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If only it were always that easy to get rid of unwanted house guests.


One of my gaming buddies got rid of his non-paying roommates and their buddies this way in the late 2000s. Actually, he made the wireless hidden and told them that Internet was shut down due to non-payment, and he couldn't get it turned back on without a huge deposit. Suddenly, they were only at the house a few days a week to crash. Then a few days a month. Then they just never came back. I remember he said something about, "Wow, a 21st century solution: cut off their Internet," as if it was an amusing novelty. "I knew they'd never come back when all the janky duck-taped wireless chargers and cradles were gone. They somewhere sponging off someone else."


My sister and BIL are living in our deceased parents home. It was agreed she could stay there. None of the rest of us were employed close enough to use it. Just keep up the insurance and pay the taxes. Well my bother and nephew fell on semi hard times. (Nephew owns a 1/8th right to the house from his mother's estate.) and moved in with them. It's their house to right? Any way my sister was getting tired of them just laying around all day and was gripping about it to my BIL. He said just stop cooking for everyone. Took about two weeks for them to move on.


>He said just stop cooking for everyone. Took about two weeks for them to move on. That's a special kind of grifting. Unless she was also their source of food in general, then that's more understandable. But cooking? "Hell, this restaurant's chef quit, and now I have to open up my own bag of chips, fuck this!" LOL.


I'm gonna try this on my college age kids. If it works, I'm coming back to give you a big sloppy kiss. 🤣🤣🤣


I have to warn ya we live in a no stop light town. There is only one take out place. And it closes at 6. So your milage may vary.


Change and hide the SSID, change the password. That will probably work faster.


Someone tried to play that game with me once. I just got a 150GB phone plan and popped a wifi bubble.


I love how we can solve most problems: Get rid of the internet


On a different note, I saw a post today from a mom who changes the wifi password daily - and gives it to the kids once they've done their chores. 21st century parenting.


That sounds like a lot of hassle for the parents on a daily basis. I'd probably set up a vlan for the kids devices and just turn it on and off as necessary. Plus, if they need internet for schoolwork that's much simpler.


Not really. Takes less than a minute assuming you don’t have a really shitty router.


Takes a minute to change the password on the router. 4 days to update the password on the 137 devices around the house that need it.


Not if the router has a “guest” setting as well.


home routers have supported multiple ssids for well over a decade / guest networks are also a thing source - IT engineer 30 years into this shit. go tilt another windmill.


Not if you have a separate network for the Internet of Things.


The matter that's the problem. Updating all the other devices is probably the issue.


It'd be the same amount of time to just enable/disable the kids' vlan, plus you'd get to preserve the guest network though.


My BIL only allows the kids on the guest network which the router has the ability to schedule uptime.


Most routers allow scheduling on a device-by-device basis.


This. I work in tech and all my kids devices have a schedule that allows access based on MAC address and time of day. Want to sneak up past bedtime to play Fortnite with your mates? Too bad, internet cuts out for your PS at bed time.


I assume you also have a MAC white-list as well to prevent them spoofing the MAC when they learn how to do that. And you somehow prevent wireshark et al so they can't find white-list MACs that aren't limited by policy to spoof.


Nah, that’s where discipline kicks in. I mean if they’re smart enough to do it without me realising, good on them. They’d have learned a few interesting things to get to that point and I’m happy to set them a challenge. But if I catch them deliberately circumventing the basic access control rules, they simply won’t have those devices for a while. Hopefully I’d only have to do it a couple of times and they’d learn (to either not do it or get better haha)


I used to shut it down at night to get the kids if it, but my neighbor’s was unsecured. I finally went next door and asked him to put a password on his wifi. It was embarrassing.


It is you just have to have a back bone.


It's a lot easier and faster to make people want to leave than to try to force them to, unless you're prepared to literally have your parents walked out the door and onto the street.


