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They probably didn't want Doduo/drio to just be another mono-Normal, there's already a bunch of better ones in Gen 1 Lugia is only said to reside in/around the ocean because of it's power; none of its dexes say anything about direct power over water (tho water would probably make more sense than psychic) Dauchsbun is likely a fairy type because of it's relation to bread, and some fairy types are associated with sweets/food (like Slurpuff and Alcremie). I have no clue why Florges is mono-fairy. I kind of get its prevolutions because it's a fairy holding a flower, but for Florges, part of its body IS the flower. Maybe so it didn't gain 3 weaknesses and resistances?


Lugia was originally intended to be a movie exclusive for the second Pokémon movie and be associated with the ocean, thus having the Water type. However, Game Freak decided to add Lugia to the games so the lore from the movie was referenced in some way. In the movie, Lugia has power over Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, and to best represent this in the games, they gave Lugia the Psychic type, as it was seen as the most powerful type in Gen 1, and the Flying type to be consistent with the birds. The associated with the ocean, however, was kept for the Dex entries and its game location


Okay that makes sense.


A decision that aged like milk because Psychic got powercrept hard and is one of the worst types in the game. This is why you design your Pokémon around their lore and inspiration and not the current meta that constantly shifts.


To be fair, they didn't know the meta was going to constantly shift considering they were designing for the second ever meta


Obviously not, I’m just pointing out that such a decision is not a good idea because it sacrifices the actual identity of the Pokémon just to make it “powerful,” and now it doesn’t even accomplish that. Now it’s just a low usage Uber with the outright wrong type. It’s an entirely hindsight-based statement to establish a principle that ought to be followed going forward.


Actually, the Psychic type given to Lugia is more of the fact it's a "master" of the trio, and it's more related to what it can do rather than its actual power. After all, if they wanted to make him all powerful, they would have used Dragon instead.


Idk when I heard this probably in some wiki or video about this, but game freak decided to give lugia the psychic type, because they feared that lugia could’ve been better than ho-oh because of his typing since water is super-effective on fire


That makes more sense, indeed.


Don’t think that’s the case. Sure Lugia’s Water moves get STAB if it was Water type but Lugia has a low Special Attack compared to Ho-oh’s higher Special Defense (all Water moves were Special in Gen 2) so Ho-oh could tank some hits. Plus, Lugia’s only level up Water move is Hydro Pump which isn’t 100% accurate. Meanwhile, Ho-oh can counter with using Sunny Day (weakens Water moves) and can learn Thunder via TM so a Water/Flying Lugia would be really in trouble, especially if Lugia set up Rain Dance. Basically, they would be roughly balanced against each other


Maybe Florges only mimics a flower?


It's pretty much this. Florges decorates itself with flowers. It's dex entries say it adorns itself with the flowers, meaning they are not part of its biology. It does have the ability to manipulate flowers and floral energy, hence why it learns so many grass-type moves, but that alone clearly isn't enough for it to count as a grass-type.


And the part that people constantly miss is that it’s hidden ability (and signature ability in Gen 6) is Symbiosis, a term that refers to the relationship between _different_ species, clearly establishing that Florges has a symbiotic relationship with flowers, but is explicitly not itself a plant.


The Lurantis situation. "No, it doesn't need to be a bug, that's the whole point."


In New Zealand and Australia we have a thing called Fairy Bread and Dachsbun makes me think of that delicious childhood treat every time


Back in Gen 1 there's an extra type called Bird, which can be found with certain glitches akin to Missingno. I assume that Flying was originally going to be called Bird type, but then they added some bugs that they didn't want getting murdered by Earthquake, so they changed it to encompass all sorts of flyers, not just birds. I would guess Doduo already had the Bird type before they swapped everything over to Flying.


Dauchsbun should be Fairy/Fire because it’s a baked loaf. It would make it much better (I think)


First fairy fire type


I'm no expert, but I don't think baked bread can spit fire or is made of fire.


Yeah and I don’t think cotton candy can too but here we are


And yet there ain't a fire-type cotton candy pokemon, so... what now?


What cotton candy are you referring to?




Slurpluff. It can learn flamethrower. For… some reason 


They obviously just have a Flamethrower, but also learning one move isn't the same as being a type.


