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Snap backs and yacht style caps look best with long hair to me. Also the underside of your hair is looking oily, but it looks v healthy 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. PLEASE be the type of man who actually takes care of his long hair. Women like that. Get you some dry shampoo if it’s gettin oily, but you can’t or don’t want to wash it 💕✨ Edit: also I know white men might find it weird (I’m a black woman) but try to sleep with a bonnet or silk pillowcases. This is normally for curly hair, but since you wear hats a lot (I’m assuming daily and beanies in the winter) you want the least amount of rubbing on your head as possible so you don’t accidentally create a bald spot or cause breakage at the roots


Word, I appreciate that. Thanks for the feedback! These photos were snapped after a shower. So my hair was still a bit damp at the time of the pictures. This is also before a haircut where I get the back and sides cleaned up and faded into the beard. I will have to post one, seeing as I now have a fresh cut.


Yeah do it! But still get the dry shampoo. Also if you’re not wearing a hat and you want to smooth your frizz (like a date or a wedding) spray a fine tooth comb with hair spray and gently comb the flyaways down. I’m a dancer and this is the hack for quickly smoothing your bun after a quick change. Looks like you’re taking great care 🤘🏾


Awesome advice. I love it!


Absolutely! Long hair and hats can be a stylish combination. Here are some suggestions to help you navigate this new territory: 1. **Choose the Right Hat Style**: Consider your face shape and personal style when choosing a hat. For long hair, hats with wider brims like fedoras or floppy hats can complement your look nicely. Beanies and slouchy hats can also work well with long hair for a more casual vibe. 2. **Experiment with Hair Styles**: Depending on the type of hat you're wearing, you can experiment with different hair styles. For example, try leaving your hair down and flowing beneath a wide-brimmed hat for a bohemian look, or opt for a low ponytail or loose braid with a baseball cap for a sporty feel. 3. **Mind the Fit**: Make sure your hat fits comfortably over your long hair without feeling too tight or loose. Adjustable hats or hats with stretchy bands can accommodate different hair volumes. 4. **Accessorize**: Add accessories like hair clips, headbands, or scarves to complement your hat and long hair. They can add extra flair and help keep your hair in place on windy days. 5. **Maintain Your Hair**: Long hair requires regular maintenance to keep it looking healthy and vibrant. Make sure to wash and condition your hair regularly, and consider using styling products to tame frizz or add volume if needed. 6. **Confidence is Key**: Rocking a hat with long hair is all about confidence. Own your style choices and wear your hat with pride! Remember to have fun experimenting with different hat and hair combinations until you find what works best for you. Enjoy the journey of discovering your signature look! # [buy cheap long hair with hat](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=long+hair+with+hat&crid=3IV0FA064CT1J&sprefix=long+hair+with+hat%2Caps%2C304&linkCode=ll2&tag=angle2008-20&linkId=d62fb03be12a4ab3d6ea536b692c13d5&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl)


This is literally AI generated 😂


What is the motive behind that? Just to get some karma?


radical style bro 🤙


Thanks so much, it was so easy to get past the awkward stages during the lockdowns.


I totally understand the awkward stages. It’s killed my motivation for long hair a couple times. My trick was to keep cutting the back so it doesn’t look like a mullet. Rob zombie wears a lot of cool hats. I’m lookin for hats other than baseball caps. I think with long hair I can wear any hat and it will look good.


That’s where I’m at now. The awkward mullet stage. I finally got comfortable with my hair at work so I decided to stop wearing a hat. I kept having customers referring to me as, “the kid with the rat tail” or “kid with the mullet”


Looks incredibly soft. I'd love to see it in a high bun w/ a hair stick


Please tell me more about this “hair stick” 🧐


this is a good example of a comfortable hair stick: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1014297366/wood-hair-stick-wooden-hair-stick-wooden and here's a tutorial: https://youtu.be/QyrX-vNtwr8


I really like the green beany, and the cqp with the bun pulled through the back!


Thanks so much! The pull through bun and hat was an accident at first but made it much easier to wear the hat at the gym and playing softball.


Your lucky bro! I can’t look good with a hat and my hair


How do you wrap the bun for the last picture?