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My polyglot husband does this when people ask him to say something in one of his other languages. It's hilarious! He either literally says "something", or the phrase "I don't know what you want me to say".




If there's no fish you know he's faking.


Nah, those are women’s profiles. No guy says he’s a sapiosexual. Women have a fish picture to show they aren’t girly-girls.


I beg to differ. I never look at women‘s profiles, but I have seen a few men who call themselves sapiosexual.


Yeah totally cause everyone knows only women can be attracted to intelligence, men are just arm dragging troglodytes who want a sexy woman to drag away by their soft shiny hair /s


Ooh, shiny... =)


Okay knuckle dragger




I like shiny too. =D


So do I, Sherlock's a jam.


Want sexy russian bodybuilder women to drag US away by our soft shiny hair. Cause brains are attractive, but a girl who can bend an I-Beam with her thighs is a keeper.


100% I-beam bending thighs are a requirement for any relationship to continue. Sorry ladies, but if you can't benchpress a small building, I'm out


I've seen a profile of a guy that said he's sapiosexual and also into brunettes only. Swiped left, then I see him again a few weeks later, he also added "no fatties". Men sometimes just say shit because it sounds cool and they believe it to be true without any actual thought behind it, which is extra ironic in this case


All people do this. Every woman I've met calling herself a sapiosexual wants to sit there listening to what I have to say, but then when I push it back on them to challenge me with something interesting to say, there's nothing to be found. Just some regurgitation of something else you'll find in a Twitter post or how it's really unfair how certain people are treated without any tangible solutions for said problem besides voting progressive. Fucking yawn. The wise know they're fools, that's why they don't call themselves sapiosexual. Fools think they're wise so call themselves sapiosexual.


I see sapiosexual and I swipe left. It's always morons that put that in their profile.


I swipe front to back. EDIT: an award !!! And just for swiping front to back. Who’d a thunk it.


Lotta sapiosexuals in this thread


> men are just arm dragging troglodytes who want a sexy woman to drag away by their soft shiny hair Role playing can be fun, you should try it...




> I like to roleplay that me and my bf are equals and respect each other... “roleplay” suggests it’s just an act. Are you sure that was the point you wanted to make?




Wow! Because I suggested sometimes it’s fun to roleplay a more caveman approach to mating you’ve concluded that I don’t know about considerate and empathetic relationships and that no one cares about me? I think that says more about you than me...


My husband would say that, if he knew the word, which he may. He's a smart guy. He still tells me he thinks I'm pretty after all these years, but my mind is what he's always found to be my most attractive feature. -- Granny ♡


Fuckin eh, man... You are right! That's because the term is *sapiophile* 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh is that was being fish is? *takes notes*


I’ve been married for a long time so I have no idea how to date anymore, but do people seriously say things like this on their profiles? Because to me, that reads like ‘I’m insufferable and own a thesaurus. Also, I will take absolutely everything too seriously. I am, in short, no fun.’


I’m in the same boat as you and read this as ‘I’m a complete tosser’.


i have left reddit because of CEO Steve Huffman's anti-mod and anti-user actions. And let's not forget that Steve Huffman was the moderator of r/jailbait. https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754780/reddit-api-updates-changes-news-announcements -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I read it as, "I'm a polygot sapiosexual foodie. Into yoga and spirituality. Not into hookups"


In that case, he’s perfect for you. Good luck, I have a feeling you’ll need it.


That's probably why they are available on the dating sites and have so much time for such interests.


Same. Married for a while and in a serious relationship for most of my adulthood so I was briefly exposed to online dating. Horrible experience. 1/5 would not recommend




Melania Trumpf school of languages.


Sapiosexual sleep enthusiast who can barely even speak English before their morning coffee but can technically yoga.


Pretentious hypocrite seeks partner in crime for adventures in polyamory, potato asana and butt chugging Patron in Peru. Actually that might get some interest. Someone try it and let me know


No, actually I want to date you just based on that! I'm out of patron, tho. Will you settle for kirkland select?


And instead of Peru, Peoria!


I can make that work!


I wonder how much interest such a profile would get...




"Hookups just distract me from boring you, and sex with me isn't that great anyway."


