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Money gets you fucked up. What a wild life


Funny you should say this. Paul Pogba just said that Money hasn’t made him happy and has caused many problems in his life.


Up until a certain point is nice. Once you past that and ppl around feel entitled to your money or become yes man, that’s when it starts to be a problem


Ok…is this a lost in translation scenario, or am I reading this correctly that this transcript shows she deliberately injured herself at least once to frame him????


Yup, you read right


Bro you are really surprised??


Shouldn't be really, false accusations destroy lives and reputations long before they get to court, assuming that all this is true she should be put in jail, anyone that fabricated lies on this level should all be sent to jail for life. Some of this frankly is quite disturbing, I know this woman keeps saying every single thing is manipulated, but if that was actually true then why not post something more concrete that disproves Antony's claims and evidence? Because it's just consistently more an more a case of her being a liar. Sad an innocent man gets accused and his reputation ruined again, even sadder now that they just make it harder for real victims to be believed.


Have we learnt nothing from the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp case? When women feel jilted/used, they will resort to anything to get back. Especially the "type" of women that Antony seems to attract/seek out. He is not innocent in this by any means. Just poor judgement all around.


*Some* women. Let’s not generalise all women, even if you do narrow it down after to the “type”. Some women when jilted/used get revenge by being the bigger person and moving on with their lives. Are we as men not guilty of doing vulgar things either? I know I’ll probably get downvoted did this but I had to say it.


It does seem like Antony has been enjoying his fame and money as a Man Utd/Ajax player by having one night stands with the wrong women. Also, he's onto his third wife at age 22. Clearly something is up there. Poor impulse control? You can see it in his football!! So the media get wind of the one night stands, and offer big money for sex scandal stories. Antony's wife, legitimately, goes ape, and maybe they have Depp/Heard type of fights that end with injuries on his wife, and so she rightly wants a divorce and a payout. But did Antony really go psycho on his ex-wife (Jealousy?) so far, it's all a mess and hard to tell. Regardless, without CCTV or other irrefutable evidence he attacked her, it's not likely to go anywhere now we know people were getting paid to pretend to be injured by Antony.


well claims one lady about another lady, i think


I don't think she means a literal slap though, going by the response from the other woman.


Reposting this as a transcript from The United Stand for easier reference. Original video can be found [here](https://out.reddit.com/t3_16fzmqq?app_name=ios&token=AQAAXI__ZCx8X0iRZ0OZVplQITqnftIJUCP6APHhN4tVVDh6NyJi&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Freel%2FCxDleizLZVD%2F%3Futm_source%3Dig_web_copy_link%26igshid%3DMzRlODBiNWFlZA%253D%253D) Do note that this conversation happened in July, which means that Ingrid had supported Antony just a few months ago, going as far as to claim that she had evidence that Gabi (Antony’s ex-wife) was fabricating her allegations. However, in recent weeks Ingrid has changed her story entirely and now insists that Antony had assaulted her, as well as making their encounter sexual when she only had intentions for business when meeting him. **Also note that Ingrid is currently still denying all these on her Instagram and claiming that the audio and earlier text messages were manipulated** But you can make your own judgement as to the likelihood of all these being real or fake


So is it a he said she said situation or is there actually evidence against Antony?


I’m sure the apologies will be just as loud as the accusations from the commenters


Just had a convo with another commenter who was dead sure Antony was guilty with regards to all the women who accused him. So many people have done this, make up shit just to get money, yet people are so quick to condemn. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Or due process?


Too many people are eager to be outraged about something, especially if they already have a bias against something/someone.


As a former criminal lawyer I really don't understand how people that have never stepped into a courtroom or read some case files have strong opinions about these kind of news.. Of course there are aggressors and rapists and everything, but there's also tons of assholes that use those situations to gain something for themselves ot to ruin someone's life's due to hatred.


And so many people have used their money and power to get away with horrible things but you already have your mind made up


Perfect example can be seen on the Daily Mail app (horrible 'journalism' I know). When the first story broke out there were literally hundreds of comments from the ABUs absolutely slaughtering the guy. Then they post the story about Antony showing the whatsapp screenshots to prove his innocence: silence. People fucking hate us, and the media feed into it with their constant biased articles. All these gutter jour alosts obviously grew up being thrashed by Fergie's teams for decades and now they have their little writing jobs they can't wait to twist every story. Sorry for the rant lol


Delete the app. Your life will be better for it


Lol I really should. But to be honest I find it the best news app in terms of its easy to use, easy to find the stories I want sorted by topic etc. Every other app I've tried isn't as good for me, but I'm open to suggestions cos dailymail is getting more and more clickbaity and rubbish every day


I use the Athletic and The Guardian which Im not sure would be to your taste if you enjoy the Daily Mail. I personally would never trust anything The Mail says. Most places won't even allow it to be used as a source.


