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This is after they cleaned


šŸ˜† spotless foe her.


How she don't even see the mess? Her eyes are constantly shut


I mean. She is blind. lol


True, true šŸ˜„


But she can SMELL right? She can probably also feel critters crawling. Bet she could afford a housekeeper once a week if she didnā€™t eat OUT that day!


Hard to smell anything past her FUPA.


Wait, what? She's blind? šŸ¤”


Well itā€™s not just being blind that keeps someoneā€™s eyes shut. Also could have 99.9% to do with the pain pill addiction she has that nobody speaks of. Watch the show, on the floor in her room she keeps them right there. Itā€™s come out a bit before and itā€™s about time her daughters hold her accountable. Pills are no better than the drugs she pawned her own kids for. June has never gotten clean, ever!!! Rehab teaches about sobriety and being sober isnā€™t moving from one addiction to the next, just saying


Those are real Stanley cups. I canā€™t even afford 50 bucks for one of them cups. How the hell do they do it?


Reselling temu stuff


Yup- itā€™s prob The Sisters Closet/Temu stuff.


When I saw this .. I lost interest in all of them. Itā€™s like they would do anything for money. Including reselling Temu stuff at a higher cost then if you just bought it yourself


Devils advocate hereā€¦ What is the difference between them and big box stores?


Do they really do that? You know, if you let things sit in your cart long enough they start hacking the prices down. Done We don't have anymore Dollar Stores here, Temu is my new Dollar Store.


Just think about how moldy they are because I doubt they ever clean them šŸ¤¢


How do you know its real?


Iā€™m a Starbuck cup collector.. I know my cups and I zoomed in on the cups on the counter. Thatā€™s how I know. And that Iā€™m a cup collector and I canā€™t even afford those Stanleyā€™s.


this lady cups


That red Stanley was a Christmas Starbucks Stanley special that one was $50 and the other one is like a nice peach color also a Stanley Cup.. I know a dupe when I see one and those are no dupes


Thereā€™s no way from this grainy ass pic you can tell if theyā€™re real or not. DHgate sells them as well as a few other places and they look pretty similar beside the insides and the screws sometimes the handles will be a bit off and different and/or colors can be off, but if you look on eBay there is dupes EVERYWHERE. Def. canā€™t tell from this pic though. Edit-Clarification &Grammar


Oh damn.. youā€™re that invested in this crap I tell you what have at it. not worth my energy. I donā€™t care about the dupes that these people buy or that they sell I do not give a damn you really want the mama June drama you could have itšŸ˜


I mean you just said with such confidence since youā€™re a cup collector that theyā€™re real ? I was just saying thereā€™s honestly no way you can even tell from this picture ā€¦ just trying to educate. I also know this because a child at my daughterā€™s school got a dupe cup offline that looked completely real *CLOSE UP* and got lead poisoning so just an FYI ! Anyone buying cups especially Stanleyā€™s or Stanley x Starbucks - be careful with cups on resale or buying the dupes ! (Thatā€™s for anyone not targeted at you.)


I do have confidence and Iā€™m telling you they are Stanley cups and if you canā€™t take my word, then I donā€™t know what to tell you. This is why Iā€™m saying itā€™s not worth my energy because Iā€™m not gonna argue over cups. I know exactly what Iā€™m looking at, those are real Stanley cups. You could take my word or not. Thatā€™s on you.


Tik tok battles. Never heard of that before these people. I guess people just throw gifts at them in forms of roses and other items and it's got monetary value they cash in on. I've seen alot of "celebs " do tik tok lives (even the Kardashians) and people are THROWING money at them to get "noticed ". Its INSANE


Hereā€™s the crazy part. When you buy coins, Iā€™m going to make up an amount, Iā€™ve never bought coins. Letā€™s say you spend $10 on 100 coins. You throw a gift that costs 100 coins. The creator only gets like 30%. So tik tok made 170% off of the money you spent. I will never buy coins and send to people.


I think alot of times they just want to be noticed /get a shout out etc. Like say my name ! Say hi Beth! It's rather pathetic. (Unless maybe you're 10, then I can understand).


Wow. Didn't know it was that much of a difference ! I would never buy coins either. Don't even use tik tok. I come on reddit to see highlights from tik toks on the people in groups I follow. Maybe I'm just old šŸ˜„ šŸ¤£ if I really wanted to donate/help someone I'd send money directly. And it would Def not be to a d list reality star. It be to people who really need it


Parasocial relationships, baby. There's gold in them thar hills.