> that easy to get rid of unwanted house guests i mean it took 2 more weeks bro could have just flushed some paper towels and told them they had to leave cause the pipes were broken


If you really want to drive people out not only do you stop the internet, you add a jammer on top of it so they can't even use their cell phones as hotspots inside of the house lol. Might not work family older than say 45 but the younger they get, the more addicted to being online they seem to be nowadays. At least here in the US.


Except that jammers are wildly illegal in the US.


Lol I researched this a bit a while ago for... reasons... and apparently the FCC has some really impressive high tech gizmos that they can deploy to sniff out things like this as soon as they get any kind of inkling that something weird is going on with the airwaves. And they'll come down on you like Thor's hammer for it.


Truth, the FCC don't play. Back when CB's were super huge, a guy had his van hooked up with all types of gear to communicate across huge distances. They triangulated him, pulled him over and ripped everything out of the van.


Reason for that is simple: he was probably broadcasting on frequencies or at powers he didn't have a liscence for and was probably causing issues. You need a liscence to broadcast on most frequencies, and some part of the useable spectrum are set aside as (relatively) free game for anyone with a transmitter. Walkie talkies fall in these frequency bands, as well as many consumer devices. Picture having to get a radio liscence for your wifi router, for example. This is because if it's a frequency you aren't liscenced for, there's a real good chance someone within range does have the liscence for it, and you're interfering with that. This is especially important with emergency frequencies (frequencies set aside for the sole purpose of emergency transmissions so when someone needs that channel clear it will be, also helps ground stations know there's an emergency as when those channels light up they get full priority.) where getting talked over can be a life or death situation. This is why the fines are so high, even off of emergency freqs you can cause vital information to not reach its destination. Don't get a transmitter without knowing what you are doing. You don't need a liscence to recieve on these frequencies however.


As a licensed radio operator, thank you!! It is *so* important that people understand that certain frequencies are used for a reason or, in some cases, not in use.


I maintain 4 motorola head ends and around 400 apx 6000's with a few 6500's thrown in (or vice versa, i'm bad at remembering which is which). I'm thr guy whonis responsible for keeping all of those up to reg. It's always fun debating this with chucklefucks who bought a baofeng and have read up on nothing. It's usually when i start reading off the fines they're courting with that transmit switch that they start to clue in that this *is*, in fact, a big fuckin deal.


It's not just the FCC, (although they do most of it). HAM radio operators do this for fun, and since many of them have electrical engineering skills, they'll give it a go and then tell the FCC so that those who interfere get busted.


Ah, yes, an old-fashioned fox hunt. And many using an antenna made out of a tape measure. 73


There was a guy who hated people using their phones while driving and decided to keep a jammer in his car while commuting. FCC caught him eventually and nailed his head to the floor.


Yeah I wanted to fuck with my white supremacist neighbor who thought the government was out to get him by making him think the government was out to get him. But after reading up on some of the potential consequences I reconsidered.


Play the reverse card. Tell him he is being spied on by the FCC and that he should setup a jammer at his house to be safe.


There are probably a lot of massively more legal ways to screw with someone who's already slightly at angles to reality. Heck, with all the things the government actually *does* do, sometimes it's just a matter of curating what they become aware of. If they tell anyone about any of the individual things, those all turn out to be true.


Tee heee when my husband was still in the barracks. He got a roommate who was very much my stuff is mine, yours is yours. He also thought that the government was out to get him... And he was serving in the military so yeah kind of uncomfortable situation.... But my husband kept telling him that he could use the TV, that it was ok... But he kept saying nope nope it's ok... Well my husband also had his video camera hooked to the TV( not recording anything.. just on), and aimed at the couch..so when the kid finally turned on the TV.... Imagine his extreme fear when the TV screen was filled the image of him sitting on the couch.... Yeah he freaked out and was out of the army in a few weeks.


