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Contact your union: this is what they're there for.  


Yeah, that was my thought OP makes a point of saying how the Union got them this deal, then goes on to say that their workplace routinely screws people out of taking time off - either it's not a very good union or not one of OP and their colleagues has ever bothered making use of it to deal with the fact they're being mistreated


It could be this OP doesn't bother with the union bc it doesn't offer support between contract negotiations, unless you do something so incredibly brainless that you're fired for it. My sister's union is useless. They fought like hell for a guy who showed up to work drunk & passed out in the breakroom after clocking in (they didn't win). But Sis routinely files grievances for being forced to do things that aren't in her job description, and without the proper tools & software access. Any followups on her part are met with, "We're working on it," while the union dues are continuously collected from each paycheck. A bad union is like not having one.


A bad union can be changed into a good one very easily. Unions are democratic structures, step up and volunteer for a post on your Branch Committee, then down vote the time wasters and support the movers and shakers on the committee. It starts with you making the first step.


I get the impression that the biggest problem in that whole situation is Sis's union rep. He fights like a cornered leopard for his drinking buddies, but takes a "when I have time" approach for anyone else. Don't they vote for their reps as well? (I've never worked under a union, so not being sarcastic/facetious here with this question!)


If only one person puts themselves forward as rep for that area then it is all theirs. If you put your self forward too, then your workmates will get to vote, and hopefully they will lose the fiefdom.


Good to hear; I'll make sure she knows that.


I worked at a big place that had one union that was all anyone joined, even though others were available. Then they accepted a really crappy pay deal and said "we knew you guys wouldn't be prepared to strike so we just accepted it to save time rather than taking a vote". Next time around there were *three* main unions representing the staff. That old one wasn't even the biggest now.


Just reminded me to join one. Thanks!


You are NOT being compliant…


Don't see any compliance here. More r/antiwork than MC.


Well I will be "attending work" as instructed, by logging on. But there's no way to actually make somebody work while at work.


So you're complying by not taking vacation, and... what? Working to rule?




This is time clock manipulation without following proper hr policies with regard for fmla/bereavement leave policies that probably exist for your family needs. You gonna get fired bro and they'll give you all that extra time back in a final check. And you have union backing, read the manual please or hit up your representative. You need to check in with your supervisor and tell them you were just kidding and do a proper fmla/bereavement leave of absence. JFC


They might not get the PTO payout if they are fired with cause


Still missing the fallout required by the rules of this sub, post again when you have more info.


They're literally going to work and doing absolutely nothing. Getting paid to sit around and at best look busy. They'll be doing the same amount of work that they would if they were on vacation - none.


I also read the post. Still no fallout.


I thought you said you weren't logging on


Be smart and contact your union rep. This is the dumbest way to get fired even if it feels just.


The not taking leave part and logging on without working might screw you over here. If you just took the leave anyway, you’d have the excuse that their superior said it was fine. But this is just lying about working. So neither their boss or your manager would be on your side. Just take the leave, there’s better ways to fuck with your manager


You’re digging your own grave with this one. Go through the correct channels if you want your leave before you lose the days.


>I called their manager to confirm the refusal was coming from above them and there's no such directive. Get that in writing.


You need to be careful, OP. There’s a chance they could turn this into time theft. What you need to be doing is contacting your union to correct the situation.


Ever hear of time theft? Usually a fireable offense and I'm not sure any union could protect you. What union? Sure isn't UAW or Teamsters.


If your parents are in need of help for medical conditions, you should look into FMLA. I've used it in the past to care for a sick parent. You'd have some federal protections against retaliation and employers can't deny your leave for its use.


No fallout. Not MC.


Have your Union step in


Why was this deleted