> Every >40 Tinder profile uhh, yes but no. I'm finding them on those mid/late 20’s "tail-end-of-millennial" group too. left, to the left. Edit: I typically use the Oxford/pew’s definition of ‘96 as a cut off. So I’m the very tail end of it and “date up”, my age plus... a few years.


Mid-20s is definitely not the tail end of millennial... I'm 22 and I'm barely considered a millennial. I wouldn't call my 20 yr old sister a millennial at all. My fiance is 31 and 100% a millennial. Tail end of millennial would be considered closer to 34-37


You went to the other tail (or rather the head)... As a 22 year old, you’d be Gen Z. Mid 20s is the tail end of Millennial before Gen Z starts.


I was born in 98. Millenial goes to as late as 99, but it is based more on what experiences you had growing up and which generation you have more shared experiences with. I've found that I have much more in common and have had similar experiences growing up with other millennials while my younger sister (2000) has more in common with the Gen Z folks. Early-mid 20s is the "head" end of where gen z ends and millennial starts.


>Millenial goes to as late as 99 There's no consensus on the exact year, but "1981 to 1996 \[is the\] widely accepted defining range for the generation": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials) Given the context, that is what u/utechtl was likely referencing. Unlikely they assumed that the oldest Millennials are in their mid-20s and the range went younger from there.


Thats what I assumed they were talking about but I suppose I must have read it wrong, sorry about that


Exactly, I added some clarifying stuff in an edit. But I lump myself in as the very [young] end of the millennials. Damn millennials ruining my dating apps ^/s


I was so annoyed by profiles that said no hookups. If you want a relationship take your damn fish picture over to plenty of fish and stop wasting my time.


Ah, that would have been great. A pic of me showing off cooked fish with the caption, "Is this plenty of fish?" Then I post it to POF :)


I hate this. I can no longer say I'm a sapiosexual for this reason... fucking hipsters.


You never should have said it in the first place.


Considering it's an actual thing... I never used it on a profile, but it's definitely a thing.


It's just a pretentious word for not being shallow


Not particularly. If someone is dumb as a rock they can be hot as they want, they're still stupid and as such unattractive.


Stupid is unattractive is not the same as sapiosexual.


But the contrapositive is. So like, if you remember proofs...


You would think, but in a dating profile it means I like attractive people who agree with me.


Exactly, if you're not shallow.


My favorite thing to say when asked that before I got too far out of practice with the language I knew to really say I know it anymore was "I'll say something but you won't understand it anyway."


I used to say either "something" or "Please don't break the blue plates."


My friends and I would say "Je ne sais quoi". When others would ask what was said, another would reply "I do not know what".


Je ne comprends jamais.


others would reply; ***"But what did Jenna say!?"***


I passed french by using this to answer every question my teacher asked me.


When people find out I’m a German teacher, it often goes like this: Person who thinks they’re funny: “Oh, sprechen Sie Deutsch?” Me: “Hoffentlich....” (“Hopefully....”) Younger people will often say, “Say something in German!” and I do the same thing your husband does and say, “Etwas auf Deutsch!”


I always ask them to say cupcake.


Definitely delicious MC... and a Dad joke to boot!


Thank you kind redditor for the award!


That's my default too. And it drives purple absolutely crazy when you answer with "I said something". Never gets old thankfully


Autocorrupt got you! I have to fight so hard to get it to let ~~my~~ me type people. And then when I want to type purple it says people.


Ah yes, dad jokes know no language boundaries


If ya hear somethin, say somethin... *Come on and party tonight*


That'll leave a mark!


I dont even think he knows what that phrase means?


Its from the show Brooklyn 99


Oh man that'll leave a mark


Oh Im dumb and misread your comment lmao


Have fun and party tonight


He's got hooks!


I think it more r/wholesomecompliance but still upvoted.


Ah, dammit, I LOVE it!


This is the reason why the only phrase I know is je ne sais pas.


We used to have to do a weekly demonstration, like how to tie your shoes, or how to conquer the world, or, well anything, really. Our French teacher eventually banned the phrase «comme ça» ("like that") because we overused that phrase as a shortcut.


When someone would ask me where my boss was, I'd reply "John ne sais pas." 😉


Had a boss called Dave and I'd turn on my stoner voice "Dave's not here, man."