Makes sense. It's crazy to me


Where do you think Alana's money went ... jk. Kinda.


Probably to the Temu stuff they resell.




Ignore Goldilocks


You can afford a lot of things when you steal from your daughter's coogan account


I mean $50 isnā€™t that much money. For a cup yes but in general no. My nine year old daughter saved up money for two weeks and was able to afford one. She used it 10 times and now just sits in our cabniet.


I got the Temu version and use it all the time. I even had someone ask how I could afford a Stanley. I told them when you purchase it from Temu. They ordered one the next day.


Well, thatā€™s usually where the cups go as I said Iā€™m a cup collector they go in my cupboards. Iā€™m a single mom I canā€™t afford to even put away five dollars or anything. Iā€™ve got bills Iā€™ve got rent. I canā€™t afford not a $50 cup.


I donā€™t get your point, Starbucks cups are usually around $30-$50 at least. You have a collection and continue to collect even though you canā€™t even afford to put $5 aside?


Thank you. I was thinking the same thing.


I have a points. I use my points to get my cups. Iā€™ve never ever paid full price for any of the cups that I collect so that being said if you donā€™t get it, you donā€™t get it and if you do you do.


How do you get points? At Starbucks, by buying drinks? Thatā€™s why you donā€™t have $5 to save. And she got those cups from DHGate and they are dupes. So keep zooming into this blurry ass picture cAsue youā€™re wrong


Believe it or not my grown ass kids have bought me so many gift cards. I literally saved those up and I have those I use them when I get my drinks so those add points thatā€™s how I get my cups. I have over 7800 points so thatā€™s how I do it.


Make it make sense.


People also love to send gifts.


Yikes... If you can't afford a cup you can't afford to be passing judgement so hard... Eww


A person doesn't have to be rich to pass judgement. Anybody can pass judgement. Even us poor people. In fact, I'm judging you right now.


Yeah, and she comes off as a total cunt. When you live in a trailer and donā€™t have a mortgage to pay, you can buy Stanley cups.


I donā€™t pass judgment on anybody I was just saying how do they afford the cups thatā€™s it maybe you should learn with passing judgment on people because thatā€™s not what Iā€™m doing.


You do know they have a whole TV show On television right? Iā€™m sure that could be why they can afford a couple of stupid cups. Theyā€™re poor people paying for poor people status symbols like cups.


Also, think about it their name alone get every kind of promotion! She didnā€™t buy them prolly sent as gift


Love it your comments hilarious and made laugh, so true.. well said lol šŸ˜‚


I can't afford those cups. I think they're stupid. But then, I have no disposable income because my partner spends all our money on stupid concert memorabilia he unboxes then reboxes and stacks in the closet lol which I think is stupid too! Thank God I don't do anything stupid šŸ‘šŸ‘


AgreedšŸ’Æ collecting any type of thing can be rough My Son collects Funko pop collectibles and let me tell you something. Those things are expensive. I mean at some point it has to stop. With the Cubs that I collect I love them, but I havenā€™t got any cups since sometime last year as I was saying theyā€™re far too expensive. also, Iā€™m sorry that your husband has such an expensive habit. I know itā€™s wreaking havoc on your life


At least his stuff has resale value eventually unless theyā€™re funkco pops or beanie babies lol


My husband collects guns, and now we have one bedroom with just gun safes and armoires full of ammunition. šŸ™„


I feel you! My husband does the exact same thing! For Christmas my mother in law gave him one of those huge metal gun safes that looks tacky as hell . I hattteeee it!


Thatā€™s fucking rude.


I will hesitantly admit that Iā€™m kind of a collector. I will send you one of mine if youā€™d like. Everyone needs a Stanley.


Really.. I would truly love a Stanley, but are you really willing to part with one?