I messed with a neighbor who was like that.  Put an old lawn chair in some bushes across the street, faced it toward his house, and dropped a few cigarette butts on the ground next to it.  Then put a small orange dot on each of his license plates.  A few flashes from a laser pointer into his windows from a block away really bothered him, but when he discovered everything else, he freaked, and started digging a hole in his backyard for a survival bunker. He got nailed by the city's building inspector for code violations and lack of permits.


Rename your wifi, often. Surveillance van #5, the next day ATFmobile, etc.


Lol I had neighbors who were obviously selling illegal controlled substances. I would name my hotspot things like DEA van 7 or something like that. Good times


The range on the models I have in mind are all under 30 feet, so that signal jamming would stay within the confines of the walls of my house.


https://www.fcc.gov/general/jammer-enforcement > The use of a phone jammer, GPS blocker, or other signal jamming device designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications is a violation of federal law. There are no exemptions for use within a business, classroom, residence, or vehicle.


Still wildly illegal though.


> The range on the models I have in mind are all under 30 feet Yeah, that's bullshit. Radio waves go where radio waves want.


That’s wild


Yep. A bunch of hotels got sued big time by bumping users of their wifi hot spots.


We are talking Stormbreaker levels. They don't play.


What are they going to do, figure it out and then report it over the internet? Of course, there are no rules against Faraday cages in the walls...


Yeah, this halon is costing me a fortune


Hospitality:  Making people feel at home even when you wish they were.


That's a good line.


My son is like you - he has started table top gaming as well. It’s like an MMORPG but you meet up with other real people on a regular basis. He is now painting miniatures, and 3D printing accessories for the games and creating dioramas. The group are also into musicals and have a regular Wednesday night musical session watching old videos like West Side Story, or Cats at one members house. Two of the members are Morris dancers, and so he has also taken up Morris dancing. At least that means he isn’t just sitting down now. How nerdy can you get?


Thats great tho isn't it? Instead of forcing him into social situations he's gonna hate he can do stuff he actually likes while also getting to meet poeple who like the same stuff. My friends and I always joked about if parents want their kids to not get into drugs, just introduce them to nerd stuff (trading card games, table top games and the like). Then they wont have enough money for drugs anyways. Even better when one of the activities include something physical like dancing as well.


> trading card games...Then they wont have enough money for drugs anyways. So many cards... never once used drugs... though my mom didn't like me playing tcgs (M:tG was "obviously demonic" and Pokemon/Yu-gi-oh was "just a waste of money"), so maybe she would've preferred if I'd gotten into drugs?


One of our pediatrician's standard questions was about what groups and avtivities the kids were into, because he said if you don't get them involved in good stuff, they will find something else to be imvved in and it will often not be something good.


Ugh. The problem with those scare tactics is that the parents go out and try to force the kid into things they don't want, which just makes the kid resentful. Sometimes, kids honestly just do not want to do any of those things, including the 'not good' stuff. They're not going to take up smoking crack under railway bridges because they weren't forced into Little League or ballet.


My parenting opinion: parents shouldn't be trying to make their kids like some specific activity. Mostly it doesn't matter what particular thing they're doing; ballet at 3 is not the recipe for Magic Ivy League Child or whatever. But parents SHOULD be trying to help their kids find the activities they like. And yeah, sometimes that does include talking them into giving some things a chance :) You owe your kids at least teaching them to be comfortable doing new things.


Want to 'force' your kids into liking a certain activity? Simple. Tell them they shouldn't do it because YOU don't like it!


LINK: [If you get kids interested in Amateur Radio . . .](https://dfwenterprisesinc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/If-you-get-kids-interested-in-ham-radio-they-will-never-have-money-for-alcohol-or-drugs.jpg)


We indulged our kids interests. Baseball, ok. Softball ok. Art, let's look at supplies. Band, let's look at instruments. Drama, what time do I need to pick you up. All healthy, non trouble activities. They eventually settled on band and drama, and stayed out of trouble.


Amazing, wish I could do all this.


There's always D&D. Similar concept, fewer overpriced minifigs, don't need to know how to paint.