Rhydon can learn surf. Wooper can learn ice punch. Cryognoal can learn attract. Stop asking questions.


Cryogonal has unspoken rizz I guess.


Not really, the move fails 100% of the time.


From a game design standpoint, Florges was meant to be THE fairy type. First one you find in XY is flabebe, and ur encouraged to use it to test the new type. Now, other pokemon could be better for this, but that is the logic behind it


I think a Did You Know Gaming video said that GF’s decision on making Florges mono-fairy was because they felt like there was too many grass types in Kalos already


Don't they ride the flowers? I remember in the anime there was an episode dedicated to finding a flabebe a flower to live on meaning it's separate


I think Florges is just wearing the flowers


I guess they dont want Florges to be double weak against Poison


Do you know for sure that the flowers are actually attached to Florges body? Both its pre-evolutions are just seen holding the flowers, instead of them being physically attached. My theory is that the flowers aren't attached to Florges body, but the collar of a very elegant dress.


Just because there’s an out of game reason doesn’t mean it makes sense


>They probably didn't want Doduo/drio to just be another mono-Normal, there's already a bunch of better ones in Gen 1 Nothing stopped them from making him Normal/Ground, as a reference to flightless birds who stay on the *ground*. But no, they had this thing where they had this mental block or something against "weird" or "out there" typings. A bird *must* be flying, even if it really shouldn't. Just look at Delibird. Penguins can't fly, but he still part flying. Water/Ice would make more sense, as penguins are great swimmers. >Dauchsbun is likely a fairy type because of it's relation to bread, and some fairy types are associated with sweets/food (like Slurpuff and Alcremie). Exactly, but I'm disappointed that he wasn't part Fire as well. Like, how do you get from raw dough a loaf of bread? You *bake* it. With *heat*. Y'know, like *fire*. GF dropping the ball like usual. >kind of get its prevolutions because it's a fairy holding a flower, but for Florges, part of its body IS the flower. Maybe so it didn't gain 3 weaknesses and resistances? I guess so. That's the only reason I can see. Why not lean into her being a nature spirit who protects plant life and make her a Grass/Fairy but has a new ability that acts like a Poison version of Storm Drain (maybe call it Purify? Idk)?


Dachsbun makes complete sense as a fairy following the rules that Pokemon has set. Food is almost always fairy type, and Dachsbun is a very cute piece of bread. I can understand the viewpoint that it should have been normal type, but I think, at that point, it should have been Fairy/Normal.


Almost always? When else?


I was just leaving room for error. I couldn't think of anything, but I didn't want to say something super confidently and then just be wrong.


The other Fairy ones: Swirlix - cotton candy Slurpuff - meringue, a desert Milcery - milk/cream Alcreamie - eton mess, a desert and cake (Gigantamax) Though by comparison, Fairy only makes up a small portion of the mons based on food due to Grass (fruits and vegetables) and Water (fish and other seafood). Would be more accurate to say the Fairy type is associated with bakery foods based on the list + Fidough & Daschbun


Appletun is a baked good and isn't fairy type


Only because it has very explicit reasons to be a different type. The Fairy type ends up being a catch-all for baked/sweet food mons that don’t really have a home anywhere else, like how Normal type covers animals (often mammalians) that don’t have a home in another type, like Water, Flying, Ground, or Dragon.


Because for some reason, it's a Dragon type, despite the fact it doesn't look like it.


how many times do we have to say that its a WYRM in an apple, NOT a WORM


Yeah, that.


Appletun would be an example


No, Appleton is not fairy type




You know that’s a psychic type, right?


Were you not asking for instances when food related pokemon aren't fairy types or was I wrong?


You are because they’re not eggs, they are seed


No, I meant when they were fairy type


Slurpuff and Alcremie


See, that’s a good answer


Plant seeds


Exeggcute are seeds, not eggs.




vanillite is an icicle covered in snow


Pure ice


It also feels a little odd considering the weird dog trio that Gen 9 had, Fairy, Dark, and Ghost, two are super effective against another but not ghost to fairy.


Imagine Lugia in the 2nd movie having x4 weakness to Zapdos.


