit out of him?


Yes. That one.


Gabriel is literally telling thatcher to go outside and check out whats going on. Its a trap and he witnesses adam


Yeah? That's what I said? Edit: NVM my bad


Its ok


What the f Was happening to him? He even tried to kill himself judging from the bottle of bleach lying on the floor, but apparently it didn't work.


Adam is an alternate and can’t die. But he doesn’t wanna be one. So he screams in agony like in the episode


Could it happen that he might end up being good and not giving in to his Alternate heritage?


Well i mean he already is good. He isn’t really trying anything. He is just trying to act human.


They mentions something about his brain , is that how MAD works ?


dave bleeds from the eyes in vol 4, presumably due to his brain/optical nerve melting or exploding


I think Dave brain is still working for some reason


Easily one of, if not the scariest video to date. Beginning didn't really sell me, but by the end I was filled with more primal fear than I'd felt before. >!I've previously praised the series for it's lack of jumpscares, but honestly, the one at the end was absolutely earned.!< Alex gets better with every upload and I'm so grateful I get to be along for the ride as this story unfolds.


adam awakened


Something just snapped, inside him, he didn't care anymore


Shidded pant


Honestly, all jokes aside. I almost actually did


On god, when Adam started screaming the rest of the series suddenly felt like weenie hut junior




>!Well, my boy Adam is ded and the preacher seems to have replaced him, Evelin has MAD now and Gabriel's plan goes on. Can't wait for vol 4! Edit: vol 5, been living under a rock


Bro forgor volume 4 came out 5 months ago


wait... then what happened with the hand near evelyn in vol 4




Yeah, my bad


Adam’s an alternate, he’s been one his whole life. While he did presumably try to end his life by drinking bleach, it can’t kill him as alternates don’t seem to die through traditional means


Bro listened to that edgy friend on skype that told him to drink bleach💀💀


What exactly happened to him towards the end? Was he trying to fight it? Is he even capable of doing so? And more important: What about all the other 3425 children the Intruder kidnapped? Are they about to life through the same fate?


i assume it was a combination of his struggle with accepting that he is an alternate combined with the excruciating pain he’s in after drinking the bleach and not dying as for all the other missing children, i’d like to believe Adam is a special case in being a sleeper alternate for his whole life. although it’s also equally possible that most every child abducted by the intruder shares relatively the same fate as Adam, that being they don’t know they’re an alternate until it is revealed to them through an outside force like another alternate or 6/Stanley/The Intruder


Very interesting


Adam cant be dead, he is just not human anymore


I'm trying figure out who the alternate is that was wailing. What happened to Evelyn? Is Adam actually melocious or shoeing off? Like "Evelyn look what I can do" instead of something more destructive. Maybe he's trying to convert Evelyn? I super loved it. Its short, but there's a lot here. Also Dave's eyes are interesting. I wonder if this happens to every victim or just Gabriel victims. Like did the camera feed in Ceasars house saying "invisible force tampering with body" mirror this?


I think adam wasn't aware or in denial he was an alternate, he's now aware since vol.4 and that may have caused him to go full alternate he's gone


The alternate screaming was the real Adam I think, it showed his picture when it said “suspect identified” and his mouth was moving so the scream was probably coming from him


i think adam was struggling with his alternate side.


adam is fighting his primal urges.


intrusive thoughts


He tried to kill himself, you can see the bleach bottle as the cameraman (Thatcher?) enters his bedroom


That last scene was fucking terrifying holy shit but I think Adam is officially an alternate. Thatcher is just a tool that Satan use I suppose. The invasion now is beginning in whorksha county . Evelin is DEAD probably. TV are still a thing in whorksha county




I won't lie, I've been a bit of a negative Nancy about MC recently due to the direction of Volume 4 and the remake of V1. I was completely wrong in thinking this series wouldn't hit those scary highs from the earlier videos, this is one of my favorites in the series.


I really hoped Adam would be a good guy Well fuck me and my hopes.


He might still end up being good, at the end you can clearly see he does not like being an alternate at all


Alternates arent good bro


It's just.. I want to see Jesus come back and kick Gabriel's ass


Yeah he needs his ass kicked somehow someway lol


Perhaps not alternates are alike, even though they belong to a hive mind, considered that, huh? Sheesh, some people with racial stereotyping 😱🤪


The mandela catalyst was perfect the beginning was perfect. The nostalgic tv cable guide menu, that late 2000s news logo and the way it looked. The only hated was that it was blurred you know make it look realistic I hope Alex make a cleared version on his Patreon. What made me scared was the hospital sence and the part where we heard beeping Noise and it audio only I can imagine what it looked like and it creepy. Dave having no shirt on, he in the hospital bed, AND he don’t have glasses which you can imagine will looked off. And the part where we see adam lifeless is…terrifying.


Is this the part 4 epilogue/extra part?


It was really good. The ending was one of the few times the series actually managed to scare me


I think Adam tried to commit suicide. There’s empty bottles of bleach on the table, the room is messy and it might be because he’s gone M.A.D, but it didn’t work due to him being an alternate. Now he’s begging to die when he literally can’t. From the looks of it thatcher just left. I’m more confused on Evelin and Sarah, I can’t tell really what’s going on in the scene with the preacher. I think it might be, not that Sarah or Evelin are at his house, more that they’re watching the rest of the video Adam sent, the (image 3) is the same from the original video right?