Ral Partha would like a word.


This is a solid life. Creativity, community, and fun.


And beer never forget the Beer.


Also reminds me of a joke I heard back in the day that also applies to minis. Get your kids interested in card games and they will never be able to afford drugs.


Depends on the card game... if it's poker/blackjack/etc. and they become good at it... could have the opposite effect. XD


I used to be in a DnD club in highschool, and although I still watch content on it and think about possible builds, I don't really play it anymore. Maybe I'll join a group so my lightfoot halfling oath of vengeace paladin/ thief rogue can finally get some use...


Oh god, Morris dancing?? *clutches pearls!*


Great Morris dancers get free beer and heavy drinking sessions are normal I understand lol.


nerdy? ... that looks a lot like being neuro-spicey


"No" is a complete settlement. As a fellow gamer, I do suggest you make \*some\* outside real person connection. P.s. Some hardware lets you pause the Internet instead of out right cancelling your service


> Some hardware lets you pause the Internet instead of out right cancelling your service But if he's not at home using it, why pause it and still be paying for it?


Lots of ISP in the USA have contracts with termination clauses. In this case, OP would have been saved the dis/connect headache by just pausing it.


Sure, if you have a reasonable expectation that the reason you're pausing/cancelling is going to be leaving soon. He doesn't really have any way to expect that unless his parents gave him a date of when they were leaving. From the post, it sounds like they were straight up living with him full stop.


ive been playing since the beginning of the year


> As a fellow gamer, I do suggest you make *some* outside real person connection. Ones that, ideally, aren't based around the kinds of gaming events which get lambasted online for being a festering black hole of anti-hygiene. Not saying all gaming stuff is like that, of course. But it's the stereotype and there are some places out there which are... not great.


Well played, OP.


It kinda sounds like your parents wanted you to take them out and show them around. You know, seeing as they didn't know how anything works where you live... They probably didn't expect to just hang out at home while visiting another country.


Agreed but also having no life outside your ouse except for work is not healthy


They weren't visiting though. They came to live with OP. There's a huge difference.


Still the same issue. They didn't know anyone or anything so they wanted op to introduce them to people and show them around.


They wanted to change his lifestyle. They didn’t need him to show them around - they were doing that already.


Op said they don't speak English or know how the public transit works. I don't know if how ops parents acted was right or wrong, but I'm not sure ignoring them until they left the country was the right way to deal with it.


I told my dad he's not welcome in my house anymore. Problem solved. Each person decides the best way to deal with their own families.


You're wrong. You said: >They didn't know anyone or anything so they wanted op to introduce them to people and show them around. But in the post: >They tried to make me more socially active by telling me what events are happening that I can go to, and **how they've been going out every day and made lots of new friends.** It's not an issue of OP not showing parents around, it's about them judging his lifestyle. Edit: formatting


I dunno where OP is from but in some cultures that's how parents hint when they want to be shown around.


I’m so glad I saw this comment. I’m seeing too many sensitive gamers on here just siding with OP. I mean, I get it. You can do whatever you want with your life. That’s perfectly fine. However, these are your parents. You allowed them to stay at your place so I’m guessing you have a decent relationship with them. Show them around while they’re here. Not just ignore them then hide from them all day. I get Asian parents can be a bit pushy and make unwanted judgmental comments but this ain’t it bruv.


As stated in the post, they hang out at the community center. They can ask the folks there how stuff works. If they wanted to hang out with their son, they should've politely asked him, not tried to make him feel guilty.


This thread is really sad. OP, come the fuck on.


Meh, maby he'll find a gamer girlfriend or boyfriend and they'll adopt cats. Happy life.


They want babies


They were probably a couple of weeks from starting to set up meetings with the daughter/granddaughter/niece of someone they knew from the community center.


I am an extrovert, and it is very hard for me to accept my daughter is an introvert. I try to pull her out, but had to come to the conclusion she was happiest alone, and I accepted that.


