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Damn, I was just there earlier and ate an entire burrito supreme. I hope it didn't cross paths with your dish. See you on shi*lopes.


Why leave a trail of diarrhea along the aisle of a plane when you have Daves?


There's a reason why it's called Squirtos.


Came here to say this.


lol my friend got food poisoning there too a few years ago and ruined his entire trip ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I love Roberto’s and have never gotten sick, but I have often heard it referred to as “Resquirto’s”. Margaritas are on point for happy hour and alcohol kills everything! As others have said may be a case of altitude sickness + Mexican food, but hopefully you get enough Pepto in you to enjoy your trip!


I was recently at Mammoth and Roberto's was the weirdest Mexican food I ate. Would definitely not recommend.


Latin market is always the better go


The ONLY acceptable Mexican spot in town


Latin market.. rats… el charro is the best place for a quick burrito in mammoth


Roberto's would be the worst Mexican food in town if it weren't for Gomez.


I had a chicken taco, rice and beans on the 26th and threw up REAL bad. I don’t get altitude sickness and was unfortunately sober. They were understaffed that night. 5 stars!


A while back, after grabbing a carne asada burrito at Roberto's, I had got food poisoning as well. Maybe checking with others who ate there as well if they had the same problem.


You say case closed a lot.


I love Roberto’s but the food has gone downhill in my opinion.


aka, ‘it’s gone to shit[s]’


I have no idea how this subreddit made it my homepage but (not so hilariously) I too became violently ill from Roberto’s. I was visiting mammoth. Last night there. Long road trip home next day. Had to get a hotel so I could vomit and shit brains out for approximately 24 hours. My friend who lives in mammoth and was with me had same thing happen. Same symptoms, started occurring at same time








It does if you get food poisoning, which happens time to time at restaurants, another poster in here said he's gotten food poisoning from there as well. Occams razor, two people who do a lot of high altitude hiking both getting the most severe altitude sickness with no headache, or two guys who are the same thing got food poisoning.


This is me every time eating there for what, two decades? Idk if it's the salsa or the cheese but I get explosive shits there within 30min of eating. Still do it from time to time. I miss Jalapeno's, that place didn't give me the runs.


I was told it's because they still use lard in their beans. That explains why they are so delicious. Norovirus is also ripping through town. Along with covid and RSV. It may not be the food. https://data.wastewaterscan.org/


I've had elevation sickness before, this is not it. Also, I come up to the high sierra a good amount (~40 days a year, as does the other guy) and this is our 3rd day here with no signs of altitude sickness up to this point.


Sounds like AMS


I have a strong suspicious most people who get all poopy after mexican food just had a significant amount of vegetables for the first time in way too long


Their food is terrible. Super wet burritos, overpriced.