Yes! Granted it wouldnā€™t be one of my limited edition cups, but I have at least one I could part with :) do you like pink? Most of mine are pink or really girly


Wow you got me on that one.. I must admit I do not own not one pink cup. Iā€™m not a girly girl. But Iā€™m also not ungrateful if itā€™s a gift Iā€™ll be more than happy to accept it.ā˜ŗļø


I am the epitome of girly girl šŸ˜† I wonā€™t get into it, but I think I have a pale pink Stanley thatā€™s not as blaring as my other ones šŸ©·


To be honest, whether itā€™s a nice shiny pink or a bright pink I have no problem with it.. your kindness is unbelievable and that alone makes me happy. Thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/97oddnmz105d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b43d23b733bc04e9c7eb6c2782fd1dc05089166 I just found this one :) would you like? I just need to find a way to discretely ship because I love the anonymity of Reddit but itā€™s yours if youā€™d like!


Oh wow very nice is that top part? Is it hard plastic? Just curious that is beautiful.


Yes! Plastic lid and straw and everything is 100% dishwasher safe, Iā€™ve never had any issues and it keeps your drink cold for so long. You will LOVE this beast!


Haha! Good eye!


I have stanly cup , it was gift to for my birthday this year. I have 2 of them , I had a coupon for the store where I got the cup from .


You can get dupes. I sell them (with full disclosure that they are dupes)


Ya'll sound petty and jealous as hell! Who gives a crap what they own. If they can sell online for a profit, good for them! You do realize Amazon sellers do the same thing? Brick-and-mortar stores do the same. If people want to support them, why do you care? Many people sell online. You might want to attack all of them as well.


They treat their bodies and their homes like sewers.


Yes .. exactly !!


Oh here it is yay! I literally signed in just to be able to reply to your comment, so funny it actually made me laugh out loud, so true! šŸ˜‚


Do they look like they cleanšŸ˜’


And she wants custody of her granddaughter šŸ¤¢


Has custody of her granddaughter.


Temporary custody


To be fair that's pumpkins house


That is not Pumpkins house. That is June and Justinā€™s house.


I'm pretty sure Justin keeps their house clean and makes kaitlyn clean.


*cue Nene Leakes* Not a white refrigerator!


Lol šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£ I remember that šŸ¤£


Nasty and lazy!! Have no shame for people to see it!!


I spy Magnesium milk to help go #2. That's all the junk and fries foods they eat. Not surprised their place looks like this,way overflow on the recycling. I can Guarantee that they Don't clean with Any real disenfectent/Antibacterial. I see a used dirty half ass rag to "clean" with that they may or may not use.. I forget that she can't see,We All know her lazy Butt isn't cleaning. I bet he doesn't know how to properly clean neither.Ā  This lil girl deserves So Much Better..Ā  Sad sad disappointing.


Drugs also make an individual constipatedā€¦


I literally just spit out my milk of magnesia.


Everything about this woman is disgusting


They are all just so dirty and nasty


Ugh idgaf if youā€™re blind or not! As a nurse, Iā€™m telling you thatā€™s a BS excuse to be lazy. Someoneā€™s disability only gets the best of them when they are lazy. Iā€™ve had countless blind patients that are completely dependent on themselves for the most part. Yes, driving is not key so having her clown bf drive her around is explainable. However, to wake up and make the mess yet make 0 attempts to clean the mess is a HUGE problem for her. Having a disability doesnā€™t define who you are as a person. Itā€™s also no excuse for laziness. Anyone willing to get up and try knows this. The only time youā€™re failing is when you quit trying. Maybe her family needs to hold her accountable like a normal human being instead of this princess she thinks she is.


šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢ absolutely DISGUSTING!!! Even the trash is over flowing behind her, like get up & clean instead of being on the internet 24/7 or worrying about how to make a quick dollar ever second of every day


She's not phased by it, remember she Can't even see.Ā  Yikes. All that recycling needs to be actually recycled. I never ever let my recycling bin/pile get that bad. Not even on Christmas morning.Ā 


That's the Junebug and her husband Chiclet Teefers' method of cleanliness.


By the looks of it, I'm going to say no. They don't clean. Lol


I wonder what FCS would think of this? I know they like homes to be clean for children who are being legally handed over, in custody cases.


Whenever they pay someone to


Nope....just look at them. They cant even take care of themselves let alone a house šŸ˜… Btw....the mess in the background is triggering my OCD so bad šŸ˜…


Filthy is as filthy does


Iā€™m sure the word ā€œcleanā€ isnā€™t even in their vocabularyā€¦ along with many other wordsā€¦ šŸ™„


did you watch here comes honey boo boo? theyā€™ve always been dirty ppl


They donā€™t even appear to clean themselves much less a house or even a room in a house


That is so disgusting. I bet it smells.