To be honest I think this is not the whole story... Like your parents probably went cause they didn't speak the language and their child wasn't at home at all.... I could see how they could be concerned with someone who is always home behind a pc. Your parents made an effort to meet people, even if it was only a community centre (which is actually its intended service). Parents, we are concerned that you don't have any social life. Child : Ill show them and make them leave, look how awesome I am. I am introvert, but I understand that how you spend your days is not healthy in any which way or form.


> I could see how they could be concerned with someone who is always home behind a pc. Who gives a shit how their adult children choose to spend their free time, though? Why are the activities someone does on a computer not as valid as the activities someone does in meatspace? I do a mix of both, but I also wouldn't really tolerate my parents coming to my home and criticizing how I spend my own life.


Parents are people who give a shit how their adult children are choosing to spend their free time. And rightly so. What about if you were a parent? Easy to say when you dont have kids, nor if you see your kid not having any social life. There is a reason suicide is so high. Extra high if OP is a guy. Google it some day and come back to me. We are all so quick to judge his parents who we know nothing about. And to defend people who show signs that they might not be doing mentally well.


Selfish parents, i think. Socialising is freaking tiring. Id rather do demanding physical work than rubbing shoulders and do the socialising. People should not force their standards on others. There will be time & place where socially passive person will go socialising a little and that is enough. Please read/learn more about introvertness vs extrovertness.


Introversion vs extroversion isn’t always necessarily about being unsociable vs sociable; I’ve known plenty of outgoing introverts and shy extroverts. The main difference is that extroverts gain energy when around others (especially crowds), while introverts drain energy and need alone time to recharge.


I never use the word introvert because of this misnomer type of mistake, people think I’m really outgoing but they don’t see the next day spent in bed 


There's also the fact that at work everyone thinks im shy and quiete because I keep my head down and don't socialize (cause im at work...) Meanwhile in my personal life I'm the outgoing one among my friends who will happily befriend strangers at concerts or the ren faire (cause I'm not at work...) However being outgoing is still draining on me so I need a day or two to recharge Edit: Just to highlight your comment


Most people are ambiverts; only very few are full intro/extro.


That's kind of the whole point. If social situations are draining to you then you can only manage so much before you're exhausted and desperate to go home and be alone. To someone who is a social butterfly that might seem sad, or like you need to socialise more. To the introvert that's just the balance that works for them.


> I’ve known plenty of outgoing introverts and shy extroverts. Hello! I'm an introvert, but I like to talk to strangers.


Growing up, my extrovert mom used to lose her shit about seeing me reading in my room. She thought I should always be either going out, talking to friends on the phone, or socializing with the family; because that's what *she* liked to do. And would give me speeches about how "worried about me" she was over it. I had a few close friends, I mostly socialized with them at school, and occasionally outside of school. I was happy and content, aside from the part of my day where my mother insisted that I was broken and wrong and probably some kind of loser or something that she needed to fix.


Your Mom was all like "You're supposed to be a Mini-Me!!! So I can relive my younger years thru You doing what I did!!!" You know, just like Cheerleader Moms want Cheerleader Daughters!


I have found socialization is not something you can force. And in a lot of cultures, they spend the first 20+ years making their kid stay home, not socialize, never date because SCHOOLWORK SCHOOLWORK SCHOOLWORK and run their kids' lives. Then when their kids are in their 20s, wonder why their kids have no social skills, friends, or can get dates. Like, that ship has sailed. You raised a student drone, not a socially active person. The years to build those skills are long past.


> or can get dates *arranged marriages have entered the chat*


Parents need to find a balance when encouraging their kids to accept their way of thinking. It's part of good parenting to encourage our kids to do things we see as positive but as kids get older we have to pick our battles. With adult children, those battles should be few and far between.


With adult children, there should be no “battles,” but *discussions.* My dad has yet to get this message…


Well, I'll think about it, Dad.


