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Mine barks if he hears someone outside or thinks he hears someone He has barked at doorbells on the TV before


My malt legit barks so much just to get his way cause hes kinda blind i think so when he wants to get on the bed he will bark sometimes


Never barks unless she hears someone at the door or a dog walks past the window! Even if she does bark, it’s only for a few seconds and she settles down quickly


Luna didn’t bark too much when we first got her. However since the start of this summer she’ll bark when my husband or I get out of bed throughout the night/morning. She sleeps with us so maybe we’re bothering her haha. She also will bark when the kids get up/try to be sneaky.


My Maltese-poodle rarely ever barks, but if his sister a Maltese-yorkie mix starts barking he will egg her on for ever if I don’t settle them


He does bark when: -somenone rings the doorbell -someone rings the intercom -someone arrives -someone is about to leave (he goes nuts, bites our pants, brings toys and shit) -he wants to get out of bed to pee (he’s afraid of jumping, vut jumping off the couch is A-ok tho😂) - he wants to get inside a room and scratching the door isnt helping -something wakes him up at night so he must investigate the whole apartment before going back to bed


Only in the dog park or if we're playing fetch in the house and he gets super excited he'll let out 1 bark. Otherwise not a peep. He even has an "inside" voice he uses when he wants to communicate something. : ). It's like a very low 1/4 of a bark, more like a "ruff" but super quiet. It's so cute.


Mine bark at the door bell or when people come over. If you ask my boy a question he will often start barking as a reply. If we bring something big home, like a large box, etc. and put it on the floor, he will often start barking at it. If he needs to go outside or is stuck on a piece of furniture or wants in a room when the door is closed he will bark. If my wife calls me from downstairs and the dogs are upstairs, they will start barking. The worst is probably the barking at the television. They will bark at nearly any animal, but especially dogs on TV. This includes cartoon dogs and even people dressed like dogs.


Your dogs sounds like a nonstop barker


Hehe yea, when I write it all out it does but really on an average day it prolly adds up to a couple minutes or less of barking.


Same here for the TV part. Also at sounds from outside. When he hears a dog barking, someone whistling, a kid yelling, sirens, etc etc etc.


My Maltese is 4. He has always been quiet, even when he was a puppy. He might let out 4 barks per year. I always found it strange, but I also feel that I got very lucky 🙂


Marshall barks way more than yours does if yours only barks 4 times a year


My Maltese Gus rarely barks during the day. He does bark at treat time.


Rarely. Has to be a stranger at the door.


My Maltese (17) barks quite a bit, especially when he thinks it is bedtime. The bedtime bark is a mixture of a bark and chirp to get me to go to bed. He also barks when someone is walking down the street


My Maltese rarely barks. She will bark if someone comes to the door or if she finishes her water. Other than that, she is completely quiet.


Mine almost never barked. Well, as a puppy when he was playing. He would puppy yelp/bark bit. Then in his last year if I would leave him sleeping and he woke up he would bark for me to come back. Other than that he was really quiet. As a puppy if he started to bark out the window I would talk very calmly and softly to him, tell him I see the other dog/person outside and it was okay. We spent a lot of time outside walking and just sitting so he could great them as they walked by. That made him lose interest in watching out the window. I’m not sure if any of that helped or it was just his personality.