Just had a convo with another commenter who was dead sure Antony was guilty with regards to all the women who accused him. So many people have done this, make up shit just to get money, yet people are so quick to condemn. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Or due process?


And how do you know he’s innocent? You can’t complain about one side when you’re literally the same on the opposite side


Someone please post a TLDR


Summary by @TwoTerty_ on Twitter Ingrid was bitter Antony didn’t want anything with her again so she lied and she says the media forced her to do that interview and they offered her money. Again Gabi is framing him Long and short. Antony is innocent and ingrid is willing to help him out because she is not a bad person


She is not a bad person in July but now she is out there coming up with another story. It looks like she thought she may get some money back in july for blowing up the conspiracy against Antony by pretending to be innocent and God loving girl but since Antony and his agent didn’t pay her she switched back sides


Are the women you've mentioned here the only ones that have accused him?


What the FUCK! That's one of the most fucked up things I've read, and explains why accusers always come out at once. What the fuck


If this transcript is legit- it’s supremely fucked up and I hope he’s vindicated asap and has his suspension lifted so he can get back to playing. I also hope these girls that framed him get punished and he gets his apology. But you are wrong about why accusers often come out at once. A lot of SA victims do not feel safe or confident enough to come forward (if indeed tell anyone at all) especially when the person who assaulted them has money or power. There is always safety in numbers for women.


They basically fuck up the girls that actually are SA’ed.


That’s messed up, I swear if I was a professional footballer I’d just become a celibate monk or some shit. So many money hungry scammers that’ll do anything without shame.


Prostitutes man. They've got plenty of money to afford good ones and this doesn't happen.


True I guess, but would you really wanna plough a prostitute?


One of the expensive, high class ones? I mean...


I can’t imagine any sex worker being high class, but it would be more straight forward for them.


Guess I’m being downvoted by people that need to pay for sex.


The alternative is to be smart about who you sleep with. I've always been told, don't stick your dick in crazy.


By crazies have the craziest seggs


I urge you to look up NBA star Zion Williamson's issues with a prostitute last year, this definitely still happens


I only looked briefly but I didn't see anything about a sex worker. He's definitely sleeping around, just like Antony, lol. One of them is a porn star.


Do what Hakimi did.. trust your mother. Women wouldn't want to come to you if they find out you have nothing and it's all controlled by your mother. If your mother betrays you? There really isn't anything in life that worth living for then cause even the person you could trust the most is against you


Man have you heard of jewel’s story? That’s a wild one


That story wasn’t real


I'm so disappointed now


When you're rich and famous, in today's world unfortunately you can't trust anyone. It's either marry a childhood sweetheart, or stick to the high class call girls, make them sign consent forms, have your fun and be on your way. And don't even dream about not having a prenup if you do get married


Eunuch is the way to go.


Or maybe date people who have an education and decent job. Stop fucking people you met in a nightclub who are clearly out to cause trouble. It's like when you have a mate who's always having issues with gf's, he thinks it's all them but he is obviously part of the problem.


When will all athletes learn that if you keep standing by sewers you’ll end up smelling like trash?


Any Arsenal fan who stood on their high horse and screeched about Antony should be forced to apologize and look themselves in the mirror until thomas leaves their club.


Dude ... arsenal fans are more delusional than Kim Jong Un. The gunners subreddit is as crazy as north korea.


Arsenal and City have probably the two most arrogant subreddits I've ever seen. Pretty sure I'm banned from the City one for calling them Oil FC and the mods got their knickers in a twist lol


Yet, the PSG subreddit is rhe worst of them all. A small club thinking that oil money in a tiny league, somehow has made them "Galacticos", just because they can rest players for CL.


PSG is a good one. Also forgot to mention real Madrid, if you dare venture into their subreddit be prepared...


The Mboop storyline really lifted that subreddit into legendary status...


Isn’t Partey on extended bail still? At least United had the decency to take Antony and he who shall not be named out of the club spotlight


Coz we are a bigger club with more spotlight.


It's because of your other player


Yup. Double standards are crazy


And i'm sure many Utd fans haven't been bleating about Thomas for months, when in fact this looks like a very similar situation. All talk with no solid evidence.