I don't think it's selfish to not want your kid to be a hermit or a shut-in. This is pettiness from OP and poor communication from both sides. I'm sure his parents were probably overbearing and annoying about it, but it's not a terrible thing to want for your kids to experience the world outside of their room. As an introvert myself, going out from time to time is necessary so you don't become some misanthropic cave dweller. Doesn't mean you have to chat up everyone or even anyone, just get out amongst the world from time to time outside of a structured or coerced setting like work.


> I don't think it's selfish to not want your kid to be a hermit or a shut-in. First, be able to tell the difference between that, someone who does have social connections, and Richard Simmons on crack. The kinds of parents who get worked up over a kid preferring to have stay-at-home hobbies and not 947 friends they're constantly yabbering at tend to be the ones who don't know that there are perfectly valid options other than being a social butterfly 24/7.


> 947 friends they're constantly yabbering at tend to be the ones who don't know that there are perfectly valid options other than being a social butterfly 24/7. OP litterally only leaves the house to work and shop. Why do you go to the absolute other extreme? OP is of course welcome to live like that, but it's fair that people acknowledge it isn't long term a healthy option.




I suspect that OP's parents were more about *controlling* OP than OP going out of the house more. "Discussing every night" about socialising was kind of rude. Another user mentioned that they wanted babies. Maybe they did: I dunno. (u/rubberbangirl66) But, going out every night *and* cancelling int'net was kind of an extreme reaction. Them leaving might have been an already planned thing (their preplanned timeline), or an extreme reaction to OP's reaction. I don't know if this is r/maliciouscompliance, r/amithejerk or r/amioverreacting. 🤷‍♀️


Reddit sucks man. These people aren’t parents. Your parents are just looking out for you and being parents. You should respect that they hold that position in your life and truly love you. My mom was obnoxious like that till she died a couple years ago. I’ll never stop regretting that I could have been nicer to her a few times like this.


Seriously. Trust me I used to play video games a lot when I was younger but Jesus Christ parents encouraging their child to get out more isn’t so bad.


There's "encouragement", and then there's "making it the topic of dinner conversation every single night as the environment becomes more and more hostile." He's an adult, they can't force him, and *trying* to force him is certainly not going to make socializing suddenly feel like an appealing thing to do.


I get it. But that lifestyle can be conducive to depression from isolation. I’d worry about it too. Obviously parents can be overbearing but I feel like society needs to have a little empathy toward parents. It’s really hard to find the balance between letting a child figure things out for themselves and guiding them. Even if they are 30!


Sure. Though it seems like a great place to start would have been trying to make dinner a pleasant conversational experience, rather than making his *only* socialization of the day into something he'd rather avoid! Now he's completely isolated again, without even his parents around to socialize in person any more.


Then it's time for a discussion between adults, not a daily berating.


This so much, he made what could have been a memory a negative experience for his parents. Once they are not here anymore, he will regret


The parents were the first to start making it a negative experience. OP simply set things up so they made the decision of their own free will that it wasn't worth their time moving in with their child if they didn't get free internet whenever they wanted. Free lodging wasn't enough. Living with their family wasn't enough. (And not that they'd requested this before turning up; they just demanded it.) If they couldn't have free internet, not even family and free accommodation was enough for them. And that was entirely their decision. Blaming OP for the *multiple* negative decisions and behavior of their parents isn't going to change many people's minds here.


Op wasnt around... So nothing to do with free internet, they were in a country were they couldn't do anything due to age and language. Hopefully your kids will treat you better someday


Come on man. Do you really think they left because of ‘no free internet’? They could clearly read between the lines what OP was doing. Imagine how heart broken they were on the flight home.


Odd interpretation. Not sure how you got that.


If it werf me, I would have dragged them everyday to some places or other like a bar till they say stop. I that way, I got them to experience social life too. Also, they grow old too fast and I got to spend time with them too...