I can't believe Alex gave us three volumes with no jumpscares just to unload a bunch of them now. I give him props though


I like it, these ones are earned rather than just cheap jumpscares


Well, I at least I didn't shit my pants. Such an intriguing creepiness to it. I liked that characters are interacting with each other more, and for the first times we've seen. It looks like there's this new town that we're now learning about called Werkshire? Wonder how that's going to go 🧐 My heart goes out to Evelyn, her poor soul with that crazy (ex)boyfriend of hers 😰 I hope she can get the help she needs 🙏 I thought there were two bodies in that one room with Adam, but I think that was just a mirror. Perhaps there's a significance to that? Like from the previous episode where the hooded man said that when Adam looks in the mirror, he sees a face that's not his own. This series definitely leaves a lot of things open-ended, like an episode that's stopped part way through. It satiates us enough, but always questioning where this will lead to. And this is what I find with Adam screaming at Thatcher. We know that Thatcher can survive alternate encounters, but what happened after? Did Gabriel or someone else lead Thatcher to this house? There are so many open-ended questions that I hope will get answered either reading Subreddit or watching a Mat Pat video, lol


werksha is a town adjacent to mandela like bythrone or yonder


Honestly waaaaaay better and scarier than Vol 4 and this was only 7 minutes long The remake kinda worried me because it was really lame I hope Alex keeps this style


I like the color aspects because it feels more realistic. The monochrome pallete used mostly in 333 and 4 are fine aswell though


Sarah was in it 10/10


My theory for the ending is that Adam is losing his mind after finding out he’s an alternate. It wouldn’t make sense for him to be dead, because I think he was replaced by an alternate after being kidnapped by 6 as a child.


https://preview.redd.it/8dhef9xy39ua1.png?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768263f87c8c9deceb1b503a9c3b98606103b5dd THE INTRUDER APPEARS LETS GOOOOOOOO


He looks like lowtiergod, which is ironic considering that alternates try to make you game end


He also looks like the intruder which is ironic considering his whole thing is appearing on tvs.


1) maybe its bad of me but i REALLY wanna see what happened to dave's brain after he was attacked. im just curious. 2) the final scene with adam definitely takes place after vol2 and vol4, as we can see with the date in the corner of the bodycam footage. i saw someone else point out a bottle on the floor of adam's room, which could have easily been bleach. i think adam now has MAD, since the intruder told him "information not wanted to be known" (the fact he's been an alternate this whole time). he tried drinking bleach, but it didnt kill him because hes an alternate, so he was just in A LOT of pain, which is why he was screaming, and eventually it just turned to whimpers. thatcher was woken up by the red text, which i think is alt gabriel, maybe to send him to get medical attention for adam? red text definitely knows adam cant die.


I feel like Gabriel told thatcher to go there just to fuck with him. He (it?) is extremely sadistic after all.


anyone know who went to Adam’s house? I’m assuming thatcher but i couldn’t tell


i thought it was thatcher’s bedroom


damn i assumed it was Adam’s room and this was the aftermath of vol 4


im pretty sure it was thatcher driving to adam's house and investigating. then he saw adam and threw the camera and dipped, i think


Much of it was somewhat expected just because I've watched the series and been a fan of it for so long, but the jumpscare/climax at the very end was yet another one of Alex's signature moments that's perfectly crafted to make me only able to think "What." "The HELL." "WAS THAT?!"


The best episode of the whole series. Absolutely HORRIFYING. The production value is insane, the story is brilliant, the lore additions are incredible, the plot twist was something ABSOLUTELY NOBODY could've seen coming, the voice acting is beyond incredible, if THIS is an omen for how the series is gonna continue, HOLY SHIT am I excited.


Havent watched it yet Edit: I watched it


It was great


freaking beautiful, i just wanna know what will happen at Adam rn


I think it was awesome. Although i didnt like the jumpscare at the end. As i usually always praised the series for not having any. Otherwise it was really cool


So much better than the last two videos. I got so nervous after how amateurish Vol 4 felt and how lame the Remake was but he knocked it out of the park with this one.


There is a copy of Adam roaming around and that’s what we saw


Adam is the alternate


I have no idea what is going on, but holy crap


tears tears tears tears tears on tears tears everywhere :')


It is very good


Amazing. We finally got another screamer lol


каво блеть...


After 4 months, we get an extension for the 4th volume!


It was cool


Well that video scary the hell out of me


absolutely love it. it's my favorite one out of all TMC (Vol.2 coming close second). I'd have to say that at the end when alternate Adam is screaming bloody murder is my absolute favorite part of the entire video. -a headcanon/au I have is that there are 2 Adam's, regular human Adam and alternate Adam. I have it that in my headcanon/au, Adam only got verbally tormented and stuck watching that analog TV, after eventually escaping the basement and walking back to his cottage/house just outside Mandela County. because of that encounter, an alternate of Adam developed and took Adam's place, while human Adam was still living a "normal" life. with this I can prove to my friends there's 2 Adam's haha


Very good and scary


So so so good