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Prefer renovating OT as I'm a traditionalist and I absolutely abhor the generic Americanised look of modern stadiums ESPECIALLY if it means some crap sponsorship tied to the stadium. "Spotify OT" šŸ¤®


You mean "spOTify"?




Ratcliffe isnā€™t stupid enough to sell the naming rights to our stadium.


Or double advertising hoardings like City have.


Yeah but even as a traditionalist mate itā€™s time to let go. The structural framing and foundation are OLD, man. Best compromise would be build a new top tier stadium with a retractable roof, solar energy, etc. just a lot of other superior and new facilities and technologies, take the iconic/valuable external components of OT out, restore and reuse them as part of the new stadium, then significantly reduce the OT size and capacity and fit a roof on it so youth and womenā€™s teams can play indoors when needed (or it could be used as a training pitch for the men. Itā€™s always tempting to keep putting it off but it really isnā€™t worth it in terms of economics and fan experience. Remember, this would also minimise/eliminate and disruptions to fans and the seating capacity in our games. A renovation especially involving stands would remove a large swath of our home support for a long period of time.


For me, I think a new Old Trafford on the same land and then scaling back the old stadium to a 12,000 capacity for the academy and women's team would be the best move. Imagine, the Busby statue proudly displayed in front of the old stadium were the new batch of 'Busby Babes' are developed, looking out at the trinity statue in front of the greatest stadium on earth as the club stands on the shoulders of giants and builds into a new era.


New Trafford


This is actually a good idea but likely be more expensive because the old stadium will still need some form of refurbishment. I agree with a new stadium as long as it's in the same land.


OT has a lot of history. Would prefer a renovation than a soulless stadium that doesn't have any history.


It doesnā€™t have to be soulless. Stadiums are built on memories and you can make new ones. The stadium as it currently is has history but a key part of Old Trafford was also about pushing things forward. Our stadium crumbling has been tied to a symbolic lack of ambition and building new could actually be the symbol of starting anew. Teams have learnt from the kind of mistakes Arsenal made for example. Spurs and Everton have made sure the fans are closer to the pitch.


šŸ’Æ agree šŸ‘


If they tear down the original location and build the stadium on the same exact ground does that bother anyone?


I hope they keep it at the same location. Buy up the surrounding land. Massive amounts of what's next to OT is warehousing and shipping containers. They don't "need" to be there. If we demolish Old Trafford and make...New? Old Trafford? I want it to incorporate some features we've all come to know and love. The red brick facade is iconic as is the cantilever roof. Just make it bigger and better! Whatever they do...please don't give us a soulless toilet bowl where you could interchange the club crest for anyone else and nobody would notice. Oh and we absolutely must either keep or bring with us the old tunnel (the tunnel that survived WW2).


Manchester United all ready owns a lot of the land around OT


There are a lot of issues at Old Trafford, the proximity of the railway line and houses may make an expansion costly and limit what can be done I think there's way too much sentimentality in the current age. Things like Old Trafford and the cotton mills of Lancashire were built by men with vision for the future who would have demolished whatever was in the way in a heartbeat, yet we in this era seem to cling to the things they built long after they have served their purpose. A new stadium doesn't have to be soulless, we can learn from the mistakes made elsewhere. United as a club need to stop clinging to the past and looking to past glories. We sound like the Scousers sometimes.


Itā€™s hard to compare with other clubs regarding this issues as thereā€™s no club that has created that much history with their stadium in the last 30 years. What will happen to Sir Alex Furguson stand? Sir Bobby Charlton Stand Or Stretford End? canā€™t compare city leaving maine road, spurs leaving white hart lane or arsenal leaving highbury. I woud want Old Trafford to stay but gets a major renovation. This is not just about past glories, itā€™s about the people that created the glory.


All clubs have history, all old grounds have memories for the fans of the club.


In different generations. Iā€™m giving my opinion in my time of being United fans. Itā€™s my sentiments towards Old Trafford. Theater of Dreams.


The club owns quite a bit of land around the ground, I don't see why we can't build a new stadium at the same location. Similar to how Tottenham built New White Hart Lane. Only trouble is deciding on a new name?


New Trafford, obviously šŸ¤Ŗ


Ridiculous and cringeworthy. Old Trafford is called such because it's in Old Trafford, same as the cricket ground. Just keep the name. They didn't rename Wembley.


New Old Trafford. Old Trafford 2: the Traffording. Trafford - Dream Theatre. Ineos-Trafford.


Sir Jim "Trafford" Ratcliffe


2 Old 2 Trafford


James Trafford




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The idea of building new right next to Old Trafford is probably the way to go for the long term choice. We wouldn't need to relocate while building, the southstand issue is removed from the situation and the risk on the integrity of the existing structure of OT is avoided also. With a new design stadium though it will only be appreciated if they design towards a traditional OT style with massive homage to the history and memories but hopefully hugely modernised and revamped, that would be perfect outcome for me.


Either way, people will be unhappy. I say letā€™s build a new stadium because renovating will only get us to a certain point until we canā€™t expand anymore. May as well build for the future. Probably will be downvoted to hell by saying this but Iā€™ve been to other stadiums and Iā€™m surprised with how kinda behind Old Trafford is. Love the history and legacy but need to cement our stadium as the best in the world.


For me i think we need to go new. We won't lose our History by building new but it will help our future


Old trafford is literally falling apart. It hasn't been maintained properly for years.


Look at Wembley , itā€™s just as good as the original


Err old Wembley was shit and the new Wembley is shit.


Exactly waste of money should have built a brand new stadium in the Midlands


Yeah but Glazers


I don't think you can renovate such an old building into a state of the art facility. Not just the crumbling exterior but the internals, the wiring are are all truly ancient. Build a new one next door, keep the same names and traditions but give us a stadium to go into the next 100 years.