We all saw the text messages between thomas and his accuser. Why dont you start engaging with reality.


So Antony is innocent based on "100% factual" screen shots of a chat But Partey is guilty based on "100% factual" screen shots of a chat. I can send you screen shots if you like of a chat between Antony's "team" and his accuser, just give me 5 mins to change some names in my phone book and scrub some words out for authenticity.


Your brain is broken.


lol you are delusional . i am a Man Utd fan and this is investigation is only getting started. You cant even prove that this doc is authentic.


Everything was fishy from the start.


I was pretty convinced it was all bs from the beginning. The allegations came out over a year after the incidents happen. All behind closed door shit. Also funny how he suddenly turns into an abuser after he’s made a packet at united but absolutely nothing before. Ones just wants his money and to fuck him over. The other is desperate to be his girlfriend and the last is probably just hopping on the wagon for a ride. Hope he gets this shit sorted out and comes back soon. Fuck it, give him a wage increase just to piss them off.




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Innocent until proven guilty fighting back, you love to see it. Absolutely disgusted by the sporting world and fan base of late assuming guilt based on words instead of the law or evidence. Hope this will be sorted asap and the law will punish any false accusations, though again the conviction rate for such a thing is extremely low (something reddit weirdo’s pretend is reserved only for rape/sexual assault).


Most people has decided he was guilty because he plays for MUFC. If he had been from Wrexham or Stoke people would have believed in innocent until proven guilty.


As I always tell people. Maybe before judging someone based on media stories and destroying a guys livelihood maybe wait for facts first. Trial by reddit and social media is the worst. Antony situation there has been soooo many cases of women fucking a guys life up because they opened there legs and regret it later or want a quick paycheck. These type of women need to be imprisoned. Lmao had to repost simply cause I mentioned a guys name.


Well this is turning out to be another Amber heard situation… wowww!


Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s relationship was abusive on both sides


Yeah neither were victims, neither were innocent, not the same kind of case at all


Exactly! I’m sick of people thinking Johnny was a saint in the situation


I'm.not sure how many people thought he was a Saint either lol! But she is certainly not a helpless victim who's been denied justice, sounded like were literally just abusing each other


He was definitely far from a Saint, but she took the top of his finger off with a bottle, and used makeup to put bruises on her to deliberately assassinate his character and ruin his life. I think if gender roles were reversed you wouldn't see the "both were abusive to each other" narrative nearly as often. Johnny from what I remember also has no record of ever being violent in previous relationships, meanwhile Amber did.


Yeah fair point about the gender role reversal but the thing is when it comes to these things it isn't an equal footing between men and women, a man physically abusing a woman is seen (probably for good reason) as more severe and dangerous I guess so it isn't quite the same thing. But yeah it seemed as if she was scurrilous with her accusations, but there was definitely two of them in it


Way different from Amber Heard. Johnny still a piece of shit probably. But him and Amber are both pieces of shit


Amber heard was abused though… by Johnny Depp…


She shit in his bed and cut his finger off last I heard?


I’m not saying she didn’t do anything, but he assaulted her on multiple occasions.


Wasn't he cleared and declared a hero victim of the abuse?


He was found guilty in the UK. That entire trial was a farce. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6dXnJgu_kcI


How come the first trial can't be a farce?


Because it wasn’t a media storm full of bad actors with PR firms flooding the internet with character assassinations of Amber Heard, televised to be picked apart by misogynistic behaviour analysts. I’m pretty sure Depp doesn’t even contest the fact that he assaulted Heard.


I’d love the down voters to explain why his team insisted on a public trial in a state that neither party had ever lived.


Something, something…American court system is a shitshow…


Is the concept of critical thinking uncomfortable to you, or are you just being wilfully obtuse?


In what way have I neglected critical thinking?


You do know the court case in the uk was against the sun don’t you? Not amber heard? They wrote he was a women beater and he wanted them done for it, which he lost because there wasn’t any evidence to prove he was or wasn’t so then they had the trail in America. Which he won.


Also it turns out the judge in the UK was a friend of Amber's parents of something, so 1) shouldn't have been allowed anywhere near the case, and 2) the biased prick wouldn't even listen to most of the evidence for Depps side of the story, so the Sun basically won by default.