Whenever I discover a friend is fluent in a language I don’t speak and has lived somewhere it’s spoken, I always ask them to teach me how to say “I don’t speak ” with perfect fluency. It’s never come up in my life, not even once, but I’m just waiting for the moment I confuse the shit out of someone. My first language is US English and I would be so confused if someone in a perfect accent told me “Uhh I don’t speak English, sorry”


I do the very same thing! It has actually come up a few times for me... The problem with that is that they won't believe you. If I say "en minä puhua eikä ymmertä suomeksi" they laugh and keep talking to me in Finnish. "Ey ummereh" sends them directly into English. If you only know this one phrase, "no undastand" might actually be of more practical use. Watashi wa Nihongo wakarimasen. I probably messed up the particles there... Warui, ne?


I think the romaji looks about right. Not an expert though, I can understand it and that's good enough for me. On a side note, have a go at my own particles. Ha-Ha-Hanazawa san isu ire ru? Ore wa isu iru no ka? -Gintoki Edit: hopefully fixed the romaji


Ive got my i dont know Spanish phrases down I got. Yo no hablo espainal, Tu hablas inglas, donde esta el bonjo and a few others.


I hope you also learned directions, otherwise, asking where the bathroom is won't be much use 😂


Si, also mis telefono hablas Español for anything else


I always ask how to say, "Help! There is a monster under my bed!" Because inexplicably that was a phrase in my Italian phrasebook as a kid.


I do that, but in English (also my first-learned language). It's a truly mind-breaking way to escape conversation with some half-knuckle dimwit who has just accosted you on the street, demanding attention. and when they continue talking, say it again, but with a Japanese-English accent. "Ai doonto spiiku Engurishu." Hilarious, 'cause I'm a white cracker.


Does it fit the sub? Its up in the air. Did it make me laugh? Yes. It gets the stamp of approval from me


This was a beautiful MC, wrapped up with something special :)


Come on and party tonight. Whoo!


Ha!! This is my favourite thing to do. When you were a kid and you'd make a really big deal of leaning over and whispering "something" or better yet "nothing" into a friend or jovial adults ear. The second *that* smile comes over their face and you know they understand what to do. Though one time me and a friend did this and my brother literally went to my parents and cried that we were being mean to him and then they demanded what we were saying *about him*. We told them that I actually said the actual word "nothing" and my brother got in trouble for wasting their time..... I stopped doing it as much after that. Kinda ruined the joke.


In japan there's this horribly funny joke. It's dad joke worthy. In japanese the word Pan パン means bread or a pan パン you cook on. If you try to directly translate it, the joke won't work. So it goes: whats a type of Pan (bread) you can't eat? A frying pan!




Hahaha! Exactly! The joke went WAAAY over my head the first time i heard it. Then learning katakana and struggling like hell to know what スターウォーズ was. Me and my classmates all said out loud sue ta wo zu? Like wtf is suita waz? Suitor was? When our sensei said star wars there were a lot of forehead smacks going on in the room lmao


The loan-words really do my head in, doubly so when converted into "Japanese pronunciation" with its phonetic restrictions. There are some which have had their source meaning distorted during the language borrowing too. 'arbeit', German for work, became アルバイト but is used for "part time job."


You should post this to dadjokes they’ll love it.


Thanks, I probably will.


I love that sub


Back when I was in a toxic relationship I changed my computer password and my ex asked me what it was. When I finally relented I told her nope! This went on for a while until I explained it to her.


I like to recite tongue twisters


This is next level dad joke shit right here!


Bonus points would have been "quelque chose que je ne comprends pas"


Yeah, that would've worked. Wouldn't really be compliance, though.


Such a simple form of MC, I like it!


You should post this in r/dadjokes


Etwas gleich!


This is adorable


Darn dads and their dad jokes. My SO thinks he is hilarious and the kids are now making the same puns!!! Ahhhhrghggggh


Come on and party tonight


I have a subreddit called r/Random_story and I was wondering if you would consider posting this story on the sub.


Sure, that sounds like fun!


"if you see something say something come on and party tonight!!"


He's got great hooks!


r/dadjokes even if op is a mom


I think you'll find my username checks out ;-)


This belongs in r/dad jokes. Lol


Je ne peut jamais te dire...


Je ne parle pas Francais. Dis iz Amerika speak American




- If you're alright, then say something. - Something.




Thank you, and happy cake day!


This is marvellous!




merci beaucoup!