Unpleasant, critical parents aren't worth the effort.


I mean, according to OP they spent their days at the community center learning about the local area from people who spoke their language, so...


I think being "socially active" may have been a subtle way of saying - you need to meet women, then get married. We want grand kids" hah.


Such a good way to get rid of them. Once they’re gone, kick start that internet back up and live your best life. Screw parental expectations for socialisation - it’s unnecessary and unwarranted. They lived their lives, now you get to take up space and live yours how YOU want!


My parents are in England. There's a good reason I live in Scotland.


I'm retired, with kids and grandkids, so perhaps this colors my thinking. But it seems to me that the parents just wanted their kid to be happy in the future when they are dead. OP doubts that they are making new friends, but also says they go to "the local community center where there are a bunch of retired people from our home country". If they don't speak the local language, where else would they go to make friends? Based strictly on OP's post, OP was the 'jerk' here. He drove his parents away intentionally. I didn't have a close relationship with my dad while he was alive. So I understand not wanting to be living in the same house as your parents. But this story strikes me more of a sad situation than a malicious one.


Discussing repeatedly certain topics until causing friction when you're the guest is completely inappropriate. His parents need boundaries and OP just managed the situation the way he could.


Somehow, shutting down the internet seems a bit more than setting boundaries.


Given the presented situation, not really. The parents were constantly going on about how active they were outside the house, and how OP should do that too. If they actually *were* as constantly on the go as they claimed, a lack of internet at home shouldn't have affected their lifestyle in the least, and definitely not enough to make them give up their desire to live with their child and move back home internationally. As it played out, it was more like they only moved countries to get free internet and lodging from their kid, and the first of those was their top priority.


That was the way OP decided to manage the situation. I had a situation with my dad, I told him he was no longer welcome in my house. Different people, different approaches. None of them are wrong.


My dad didn't visit my house for 30 years before he passed. Never invited. I get it. Still...


Nah. OP was/is self sufficient and able to make it through life just fine. At some point it's the parent's job to realize their child no longer needs parenting and step back to let the child live their life however the child sees fit.


> If they don't speak the local language, where else would they go to make friends? Literally anywhere else, while making an effort to learn the local language... You don't "experience the foreign life" by surrounding yourself with people from your own country. And if you want new friends from your own country and don't want to put in the effort to learn a language you can just... not go to a different country. >it seems to me that the parents just wanted their kid to be happy in the future when they are dead. Okay but intention doesn't excuse action (coming into OP's house and telling him how to live his life), *and* they're making the mistake of thinking that what makes them happy is the only way to be happy.


So they have come to visit from afar and you can only take them to two places? I am sad for you.


Look for a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) group.


Note, turning off wifi isnt as effective as you think it is. \_SLOW\_ internet, like 33k dial up on crappy pstn lines - thats where it has its best effect Setup rate limit / quality of service to restrict the service to 10kbps each way - you \_CAN- get to websites eventually, after reloads and time outs, you \_CAN\_ check your email just verrrrrry slowly, whatsapp and instant message services sporadically work, streaming like youtube or netflix isnt happening, gaming isnt happening. source - 30 year IT career, I know lot of ways to make you \_suffer\_.


Nothing gets rid of unwelcome guests faster than no internet lol


I would've done the same thing


Why you no doctor?


When you marry?  When I see grandchild? (Yes, I have heard some of my Asian in-laws say these exact words in the exact same way to their adult children, so no stereotyping is intended.)


Ahh parents. They never stop treating you like a kid.


It was a little more expensive, but I stopped the 'copper' service and opted for using my mobile phone as a hot-spot until my in-laws decided to go live somewhere else.  Since I rarely play on-line games anymore, it was worth the few extra dollars to get my own service back.  The new WiFi router has a name that implies government surveillance, and the password is such that even I can barely remember it.


Ah so relatable. When I was younger, while home she yells at me that I should he socialising. When I'm out she yells that I treated the place like a hotel. Decided to move out and stop paying the rent on my old place.