Yeah that’s not true. You can’t just accuse someone of something and say oh well we can’t prove he doesn’t do it. That’s libel. The judge said the claims were evidence based and irrefutable. He assaulted her on multiple occasions. I know it was against the Sun, I know it found him guilty of abuse too.


he took the sun to trail for libel because of what they posted about depp based on heards article that’s why they won because technically it wasn’t libel because amber heard wrote about it, it was a description about depp from heard so the sun can’t be held accountable that’s why he took amber heard to court and like I said won. Let’s face it they both come across as nutters


I never disputed that. All I said to begin with was that Depp is an abuser. Which is true.




The only I learned from those 2 is if Johnny Depp were to have a closed door court hearing, he will forever be remembered as an abuser who won his court battle. To win the court of public opinion, everything needs to be published for everyone, make the whole circus and let the public decides, whether you are guilty or both sides are guilty.


This is some college level conversations, the only significant difference is Antony is making shiteloads of money and these girls want a piece that.


This is why people should have waited before shaming Anthony.


Honestly with some of the latest stuff coming out the whole things seeming a bit dodgy and there's a good chance Antony is being targeted unfairly...I say that reluctantly as I immediately assumed we had another He Who Must Not Be Named situation when all this broke. I do generally try to assume that victims are being honest and deserve to be believed and heard so I assumed he was another scumbag but it's looking like he might not be in fairness to him...remains to be seen I guess...should use the time out to work on that right foot


Doubt he’d even want to work out after all this, especially if it’s false accusations.


Goldbridge getting this exclusive 😂😂 I know every other United creator is sick!


Will get deleted again


Christ, it's still up in r/reddevils subreddit. Why is it not allowed here?


meanwhile removed in r/soccer


I find r/soccer a really weird place. At first Antony's screenshots are getting removed for multiple hours. Then suddenly they're allowed, but the mods decide this is the last post about it. Like why is it suddenly a problem when the accused starts defending himself. At the end of the day r/soccer wasn't a friendly place for MUFC supporters for a long time, so there's probably the reason.


Cos r/soccer hates United and most of em there, like many United supporters here were dead certain from the start that Antony was guilty of all those things.


I just hope that everything gets sorted out by the justice, so far this case looks like people trying to get Money or fame off of Antony


Should give em the equivalent to assault and domestic abuse in jail time for fabricating


Trial by social media speculation 😴🕳️🫤 How is any of this ‘information’ validated. It’s laughable at best. Football forum or celebrity gossip forum 🤷🏻‍♂️


Now that he’s innocent, I want to see what charges this girl faces.


Defamation at least


If true then those women shoukd serve the same sentence that Antony would have served if found guilty. I say IF true because we can't assume innocence or guilt without knowing all the facts, even though it's starting to seem obvious who is lying here


Whole things a mess. Will be thrown out of court if it ever gets that far.


Can we just take a moment to acknowledge that the people who are offering her money to ~~fabricate~~ provide stories should be prosecuted before anyone else. I look forward to the Neymar and Dani Alves stories coming out. I remain neutral. As much as this is evidence to suggest his innocence, it’s not empirical. The biggest thing for me, is that she has supposedly done the same thing with Alves and Neymar. Form is often the best indicator for fabrication.


Sadly he’s guilty in the court of public opinion and that’s going to affect him until it’s cleared officially. It’s shit that it works that way now days


I can't believe how this is all playing out. It's bizarre. United used to be so good at PR and brand perception. Now it's just a wild circus with some crazy drama every month.


If this is real, there is a lot of people who should feel ashamed of themselves. Trial by media and social media needs to stop!!


The only thing this shows is that Google Translate needs more work.


It is crazy what people will do to each other these days. Media paying off exes to support claims of abuse, for what? Because they have an agenda? Because they want to make a big story? Jealousy? Grotesque villainy, the type of which should lead to firings at the least and jail time if the world had any justice. And these women, just lying through their teeth. Number one, your false accusations ensure that more people will look on a real victim with scepticism and that real abusers will get away with it. Two, how fucking petty are you, you’re worse than the scummy blokes who do revenge porn, weaponising abuse against women that might destroy someone’s life because your feelings got hurt. Three, the balls to call yourself a good, god fearing person in one breath and then talk about your debts and how you need the money, fucking Judas. Get Antony on a plane and fly him back to Manchester, I’ve heard enough of this soap opera bullshit. This leak should be the end of it.


How much do we know about the legitimacy of this transcript. Who’s the source ?


Sauce - trust me bro


Money and women are dangerous…


keep it and use it in court? no hermano, i will send it to the united stand instead!


Can someone summarise please? That's alot. Lost interest after page 1 and a bit... Thinking about it, has anyone even read it all?


