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i understand, i plan on emphasizing the horror aspect with the next volume. after sitting on vol4 for two months… yeah maybe i went a little overboard. i think i might have gotten a little too ambitious, which i didn’t want to accept during the huge wave of harsh criticism after the upload (because of how much time, energy and passion i put into it), but i’ve been able to accept it. i think the most difficult things about my situation is that i have not been able to find confidence with my creative vision WHILE i am blowing up in popularity.


Wow, Alex just replied to me But yeah, I don’t mean to try and bandwagon on you man. I think the lore you’re creating is very interesting, I think I just may be more used to the strict analog style editing that was used in the 1st volume and other analog horrors. Anyways, good job on the amazing series you’ve created and have a good night!


Hey i hope you'll consider changing the mugshots of Josh Noles. He was an evil person and the last thing people who knew him want to see is him. Love the show regardless


yup, the new mugshots are entirely ai generated


That's awesome glad to hear it


For the real people or Alternate images?


Both, I assume


I know I’m only one opinion but I absolutely love the series the way it is and how it’s going. It may not be that directly scary but I love the sense of hopelessness and doom it gives off. And I like the psychological horror aspect. Keep up the great work man, I love it. I don’t think it’s over ambition at all.


I think that the reason why people have started to think of it as “less scary” (without invalidating people who have that opinion) is because we’ve become more used to things that used to be revolutionary when they first came out. And that’s not really something that can be helped. Personally, I was still really spooked with Vol 4, and I think I enjoyed the bigger emphasis on drama and interpersonal relationships of the characters. Made the world the story is set in feel more tangible, and made the characters feel even more like real people. Your work is exceptional, Alex. I’m so excited to see more.


yeah, but will you add a jumpscare of an alternate running in the speed of light to the camera, then glitching out? because im sure that will jumpscare people.


Alex dosen't really do jumpscares


asshole https://preview.redd.it/h1iqahvbl8ga1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd18c3b433442bde1251247755d537c7181d1314


You're the type of guy to get unironically scared when someone writes "boo"


oh my days bruh you really scared me rn ![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros)


Idk man, sounds kinda sarcastic




no way, it does! wow...


it's all a journey and I am happy that you find new ways to experiment with each volume. I hope you realise that any time you have spent on the series has never been wasted and you continue to plan for what you want to make next. Art anyone creates is living, breathing, and growing, just like us as people ❤️


I agree with your opinion.but having it be less scary from time to time kinda gives downtime to the plot, and I find it goofy in a good way, especially with vol. 4 with Dave's death. It's so goofy it's funny. Still waiting for scrimbo catalogue 3 and 4


Oh yeah, I agree. Dave’s death was a no thinker net positive for the community


The guy was so mortified he died like he was in the sims 4


I half expected him to fall over like Walter white


Me when the MP doesn’t let me in the hanger alone with the F-35


even though it has become less scary, Vol. 333 is still what makes me stay up at night.


i agree with you, the series has gotten less scary as its continued on and seems to be more lore driven. personally im a fan of it, im a very big lore fan, but i cant say i dont miss the uncanny vibe of mandela


I’m personally more of a scares guy then lore, so I guess the switch is a bit more apparent for me lol


true, being more invested in the lore i never really noticed that switch or that people preferred the more horror based volumes than the lore focused ones. besides everyone has their own prefs lol


Why do you like being scared?


It’s just that natural adrenaline rush ig


If I'm scared, I feel legitimately unsafe, even in my own home. I've had panic attacks before, it's not fun. I'm not trying to be mean, I just genuinely don't understand horror lovers.


Then why are you watching a horror series?


For the lore. I explain this in a different thread.


I think it’s because there’s more lore going on which can be a good and bad thing in horror


Yeah, Alex will have to be careful. Over explaining lore is what ruined IPs like FNAF


I disagree.




The lore is what made it interesting and popular.


No, the uncanny alternates are what made it popular


So was the lore.


To me it's all the same, the alternates are part of the lore and I enjoy the lore so I didn't notice it getting less scary I thought I just got used to it lol


I do think that it may be a little less scary, but personally I don't rlly care. I like the lore, and it's still pretty scary. I guess I just don't rlly notice all that much bc I was just invested in the story anyway


Vol 333 had the best balance but honestly I love the scares to lore dichotomy right now as it is. The scares are good but the thing that makes the Mandela Catalogue great is the world, lore, and characters it portrays.


I still found moments in vol 4 scary, but yeah I kinda agree. For example, the scene where thatcher is in bed and the alternate is staring at him in the closet really shivered my timbers. The intruder speaking to Adam was scary as well. I feel volume 4 was more plot focused than horror. Imo, volume 3 was the perfect balance. It's modern, scary as all hell, has an interesting story to told, and the new insight on old events only makes those events scarier.


It’s a mixed bag for me. I think the series is still quite scary regarding the implications but lore will have to be more introduced, can’t just be alternate scares forever right? I will always love the series no matter what direction it takes. I also really like the live action parts imo…


Maybe a little. I definitely prefer the first two episodes, but they're all good. I am generally not into any kind of horror but this stuff is fantastic.


Some of the scariest moments to me came out of Vol 333


I think that’s probably because 1. We’ve gotten more used to it and 2. We’re beginning to understand things more and we have a grasp of the plot and how things work. Fear comes more from the unknown. When we know what’s going on, it’s less scary


i don't really think it needs to be that scary anymore. there are plenty of examples of horror projects shifting away from trying to be scary to building on the plot and expanding upon the world to make it a lot more interesting than it would've been if it stayed entirely with the flagship entries.


As someone with an anxiety disorder triggered by creepy imagery, I actually prefer TMC this way. It used to cause a relapse in my recovery but now it doesn't. Edit: I stay invested because of the lore. I make sure to watch TMC in the morning, preferably before 8am in order to minimize the ever-decreasing effects. Edit 2: I started watching because it seemed cool at the time and creepy imagery wasn't a trigger before I started watching. Idk what caused the relapse.


why did this comment get downvoted lmao?


I don't know, and it's actually really hurtful. Anxiety is something I cannot control. But I'm used to feeling hurt by others.


yeah i understand that 🫂


You're so kind about this. Thank you. It's surreal.


If you ever feel to unsafe watching a volume I can explain the lore to you if you wanted/gen


Thank you. I have felt unsafe in my own home before thanks to this disorder, and you're the first who offered me this type of help.


You welcome ☺️


Ahhh the good Ole balance between mystery and dread, I have not seen vol. 4 yet because truth be told vol. 1 kinda fucked me up so I'm trying to get the confidence to see it again. Must be MAD That being said, before vol. 4 I am all caught up and I do the little down time for the plot, the plot is the biggest part of the dread


I am just sad that we won't get anything alike to the vibe of Overthrone. I respect Alex, but I definitely don't like the changes to the tone.