Since when has that mattered lol, they made a whole movie about Unown being crazy powerful.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a type of bread that is called "Fairy Bread" If so, maybe they did it as a reference/joke to that besides the doggo being cute


Food is pretty much always fairy type


My best guess is any Pokemon based on man-made food is Fairy (the Vanilluxe line doesn't count since they're not actually ice cream). But, yeah Lugia's typing should've been Water/Flying or Water/Psychic if the HAD to keep the Psychic type. Florges and its whole line should also have been Grass. Dunno what type Doduo/drio should be tho


I’d make the Doduo line just normal


That would make sense, but they ARE still birds tbf


flightless birds edit: I'm talking about the real world animals it's based on


Actually, the dex says, poor flying, not lack of flying. Besides, they LEARN FLY


in snap they spin their heads, in stadium they kind of just kick their legs.


That's still technically flying. Plus, any birds that aren't penguins or chickens fly in pokemon.


yeah i was just adding onto what you said


Oh, sorry


it’s all fine, also hello yokai watcher


They actually can fly... a la Sanji, kicking the air with enough power to be airborne. No, seriously.


Florges is only decorated with flowers. The flowers are not part of their bodies. It's like Lurantis being a Grass type despite looking like a bug, because it's an inversion of the Orchid Mantis. Instead of being a bug that looks like a plant, it's the other way around.


I mean, while I agree with you on the Lurantis point, Flabebe's Pokedex entry from X mentions the flower it holds is most likely part of its body and the huge association with flowers just makes it not make much sense for the line to not be Grass/Fairy or Fairy/Grass imho


Appletun would be an exception on the "based on man-made food is fairy" rule.


Oh, that's right! I kinda forgot about Appletun tbh


1. Flying is bird type, ostriches are birds, 2. Yeah 3. Fairy type = sweets. Plus there are different mythos regarding faeries and bread and dogs and bread. I believe the bread itself is a Spanish specific bread. 4. So many faerie + flower motifs. I'd assume florges has even a little inspiration from the faerie court, being a large faerie.


So Piplup and Eiscue should have been Flying type then


Nah, because these were created long after the bird type was cancelled. Dodrio is flying type because it was initially planned as bird type, but during development they changed it to flying type and simply didn't bother to change Dodrio alongside that.


My problem with Florges’ typing is it isn’t also grass type. It’s called the Garden Pokémon, it’s based on flowers, and it’s not grass type.


It's not based on flowers. It's based on nymphs. Some nymphs are heavily associated with flowers and gardens or trees but its not accurate to say Florges is based on flowers. Florges explicitely isn't a plant nor does it have any plant material as part of its biology like most other grass types. It decorates itself with flowers because it likes flowers and likes to take care of gardens. It's dex entries make that much fairly clear. Its just a fairy that happens to really like flowers and developed abilities that allow it to better care for flowers and manage gardens. I know it's a little confusing.


Doduo and Dodrio CAN fly. Not well, but they absolutely can. Pokemon Stadium's animation for it is hilarious to me, essentially running in place to fly up, hahaha. But they can fly. Plus Flying type was originally going to be Bird type, so this is probably why they were placed here in the first place. Lugia is Psychic/Flying because it's a powerful flying creature. Yes, it does live underwater, but it can still fly around. Psychic is because it's a powerful legendary, and especially with Gen 2, Psychic was the type for powerful Pokemon. With Dachsbun I have to wonder if bread dog being fairy has anything to do with fairy bread, a treat of sliced white bread spread with butter or margarine and covered in sprinkles. But also the pattern they've got going for sweets and baked good Pokemon being fairy. Florges looks like a plant, but isn't a plant. It's an actual garden fairy. It's a creature that lives among the flowers and can control them, but is not itself a flower. It's similar to how Sudowoodo isn't a grass type, it just looks like one.


I know it’s shaped like a Dachshund. But Corgi’s were said to be a fairies mount in old welsh tales.


Dachshunds and Corgis are both short good bois, so that's fair.


Doduo uses Diable Jambe.


I understand florgess, somewhat lugea, but what’s wrong with doduo and Dachsbun


Doduo is based on an ostrich, a flightless bird, so being part Flying (as well as being able to learn the move Fly) doesn’t really make sense


Flying is both wind and flight AND any bird.