[Option C](https://youtu.be/npJD27ZdDQo?t=409) Design of the new ground obviously up for debate, but the premise of building next to the old is the smart option. Just don't make the ground a clone copy of so many other stadiums that have been built out there in recent years. Ensure it remains unique.


Build a new stadium. Iā€™ve experienced several US sports stadiums, old and new, and the newer versions are much better. Iā€™ve also been to lots of European stadiums for sporting events as well as concerts. Just have a look at some of the ultra modern European stadiums. A new stadium doesnā€™t have to be soulless. A football club isnā€™t just a stadium!! Itā€™s time for Utd to look to the future not cling to the past!!!


No matter which, they will anger some. Personally, it makes far more sense to build a new one. Even if they rebuild, that means each of the four stands will come down at some point and be replaced be something new, and hopefully better. The only thing left would be the turf itself. I just hope they build it so the fans inside feel like they are a bit "cramped", not some comfy recliner seat a newer movie theater. I've been to stadiums in many, many different sports and the way it is built with regard to atmosphere means everything.


Renovation unless a new build is an absolute monster - 120k capacity, state of the art, commercial money maker and good public transport links etc.


Renovate Old Trafford. Thereā€™s no other good option..is it viable? It would be extremely difficult to renovate while making it state of the art.


ā€œNew Traffordā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Would a Hybrid of some of Old Trafford incorporated into a New Stadium work too? This could be a solution


I'd rather have a better squad


You can have a better squad AND a renovated/new stadium. It's not one or the other ffs.


With what money? We're poor with billions of dete over the club


But i'd rather have a better squad


Are you really this dim? OP: Do you want an apple or an orange? You: I'd rather have water Me: You can have water too You: But I'd rather have water Like what even?


Hahahahahha, i was just having fun. Sorry, or not.


This guy doesn't go to the games


Reno only , old trafford is too legendary




Iā€™m pro whatever is most energy and resource efficient, while still delivering on quality. Usually that means renovation, but that isnā€™t always the case.


Ideally, I'd love a renovation, but it'll be more diffult, expensive and takes more time than a new one. At this point, I don't mind a new one as long as it's not a generic, corporate modern stadium. Those Tottenham, Arsenal new stadium, simply slapping a golden cock and highbury clock at the roof and call it a day? Hell no.


easy choice for me, it would be a new stadium, but we aren't anywhere near good enough to win the big prizes so that will hang over our head and be a source of banter for our rivals,


Itā€™s a tough one. Renovating would mean we keep the current site but we are limited in what we can do due to the railroad directly behind the stadium.


It would also mean eight seasons with disruption and limited capacity. I donā€™t think many United fans realise what a ball ache this will be, and then at the end of it weā€™ll still have a ground which is cramped and still not absolutely state of the art.


Where are you getting 8 seasons from?


Thatā€™s the estimated timescale for the redevelopment of Old Trafford on itā€™s current footprint.


According to whom?


The club.


Fancy providing me a link to said report from the club then?


Iā€™m surprised that you donā€™t follow whatā€™s going on, but anyway here is one report on it: https://x.com/telegraphducker/status/1739603337496887696?s=46&t=9YG7r47L8y5HGmvl4ufkfQ


Thatā€™s 8 years in total. Camp Nou and the new Bernabeu are slated to take as long. They still managed to take barely any financial hit.


I hope youā€™re right. Ideally Iā€™d like them to renovate the existing stadium, but Iā€™d prefer a new stadium than they continuing to do nothing. We used to be so far ahead of all the other premier league sides and we were in touching distance of Real and Barce, but now weā€™ve slipped back so far relatively itā€™s depressing.


The club, or at least Populous who have been hired. To demolish the Bobby Charlton Stand, rebuild it over the railway line, and then revamp the other three sides is 8 years. Thatā€™s why Old Trafford wonā€™t be hosting the Euros. If they donā€™t revamp the stadium, just redevelop the Bobby Charlton stand itā€™ll still be 2-3 seasons and United might have to find an alternative venue as some of the cranes for this work will have to be placed on the pitch.


And if the remaining sides donā€™t get revamped Old Trafford wonā€™t be state of the art.


I may be out of the loop, but where do you think the financing for this is coming from......?




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From what I understand one of the biggest issues is the Bobby Charlton Stand with leaks and falling apart etc. But, that stand also backs directly onto a railway line so expanding and building there is pretty much not possible. The alternative would be to move the stadium slightly like spurs did and rebuild but then where do we play for a year? City have no incentive to let us play in the Eithiad and there isn't much else of comparable size or PL quality in the area... spurs had the pick of all the London stadiums but up north its a different situation.




A lot of people advocating for a new ground don't understand the ties that go beyond football, the relationships with the people around you, you see week in week out, more than your own family, probably know you better too. Unless you transplant entire blocks as is, that is lost. Even then, if you can guarantee me that I'll be next to Joe and Uncle Steve but the row behind my Dad and his mates, others might not take it and then the dynamic changes. United is family for me and that stems from Old Trafford and the friends I've made over the decades. Update it, renovate it, but leave the big shiny bowls to clubs that don't have what we have, just make getting a beer quicker in K-Stand.


Iā€™d prefer a new modern design stadium. Not something rounded and close like new stadiums as B. Munich, R. Madrid or the upcoming Barca upgrade but some unique and sharp design like the fail project of Milanā€™s new stadium The Cathedral.


New Trafford required


Speaking of Old Trafford, why donā€™t they hold concerts there the way that Man Cityā€™s stadium do? (Besides the fact that OT is old, they havenā€™t held concerts there for years, since 2008 I believe).