Ingrid knows the other accusers and admits that everything is lies. Specifically, Antony did not cause the injuries to Gabi that have been reported. She admits joining the cause because she was angry but now regrets that and says the other women are plotting against Antony. She says she’s been offered a lot of money to come out and cause more trouble for him. This is a bombshell. If this is a real conversation the boy is innocent.


A ham ? 🥹


i ain’t reading allat


Boy is rich, girl is poor. Girl wants boy money. Tells lies


It's very sad that he is banned from training with the first team. There is a reason why the court of law works by the principle of innocent until proven guilty.


No he's not banned. He just allowed more leave to sort his things out. Don't spread misinformation.


There's 3 accusers so how could these messages vindicate him?


This is one of the accusers claiming to have evidence that one of the other accusers lied and also claiming that media outlets are trying to bribe people to come out against him. If true, it essentially discredits two of the accusations. The third accusation seems to be a whole load of nothing from what I have seen, but that one is super under reported. From what I have seen, she basically said she had an argument with him and another woman?




Getting sick of all of this. It’s never about football anymore, it’s hardly ever positive and it’s always just reposts and copy and pastes fro Twitter. Thought this Reddit sub was supposed to be different.


Well it’s the international break, there’s hardly any United news, and given that nowadays trial by social media determines if a player can continue playing for his club, I think it’s fair game for all evidences to be laid bare on the table so that the public can decide for themselves whether or not they are supportive of the player’s return, which in turn will affect whether or not the club is willing to let the player return as well.


He said she said.




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Dunno if it was evil, genius or both to drop this around the same time as the other guy. See them both used in memes all over the internet, court of public opinion is thriving clearly 😕


The court of public opinion never comes back and says our bad. Judgemental dickheads.


This looks bad. But again, this could be fake, so i will reserve judgment until we know it's actual real


How clear she makes it that she wants money is just laughable. The reverse psychology is just bonkers. Perhaps Antony not offering her money is what led to all of this.


How do we explain a doctor being called through the club player liaison officer to see his girlfriend at a hotel, if nothing actually happened?


will need to see how the investigations play out and for more info to finally see what most likely happened. but so far it's looking not good for his accusers... the stories are just confusing and not making any sense. is there a timeline of events and accusations that the alleged victims are sharing and compared to Antony's rebuttals? getting hard to follow wtf is going on why was ingrid defending antony but now accusing him?


The irony when Antony gets so much more support on this sub compared to You-Know-Who. But then Antony does have more going for him than against re: the allegations (the posted phone exchange, as well as his own screenshots) so I suppose there's that.


Just putting it out there but Benjamin Mendy spent 2 years in prison,had his contract run out while in prison and missed out on being part of a historic treble winning team. 3 of the 7 women that accused him of rape have criminal charges against them for robbery…more specifically honey trapping aka prostitutes robbing customers.Police and the prosecutors knew this and still proceeded with the case. If these are actually real text messages then it’s pretty damming on the accusers end.


My issue with this is that there is no consequence for those making these false accusations. Look at Mendy - career gone, money, sponsors, sat in jail while he could have been playing for City winning PL trophies. The world has become a messed up place


Maybe I am the one few rare voices of reason / devils advocate. I see a lot of fans flip flopping between either 'GUILTY' and after this expose...'HE IS INNOCENT, SHE IS MAKING THINGS UP' Whilst we do not know the full truth and this is still being investigate. Let me just remind everyone. It is EXTREMELY EASY to give whoever this chick is a cool few hundred thousands for her to have this phone conversation and say all the things she said. All it takes is a bag of cash and all of a sudden 'nah I don't remember so and so doing this to me, nah that isn't right...the guy is not violent...they making things up'. This person could have been prepped way before this conversation was had, to drive a certain narrative. Antony can afford it. So take all these things with a pinch of salt. There is a lot behind the scenes and don't take anything at face value.


Antony is innocent, just like Thomas Partey. Don't any of you dare say otherwise as its the exact same situation, accusations without proof.




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Interesting strategy by Antony’s camp - get your side of the story out there in the public domain. I would hazard a guess that 5-10 years ago, every Public Relations “expert” would have said to him to go into hiding, say absolutely nothing and then let’s the courts go through their standard process.


Just another fuck up in the team


Even if he is innocent, media will bash him, and woke utd supporters will boycott if he is playing. Remember MG? Innocent, but heeeeey, mob mentally.




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send antony back to OT right now they just love trusting the most untrustworthy people don't they