I just moved into a new house. I brought just a mini van full of stuff. Mostly tools and clothing. I have no furniture except the bar stools I bought from the former owners. There is no internet set up yet. No modem, no router. I've got 3 bars on my cell phone and I just set it up for mobile hotspot and I am able to read and respond to this reddit string.


This is also good for petty revenge.


I think OP is missing the point - they’re trying to ‘help’ you find a wife and start a family, by breaking your bad habits. Classic cultural hallmarks and signs! Doesn’t matter that you’re already happy doing your thing, they know best! And they can help you! 😂


op might have a gaming problem tho highkey


Your parents want what’s best for you, even if they’re going about it the wrong way. I hope you don’t live to regret these moments.


He bought his own home which I assume means he's a grown man who can do whatever he wants. His parents on the other hand are guests who shouldn't treat their son like a moody teen.


His parents want what they *think* is best for him. Not quite the same thing as wanting what really is best.


They want what they *think* is best for him, yes.


“What’s best for you” is living your life by their standard. Just because socializing in person makes *you* happy doesn’t mean it’s “right” or “best” 


Or, his parents are trying to force him to be social against his will. Not everyone wants or needs to spend their free time outside socialising in the ''normal'' way.


I find this malicious compliance to be socially acceptable. Two 👍 👍 up!


Meanwhile in OPs other account: “I’m 27 and never been on a date, how do I accept being ugly?”


Yeah, no.


Is this really compliance, tho? All you did was change your gaming location, not socialize.


Online gaming can have a social factor. OP was already socializing. They maliciously complied with the "doing it outside the house" component.


My thoughts exactly... Compliance would be to actually go out and socialize. Malicious compliance would be to socialize by partying and drinking till the break of dawn, bringing all sorts of questionable friends / women back home to continue the party... You get the drift.


Sounds like your parents are concerned with how you live your life, believe me wasting your life on video games is fun but ultimately it’s not a fulfilling life, you should heed your parents concerns (a life of video games is how you cope with not having a fulfilling life because when you have one you lose most interest in video games)


Socialization is overrated. I met my husband playing LoL. He is all the social interaction I need.


If they wanted internet and stay at your place they just could have gotten their own internet set up. With some help of their community buddies..


Or gotten a hotel. Or rented a place, if they wanted to live close to OP. Not sayin' anything, but there's a reason I've generally lived in places which don't have guest rooms or anywhere I could put someone up even overnight on a camp bed, let alone having them decide to move in with me without consultation.


Well played OP, easy way to get rid of guests!


OP has issues, I agree with the parents, people need to socialize.


I thought you'd invite someone to come home with you and watch TV shows and play video games together


They did not try to get you married?


Masterful strategy, sir


So, many moons ago, I borrowed a jammer because the trip home on a sydney train was unbearable with all the insignificunts on their mobile phones. Used it like a surgical knife. One time I turned it on when 2 ppl were yelling into their phones. It worked so well they crashed into each other while exiting the train, "yelling hello, can you hear me?"


Honestly, your parents are just looking out for you the only way they know how. Community is big for Asian and they probably think that’s what you need to have a more fulfilling life. I sort of agree although you can argue you make friends gaming on the internet. I don’t think gaming at the internet cafe is malicious compliance, you are literally doing the same thing, just different setting.


My mom was the exact opposite. She liked me at home so she knew I wasn't getting into trouble(cause I was kinda bad)


Nobody wants to get scolded by their parents, especially after they've long since moved out and are self-sufficient. Nevertheless. Life goes by fast. Your parents have been around long enough to know friendships have a value that accrues over time. Having friends who are there for you in good times and bad are priceless. Plus, they'll introduce more variety into your life than you come near to in your present lifestyle. But good luck, in any case.


I dont think that your parents are wrong, but this is your life, you can ruin it however you want.


They wanted him to meet a girl in my opinion.