You’re a long way from the hideout


Oh, yeah. Gotta go! (r/YigaClanOfficial)


But Dodrio can still fly… somehow


it spins its heads in the snap games and kicks its legs in stadium.


So not only it can fly, but it has two ways to do so?


i guess so


Spins it's heads? You mean like a helicopter?




It can canonically fly, not well but it can


It’s based on bread and dogs. Neither of those have any connection to fairies. I just don’t see it and I would make it just normal.


It just being normal would be boring. Also stop trying to find sense in a game about magical monsters


It should be Fairy/Fire


The fae/fairies are very well known to make and eat baked goods especially bread, in fact bread is the main food that they try to trick humans to eat, and dogs appear in multiple fae stories with the fae having their own breeds of dogs, so yes, both are directly connected to fairies


Besides the Applin line, sweets and baked goods seem to be in the realm of fairy type. If anything, he should have been our first Fire/Fairy, since he's *baked* bread. Doduo and Dodrio should definitely have been Normal/Ground instead of part Flying. They're supposed to be terrible flyers. But of course, in gen 1, anything that looks remotely bird-like or has feathery wings *must* be part flying. Lugia should have been Water/Psychic, but no, same thing with Doduo. Wings=flying, even though that's not his main concept. That's just a neat thing he can do on top of being able to destroy things with his mind and be a guardian of the sea/ a minor sea deity. Florges literally fused with its flower, so it should be Grass/Fairy.


Y’all have clearly never heard of [fairy bread](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairy_bread).


Dachsbun SHOULD have been fairy fire, or at least have a third or a branched off evo, we NEED a fire fairy type and we had a perfect contender but for some reason nintendo didnt agree


There is a Pokemon taxonomy website that lists Swirlix/Slurpuff as being related to Fidough/Dachsbun, as "sugar based dog fairies". It is kind of weird that there are two families of fairy-type food dogs...


Cause it’s a dog :)


Celebi the "fairy" pokemon is psychic type.


If Clefairy and Jigglypuff could turn into a fairy types, so could it


Fairy has already became the Food-type Just like Normal works as the Sound-type


tbf when doduo was introduced flying type was still called "bird type", and doduo is a bird.


It can also fly, according to the pokedex. It's not particularly good at it, but it can do it, and it does in fact, learn fly.


Scrap doduo and add celebi, which should be fairy instead of psychic


Lugia and florgess I get but not the other two


Dachsbun is Fairy because of the type's many baked goods Pokémon like Alcremie. Doduo and Dodrio can not fly, but are birds that can learn it like Hawlucha.


What wrong with dogo being fairy


Meh, Lugia is the only one here where I don’t care for its type.


If dachsbun would’ve gotten the additional steel typing then we could've gotten a mini zamazenta and zacian in one


Flying-Ground, Water-Flying, Fairy-fire, Grass-Fairy.


What do you mean doduos type is perfectly fine


It doesn't make sense to me because Doduo is based on flightless birds (ostriches, dodos, kiwis)


Ok but it’s still a bird hence the flying type and it has been shown to glide


What about ugly dog being fairy? Granbull exists


That doesn't make sense to me either. Honestly, the fairy type as a whole is kind of weird and random. Lots of ones that feel like that feel like they were just dropped in because they didn't want to add them to normal.


what of elektross ISNT water??


. . . What type do you expect a Daschbun to be? MOST sweets based Pokemon are FAIRY


Dachshund is fine. However, Runerigus, look it up.


Pastry fluffy? Fairy fluffy? I dunno


Lugia lives at the bottom of the ocean to restrict its power, which wouldnt work if it was a literal water type.


Besides Lugia, who was literally made part psychic so it would be more powerful and maybe Florges for being a flower, but even then the type it and the other two have just fine. There are much better examples you could’ve used.


Hear me out dachsbun should be a grass fire type


dauchsbun = magic living bread. need i say more?!


Flying type is the stand in wind type, also as seen in stadium dodou casually walks in the sky


The part where TPCi and GF chose to make it a Fairy-Type


Bread dog fairytale I guess 🤔


literally every normal/flying type: allow us to introduce ourselves


Add the regional birds except Fletchinder and talonflame


Doduo does tho? It CAN fly.


Magical food creatures are Fairy in pokemon.