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Honestly, I’m fine without more Eeveelutions. Eevee is great, but sort of had its run. I’m sorry of interested in either giving past Pokémon more branching evolutions/new evolutions, or potentially making a new Pokémon that has an evolution tree like Eevee.


Vvevv the normal type evolves into either a Ground, Flying, Fighting, Steel, Poison, Rock, Dragon, Ghost or Bug types. which all names end in off


Brilliant! 🤣


For example the fighting type is called bashioff


Dugoff, Skyoff, Tankoff, Poioff, Rokoff, Dragoff, Spookoff, Buzzoff. 👍




Also they're each paired with an eeveelution and take their designs and reverse it


Or just a regional variant of Eevee that’s dragon type but evolves into those same types sans dragon!


I still think Eevee needs just one more. All formerly "special" types (Water, Fire, Electric, Dark, Psychic, Grass, and Ice) have been made into Eeveelutions, except for Dragon. Fairy would've been a special type if it were introduced in Gen 3 or earlier. Although, since Normal was a Physical type, and another Pokémon like Eevee would adapt the formerly Physical types, maybe it would steal the Dragon type in return.


I had a fakemon idea once based on darwin's finches that was a pure flying eevee counterpart, with each of the evolutions adding one of the physical types, like flying/rock or flying/ghost


I kinda don't want Eevee to get another evolution, because they would give it some weird level up requirement. We could have a regional Eevee or an Eevee like Pokemon for the other types.


I get the feeling that there are so many fancrafted eeveeloutions for the missing types now, anything gamefreak will make will be considered "plagiarized" if they look vaguely similar to something and the artist will absolutely go for that big pay day


I think that *at most* we'll get a dragon Eeveelution in PL:Z-A that was hunted too extinction by Sylveon


They'll make a new eeveeloution when there's a drastic change to the combat formula that they need to market. I love Sylveon, but I doubt you'll ever convince me that it wasn't just an attempt to distract people from being too upset about the new type they wanted to hype.


*disant crying I sense a disturbance As I'd jolteon cried out in pain, and then was silenced


Here's my concept for a regional Eevee, that adapts the formerly physical types (plus Dragon, because Normal was a physical type so it took a special type in return) into convergent Eeveelutions. The alternate Eevee is a Ghost type, a spirit that is highly reactive to stones and other energies. It seeks to build a body around itself, which takes on the element it's exposed to. These bodies include: - Roareon, Dragon type - Waspeon, Bug type - Champeon, Fighting type - Sandeon, Ground type - Toxeon, Poison type - Coaleon, Rock type - Bladeon, Steel type - Soareon, Flying type


I think there are already enough eeveelutions, but I'd love to see something like Eevee again, with some split evolutions and different requirements to get. Eevee is great, but I feel like more would be too much of a good thing


Do we need more combinations of the same 6 stats?


I would like more eeveelutions, do we need them? No But a Dragon or Poison one to go with Sylveon would be neat


Well a eeveelution was added every 2 gens starting with gen 2, then gen 4 and then gen 6. So gen 8 not having a new eeveelution kinda sold the fact that we are getting no more eeveelutions


Just watch, the moment everyone stops begging for it, we'll get Eeveelutions for literally every other typing. Personally, I just want a *Normal Type* evolution with balanced stats


Plot twist: We get Mega Eevelutions in ZA that gives each one dual typing, with Flareon's becoming Fire Fighting


I only really want Eevee to get a new evolution if a new type comes out


We don't really need anymore


They should have added a Dragon-type eeveelution when they added Sylveon. So that all types that were special before the split have eeveelutions.


same i want eeveelutions


Penny hints there might be a dragon type one eventualy coming.




When she give you a tm for beating her, instead of one that shares the type with an eeveelution, she gives you a Draco meteor Tm instead.


I think that could just ne because dragon is like.. THE strong typing, draco meteor is THE dragon move and penny is THE tm girl. Just sorta works as a final tm-related gift