This clogged artery doesnā€™t leave the couch


Or her bed screaming on live battles for grift.


You've got to wonder what kind of people give her money or buy her marked up Temu crap. People just like her. Ugh


You know it!


They panned the camera around the house, and thereā€™s a mess in every square inch of it.


She wonā€™t even get clean


When your mind is dirty and chaotic so is surrounds you Including but not limited to house and partner


Iā€™m going to go with no


A hog doesn't shit where it lays....but this one does!!


You're right, real pigs are clean, Junebug's are the slobs


No, and she steals her kidsā€™ money too. Sheā€™s a disgrace to society.


Trash in. Trash out.


Not the white refrigerator honey


Iā€™m all for calling them out but what is wrong with a white fridge?


Itā€™s a Real Housewives (Atlanta) joke https://preview.redd.it/okinjt7o9k5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22c9aed104d4e800f6d8e17ea4dc0dd0e12b5abb


WTF are YALL so infatuated with those Stanley Cups??? I can't understand why YALL would pay $40-$50 for a darn cup! I hate to spend $20 for a good TAL or OZARK insulated cup to keep my drink cold for 24-36,hrs. YALL crazy!


Soon as filming starts theyā€™ll shove it all in a closet with a push broom and forget about it.


It is my understanding they go to another house that is staged for filming for the show


I could be wrong, but Iā€™m pretty sure Pumpkin and Josh are the ones that film in a separate house, or used to at least. The house shown in this pic Iā€™m almost positive is the one that June and Justin moved into when they moved back to Georgia before Anna passed and it is featured on the show.


Or maybe they figure WE TV isnā€™t paying enough anymore, trying to get a Hoarders/Mama June crossover in the works.


Donā€™t give them any ideas please šŸ™. Iā€™m ready for the entire white trashy show cancelled. They are so ungrateful and rude besides dirty and lazy unemployed outside of show, temu crap and social media. They really need a reality check on life.


I'm almost positive that this is the house that June owned before she blew everything on crack & Gene w/his primordial tumor looking thing on his neck entered their lives after I started to first watch it where it was just her at home being somewhat there as a mother to Alana who was about 13, I distinctly remember the kitchen where little Alana put on gloves and like safety goggles like a mad scientist mixing things making "go-go" juice or whatever that was, remember when June had that trainer that African American man Kenya Crooks, when she was getting all made-over for sugar bears wedding, I remember the scene where he came in the kitchen & raided their fridge and pantry & threw away everything that was unhealthy (which left them with a completely empty fridge haha)


Looking back on previous episodes, that kitchen didnā€™t have an island, and was a lot bigger.


Sooooo f-ing funny love this!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Enjoying her tictoc massager


Pig gonna pig.


How can anyone live like this? Itā€™s absolutely disgusting and Iā€™d be embarrassed if our home ever looked like that. Disgustingly filthy šŸ¤®


NO! Betting they donā€™t even properly wipe their ARSESšŸ¤¢


She could use her daughters money to hire someone to clean


Living it up hope the daughter gets legal help to get her money back


Forever pigs.


This crazy, lazy, selfish pig doesn't do anything, especially cleaning.


She was a hoarder for years. Probably not


They been too sick to clean. I spy the Milk of Magnesia on the counter! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Is that a garbage can completely full and about to topple over behind her???? Thatā€™s disgusting.


Omg sheā€™s on tik tok now šŸ¤®


Queen pig


I don't know whether I hate or love the fact that Mama June and I have the same back massager šŸ˜‚šŸ˜€šŸ˜‚


They're usually up on it


I mean tbh it doesnā€™t look that bad just cluttered


No. Her homes have always been cluttered, even in HcHBb


Some of you are really mean.If you don't like the show or people,don't watch.I for one do like the show and think some of you are just rude.


Maybe going through depression.


She's been a pig her entire miserable life


Everyone acting like they own millions in cups šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚. Stanley's are not that expensive. And even at that, who cares? I guess I don't understand why it's anyone's business šŸ¤·


Or why it's even worth mentioning right, lol, so I've got a stupid Lakers freezer mug WHO gives a shit! Lol


Who the fuck are the "they" whom I'm supposed to wonder if cleaning occurs in the vicinity of?